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Jurassic Fight Club (Dinosaur Secrets in Europe) is a television documentary series that aired on The History Channel. The basic plot involves dinosaurs fighting. Each episode usually has two or more individual dinosaurs fighting with one another over food, territory or mating rights. The show is "hosted" by paleontology expert Dinosaur George Blasing, who plays out his own imaginary scenarios on how the fights would go.

This series contains examples of:[]

  • Ape Shall Never Kill Ape: Averted hard in the Majungasaurus episode.
  • Anachronism Stew: A mild case, Dromaeosaurus and Tyrannosaurus living together. However when the animators had to cut corners, they did reuse many CGI models that shouldn't belong in the time period the episode is set in.
  • Animated Adaptation: Believe it or not. It's titled Dinosaur George and the Paleo Team. George has uploaded the first (and so far, only) "episode" to his YouTube account, in which his animated self travels back in time to encounter the downgraded CGI dinosaur models of this series. Further episodes are in Development Hell.
  • You Fail Biology Forever: Predators driving off potential prey over 200 times their size because they are territorial. Eh?
    • Predators trying to drive off potential rivals by spilling food all over their territory. Eehh??
    • Sharks using their denticles (scales) to taste. Eeehhh???
  • Badass: Most, if not all, of the creatures here are.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: Gastonia and Stegosaurus.
  • Content Warnings: Every episode starts with this or something to the same effect (the last episode replaces "battle" with "apocalypse"):

 "The following is a graphic depiction of a violent prehistoric battle. Viewer discretion is advised."
