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"K.I.Z., die Band mit den vielen Namen und immer noch vier Gesichtern, haben sich nicht verändert. Was sich verändert hat sind die Verhältnisse. Das System ist Schuld Motherfucker! Yeah! (K.I.Z., the band with many names and still four faces have not changed. What has changed are the circumstances. The system is to blame. Yeah!"

K.I.Z. (short for Klosterschüler im Zölibat (cloister pupil at celibacy) / Kannibalen in Zivil (cannibals in plain clothes) / Kriegsverbrecher in Zwangsjacken (war criminals in strait jackets) / Künstler im Zuchthaus (artists in jail) / Kapitalismus ist Zauberhaft (capitalism is magical) / Kreuzritter in Zentralasien (crusaders in central Asia)) is a German Hip Hop group from Berlin formed in 2000.

It consists of the three rappers: Tarek "Skinhead-Black" Ebéné, Maxim Drüner and Nico Seyfrid and their DJ Sil-Yan "Craft" Bori.

In Germany where the Rap scene is dominated by over the top lyrics about the violence and delinquency of the rapper, K.I.Z. took the final step by singing lyrics like "all ihr Homorapper hört auf zu rappen" (all you homo rappers stop rapping) while showing to hip hopper kiss in their first music video.

The spectrum of their lyrics nowadays spreads from songs about pooping (Klopapier) and pogo dance (Ellenbogengesellschaft) over basic gangsta rap (Hahnenkampf) to straight out political satire (Rauher Wind & Selbstjustiz). And then they cross the line twice, by making songs about their penises, which contain social satire (Das System & Lass die Sau raus)

They released 4 Albums:

Das RapDeutschlandKettensägenMassaker (2005) sets the rules. It already contains a lot of black humor an irony but still lacks the social comments of later albums.

Böhse Enkelz (2006) the only mix tape. It gets it's hilarity from taking serious songs and transforming them into over the top violence hymns. The title is a reference to the German band Böhse Onkelz which is often connected with the nationalist scene. With "Frei sein" (Being free) they address social issues for the first time.

Hahnenkampf (2007) marks the breakthrough of the group. In contrast to the early works it was not promoted solely by the underground label Royalbunker but in co-operation Universal Studios.

K.I.Z. provides examples of the following tropes:
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