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Kaede the Eliminator Steam Logo

Kaede the Eliminator (Japanese: Eliminator カエデさん, Eliminator Kaede-san) is a Third-Person Shooter that's also an H-game. It was developed by Moyashi Research Institute for the DLsite and Steam platforms, and released on October 5th 2017 for the DLsite version and October 1st, 2019 for the Steam version, respectively.

You are Kaede Kuratsuki, a silver-haired girl who belongs to the Japanese Self Defense Navy Special Force Kanazawa branch. The city has been overrun by unfamiliar creatures, and you need to blast them apart and survive as long as possible.

There are various game modes:

  • Free Mode: A free-roaming mode which allows you to explore the world and deploy furniture without the worry of creature attacks.
  • Survival Mode: Defend yourself against waves of creature attacks.
  • Sniper: Use your sniper rifle to kill as many creatures as possible in a set amount of time.
  • Extra Missions: Shoot down balloons at a firing range as quick as possible. It also gives more CP (the in-game currency) than any other mode due to how the score is calculated. It also has a separate furniture counter due to being located right above Another World.
  • Another World: A debug room with various assets as well as its own survival mode. It is located right below the Extra Mission lobby and can be unlocked through a password gate.

Can you uncover the secrets of the creatures and survive as long as you can?

Tropes used in Kaede the Eliminator include:
  • An Interior Designer Is You:
    • With the CP you have earned in-game by completing any game mode, you can purchase various furniture and items and place them anywhere you want. Some items such as ammo boxes, land mines and health packs are single-used items, others, like the turrets, player model decorations and barricades can be used indefinitely.
    • Extra Mission and the debug room have a separate CP counter, allowing you to place more furniture and items without interfering the main world furniture placement.
  • Gotta Catch Them All: There are various collectibles throughout the world. You can unlock artwork and concept art by completing the objectives.
  • Off with His Head: Explosions can occasionally decapitate your character, leaving your head on the floor. Sometimes, your character can somehow survive the explosion even without their head, provided their health bar isn't depleted...
  • Regenerating Health: When you are low on health, you can regenerate your health by crouching, provided your hydration meter isn't empty. The hydration meter can be replenished by purchasing a drink with your CP at a vending machine or placing a drink as furniture, which also costs CP.
  • Sentry Gun: Sentry guns are available as both allied units and hostile obstacles. There are two types of sentry gun you can deploy. The standard machine gun turret fires weak projectiles in a high rate of fire. The grenade turret, on the other hand, fires explosive projectiles, but it has a much lower ammo capacity and you can potentially get caught in the explosions.
  • Toilet Humour: The toilets are completely usable, though there's no point in doing so other than for the sake of it as using the toilets actually decreases your hydration meter, a stat crucial for your health regeneration.