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Hispanic actor (Colombian, not half Puerto Rican as once believed, but anyway raised in the Bronx) best known for his movie and TV roles. Mostly a comedian but has done serious roles too.

His most famous role may be as Luigi in the Super Mario Bros movie. Unless you count voice acting, then he's probably more famous as the voice of Sid The Sloth in the Ice Age animated movies.

Tends to satirize his own Hispanic nature, as in his (most infamous) role as Pestario Vargas in "The Pest". Also plays 'flamboyant' roles as in To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar.

His best role probably was as Benny Blanco in the film Carlitos Way.

In 2008, he received the Rita Moreno Award for Excellence from the Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors (HOLA).


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