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Journey to Saturn (Danish: Rejsen til Saturn) is a 2008 Danish CGI movie loosely based on a 1977 comic by Claus Deleuran.

This film provides examples of:

  • Black Dude Dies First: Or "Middle-Eastern Dude Dies First", as the case may be. But subverted.
  • Hell: Hell has changed it's marketing strategy to advertising with "sex sex sex 666 - beer, pussy and music - happy hour 24/7"
  • Karma Houdini: After conspiring with planet-consuming aliens, Corrupt Corporate Executive Kurt Maj survives with his evil business empire intact and goes on to hatch new twisted schemes.
  • Pocket Protector: Jamil's multiple photo albums.
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner: Bund eller resten i håret ("Bottoms up, or the rest goes in your hair"). Per said that to the dragon from Saturn, before shooting the keg of beer in its mouth. The line is commonly used when Danes drink, and if someone doesn't actually finish their drink, the rest does indeed go in the hair.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: The aliens have one: Alcohol