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Subjective stuff associated with Joy Electric.

  • Accidental Innuendo: From "Monosynth"'s chorus: "With a stroke of magic hands, I'll make your dreams come true..."
  • Camp Straight: admit it Ronnie totally comes across as this
  • Dork Age: Melody.
  • Ear Worm
  • I Am Not Shazam: The long title of Dance House Children's final album caused many fans to think Ronnie had changed the band's name to Rainbow Rider.
  • Tastes Like Diabetes: JE's upbeat, candy-coated albums. Dear god, they make Owl City look like Testosterone Poisoning! There's a song named "Sugar Rush", and it's every bit as sickeningly sweet as the name implies.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: At one point, Ronnie announced that he was going to change the project's name to Joy Electrical. The fandom was unanimously against it, so Ronnie pursued the matter no further.
  • True Art Is Incomprehensible: The Tick Tock Companion EP. No vocals, no melodies or discernable song structures; just three guys improvising drones on monosynths, live in the studio.
  • Wangst: "Five Stars For Failure" and "Monosynth".
    • The latter features these lyrics in the final verse:

 I could be so happy

if the world would not ignore me.

In my place there will be stories

of a boy who died of sorrow

with his monosynth.
