Jix is a sci-fi webcomic by Micah McNully about a blue-furred alien princess with multiple personalities named Jix (and Remula, and Lamerix, and "The Ambis") who lives with a human family consisting of Lauren Akana, her husband Paul, and daughter Alice, in New York. Joining them are Jix's brother Romulus (actually her cousin Caligos), and two droids Dyonus and Dyona. Can be found on Drunkduck or a mirror site.
Includes examples of:[]
- A Boy and His X: Okay, a girl and an alien.
- Alien Among Us
- All Animals Are Dogs: Jix is usually mistaken for such.
- Alternate Universe: The Colony and Queen arcs take place in an alternate universe where the Ambis conquered earth.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Blue, red, green, black, white, and purple Ambis have all been spotted.
- Amnesiac Dissonance: How Jix emerged.
- Art Evolution: Pretty impressive, especially since Jix got a mouth.
- Attractive Bent Species: Evidently both Jix and Lauren under the effects of the species-swap ray.
- Body Backup Drive: Dyonus and Dyona have pulled that trick due to being A Is, though Dyona had to share Dyonus's body for a while.
- Bounty Hunter: Pratos, also known as Aranis. Mericax is another one.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Not uncommon for characters to joke about Micah.
- Bring My Brown Pants: Multiple times, once Remula had to take a bath after Jix pissed herself.
- Contagious AI: When Aranis tried to get rid of Dyonus he retaliated by infecting her armor and the house's computers.
- Crossover: Frequently with Micah's other comic Dragon City
- And once with Henchman no. 9, one of his other comics.
- Deadly Game: In "The Gauntlet" Lauren is kidnapped onto an alien game show where she is hunted and has to get off world.
- The Empire: The Ambis Empire.
- Fourth Wall Mail Slot: Ask Remula
- From a Single Cell: The Planet Thief can actually regenerate from less than that. Having been teleported into the sun multiple times.
- His daughter Aragara inherited the same ability.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Lamerix, and Remula in her spare time.
- Gender Bender: One of Lamerix's inventions.
- God-Emperor: Kelelder the Planet Thief
- Holographic Disguise: The droids have them integrated and the Ambis have watches that can project 'em.
- Hulking Out: Ambis can usually turn into a "feral mode" at will, size depends on age and skill.
- Hyperspace Arsenal: Used to explain where Ambis without clothes hide their guns. And where their extra mass in feral mode comes from.
- Incest Is Relative: There are an unusual number of jokes about incest (starting with the arc where Jix thought she was pregnant and the only male Ambis on earth was her "brother") but the closest thing that actually happened was Kelelder impregnating his distant descendant Aranis.
- Interspecies Romance: Between Jix and Wayne, albeit mediated by Lamerix's species exchanger.
- Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better: Most ranged weapons are slugthrowers. The author claims he doesn't like rayguns.
- Low Culture, High Tech: The Ambis got most of their advanced tech from another species who tried to invade their homeworld centuries ago.
- Mad Scientist: Lamerix, she builds stuff like gender or species swap rays and interdimensional teleporters out of boredom.
- The Men in Black
- Multicultural Alien Planet: The Ambis have multiple languages and cultures, but Remula's is the dominant one, to the extent that her native language is called "Ambis Common".
- Multiple Personalities: Jix/Remula/Lamerix/The Ambis
- Enemy Without: Remula attempted to give herself her own body with a cloning machine, unfortunately it just copied them, both of them.
- Split Personality Merge: Jix and Remula gave it a try early on, didn't work out.
- Neural Implanting: Ambis have language downloaders to explain how they can learn english so easily, and how Lauren learned Ambis common.
- One of Us: Refers to a couple tropes by name
- Patronymic: The character page reveals that Ambis take their father's first names as last names.
- Rapid Aging: Aragara was subjected to that by her father, she's only a year or two old and already taller than her mother and cousins.
- Robosexual: Dyonus has a rather one-sided crush on Jix.
- Running Gag: Lauren and Paul being mistaken for Asians (they're Hawaiian).
- Samus Is a Girl: Jix initially assumed she was male, having no memories of Ambis anatomy. And Micah admits that he hadn't decided to make her a girl until Caligos' introduction.
- Saving Christmas: The "Substitute Santa" arc where Caligos accidentally makes Santa throw his back out and has to fill in.
- Scars Are Forever: The scars from various injuries Jix, Caligos, and Aranis have suffered persist. Justified as Ambis consider scars "badges of honor."
- Shout-Out: To several different sci-fi series, mostly Portal and Team Fortress 2.
- Talking to Themself
- There Can Be Only One: Jix actually quotes Highlander when killing her clone, the original Remula doesn't find it very amusing.
- Ultraterrestrials: Inversion, foxes share a common ancestor with Ambis and another alien race known as Amblians, thanks to the meddling of the Tarians.