Evil Is Sexy: She's got quite her share of fanboys too.
Fan Disservice: Saffi's teeth. Not that that stops her from having quite a large male fanbase.
Near-naked Lucius in The Terrific Trio
Fan Nickname: Dr. Hootenstein was this for Dr. Ludwig Von Scientist, before he was given an actual full name in the episode Head Will Roll, due to his resemblance to an owl.
Fetish Fuel: Heloise and Saffi are responsible for a lot of the show's adult fandom. There's also a scene in which Saffi wears a very form-fitting full body straightjacket.
Honorable mention also goes to the scene in There Will Be Chocolate where Heloise licks chocolately Jimmy in a very vigorous manner.
Needs More Love: This series' distribution through Disney XD in the US and UK has severely limited its audience, despite it being one of the best Canadian animated series still producing new episodes right now.
Nightmare Fuel: Several, including Heloise ripping off a waitress' skin and wearing it as a disguise.
Squick: Lucius only has one pair of underpants. And he only washes them once every six months.
Tear Jerker: The scene in Heloise, Schmeloise where Heloise is ripping up her Stalker Shrine to Jimmy.
They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Zombie Pickle should've been awesome, but is a rather disappointing and mediocre sequel to Rear Pickle which was one of the best episodes from season 1.
Saffi's whole existence. Such an awesome character, became an Ensemble Darkhorse, all happening while having a relationship with Beezy...then an episode in season reveals that Beezy broke up with her. We have yet to see her again as a major character. This Troper lost interest in the show thanks to such a lazy cop-out.
Unfortunate Implications: Invasion of the Weavils. Beezy makes several Fantastic Racism comments toward the Weavils, acting very prejudiced against them...and then is show to be correct...