Kaena: The Prophecy (also known as Kaena: La prophétie) is a computer animated film created in French-Canadian coproduction. The titular Kaena is a young orphaned woman, living with a small tribe on a humongous plant called Axis. While all her kin works hard to collect sap, which is demanded by their gods, she explores the world around and brings back stories that clash with the common beliefs. Nobody but the kids believe her, to the point of being called a heretic. Guided by a recurring dream of a blue sun, she wanders even further from the village, where she is attacked by a monster - and rescued by an alien who reveals her the truth about her world, the gods and the blue sun she sees in her dreams. And then... The animation looks similar to that of Final Fantasy: Spirits Within. The film shares it's weak points, too - gaping Plot Holes and Uncanny Valley moments. To give some credit though, it has a number of breathtaking visuals and unique setting.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Essy.
- Chainmail Bikini: Kaena's clothes of choice.
- Fan Service: Kaena.
- Go Mad from the Revelation: Ilpo, who went mad after a journey to the edge of the Axis.
- Humans Are Special: They're created by Vacanoi
- Imported Alien Phlebotinum: Vacanoi, the alien computer
- Parental Abandonment: Kaena's parents were killed by a
earthplantquake. - Sentient Phlebotinum: Vacanoi
- Uncanny Valley: Glitches in CG models, and the fact that for humans on Axis, it's fashionable to shave their foreheads and tattoo the bald space.
- World Tree: The Axis.