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Stalin was the reincarnation of the Old Testament God[]

Joseph Stalin was a Nietzsche Wannabe and Omnicidal Maniac[]

One of Stalin's most famous quote is "Death solves all problems - no man, no problem" which would suggest that he was an Omnicidal Maniac, all he really wanted to do was to kill as many people as possible and wipe out the human race in an attempt to start World War 3, which would lead to the death of even more people, which would explain his "A Million Is a Statistic" philosophy and why he allowed the systematic genocide of 50 Million people under his rule.

  • Or he's so insanely paranoid he wanted to be the last man standing
  • The extreme Orwellian oppressiveness of the Soviet Union is in fact just Stalin's experiment on how people will rather survive in such a Crapsack World than say "I can't take it anymore!" and commit suicide. After all, former parts of the Soviet Union have the highest suicide rates, he did encourage his son to kill himself (going to the point of criticizing him for being unable to shoot straight) and atheistic countries, without the heaven and hell schtick, can never stop them......
  • If he was an Omnicidal Maniac,why didn't he start World War III?
    • Same reason why Omnicidal Maniacs lose in fiction. Human (or should I say American) Nature. Sure, Stalin might be an Omnicidal Maniac Nietzsche Wannabe, but when there's an Omnicidal Maniac there's going to be a bunch of heroes going to stop him in their will to survive. And no matter how convincing an Omnicidal Maniac's Hannibal Lecture may be, the majority will always be in the support of the heroes who "save the day." And if he does fire the nukes and all the other Weapons Of Mass Destruction in his hand, he would never get that chance, because America had more and better devices (and the means to foil them), which would destroy most of his arsenal before he ever managed to launch them. Sure, he might kill millions of Americans, but that ain't worth it when you know you'll lose.
  • According to Wikiquote both that quote and "A Million Is a Statistic" are kinda Beam Me Up, Scotty. However, he did say that "true conformity is possible only in the cemetery." And considering how Stalin wanted his populace to "truly conform".......

Stalin was good, and all you know about him is malicious slander[]

that was made up by the global capitalist plutocracy because the USSR was actively fighting them. Demonizing your enemies, you know.

    • Explain the Russians who survived in the Gulags. Saying they don't exist causes instant loss, along with my forwarding your location to them.
      • Everyone in the Gulags was legitimately guilty. The Trotskyite conspiracy really existed. The Bukharinist conspiracy, the military coup plan, the Doctor's Plot - all totally real. The kulaks actually were sabotaging collectivisation, and foreign spies actually were infiltrating the Soviet Union. And I don't fear some traitorous, bellicose old farts coming knocking at my doors, so bring 'em on. I'm not going to explain anything to them, I'm going to off them as the subhuman scum they are.
      • "Off them?" Did you just implied that you are gonna kill the "subhuman scum?" Seriously? How is someone subhuman because he was sent to the gulags. I dont get what is so subhuman about them. Would you call Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn like that? I think that the term you are looking for is "victim".
      • Oh my golly. Do you really believe that old liar with a beard? His lies were exposed long ago. Go read some Shalamov, he at least told the truth about what happened at the gulags, unlike Solzhenitsyn, who made stuff up. And my definition of "subhuman" is "idiot who betrays or attacks the state knowing it will retaliate, but does it nevertheless out of sheer mindless hate, or for money and promises of safety from foreign powers, or of laziness and greed". The gulags were filled by exactly this sort of people.
      • C'mon, folks, that's Wild Mass Guessing. You take it too seriously, and the Stalinist guy is, most likely, a troll. Stop flaming already.
  • Seriously, there's a lot of people in Russia who seriously believe this WMG.
    • Just in Russia? I live in the UK and there are Communist groups over here, that are die-hard Stalinists that portray Stalin as some sort of saviour or God. These same people also think North Korea is the most free country on the planet, and is only demonized because of Capitalist media. They exclaim delight at the concept of a revolution to make the UK as free as the glorious nations of historic USSR and North Korea. Scary thing is, I'm not actually joking. They actually think like this.
      • In UK, these guys are a minority. In Russia, there is at least 25% of them out of the whole population. And what matters is that the word "freedom" is a slut among the words: everyone gives it their own meaning and uses it in their own way. Those Stalinist guys, for example, don't consider your much vaunted political correctness, minority rights and stuff anything remotely related to freedom; the word freedom means for them "freedom from capitalist pigs", in a nutshell, and what you think are rights is for them tools of brainwashing. Everything is relative, nothing is absolute, believe me.

Stalin was reincarnated from Ivan the Terrible.[]

  • Funnily enough, Stalin always held that particular tzar in high esteem.