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The Round Table[]

Arthur (Alexandre Astier)[]

Father Blaise (Jean-Robert Lombard)[]

Bohort (Nicolas Gabion)[]

Calogrenant (Stéphane Margot)[]

Dagonet (Antoine de Caunes)[]

Galessin (Alexis Hénon)[]

Gauvain (Aurélien Portehaut)[]


 Gauvain: Nobility well put up, never follows his own winter. No... never finds the winter closed.


Hervé de Rinel (Tony Saba)[]

Karadoc (Jean-Christophe Hembert)[]

Lancelot (Thomas Cousseau)[]

Léodagan (Lionel Astier)[]

Lionel de Gaunes (Etienne Fague)[]

Perceval (Franck Pitiot)[]

Yvain (Simon Astier)[]


 Arthur: You know Britain is an island, right?


Arthur: And when invaders want to raid the country, where do they come from?

Yvain: They come from thousands of people?

Arthur: ...Nope...

Yvain: They come from... Britain!


 Yvain: I consider that I don't have to be subjected to the careerist fantasies of a generational, reactionary and oppressive entity.


Other Residents[]

Angharad (Vanessa Guedj)[]

Grüdü (Thibault Roux)[]

Guenièvre (Anne Girouard)[]

  • Character Development: In Livre I, she was notorious for her rather clueless attitude and lines ("Ah yes, today I had the rosebush in the backyard clipped, because he really needed it!" to Arthur, while he's reading some diplomatic treaty); in Livre V, she is the only one who really manage to make Arthur understand that he is doing wrong, even saving his life at one point.
  • The Ditz
  • Dumbass Has a Point -> Cloudcuckoolander -> Smarter Than You Look : While she says a lot of stupid things, she will sometimes successfully make Arthur realize he's acting like a jerk, usually about their relationship.
  • The Heart : Somehow, yes.
  • The Ingenue
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness

Mevanwi (Caroline Ferrus)[]

The Mistresses[]

Séli (Joelle Sevilla)[]

The Weaponmaster (Christian Bujeau)[]

  • Berserk Button: Do NOT taunt him about the one-leggedness of his father.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"
  • Large Ham
  • Master Swordsman: He's not named "The Weaponmaster" for nothing. (His actor, Christian Bujeau, is an expert in medieval fencing.)
  • Straight Edge / The Teetotaler: In the episode "Corpore Sano", he says himself that his feeding is made of "Dried fruits, beans, lentils, and above all, lots of water; and of course no alcohol." It is also implied that he doesn't eat meat. It is also worth noting that, in "Corpore Sano II", he's going through a nervous breakdown that makes him want to abandon his philosophy.
  • You Fight Like a Cow: His favourite way of fighting. According to him, it is necessary to motivate yourself to fight a friend.

Nobles and Family[]

Anna (Anouk Grinberg)[]

Goustan the Cruel (Philippe Nahon)[]

Kadoc (Brice Fournier)[]

King Loth (François Rollin)[]


 Loth Just between you and me: what do you think of King Arthur?

Dagonet: (hesitates)

Loth: You can talk with sincerity; long story short, you're at scums' home here: our ideas aren't very nice, and we're not afraid to say it; we instigate, we renegade, we let our fantasies run wild.


Ygerne de Tintagel (Josée Drevon)[]


Guethenoc & Roparzh (Serge Papagalli and Gilles Graveleau)[]

The Innkeeper (Alain Chapuis)[]

Venec (Loïc Varraut)[]

  • Even Evil Has Standards: He says several times that he refuses to kill or hurt physically someone with whom he made business in the past. But that won't stop him from robbing that someone, mind you.
  • Honest John
  • Snake Oil Salesman
  • Undying Loyalty: Played With. He's arguably the most selfish character in the show, is in here only for his own profit, going as far as organizing a burglary in Kaamelott. And yet, he says several times in the show that things are better when Arthur is king, and he is the one, in Livre VI, who help Arthur to hide and flee to Rome when Lancelot and his army starts chasing knights around the kingdom.


Elias de Kelliwic'h (Bruno Fontaine)[]

  • Beard of Evil
  • Brutal Honesty: Done to Merlin in Livre V, to the point where the latter decides to quit.
  • Jerkass
  • Rivals Team Up: When he's forced to work with Merlin, to his disappointment.
  • Sociopathic Hero: "In life, you must avoid working for someone, AND avoid making someone work for you; it's the key to success."
  • Superpower Lottery: Even though he hasn't really got "one ungodly over-the-top superpower", the variety of magic he can use still makes him qualify for the trope. During the series, he is indeed either seen or said to master: destructive spells (such as lightning, fireball, stone rain, disintegrate, and the notorious "Death Blow": "he blows on you, you DIE!"), teleporting, demonology, necromancy, shapeshift (into another human being, at least), "beastmastery" ("Caller of the Caledonian Wolves"), enchantments, divination, alchemy... and maybe more.

The Lady of the Lake (Audrey Fleurot)[]

Méléagant (Carlo Brandt)[]

Merlin (Jacques Chambon)[]

  • Butt Monkey: While a lot of character could fit, Merlin takes the cake by being the guy who takes the most slaps, kicks, punches or "headbashes-to-the-table" on-screen, mostly from Arthur and Elias. This, plus the various dirty tricks from Elias.
  • Half-Human Hybrid

 Arthur: Is it true that you're the son of a demon and a virgin? [...] You've taken more from the virgin.



Aconia (Valeria Cavalli)[]

Caesar (Pierre Mondy)[]

Caius Camillus (Bruno Salomone)[]

Titus Glaucia (Jean-Marc Avocat)[]

Appius Manilius (Emmanuel Meirieu)[]

Lucius Sallustius (Patrick Chesnais)[]

Other Foreigners[]

The Burgundian King (Guillaume Briat)[]