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Jo 7613
I find it a great antidote... lipstick and mirrors and hairspray.

Joanna Lamond Lumley, OBE, FRGS is a British actress, voice-over artist, former-model and author, who's career has spanned over four decades. She was born on 1 May 1946 in Srinagar, which was then part of The British Empire.

Her acting career began in 1969 with a small role in the film Some Girls Do and as a Bond Girl in On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Later on she proved her worth as an actress when she starred in French & Saunders' show Absolutely Fabulous. Joanna Lumley has also starred in a number of documentaries about exotic places in the world, travelling the breadth of the River Nile to ancient Egyptian tombs. She has become well known for her distinctive, breathless way of speaking and British Accent and as such voices AOL mail.

Her films include:[]

Notable television roles:[]

She fits the following tropes:[]

  • Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: She was a model when she was young and has only stopped recently.
  • Granola Girl: She's been a vegetarian for years and champions several environmental/Eco-friendly projects.
  • Nepali With Nasty Knives: She has become well known in British Media for protesting for the rights of Gurka's - and she is considered a "national treasure" of Nepal because of her support.