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Joe Wright is a British film director. Having worked in various entertainment roles through the 1990s (including music video director and casting director), and producing short films, he transitioned to directing features in 2005 with his acclaimed adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. After this came Atonement, similarly acclaimed, The Soloist, which very few people saw, and Hanna (an action film, for a serious change of pace).

Is currently working on an adaptation of Count Tolstoy's Anna Karenina for release in 2012.

Was engaged to actress Rosamund Pike for a while, but broke it off.

The films of Joe Wright:[]

Work contains examples of:[]

  • Adaptation Distillation: His films have tended to be adaptations of books, and very well-received.
  • The Oner: His films tend to contain at least one notable one, the most famous being the Dunkirk beach scene in Atonement.
  • Oscar Bait: Wright seems to be in love with this trope. All of his films (except maybe Hanna) get scheduled near the end of the year or were scheduled then with the intention of getting nominations. Seems to have backed off lately.
  • Production Posse: Wright's posse includes: