Jon Hamm looks like what every Republican thinks they look like.
Jon Hamm is an American actor best known for his role as Don Draper on Mad Men. Since the show's premiere in 2007, he's gained additional exposure as a comic actor with roles in 30 Rock and the Kristen Wiig film Bridesmaids, as well as three Saturday Night Live hosting stints (in seasons 34, 35, and 36. He has cameoed in between, particularly in the Lindsay Lohan/Jack White episode, where he appeared as a back-up host should Lohan go back to her diva, drug-addicted ways and be unable or unwilling to host). Additionally, he's appeared in more dramatic roles recently, including the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still, the film based on Howl, and a critically acclaimed turn in The Town.
Provides examples of:[]
- Aesop: he often espouses things about wanting "freedom" and "Freedom from fear". See The High Roller and Don Draper.
- Bromance: He and Paul Rudd have been very close friends since college.
- Big Name Fan: He's a big fan of the St. Louis Blues.
- Closet Geek: Many comedy writers and actors have stated that Hamm is a big comedy geek and constantly quotes lines from Kids in The Hall and Anchorman.
- His podcast appearances of late have revealed that Mr. Hamm is definitely out of the closet and is simply the handsomest geek of all.
- Hamm is from St. Louis and is a big Cardinals fan, providing the narration for the Cardinals 2011 World Series championship film.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait
- Non-Indicative Name: Despite his name, his performances are usually very intense and understated and many of his characters are extremely level-headed and stoic.
- He's also a very skilled Deadpan Snarker when he goes for laughs.
- Punny Name: Many puns have been based on his last name. He even did an SNL sketch hawking "Jon Hamm's John Ham, the ham you can eat in the bathroom."
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Without qualification. No wonder he's so good as Don Draper; he looks like he's stepped out of a movie of the time period.