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Just friends 8131

Just Friends

Just Friends is a 2005 comedy film starring Ryan Reynolds, Amy Smart and Anna Faris.

Chris (Reynolds), an obese but good hearted teenager is humiliated when his unrequited love for his best friend, the beautiful cheerleader Jamie (Smart) is publicly exposed. A decade later the now adult Chris is a thin, handsome and slick ladykiller and successful record producer in Los Angeles who forced by his boss to escort lunatic pop diva Samantha James (Faris) to Paris. When Samantha accidentally causes the plane to catch fire, they are forced to land in Chris's hometown where he soon re-encounters Jamie...

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 Chris: You have her poster on your wall?

Mike: Yeah. I slapped the ham to it, like, an hour ago.

Mom: Mike? What ham did you slap? Not the ham I just bought?
