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Describe Jittery Dragon here.

Oh dear god, here we go...

Jittery Dragon, a.k.a. Jitts, makes Youtube Poop from the Land Before Time series. The poops are united by several common threads, including epic music, constant anticlimactic death, and bizarre humor. The two most recent series, Rocks Fall Everyone Dies and The Land Before Everyone Froze to Death, are connected by a loose storyline involving Pterano, Petrie's untrustworthy uncle, ascending to godhood and hexing the Great Valley For the Evulz.

He's here, and his forum is here.

Tropes used in Jittery Dragon include:


 Pterano: *smacks Rinkus across the face after he swats away Petrie* If there's one thing I will not tolerate, it's violence!

Rinkus: Then why are you hitting me?

Pterano: Right, make that two things: violence and the Dutch! *smacks Rinkus upside the head, making him careen into a cliff and explode*

  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: God Pterano. With a guitar.
  • Intoxication Ensues: Littlefoot's acid trip upon licking one of the plants on the Island of Doom.
  • Light Is Not Good: The ascension of God!Pterano is marked by orange and white light (it involved footage from Neon Genesis Evangelion, which is notable for the use of this trope). Afterwards...not so much, considering he doesn't even bother to hide that he's evil. Although his angel wings are still bright amber coloured.
  • Made of Explodium: If something falls and doesn't go SPLAT!, it explodes. Characters' heads also tend to violently detonate for no reason, and Rinkus spectacularly explodes upon impact with a cliff in Rocks Fall Everyone Dies Part 2.
  • Made of Plasticine: Rinkus accidentally decapitates himself whilst making a "throat slit" gesture. His head falls off again later when he looks into a hole Duckie fell into.
  • Mind Screw: Combined with...
  • Negative Continuity: Someone tends to die every thirty seconds or so, sometimes everyone at once. According to Pterano, he's died several times in the past. Apparently justified, as deaths are often accompanied by "lost a life" sound effects from Super Mario Bros. or Sonic the Hedgehog.
    • Apparently subverted with the most recent death of God Pterano
  • Never Mess with Granny: "Get the fuck out of here before I kick your ass". Granted, it is a line taken from a completely different work, and the trope never gets invoked latter, but still...

 Grandma Longneck (to Doc): Welcome to the Great Valley. Now get the fuck out of here before I kick your ass.

Grandpa Longneck (a little later): As Grandma said, you're welcome here.

Grandma Longneck: I didn't say that!

[Take 2]

Grandpa Longneck: As Grandma said, get the fuck out of here.

Doc: Oh boy! I can't wait to get the fuck out of here!

  • Not Quite Dead: God Pterano, now Neo-Pterano.
  • One-Winged Angel: God Pterano. Technically a six-winged angel.
  • Overly Long Gag: And it flew real low...
  • Red Herring: God Spike
  • Running Gag: The cow that appears in the background at random intervals.
    • Possibly the frequent use of Giygas when something particularly sinister is involved.
    • There's a surprising amount of silent film sequences, usually when referring to a previous part.
    • "Dinosaur Trains, Poop, and Time Travel" has The King do a Spit Take every time the dinosaurs mention poop.
  • Shout-Out: Every other line.
  • Spin-Off: The Dinosaur Train Poops.
  • Stealth Pun: The Dinosaur Train episode was made using footage from the episode about poop.
  • The Power of Rock: In The Land Before Everyone Froze To Death, Phonofoot comes back from the dead as an angel and challenges God Pterano to a duel. With electric guitars.
  • Unexplained Recovery: To say that it happens a lot would be an Understatement. For just one example, the third part of "The Land Before Everyone Froze to Death" has Ducky accidentally squeezing Petrie to death when she hugs him, only for Petrie to be alive and well in the next scene he appears in.
  • Your Head Asplode: Pterano during one of RFED's endings.
    • And everywhere else.
  • Your Princess Is in Another Castle: At the end of The Land Before Everyone Freezes To Death, when everyone celebrates, God Pterano bumps by.

No Such Thing As Notability.

...and it flew real low, and it flew real low, and it flew real low...