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Kaiju Big Battel (spelling intentional) is a story of the constant "fighto" between good and evil, played out before live studio audiences.

Constant battels by giant batteling monsters threatened the safety and happiness of the Earth. To protect our way of life, the Kaiju Regulatory Committee, KRC, created the Big Battel, to contain the struggle between good and evil and protect the public. And to allow them to watch for a reasonable price. The KRC is led by a mysterious Commissioner, and its events are overseen by a to-scale referee, Referee Jingi. Ringside commentary is provided by Louden Noxious, who is exactly what his name suggests.

The faces in the battel include American Beetle, Los Plantanos (the plantain twins), Dusto Bunny, Robox the mighty cardboard robot, and Hero Intern. The organization's chief Heel is Dr. Cube, whose "posse" seeks to destroy civilization as we know it. His minions include The Grudyin and Hell Monkey (the Apes of Wrath), Silver Potato, Superdimensional Slug 1 (SDS-1), and Gomi-man, the radioactive monster formed from New Jersey's trash. A few rogues, like Team Space Bug (led by Uchu Chu) and Kung-Fu Chicken Noodle make trouble for everyone else.

Now, without the Kayfabe. Kaiju Big Battel is an affectionate parody of Professional Wrestling and Kaiju monster movies. Colorful characters in foam rubber suits square off in model cityscapes in venues like anime conventions and arthouse theaters. Established in 1996. A TV pilot for G4 has been performed and shot, but not yet aired or picked up.

As of this year, there have been sweeping changes throughout the KBB. With newcomers, old friends and foes, and sweeping changes, the Big Battel shall be changed for the better..or the worse, all depending.

A common user of Japanese Media Tropes and Professional Wrestling tropes, with a wink, a nod, and a laugh each time.

Tropes used in Kaiju Big Battel include:
  • All-American Face — American Beetle
  • Animesque — Has its own manga on the official site
  • Badass Biker: Slo Feng is an avid biker and is very protective of his hog, "Slepnir". Force Trooper Robo was once a motorcycle courier, as well.
  • Big Bad — Cube
  • Big Eater — Sky Deviler is always hungry
  • Combat Commentator — Louden and his sidekick, The Beav.
  • Dance Battler — The disco-themed Super Wrong
  • Disco Dan — Played around with; Super Wrong has a disco theme, but he's actually from the future where disco sees a huge resurgence.
  • Dumb Muscle — Midori and Sky Deviler
  • Easily-Distracted Referee — Jingi misses a lot.
    • This is subverted in the manga; after Dr. Cube wins a championship, he gets a call from Jingi, who tells him that after reviewing tape of the title fight he noticed Cube used some kind of nerve gas when he wasn't paying attention and the match has been declared a draw.
  • Elite Mooks: Dr. Cube has a handful of Super Minions, minions who have been subjected to his genetic experiments, including Super Minion #96 (who has cinderblocks for hands and feet and wears a stone helmet) and Craw (who has an iron jaw and a giant crayfish claw).
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin — Midori no Kaiju is a giant green monster whose name means "giant green monster."
  • Face Heel Turn — Silver Potato murdered Pablo of Los Plantanos, and joined Dr Cube's Posse. Pedro took revenge for his brother, but then Cube brought Pablo back as a zombie.
    • Its been discovered via news post that Silver Potato is still alive somewhere out there, and the one who killed Pablo was a fake. To add further, Pablo went through stem cell surgery and is now back to his fun loving self
  • Fake Ultimate Hero — Super Wrong may be the dance sensation that's sweeping the nation, but his name says it all.
  • The Giant: Napalean, the single largest kaiju in competition. Every faction has its own Giant type, though: in addition to Napalean of Dr. Cube's Posse, Mota Naru is the certified "Big Guy" of Team Space Bug, Slo Feng is the Heroes' version, and Vegetius fills the role for the Rogues.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars — Like Dr. Doom, Dr. Cube wears a mask to cover his horribly mangled face.
  • Gratuitous English — Included for authenticity, along with gratuitous Japanese and Spanish.
  • Hollywood Nerd — Prior to being turned into a monster, Unibouzu was a tubby, pimple-faced loser who snorted when he laughed.
  • Inherited Illiteracy Title
  • I Love Nuclear Power: Unibouzu got his powers when he was bitten by a radioactive sea urchin
  • I Remember It Like It Was Yesterday — In the manga, Dr. Cube has a flashback, and narrates that "I remember it as if it were a flashback..."
  • Jobber: Call-Me-Kevin.
  • Killed Off for Real — The official site actually has a "Graveyard" in its character bio section.
  • Mad Scientist — Cube again.
  • Mooks: Dr. Cube's Minions and Team Space Bug's Swarm.
  • Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate — Dr. Cube, unlike most examples, is an actual surgeon. And, you know, super evil.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed — According to his official bio, Sentai Jin was once a severely handicapped physics genius named Steven Nawt Walking.
  • Punny Name — A few kaiju have names that are puns in Japanese — most notably Shroomatango, "matango" being Japanese for "mushroom".
  • Retraux — The manga, which is drawn in a style characteristic of the late 70s and specifically resembles early Kinnikuman. Which, hey, was originally about fighting giant monsters before a Genre Shift to pro wrestling.
  • Rouge Angles of Satin — Apart from the obvious stuff like "battel" and "fighto", the word "rogue" is more often than not spelled "rouge"
  • Sizeshifter — Virtually every fighter has this ability (specifically, growing to giant size); notable exceptions are Napalean, who is always giant, and Dr. Cube, who is (almost) always human sized.
  • Surfer Dude: Tadd Bradley, Hawaiian Paddler. He actually uses his board in most of his finishers.
  • Truce Zone — the local bowling alley, for whatever reason.
  • Unsound Effect — At one point in the manga, a Groin Attack evidently makes the sound "CROTCH!"
  • We Can Rebuild Him — And they did, in the cases of Sentai Jin and the Trooper Robos.
  • When Trees Attack — get Marutambo, a former Minion of Dr. Cube turned into an evil tree man "whose wood is so hard that it is immune to mankind's hottest blowtorches."