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This page contains the characters of Jock Studio. Beware of Spoilers!


Ace Anderson[]

Jockstudio aceanderson

The purposeless pillar

A freshman at Olympus University who's looking for a path in his life. Currently not affiliated with any House. His hobbies include watching anime and erotic films all day in his dorm room and fantasizing about hot guys while pleasuring himself.

Ace is a stereotypical indecisive, lazy and aimless protagonist until he discoverd his life's true purpose and passion in directing the erotic films that he loves watching so much.

Voiced by: Sean Chiplock.

  • Alliterative Name: Ace Anderson
  • Butt Monkey: Most of his first meetings with the love interests have him becomes the subject of comedic in some way. Special mention goes to him getting mauled by Zayne's fangirls after being "given" a sweat towel from him.
  • Covert Pervert: Literally cannot go anywhere without imagine how hot the guy in front of him is. Bryce himself actually has to point this fact out.
  • Hikikomori: Mentions that he rarely leaves the campus and prefers to stay in the university.
  • Ironic Name: As Ace himself admits, he is just an average guy who still hasn't found a road in life to take and mostly a nobody within a campus full of amazing people.

Love Interests[]

  • Lovable Jock: Barring Bryce, all of them are the star of the sport they play in and are friendly people.

Leo Mendez[]

Jockstudio leomendez

The shinning sun

A freshman who is bright ace player of the soccer team. Affiliated with Apollo House.

Leo is a stereotypical little ball of sunshine who is always cheerful and energetic. He has the most 'twinky' body and design among the jocks.

Voiced by: Ty Coker.

  • Animal Motifs: Golden retriever
  • Dark-Skinned Blond: Though not as much as Zayne, he still has a quite dark complexion. His full name 'Julio Mendez' suggests him to be of Hispanic or Filipino descent (given the creators' background).
  • Expy: Like Hiro before him, Leo appears to be an expy of Jirou, Mikkoukun's avatar.
  • Pointless Band-Aid: Has one on his note, the same as Jirou's.

Bryce Callahan[]

Jockstudio brycecallahan

The intoxicating grail

A rough-talking member of the wrestling team. Affiliated with Dionysus House.

Bryce is a stereotypical asshole jock that is abrasive, douchy and is afraid of being seen as 'gay'.

Voiced by: Ty Coker.

  • Animal Motifs: Orangutan
  • City Mouse: Possibly implied to have grown up in the city due to several of the answers that the player can choose has it pairing up with him. Some examples include his favorite way of commuting being by bus and his favorite kind of weather being windy.
  • Fiery Redhead: Has orange hair and is the most blunt and outspoken of the love interests.
  • Hard-Drinking Party Guy: Is mentioned to have a party-going personality and regularly holds drinking parties with his peers.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Rough as he is, Bryce has a point for calling out to Ace for not having any particular set life goal despite how far he has been at the college, which is not only a prestigious one, but a very competitive sport-oriented to boot.
  • Jerk Jock: Has a shade of this with his swearing and mannerism.
  • Marshmallow Hell: His first meeting with Ace has the latter crashing into his man cleavage.
  • Money, Dear Boy: Claims that he's only at the Filming Club for a quick cash, though he adamantly refuses to answer why he doesn't instead look for another kind of job that pays as much rather than continues with something that can risk destroying his reputation at any moment.
  • OOC Is Serious Business:
    • Lets it slips that he's actually a bit jealous of Ace, who's, unlike him, doesn't have to keep up his reputation all the time.
    • Despite showing himself as a confident alpha man in front of everyone, Bryce admits to Ace that he doesn't really consider himself as an attractive guy at all.
  • Rummage Sale Reject: His "casual" attire is very weird when compared to other characters, as apart from his backward cap which is reasonable, the rest of the components (tourist shirt, sunglasses, short short with a cloth wraps around it) make it very unclear if he's just going to wander around the campus and hold a party with his peer or travel to a beach resort.
  • Sir Swearsalot: Cannot get anywhere without letting out a swear or two.
  • Sugar and Ice Personality: He's quite imposing and blunt when out in public/among his school peers, but turns totally shy in front of the camera.
  • Too Dumb to Live: He believes that people who watch his film wouldn't figure out his identity as long as his face is cropped/blurred out. Given how far internet, social media, and technology have evolved, and that people are capable of identifying actors (especially for a popular guy on the campus like him) through body type, abs formation, tattoos, and birthmarks, Bryce would be lucky enough if he could keep his "part time job" as a secret from everyone for more than a week.

Avan Geiserford[]

Jockstudio avangeiserford

The perceptive prong

The stoic swimmer and president of the student council. Affiliated with Poseidon House.

Avan is a stereotypical nerd that is ultra-competent but is blunt and socially awkward.

Voiced by: Korey Solomon.

  • Absurdly Powerful Student Council: For what's known so far, subverted, with Avan handling all the generic works such as giving out pamphlets that advise students in choosing which club to join. He also has to resort to doing amateur porn shooting in order to cover up the budget.
  • Animal Motifs: Penguin
  • Barely-There Swimwear: Not only does his competitive swimwear is already very small, but his "casual" one is transparent to the point that it doesn't really cover anything.
  • Money, Dear Boy: Mentions to Ace that he joined Jock Studio in order to help out with the campus's budget.
  • Student Council President: Serves as one at Olympus University in addition of being a member of the swim team and other clubs.
  • Trekkie: Or a possible Star Wars fan in this case as the quiz has the player pair up with him when answering the best way to say goodbye is “may the force be with you”.

Yuuto Nakajima[]

Jockstudio yuutonakajima

The unwavering bow

Affiliated with Artemis House.

Yuuto is a stereotypical ball of chaos that is all over the place and shows signs of ADHD.

Voiced by: Jazzy Oliver.

  • Animal Motifs: Sea otter
  • Token Minority: Compared to Camp Buddy in which most of the characters have Japanese-sounding name, here he's the only one that appears to be Japanese compared to other characters' Western-sounding ones.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: The House of Artemis is associated with the color of pink, and pink shows up in majority of his attires.

Zayne Alexander[]

Jockstudio zaynealexander

The striking thunder

A popular member of the Basketball team who's always flocked around by the girls from other schools. Affiliated with Zeus House.

Zayne is a stereotypical rich, popular and flirtatious playboy jock.

Voiced by: Daniel Walton.

Derek Kingsfield[]

Jockstudio derekkingsfield

The solemn shield

The quarterback of the campus's rugby team. Affiliated with Ares House.

Derek is a stereotypical gentle giant that cares for and nutures others.

Derek had a previous career as an adult film actor under the stage name King.

Voiced by: Daniel Walton.

  • Fiery Redhead: Averted with him being the most mature of the love interests.
  • Gentle Giant: The biggest guy among the love interests and the most gentle one among them. He's also quite protective of Ace and prioritizes his well-being and feelings above others.
  • Mean Character, Nice Actor: Of sort. Ace mentions that "King" was quite domineering the all the scenes he appeared in, but the real Derek is very kind and gentle.
  • Team Dad: He's the oldest and wisest among the love interests, as well as being the one who prioritizes Ace's well-being the most.
  • Trekkie: Possibly implied due to the fact that quiz pairs Ace with him when “live long and prosper” is chosen for the best way to say goodbye.
  • You Remind Me of X: Mentions that being around Ace reminds him of someone, although he refuses to disclose the detail to him.

Other Students[]

Matt Carter[]

File:Jockstudio mattcarter.png

The best friend

Ace's close friend and roommate as well as a member of the track team. Affiliated with Hermes House.

Matt acts as a stereotypical best friend that encourages Ace to pick a major and join a club to get some direction in life.

Voiced by: Patrick Measley.

  • Porn Stash: Ace mentions that Matt himself possesses a quite collection of this.

Jacques Laurant[]

File:Jockstudio jacqueslaurent.png

The studio's owner

The head of the mysterious "Film Club" who recruits Ace as one of the members in order to produce something "fun" for everyone. Affiliated with Hades House.

Voiced by: Lily Yasuda.


A group of girls from other schools who come to Olympus to watch Zayne's basketball match. All of them are enamored with him.