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Seika High[]

Misaki Ayuzawa[]


 Voiced by: Ayumi Fujimura (anime), Sanae Kobayashi (drama CD)


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Our favorite Tsundere.

The heroine of the story. Seika High's first female president, and is determined to turn it into a girl-friendly school. Her goal is supported by her dislike of men, which stems from her experience of her father walking out on their family, leaving them with a large debt which she tries to work off by being forced to take a part-time job at a Maid Cafe.

  • The Ace: She's very competent at nearly everything she does. Inversely, Usui tends to be better than her at almost everything (they're about equal in badassitude).
  • Action Girl
  • Ambiguously Bi: In episode 7, when she's dressed as a guy and serving (very appreciative) female customers, she says to herself "This is heaven!" ... yeah.
  • Attempted Rape: Had this pulled on her at least three times during the manga. In two cases Usui intervenes; in another, she curbstomps her assailants all by herself.
  • Badass: The only thing she's equal to Usui in.
  • Battle Aura
  • Battle Couple
  • Betty and Veronica: Hinata and Usui.
  • Bifauxnen: Not normally, but she uses it to her advantage when entering a butler competition, and she dresses up as one in episode 7.
  • Brainy Brunette
  • Brown Eyes
  • Caught the Heart on His Sleeve: To Usui in the final episode.
  • Death Glare/Nightmare Face: A lot of the time, particularly when she's angry, but it's Played for Laughs.
  • Does Not Like Men: Stemming from when her father left their family with a huge debt. Most of the boys at her school don't exactly inspire trust.
  • Does Not Know Her Own Strength: Not that she cares, so long as it keeps the guys/girls in line.
  • Dominatrix: While subverted, quite a few characters seem to think of her as a sadist. When two of her assailants turn out to be masochists who wanted her to punish them, she's understandably creeped out.
  • Dude Magnet: Has eight named romantically interested in her and at least one girl. If she puts any effort into it, there are even more.
  • Effortless Amazonian Lift: She frequently carries Takumi around, much to his annoyance. In one episode, she crossdresses to enter a competition for a Butler Cafe; the first challenge is a race in which one partner must carry the other piggyback the whole way. Most of the other (male) competitors can't finish the course; Misaki comes in second.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Other girls certainly enjoy ogling over her skills or looks (including the entire Maid Latte staff and her two friends). One even says she has a "prince-type character", and her Bifauxnen looks attract tons of chicks in episode 7. Helps that she looks great as a boy.
  • Eyes of Gold
  • First Kiss: Props to Usui for not wasting time and planting one on Misaki in the sixth episode!
  • Gender Blender Name: Misaki, "Bisanki".
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Whenever she's pissed at the guys.
  • Hero Stole My Bike: Misaki borrowed Yukimura's bicycle once. She kept her word about returning it.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold
  • Lethal Chef: She claims that if someone teaches her, she can cook rather well. We mostly haven't seen it; her attempts at riceballs turned out round, perfectly smooth, and hard as rock, and other efforts range from "mangled" to "yuck."
  • Love Triangle: Between her, Usui, and Hinata. Unfortunately for Hinata, the result isn't really in question.
  • Meido: Pretty famous for it.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Gets into a couple of deliciously exploitable situations, like the towel scene and a sexier maid outfit in episode 8.
  • Ninja Maid: Misaki knows aikido.
  • Plucky Girl
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Usui's blue.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Misaki tried to disguise herself and enter the all-you-can-eat contest at Maid Latte in order to help Erika; and everyone who knew her basically recognized her immediately. Even Hinata got suspicious by the end of it.
  • Straw Feminist: Subverted. She looks like one at first, but it's shown that her sense of justice is not limited to the girls. A lot of the boys just tend to be delinquents for no apparent reason and don't exactly inspire confidence.
  • Student Council President: It's even in the title!
  • Tomboy: Very much so. To the point where it's like she's the only Tomboy in the show.
  • Tsundere: And a very, very blatant Type A at that, although she's showing some signs of mellowing into a Type B.
    • Notably, she fits the traditional description of a Tsundere — she warms up the Usui after initially hating him.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: Is gorgeous in a maid outfit.
  • Ship Tease: With Usui.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: With Suzuna.
  • Sweet Polly Oliver: When entering the butler competition, as well as the time she had to help Erika avoid a bad situation with a Stalker with a Crush customer. Basically, she gets made over Visual Kei-style into "Bisanki-kun" and has to enter a dessert eating contest.
  • Will They or Won't They?: Her and Usui.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A in her maid outfit.

Takumi Usui[]


 Voiced by: Nobuhiko Okamoto (anime), Tomokazu Sugita (drama CD)


Kaichou wa Maid sama -2 8556

Too perfect to be human!

One of the most popular boys at Seika High, Usui usually aloof about his surroundings. After he discovers Misaki in a maid uniform after school, he promises to keep her secret and as a result ends up very protective of her. It's eventually revealed that he is one quarter British, and that he has an older half-brother named Gerard- but he is an illegitimate child and that he is on bad terms with Gerard and the rest of the Walker family.

  • The Ace: Textbook example.
  • Battle Couple
  • Betty and Veronica: The Veronica to Hinata's Betty.
  • Big Damn Heroes: At times, especially when Tora Igarashi attempts to rape Misaki. In the anime, he also gets to come to the rescue when Misaki is ambushed at Maid Latte after closing by a pair of stalkers; he kicks a stun gun out of one guy's hand while Misaki handles the other one. It's subverted in the manga, however: he tries, but Misaki curbstomps both of them before he manages to do more than break in a window, and he only gets to help with the cleanup.
    • The anime may have it the same as the manga, as it's not clear who kicks the stun gun seeing as Misaki and Usui both have black shoes and pants on at the time.
  • Bishonen: When he makes the effort.
  • But Not Too Foreign: Usui is revealed to be this. Being the illegitimate child of an Englishman accounts for his blonde hair. His birth name is revealed to be Takumi Walker, but due to his unfavorable status within the family he abandoned the name at a young age and was later adopted into the Usui household.
  • Casual Danger Dialog: Hardly ever seems to take dangerous situations seriously.
  • Chick Magnet
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Towards Misaki, at least; he shows no interest in any other girls.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: He hasn't lost a single competition he's entered. Any competition. Not even the time he had a broken arm.
  • Estrogen Brigade Bait
  • Even the Guys Want Him: He even provides the page picture!
  • Fan Service: Just look at that first ending.
  • The Gadfly
  • Gratuitous English: Usui speaks very good English. In manga scanlations, they Keep It Foreign by having him speak French instead.
  • Green Eyes
  • Green-Eyed Monster: He reacts this way towards Misaki's closeness to Hinata (though it's because of their childhood friend status).
  • Hair of Gold
  • Heroic Bastard
  • Ho Yay: Intentionally invokes this between himself and Yukimura by kissing the latter, as a ploy to alleviate Misaki's distress over the kiss he'd previously planted on her by downplaying its significance.
  • Last-Name Basis: Him and Misaki, though he also calls her "Misa-chan" to tease her about Maid Latte.
  • Made of Iron: Proved to be almost unkillable on several occasions (jumping off the school's roof into the swimming pool to retrieve a photograph and surviving with only moderate injuries, for one).
  • Not So Stoic: He's actually quite childish, prone to jealousy, and exhibits possessive tendencies underneath the typical cool-guy exterior. It's these slowly-revealed qualities that provide him with some truly stellar Character Development and Hidden Depths. Plus, the childish attributes almost always prove to be adorably endearing.
    • In the Beach Episode he went so far as to kiss Misaki on the back and claim it left a visible mark to make her too embarrassed to run around in a bikini. He also competed against her and Aoi in the volleyball tournament because he didn't want her to be the "beach queen".
  • Secret Keeper
  • Shirtless Scene
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Misaki is the only girl (and, indeed, the only person) he demonstrates any kind of interest in.
  • Smart People Play Chess
  • Stalker with a Crush: Towards Misaki.
  • The Stoic: How the entire school sees him.
  • Sue Donym: "Usui Janai" / "Not Usui". Aaaand it works.
  • Supreme Chef

Shintani Hinata[]


  Voiced by: Atsushi Abe


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Meet the other guy close to Misaki's heart.

Misaki's childhood friend, who came to the city just to find her. As children, Misaki kept on protecting him from bullies who picked on him for his fat figure. By the time he came back to the city from living with his grandparents in the country, he'd slimmed down from eating plenty of his grandparents' vegetables. He respects Usui and sees him as a Worthy Opponent for Misaki's affections. It's noted that he physically resembles Misaki's father.

The Three Idiots (Naoya "Shiroyan" Shirakawa, Ikuto "Ikkun" Sarashina, and Ryuunosuke "Kurotatsu" Kurosaki)[]


  Voiced by: Mitsuhiro Ichiki (anime), Hiroyuki Yoshino (drama CD) (Naoya), Takuma Terashima (anime), Tetsuya Kakihara (drama CD) (Ikuto) and Yoshimasa Hosoya (anime), Yuuichi Nakamura (drama CD) (Ryuunosuke)


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From left to right: Shiroyan, Ikkun, and Kurotatsu

Three boys at Seika who initially resented Misaki's forceful methods of changing it. When they find out Misaki's job, however, they are instantly charmed and vow to keep her secret. They are now regulars at Maid Latte. Shiroyan and Kurotatsu were in middle school together and used to be delinquents.

Sakura Hanazono[]


 Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa


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Adorable, ain't she?

One of Misaki's best friends, who looks to Misaki for protection against the boys. She has a tendency to fall in love without really knowing what the person is like. She's apparently rejected the captain of the rugby team approximately one hundred times.

Shizuko Kaga[]

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Meet the sanest member of the cast.


 Voiced by: Yuu Kobayashi


Another one of Misaki's best friends, and, like her, is protective of Sakura. She is very intelligent and good in math, but dislikes physical activities. She is a member of the school's flower arranging club. Like Sakura, she does not know about Misaki's parttime job. According to Sakura, she has an older brother studying in university and a younger sister in junior high who look a lot like her.

Shouchiro Yukimura[]


 Voiced by: Kazuyoshi Shiibashi (anime), Hiro Shimono (drama CD)

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Sakura's male counterpart in the "adorable" department.

The vice president of Seika High's student council, Yukimura is initially terrified of Misaki, but later on gets to see her kind, caring side and gets to be on fairly close terms with her and Usui. He enjoys administrative work, but isn't a very big fan of physical activities. He has a little sister named Ruri, who initially sees him as "sissy" and whom he tries hard to impress.

Soutaro Kanou[]


 Voiced by: Mitsuhiro Ichiki


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Just...ignore the bunny ears.

A withdrawn male student who is initially against Misaki as the student council president because of her aspirations of increasing the female population of Seika High. In order to sabotage her presidency, Kanou tries to hypnotize Misaki, Usui, and the student council into ruining Misaki’s reputation. It is revealed that his gynophobic attitude comes from his mother abandoning his family when he was young and his father warning him to be wary of women. After being forced to work with girls by Misaki as punishment, he starts to get over his gynophobia and later becomes one of the president's allies.

Maria Miyazono[]

A mysterious, beautiful teacher who transferred to Seika. At first, Misaki seemed to view her as a rival for Usui's affections but it's eventually revealed that she is, in fact in love with Misaki after seeing her strength and independence (it should be noted, though, that she's fallen in love many times before). She came to Seika to try to get Usui to transfer to Miyabigaoka under Igarashi Tora's orders. She has a fiance named Shinji.

Maid Latte[]

Satsuki Hyoudou[]

Satsuki 7643

Does this look thirty to you?


  Voiced by: Aki Toyosaki (anime), Rie Tanaka (drama CD)


Maid Latte's cheerful manager, Satsuki is a kind, perceptive woman who adores Usui and finds Misaki cute. She has an unnamed older brother (Aoi's father) and a younger sister named Nagisa. She has a penchant for attending to different Fetishes, which include glasses, cat ears, and policewomen.

Aoi Hyoudou[]


  Voiced by: Hiromi Igarashi (anime), Yuki Kaida (drama CD)

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Bet you didn't see that coming.

Satsuki's nephew, the son of her older brother. Ikuto recognizes "her" as a famous internet idol when "she" comes to Maid Latte for a visit. "She" becomes infatuated with Usui, but Misaki sees through the act and reveals Aoi to be male. He tends to be short-tempered and impatient, and is critical of Misaki's fashion tastes. His parents apparently disapprove of his crossdressing.


Honoka 1063

You wouldn't like her when she's angry.


 Voiced by: Kana Asumi


An employee at Maid Latte. She possesses a rather maniacal side to her, and is annoyed at Misaki's resistance to her job. She makes a living from part-time work and does not have a full-time job. She takes working at Maid Latte very seriously, which causes friction between her and Misaki over the fact that Misaki is ashamed of working there.


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Boyish enough to be mistaken for a real boy.


 Voiced by: Kana Ueda


Another of the employees at Maid Latte. Like Honoka, she makes a living from part-time work.


 Subaru (to Erika): Yeah, yeah, rub it in.



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The sexiest member of the cafe.


 Voiced by: Mariya Ise


Another of the employees at Maid Latte. She views Misaki as strong and independent and sometimes finds it hard to believe that Misaki is younger than her. Is also proud of her... assets.

Miyabigaoka High School[]

Tora Igarashi[]


  Voiced by: Kenichi Suzumura


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Gentleman, my foot!

Student council president of the high-class and expensive Miyabigaoka Academy. He initially presents himself as a gentleman who admires Misaki's reforms at Seika and offers her a scholarship to Miyabigaoka, but it's quickly revealed that he's a lecherous young man who's used to being able to manipulate people thanks to his wealth and his family's high social status. He also seems to be familiar with Usui's background. Maria Miyazono is an acquaintance of his, and he'd hired her to come to Seika to lure Usui to Miyabigaoka.

Kanade Maki[]


  Voiced by: Tomoaki Maeno


The vice president at Miyabigaoka High.

Umekouji Kaon[]

One of Usui's new classmates, who was told to befriend him.

Tomu Kaon[]

Umekouji's older brother, who's also trying to befriend Usui.

Tomikouji Ichitarou[]

The Kaon siblings' childhood friend.

Arashiyama Tenryuu[]

Another student who's trying to befriend Usui. He is obsessed with fashion and is Lin's fiance.

Lin Yi Hua[]

Another student who's trying to befriend Usui. She is also Arashiyama's fiance.


Kuuga Sakurai[]


 Voiced by: Kenji Nojima


A young man who has Sakura's affections. Is rather selfish and rude, and Misaki dislikes him for those reasons.

Shou, Kou, and Yuuji William Adam[]

The other members of Yumemichi. Shou is the guitarist, Kou is the bassist, and Yuuji plays drums. They are notably nicer than Kuuga is.

Family Members[]

Miyako Ayuzawa[]


 Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi


Misaki's sickly mother who tries her best to support her two daughters.

Suzuna Ayuzawa[]


 Voiced by: Kaori Ishihara


Misaki's younger sister.

Sakuya Ayuzawa[]

Misaki and Suzuna's Father 

Gerard Walker[]

Usui's British older half-brother, who looks like an older, more polished version of him.

Ruri Yukimura[]

Yukimura's younger sister, who views Usui as a "prince" and doesn't see her own brother as manly at all. Later, though, she realizes that Usui's "princess" isn't her, and grows to accept Yukimura as her brother.



 Voiced by: Sanae Kobayashi (anime)


Satsuki's younger sister and Aoi's aunt. She's very hard on Aoi's crossdressing because her older brother (Aoi's father) disapproves of it. Her shop Ocean House isn't getting as many customers as she would like, so naturally the Maid Latte girls (+Usui) head to it to help, thus the Beach Episode.