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 My name is Josh Jepson, but you knew that already!


JoshJepson is a Let's Player on YouTube that is known some places as being "the guy who guested on The Runaway Guys' New Super Mario Bros Wii LP". Josh is fairly popular among the community, with over 65,000 subscribers (and growing), he is also very distinctive, having a style mirroring that of Chuggaaconroy, but a lot more swearing and sometimes, a lot of weird sounds.

He raced in Super Mario Sunshine Versus against fellow LP'er, AttackingTucans. It now has its own page.

Current Let's Play:[]

Games Josh Jepson has Let's Played:[]

Games Josh Jepson has collaborated with someone on: (on their channels)[]

Tropes Used Include:[]


  Thank you guys for reading this trope page. I've been Josh Jepson, and I'll see you on the next one.


  1. He says it himself