Kaiketsu Lion Maru was a tokusatsu series running from April 1, 1972 — April 7, 1973 with a total of 54 episodes. During the late 16th century, a trio of ninja orphans are wandering Japan and saving people from evil, specifically the evil Devil Gosun. These people consist of kid ninja Kosuke, kunoichi Saori and an adult ninja named Shishimaru... who can transform into a lion-headed Samurai named Lionmaru.
This work contains examples of:[]
- Big Bad: Akuma Gosun
- The Dragon: Debonoba
- Finishing Move: After cutting the monster, Lion Maru runs his hand down the back of his sword, causing the Monster of the Week to explode in a big bang.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Shozo Iizuka voices Debonba.
- In the Name of the Moon: "Kaze O! Hikari O! Ninpô Shishi-Henge!" ("Wind, Light, Ninja Skill, Lion-Transform!")
- Jidai Geki
- King of Beasts: Or else why would it be called 'Lionmaru'?
- The Lancer: Saori.
- Meaningful Name: The 'Shishi' in Shishimaru means Lion.
- The Rival: Tiger Jo, Lion Maru's evil equal counterpart.
- Tagalong Kid: Kosuke