Juvenile Diversion is a Slice of Life webcomic, written and drawn by Heather Lebria and Dean Farrington, set during the 1980s. It chronicles the escapades of a group of hormone-driven teenagers running a local rock band (whose name provides the webcomic's title).
Of course, balancing this with their budding sexuality and conflicting relationships with each other and their families, as well as more mundane teenage issues such as school and homework, is going to be far from easy...
Because some content is NSFW, the SFW first page will be linked.
Tropes used in Juvenile Diversion include:
- Alpha Bitch: Corky Roberts.
- Art Evolution: The current strips have very little in common with the first few strips.
- Becoming the Mask: The "bad" version: Courtney infiltrated the cheerleaders to get revenge on them, then promptly became just as much of a bitch as them.
- Beta Couple: Kyle and Jenny, to Alicia and Jason.
- Big Fancy House: Jenny lives in one with her family.
- Bigger Is Better in Bed: Kyle (at least from Jenny's perspective).
- Bi the Way: Erin, Kyle's older sister.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Combined with Long-Lost Relative (see below) for maximum impact. Jason is thoroughly embarrassed when he realizes it.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Alicia and Jason, in regards to how they feel about each other.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Jenny, due to her relationship with Kyle.
- Drives Like Crazy: Alicia. Also see Ninja Maid.
- Good Angel, Bad Angel: Kyle has these. It says a lot about him that a) they both resemble Jenny, and b) he expects them to make out with each other.
- Goth: Jenny.
- Improbably High IQ: Chris supposedly has an IQ of 181.
- In the Blood: Guess where Erin and Kyle get their, er, desires from.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Sparky suffered from this, leading him to think he was really his best friend.
- Long-Lost Relative: The trope directly below this one ultimately means Julie is Jason's half-sister.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Jason's father is actually Sparky. See Long-Lost Relative.
- Making Love in All the Wrong Places: Jenny and Kyle have an actual list. Later it returns as a Chekhov's Gag.
- Male Gaze: Kyle will often go out of his way to set up situations where he can see plenty.
- Mile-High Club: Kyle and Jenny join this on their flight to the mountain lodge.
- Modesty Bedsheet: Used to full effect right after Kyle and Jenny have sex for the first time.
- Ninja Maid: Jenny's family apparently has one, who Drives Like Crazy when challenged.
- Oops, I Forgot I Was Married: see Laser-Guided Amnesia above.
- Porn Stash: Kyle comes across one. Somehow, whatever it contains is so extreme that it Squicks him out.
- Ready for Lovemaking: Jenny pulls this in order to make up with Kyle after they have a brief falling out. It works.
- Snowball Fight: Done at the mountain lodge.
- Title Drop: Chris's logical idea for the name of the rock band serves as this.
- Viewers are Morons: The webcomic site has an entire page devoted to explaining the Shout Outs and other references.