Jonah Hex is a 2010 post-Civil War anti-hero Western film loosely based on the DC Comics character of the same name. Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, the film is directed by Jimmy Hayward and stars Josh Brolin as the title character, Jonah Hex, and also stars John Malkovich, Michael Fassbender, and Megan Fox. The film was released on June 18, 2010.
During Grant's presidency, Jonah Hex is a remorseless Bounty Hunter. In the American Civil War he was a rebel whose honor put him afoul of a confederate general, Turnbull, who murdered Jonah's family while Jonah watched. As a result of the ordeal, Jonah's face is disfigured and he can talk with the dead. After staging his own death, Turnbull, with a group of rebel stalwarts, hatches a plan to bring the Union to its knees. Grant wants Hex to stop it. While the nation readies to celebrate Independence Day, Hex and an unlikely ally have little time to stop Turnbull and his weapon of mass destruction.
The movie contains the following tropes:[]
- Action Girl/Dark Action Girl: Lilah.
- Adaptational Attractiveness: In the comics Lilah/Tallulah Black is so hideously scarred that Hex is just about the only man who can stand to bed her. In The Movie, she's played by Megan Fox.
- And This Is For: when Jonah finishes off Turnbull's Irish Dragon. TWICE.
- Badass Mustache: Jonah sports one.
- Black Best Friend: Ben, the gun shop owner.
- Blown Out the Window
- BFG: To the point of being a Doomsday Device. It's a rotary bombard cannon whose cannonballs are subsequently detonated by an Energy Ball containing unknown Phlebotinum. Designed by Eli Whitney, no less. Turnbull tests it on an unsuspecting town.
- Bounty Hunter
- Captain Ersatz: "Snake-Man" from the arena fights is basically a subscale Uber-Immortal.
- Crusading Widower
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Ex-Confederate Quentin Turnbull and his (mostly Southern) men hijack trains while wearing ghostly hoods.
- Gatling Good: Jonah uses a small, man-portable gatling gun at several points during the movie. Check out the poster.
- Genre Savvy: President Grant catches on immediately to what Turnbull is up to when he hears exactly what targets have been hit.
- Historical Beauty Update: No saloon girl in the 1870s could have looked that fashionable. Not even Megan Fox herself would have looked like that.
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold: Lilah.
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: Duel wielded crossbows that shot sticks of dynamite! Also the horse mounted gatling guns!
- Monumental Damage: Narrowly Averted Trope. A cannonball from the Doomsday Device clips the side of the still-under-construction Washington Monument.
- Mugging the Monster / Berserk Button: Do not ask Jonah how he got his scar.
- Not in This For Your Revolution: If terrorist Quentin Turnbull hadn't already been Jonah's mortal enemy, Jonah would probably not have been willing to be pressed into service by the U.S. government to stop him.
- Of Corsets Sexy: Lilah.
- Pop Star Composer: Prog Metal band Mastodon composed the score.
- Progressively Prettier: We're supposed to believe that people find Jonah ugly, but apparently he's good-looking enough to bed Lilah, the town prostitute (free of charge, that is.) Whereas in the comics, he practically looks like "The Cryptkeeper."
- In all fairness, the scar IS disfiguring and quite disgusting to look at. The problem is, Hex is played by Josh Brolin.
- Also in fairness, it's pretty clear that their relationship was NEVER based on looks (one thing from the comics that they got right).
- In all fairness, the scar IS disfiguring and quite disgusting to look at. The problem is, Hex is played by Josh Brolin.
- The Remnant: Turnbull and his men.
- The Reveal: Lilah IS Tallulah Black.
- Say My Name Trailer: At least one trailer does this (though it "only" uses about three or four repetitions).
- Snake Oil Salesman: Lilah meets one in a stagecoach in a deleted scene.
- Stealth Hi Bye: Jonah does it to the Union officers while they try talking to the body.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: Admit it, guys.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: Lilah keeps a knife in her bustier, but it was taken when she was "thoroughly searched."
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Quentin Turnbull does this to Adleman Lusk. Lusk says that he will hang if Turnbull's scheme fails and Turnbull promises him that he will not hang.