John Cho is a Korean-born American actor, known for his roles in the American Pie films, the Harold and Kumar series, as Demetri in Flash Forward 2009, and as Sulu in the Kelvin timeline version of Star Trek.
Tropes used in John Cho include:
- All Asians Are Alike: Got hit with this hard when the Green Hornet remake came out in early 2011. Despite the fact that Kato was played by Taiwanese pop star Jay Chou, who is years younger and speaks English with a heavy accent, many reviewers remarked on how great "John Cho" was. Even IMDB screwed this up at one point. The confusion might also have had something to do with their similar-sounding names.
- Hidden Depths: Broke through in comedy films, but also capable of quite serious reflections on his family's history in Korea (0:28:00) and dissecting Asian stereotypes on film and TV.
- Hot Teacher: He used to teach English. There was probably at least one girl who had a crush on him.
- Older Than They Look: He can easily pass himself off as a decade younger than actually is.
- One-Scene Wonder: As the MILF guy in American Pie.
- Preacher's Kid: His father is a Christian minister.