A French comic concerning the lives and times of Parisian biker gang Joe Bar Team.
Tropes used include:
- All Bikers Are Hells Angels: Subverted, the Joes are pretty average joes, who happen to enjoy riding motorbikes. Very fast.
- Badass Biker: Subverted, again, due to the Joes' complete averageness. Any fight will usually end with at least one Joe in bandages.
- The Bartender: Joe, owner and proprietor of Joe Bar.
- Dream Sequence: Many.
- Explosive Overclocking by way of Tim Taylor Technology: Nitroglycerinemethanol. Gives immense power to any engine, but is extremely unstable and has been known to scatter pistons across the countryside.
- Grease Monkey: All the Joes are shown to do their own repairs to some extent, but Jean-Raoul acts as the team mechanic, as well as owning and running a repair shop.
- Hate Dumb: In-universe: Many rants concerning the crappy quality of Harley-Davidson bikes, as well as the abundance of crap HD merchandise.
- Identical Grandson: Edouard's nephew.
- Local Hangout: Again, Joe Bar.
- Police Are Useless: The police are recurring antagonists, wanting to get their hands on the Joes for a large number of motor violations, mostly speeding. Occasionally, they succeed.
- Punny Name: Everyone except Joe.