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Here be the characters for Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger.
The Gokaigers[]
Captain Marvelous/Gokai Red | Actor: Ryota Ozawa[]

- Authority Equals Asskicking: Big time.
- Awesome McCoolname: With a name like Captain Marvelous, how can it not be awesome?
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Joe in #12.
- Badass: Oh, where do we start?
- Badass Arm-Fold: His pose.
- Badass Longcoat
- Battle Cry: "Let's make a show of this!" [1] Which gets adopted and adapted by the others over the course of the show, Dr. Don eventually uses "Let's blow them up!" [2]
- When it's time to wrap it up, he usually goes "Let's pull out the stops!" [3]
- Berserk Button: Whaever you do, do not bother Marvelous while he's eating. Or steal his food. Many Action Commanders and a Gaiark Sheriff learned this the hard way.
- Big Eater: And how.
- Cat Smile
- Catch Phrase: "Well, ain't that interestin'?" [4]
- Combination Attack: Gavan Marvelous Dynamic, with Space Sheriff Gavan.
- Crucified Hero Shot: in #43, as the Zangyack prepare to execute him in front of a large audience.
- Determinator: Just as big as Takeru or Alata. Prime example include managing to shoot Warz Gill and Barizorg despite being heavily wounded in the back and fighting against three of Basco's extra heroes key in human form after being de-transformed.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: The Phlegmatic.
- Going Down with the Ship: As the team in GoZyu GokaiOh are getting handed their asses on a platter by Warz Gill's robot, he forces the team out as the Gokai Galleon disassembles and crashes somewhere.
- The Hero
- Hot-Blooded
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Hoo, boy. Take a look at episode 35.
- It Was a Gift: Aka Red gave him the Ranger Keys and Navi.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore"
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Marvelous has quite a dickish attitude sometimes, but he deeply cares about his mates.
- Last of His Kind: Subverted. Marvelous is stated in episode 8 to be the last surviving member of the Red Pirates, which according to Insarn is the greatest rebel force to face the Zangyack, but it's later revealed that There Is Another — Basco ta Jolokia, a rival of Marvelous.
- Technically speaking, it's actually played straight. Marvelous was still part of the Red Pirates when the gang was finished but Basco however betrayed the gang so in a way, he's not a surviving Red Pirate, so that leaves Marvelous as the last surviving Red Pirate.
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: Unless the team does an all-color Gokai Change (such as the All-Silver team in #18), he only ever uses Red Rangers. This even extends to Sixth Rangers and Extra Heroes, he only ones he ever uses are Time Fire and Wolzard Fire.
- Lightning Bruiser: Marvelous is really strong and also quite fast at the same time.
- Offhand Backhand: Part of his fighting style, even leading up to offhand shooting in one occasion.
- Only One Name: Unless his first name is Captain....
- Pocket Protector: takes a piece of Sally's necklace with him in his pockets, and it protects him from a fatal shot in his final duel with Basco.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Joe and Basco's blue.
- Sword and Gun: Gokai Saber and Gokai Gun. The others, minus Gai, each have a set too, but due to the weapon swapping that occurs between them, Marvelous is the one who plays this trope straight most of the time.
Joe Gibken/Gokai Blue | Actor: Yuki Yamada[]

- Abhorrent Admirer: Shares one with Don in the form of a Creepy Crossdresser in #23 and Vancuria in Gokaiger Vs. Gavan.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Marvelous in #12.
- Badass: Just as much as Marvelous.
- Badass Long Hair: Of the Rapunzel Hair variety.
- Bring It: Shows one in 45 while changing into Tiger Ranger.
- Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Brooding Boy to Ahim's Gentle Girl.
- The Comically Serious: Shown first in the ending, but even moreso in #23, where he (and Don) run into an overly affectionate drag queen and end up in makeup.
- Cry Cute/Manly Tears: In #12, when he realizes the Sid he knew is gone forever.
- And again in #30. Yuki Yamada is an incredibly talented crier.
- And yet again in #38 when he finally destroys Barizorg. They must have realized where their bread was buttered when they found out that he could cry, and cry pretty, since they've been yanking his chain ever since.
- And yet again in #45, only this time its played for laughs when Navi accidentally destroys his Ninjaman tea cake.
- Deadpan Snarker: With emphasis on the "deadpan".
- Defector From Decadence
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: He and his best friend/mentor defect from a fighting force and he is the only one to survive while his friend is not so lucky. Not to mention he lamented on how he couldn't save his friend.
- Dual-Wielding: When he trades his Gokai Gun for another crew member's Gokai Saber.
- Taken Up To Five in episode 4, when he uses everyone's Gokai Sabers all at once.
- In episode 12, Kaoru gives him the Double Disc from the Shinkenger finale which allows him to dual wield Shinkenmaru.
- The finale has him using DekaMaster's D-Sword Vega and Don-as-Zubaan's sword form against Dailando.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: The Choleric.
- Implacable Man: Has a habit of invoking this whenever he gets really serious.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore"
- The Lancer
- Lightning Bruiser: Has made an unflinching walk into enemy fire more than once. Also pushes himself to withstand the most amount of punishment. He's still fast and has great reflexes.
- Making a Splash: His Blue Slash finisher invokes the power of the five recent water-powered Blue Rangers.
- Master Swordsman
- Megane: Of the stoic variety in Episode 39.
- Mercy Kill: Destroys Barizorg after finding out the transformation can't be undone so Sid's soul can finally rest in peace.
- The Quiet One
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Marvelous' red. (One of two)
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Goes on one against Zaien for the conversion of his old friend Sid into Barizorg and attempting to repeat the process on a great many humans. He pretty much goes Implacable Man against him and then destroys him with Sid's signature move.
- Rule of Cool
- The Stoic
- Sugar and Ice Guy
- Think Nothing of It: In #22, Joe goes above and beyond to help a boy fulfill a rather tall promise (getting from Tokyo to a nearby mountain entirely by bike to hang out with a friend), including using his Gokai Gun to save the boy from a troop of Gormin; afterwards, when Gai says that looking out for the kid was a very Super Sentai thing to do, Joe says it wasn't a big deal.
- With My Hands Tied: Not literally, but he often demonstrates a one-sword fencing style with his other sword tucked behind his back even though he's capable of Dual-Wielding.
- Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Joe ran from the Zangyack because he could not obey an order to slaughter a group of captive children.
Luka Millfy/Gokai Yellow | Actress: Mao Ichimichi[]

- Abhorrent Admirer: Shares one with Ahim with the Admirer being Trinoid #12 — Yatsudenwani in Gokaiger vs. Gavan.
- The Big Girl
- Cool Big Sis: Mostly towards Ahim, as shown in episode 23.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Once lived a life of poverty while taking care of several young children, explaining her intense desire for riches. #34 also reveals that she would use said riches to buy a planet where children like those she cared for that were orphaned by Zangyack could live in peace.
- Dead Little Sister
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dual-Wielding: When she trades her Gokai Gun for another crew member's Gokai Saber.
- Double Weapon: Done by joining the two Gokai Sabers together by the hilt.
- Epic Flail: She swings the Gokai Sabers by the wires built into them, Kratos-style.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: The Sanguine.
- Glass Cannon
- Gratuitous English: She seems to be the member of the team who likes it the most.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Atashi"
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Masculine Girl to Don's Feminine Boy.
- Money, Dear Boy: Her raison d'etre.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Ms. Vice Girl
- Ninja Maid: In episode 6.
- Not So Different: Between her and Moune in 199 Heroes, to the point where about half their lines in the movie are Spoken In Unison.
- Pirate Girl
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Luka, in 42's flashback, when she goes to see Don. And in general, on a lesser scale, between her past and the present.
- Ship Tease: She said Gai was "kinda cute" in episode 17. Her habit of pushing/shoving Don may also be taken this way by some. There's also some shiptease between Luka and Marvelous in episode 21, she was the only one who truly understood Marvelous' predicament. For the Les Yay fans, Luka and Ahim have slept on each other's shoulders and fed each other food several times.
- Something They Would Never Eat: In #42, the Monster of the Week impersonates Luka, but the rest of the team catches on when "she" eagerly eats broccoli at dinner, a food the real Luka absolutely despises.
- Shouldn't You Stop Stealing?
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Ahim's Girly Girl.
- Tsundere
- Unkempt Beauty: Was one of these in flashbacks to her past as a homeless street girl.
Don "Doc" Dogoier/Gokai Green | Actor: Kazuki Shimizu[]

- Abhorrent Admirer: Shares one with Joe in the form of a Creepy Crossdresser in #23 and both Shizuka and Kegalesia in Gokaiger Vs. Gavan.
- Adorkable
- Alliterative Name
- All Up to You: #43 will be his day in the sun, as Marvelous is taken to be executed and the rest of the team is missing.
- Banana Peel
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Bow Ties Are Cool
- Butt Monkey: Not even the Zangyack think he's worth their time. Subverted in this case as that lead to the "The Strongest Man in Space"'s downfall.
- And even in Gai's fantasy Gokaiger lineup, he's nonexistent.
- Combat Pragmatist: Once beat some Gormins by making them trip over his grappling hook wire as he was lying down!
- Confusion Fu: He runs on this when he has to fight. Lampshaded in #42 when Joe calls his fighting style "zany".
- Cowardly Lion: As a Running Gag, Don often hides behind other members of the team when threatened. Even Ahim. Possibly lampshaded in #42, where he transforms into Black Lion Rio — but still using his signature fighting style.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: In #42, Ahim reads a womens' magazine from space that says Don was a legendary hero who slew a planet-destroying dragon and disappeared mysteriously. He doesn't remember any of it. Doubly subverted, since while he made up the legendary hero article, he did prove himself worthy of a being a Gokaiger, as seen in #43.
- A Day in the Limelight: In a rather odd example, beyond his focus episodes, there's A Day of One Hero, a direct-to-DVD Mockumentary about Kazuki Shimizu playing Don and how it gets disrupted when a gun is found in his possessions.
- Easy Amnesia: He's apparently a legendary hero, but doesn't remember any of it. When the Gokaiger first met him the told them that the Zangyack Empire destroyed his homeworld because he was too embarrassed to admit that he didn't remember his own past. Turns out to be a subversion, as he fabricated the legendary hero article.
- Everyone Calls Him "Hakase": Before Gai joined, his real name was only mentioned once, during the enemy's review of the crew.
- Lampshaded in episode 18, where Don becomes confused and upset when Gai addresses him by his real name.
- #42 explains it in flashback; The original three hired Don to fix the Galleon's main computer, but the sight of the main cabin in total disarray inspired him to clean up the entire place single-handedly, prepare them an amazing meal, and then fix the computer by pressing a single button. The amazed Gokaigers invite Don to join their crew, but when he starts to give his name Marvelous stuffs a turkey leg in his mouth and declares that he's just gonna call him "Doc" from now on since he's "like a doctor".
- Expy: Maybe a coincidence but his lack of fighting skills and his cowardly demeanor are reminiscent of Ziggy
- And his fashion sense, general reluctance to fight and title of doctor bring to mind another character.
- He and Marvelous together are basically Simon and Kamina. Or maybe Gimmy and Simon post-Time Skip if ep. 15 is any indication.
- And his fashion sense, general reluctance to fight and title of doctor bring to mind another character.
- Fake Ultimate Hero: Subverted in which he himself made it up, instead of having anyone else do it for him.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: The Melancholic.
- Gadgeteer Genius: He invented the Gokai Galleon Buster, the "team bazooka", pretty much entirely by hand. [5]
- The flashback to his meeting the group in #42 showed him fixing the Galleon's computer by pressing a single button; his asking the others "Is this the only problem?" had the air of a tech support agent asking "Is the computer plugged in?"
- Goofy Print Underwear: In the flashback in #42, his pants get caught on a nail when he tries to run from Luka; for the record, he wears plaid boxers with an embroidered frog on the seat.
- Guns Akimbo: When he trades his Gokai Saber for another crew member's Gokai Gun.
- Hair of Gold: Not naturally so, but he does fit the character type.
- Obviously not natural for Kazuki Shimizu (whose hair is naturally dark), but Doc's hair is probably naturally that color. He is an alien, after all.
- I Gave My Word: In #42, flashbacks show how he met the others; Luka came to him (in disguise) to ask for help with the Galleon, but when he realized she was a Space Pirate he panicked and ran. But later that night he tracked down the Galleon, saying that though he's still scared, he promised to fix the ship and he always sees his jobs through to the end.
- Improbable Weapon User: He is really fond of using completely random objects in battle, ranging from pots and pans to a tree branch.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Boku"
- Kid Appeal Character
- Martial Pacifist
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Feminine Boy to Luka's Masculine Girl.
- Neat Freak: If the flashback in #42 is anything to go by.
- To be fair, the Gokai Galleon's crew was living in a Trash of the Titans before he came around.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Real Men Wear Pink: Often wears a pink dress shirt.
- Reluctant Warrior
- The Smart Guy: One of two. In his case, he's the team engineer.
- Team Chef: He is the ship's cook. #19 shows that he even tailor-makes his recipes to suit each crew member's needs.
- Token Good Teammate: As a pacifist, he's less bloodthirsty than the rest of the crew, even Ahim.
- Wrestler in All of Us: And during unmorphed fights for extra badass points!
- Case in point — his Episode 13 usage of the Figure Four Leg Lock on a Goumin...who fittingly enough, taps out. WHOOOOOOO!
- Special mention goes to the fight during episode 11, when he executes a Hurricanrana on a Gormin and lands on his feet (most people simply belly flop.)
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Has elements of a male version.
Ahim de Famille/Gokai Pink | Actress: Yui Koike[]

- Abhorrent Admirer: Shares one with Luka with the Admirer being Trinoid #12 — Yatsudenwani in Gokaiger vs. Gavan.
- Badass Princess
- Beware the Nice Ones: She may look sweet but puts up a hell of a fight in battle. She was also prepared to swindle her crewmates out of a large amount of money in order to help a guy who had attempted to kidnap her to pay off his debts.
- Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Gentle Girl to Joe's Brooding Boy.
- The Chick
- Dark and Troubled Past: Ahim's home planet was destroyed by the Zangyack and her parents were burned alive infront of her.
- Deceased Parents Are the Best: Ahim actually watched her parents get killed as her planet was conquered.
- The Ditz: A minor example combined with Cloudcuckoolander. While she's quite competent and sane, she does tend to go off-track on things that regular people find normal (such as high school), given her background as a princess.
- In #40, when flashing back to her first joining the crew, Luka describes Ahim as "my place", meaning she does things her own way, which makes her seem ditzy when compared to the others.
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Everything Sounds Sexier in French: Why else would she be called Ahim de Famille.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: The Supine.
- Fragile Speedster
- Guns Akimbo: When she trades her Gokai Saber for another crew member's Gokai Gun.
- And one time firing two guns with one hand. Simultaneously. The SH Figuarts action figure makes this Gokai Pink's exclusive prop.
- Gun Kata
- The Heart: Emphasized in a Flash Back in #41, where the Gokaiger observe that if she hadn't been around as a balancing influence they'd probably have broken up due to infighting long ago.
- Hidden Depths: The premise of #29.
- Hope Bringer: Her motivation for joining the Gokaigers was to become this for the survivors of her homeworld.
- Japanese Honorifics: "-san". She was the only member of the team to use them before Gai joined.
- Japanese Pronouns: A rare instance of "watakushi". Sometimes switches to the less formal "watashi".
- Joke Item: The Abare Pink Key Emiri gives her in #29. While it does allow Ahim to transform, it doesn't include any powers.
- Keigo: Which owes to her pronoun of choice.
- Last Of Her Kind: Ahim is possibly the last survivor of the Planet Famille which was destroyed by the Zangyack.
- #41 has confirmed that there are other survivors scattered across the universe but her entire family is indeed gone.
- The Load: Noteworthy of having already been Defied. As mentioned in earlier tropes, she was useless when first joined the team, but she trained hard into what she became by episode #1.
- Of course, it was averted anyway. While she might have been ineffective in battle, during the rest of their day-to-day lives, her ability to be peacemaker was crucial in keeping the other Gokaigers from killing each other.
- The Ojou: Type one.
- Panty Shot: Before she changes during the fight in Episode 11. No Magic Skirt for this princess.
- Plucky Girl: Flashbacks in #41 show that she wasn't good at anything at first: she got knocked on her butt by the recoil of the Gokai Gun, couldn't lift the Gokai Sabre, flooded the Galleon with suds while doing the laundry, and couldn't even interact with the others due to her sheltered upbringing. Obviously she stuck it out long enough to become the Badass Princess we know and love.
- Princess Curls: Even when her hair is in a ponytail.
- Princesses Prefer Pink
- Reverse Grip: Only Gokaiger to use it frequently.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: In #41, the Monster of the Week is the Zangyack Imperial Guard who destroyed her homeworld and killed her parents. Right in front of her. When she sees him this ep she goes Attack! Attack! Attack!, even throwing Joe and Gai aside when they try to stop her. Later, when she has the others helping her, she gives him a royal beatdown with their help, even launching the killing blow with the Gokai Galleon Buster, complete with an And This Is For speech.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Though she didn't start out as such, her backstory in #41 reveals that she became a pirate in order to get the Zangyack Empire's attention and thus be put on Wanted posters, and thus serve as an example to the survivors of her planet that she was taking a stand against them.
- Spoiled Sweet: She's rich, but extremely kind and gracious.
- Token Good Teammate: She's the only one who's still recognisably the same person in Gai's vision of the team.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Luka's Tomboy.
- Took a Level In Badass: As shown in episode 41, she wasn't even able to hold a sword or fire a gun when she first asked to join the Gokaigers. Now she's as capable of a fighter as the rest of the team.
- Trademark Favorite Drink: Tea
- Yamato Nadeshiko
- You Are Not Alone: She insists on taking on the monster who destroyed her home planet and killed her parents all by herself, but the others assure her of this.
Gai Ikari/Gokai Silver | Actor: Junya Ikeda[]

- The Ace: As all of them are.
- All Your Powers Combined: His Super Mode is formed from the power of the previous Sixth Rangers, and he has the ability to fuse other Ranger Keys together to create combined forms such as Go-On Wings and Gokai Christmas.
- Ascended Fanboy: In and Out universe example. Gai is a fan of Super Sentai, same goes with the actor Junya Ikeda, who is a big Super Sentai fan. The fanboy part normally shows up anytime he encounters a member of a past Sentai. He actually flips when he is the only one of the team members to not see Gai Yuuki in #28.
- Badass Adorable: His hyperactive fanboy tendencies might have turned some fans off, but watch him and try not to smile any time he geeks out over a previous Sentai member (or even better, his bouncing around singing "Jingle Bells.") Now realize that he can switch from that to absolutely laying waste to the Zangyack so quick it's staggering.
- Badass Boast: His response to Marvelous asking him if he really wants to face the Zangyack. He states he's going to smash the Zangyack and bring peace to the universe. The rest of the Gokaiger are very impressed by the guts it takes to say something like this, as the Zangyack rule most of the universe and took an entire Badass Army of Sentai to beat last time.
- Badass Normal: More or less. He is the only human amongst aliens and while the other Gokaigers have about 34 Ranger Keys each, he only has fifteen Ranger Keys. Interesting to note, he defeated a bunch of gormins and an action commander without using a Gokai Change. (granted he didn't have any other keys but it was still cool.)
- Battle Cry: "Let's do it ecstatically!" [6]
- Butt Monkey: In the movies (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger the Movie The Flying Ghost Ship and Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger vs. Space Sheriff Gavan the Movie) Gai really gets treated badly by the other Gokaigers, especially in the latter.
- Big No: He lets one out any time the other Gokaigers mix up Sentai teams, which usually leaves him the odd one out of a full lineup.
- Chrome Champion: He's the third silver ranger in an anniversary series, right up there with Gao Silver and Bouken Silver
- Determinator: It earned him his spot on the Gokai Galleon in #18.
- In #32, he pulls a Big Damn Heroes moment in the mecha battle with a broken arm!
- Dual-Wielding: Does this with the Rocket Daggers every time he brings out the Go-On Wings key.
- Early-Bird Cameo: In the 199 Hero Great Battle film.
- Expy: An overeager, hammy and extremely excited metallic colored warrior who wants to join the main team while they are a little wary of recruiting him? Sounds just like Genta to me!
- Finishing Move: Each of his Gokai Spear's modes have a different Final Wave finisher.
- Spear Mode: Gokai Shooting Star [7]
- Gun Mode: Gokai Supernova [8]
- Anchor Mode: Two variations:
- Gokai Legendream: Gokai Silver summons energy duplicates of Mega Silver, Bouken Silver, Gao Silver, Gosei Knight, the Go-On Wings, and Magi Shine, who fire energy bullets. The bullets turn into Deka Break, Kiba Ranger, Shurikenger, Time Fire, Abare Killer, Dragon Ranger, Shinken Gold, and King Ranger. They each slash the enemy once, followed by Gokai Silver dashing in for a combo slash to finish it off.
- Gokai Legend Crash: Gokai Silver performs a series of slash attacks, accompanied by ghost images of the Sixth Rangers.
- Fusion Dance: A different take on this trope. Gai has a unique ability to merge Ranger Keys together. He's done this with the Go-on Wings keys to make a half and half Ranger. He has done the same with Gokai Green and Red for a Christmas themed Ranger. And his Gold Mode uses the fused keys of the previous fifteen sixth Rangers.
- Genre Savvy: Probably the most justified case in this series, given that he's a fanboy.
- Episode 20, when Navi gives the next clue. He easily figured out the clue was refering to Gingaman.
- In #22, he shares his savvy by having a bunch of Super Sentai factbooks printed up for the other Gokaiger, so they can find all the mission-critical information easily even if he's not around. However, #31 shows the others haven't been studying, since the answer to Navi's "skateboarding lion" message (Yellow Lion) was in the books, as Gai helpfully points out.
- Hot-Blooded: He's very energetic and passionate about everything, pretty much all the time. From takoyaki, to world peace conferences, to grocery shopping. He regularly gets called out on it.
- Japanese Honorifics: "-san", like Ahim.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore"
- The Knight Who Says Squee
- Large Ham
- Lethal Joke Character
- Meaningful Name: The kanji of his given name can also be read as "Yoroi", meaning "armor", while his surname means "anchor". "Anchor Armor" is exactly what Gold Mode is.
- Mr. Exposition: provides the Gokaigers with information regarding the Sentai alumni.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Is mildly annoyed when Sosuke calls him Yoroi (an alternate reading of his name's kanji, see Meaningful Name).
- New Transfer Student: As he explained in #40, his parents moved around a lot so he was constantly transferring schools; his determination to talk to everyone he knew despite not being able to stay for long is why he has lots of friends.
- No Sense of Personal Space: Gai has an annoying habit of grabbing onto a fellow Ranger (usually Marvelous or Joe) whenever a guest Sentai warrior appears.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Wears pink trousers and, in the OP sequence, a bright pink shirt.
- Red Baron: Navi referred to him as the "Awesome Silver Man."
- Sixth Ranger
- The Smart Guy: One of two. In his case, he's the Super Sentai expert.
- Squee: His fanboy side really comes out whenever he meets a member of a past Sentai.
- Super Mode: Gold Mode
- Swiss Army Prong: Gokai Spear
- Blade on a Stick: Standard mode.
- Ray Gun: Gun Mode.
- Anchors Away: Anchor Mode, but it can only be accessed when Gai uses Gold Mode.
- Team Chef: Seems to have joined Don in this role.
- Token Good Teammate: It sort of comes with being a fanboy.
- The Worf Effect: Played very straight in #31 where Basco breaks his arm.
- Catch Phrase: "I'm not a bird!" and "Let's treasure navigate!"
- The Chew Toy: Regularly manhandled by the Gokaigers, especially Marvelous.
- Circling Birdies: A common side effect of repeated concussive predictions. Sometimes they're even tiny circling Navis!
- Cool Gate: Becomes one after the Greater Powers are finally collected, to lead the Gokaigers to their treasure.
- Feather Fingers: He even has opposable thumbs!
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Gives one to Don in #43 as he moped for not being able to save Marvelous and the others.
- Gunship Rescue: just when the Zangyack Fleet was about to annihilate the Earth, Navi shows up in Basco's Free Joker. Bizarrely enough, this act was enough to turn the tide of battle around, since Marvelous and Gai would soon use that to storm the Gigant Horse.
- Mr. Exposition
- Mythology Gag: Tends to repeat phrases from past Sentai
- Pirate Parrot
- Poke in the Third Eye: Inverted. 'Correct' predictions only come about after some head trauma.
- Robot Buddy
- Verbal Tic: Kitaneidas' "zoyo" for some reason.
- All There in the Manual: The official website says that it has vulcans in its helmet, and those silver circles on its "shoulders"[9] are beam cannons. These only come into play in Dice-O, where GokaiOh's Finishing Move is an Alpha Strike.
- Combining Mecha
- Composite Character: Gao Lion turns into the parts for Shinken GokaiOh, thanks to its red, fire-elemental lion shape matching up with Shinkenger's Shishi Origami.
- Likewise, the Gokaiger power also allows GokaiOh to combine with GoZyuJin.
- Demoted to Extra: The ones that can't be made into toys have only been used once each.
- Subverted in #50, where the team pulls out a bunch of previous one-time powers like the Geki Beasts, Gosei Headders, and Variblune during their fight with the Zangyack invasion fleet.
- Detachment Combat: Most of the Grand Power forms can eject the add-on mecha, which attacks independently for GokaiOh.
- Dragon Rider: Gokaiger vs. Gavan shows Kanzen GokaiOh riding on top of Gavan's own dragon mecha, Denshi Seijuu Dol.
- Elemental Powers
- Making a Splash: GoGo-V's Grand Power makes GokaiOh sprout water cannons, which it uses to put out Basco's Firedroid.
- Playing with Fire: Magi GokaiOh and Shinken GokaiOh shoot fire from their animal chests.
- Evil Twin: The Big Bad of The Flying Ghost Ship has his own GokaiOh, which has a pointer hat, a cape, and a hook in place of its left hand.
- Finishing Move: Gokai Starburst [10]
- Mecha Greater Power finishers:
- Magi GokaiOh: Gokai Magi Bind [11]
- Deka GokaiOh (1): Gokai Full Blast [12]
- Deka GokaiOh (2): Gokai PAT Strike [13]
- Gao GokaiOh: Gokai Animal Heart [14]
- Shinken GokaiOh: Gokai Samurai Giri [15]
- Goran GokaiOh: Gokai Hurricane Cassiopeia [16]
- Hurricane GokaiOh (1): Gokai Mugen Shuriken [17]
- Hurricane GokaiOh (2): Gokai Furai Attack [18]
- GoZyu GokaiOh (1): Gokai Dengeki Drill Spin
- GoZyu GokaiOh (2): Gokai Rex Drill
- Go-On GokaiOh: Gokai Go-On Grand Prix [19]
- Kanzen GokaiOh: Gokai Kanzen Burst [20]
- Kanzen GokaiOh, Magi Dragon, PAT Striker, Gao Lion, and Furaimaru: Gokai Kanzen Super Burst [21]
- Unnamed: In The Flying Ghost Ship, the team uses the appropriate Ranger Keys to summon Variblune, Magi Dragon, PAT Striker, Geki Tiger, and the Dragon Headder, which fly at the enemy.
- Non-mecha Greater Power finishers:
- Gekiranger: Gokai Great Geki-Geki Beasts [22]
- Carranger: Gokai Radical Racing Slash [23]
- Goseiger: Gokai All Headder Great Charge [24]
- Boukenger: Gokai Adventure Drive [25]
- GoGo-V (1): Victory Splash [26]
- GoGo-V (2): Gokai Prominence [27]
- Liveman: Super Big Burst [28]
- Dairanger: Gokai GoZyu Kiryoku Bomber [29]
- Kakuranger: Summons an enlarged version of Ninjaman.
- Changeman: Gokai Power Bazooka [30]
- Maskman: Gokai Aura Galaxy [31]
- Dynaman: Gokai Super Dynamite [32]
- Jetman: Gokai Jet Phoenix [33]
- Mecha Greater Power finishers:
- Flight: Gains the power to fly when using Magiranger or Goranger's Grand Powers.
- Go-On GokaiOh can also fly when Machalcon switches to Hover Mode.
- Humongous Mecha
- Joke Item: Carranger's Great Power is treated this way, at least by Navi.
- Le Parkour: According to the website, Deka GokaiOh can wall-run.
- Mecha Expansion Pack: Several of the Grand Powers provide this, all of which are mecha from past series.
- Magiranger: Magi Dragon
- Dekaranger: PAT Striker
- Gaoranger: Gao Lion (doubles as Shinken GokaiOh)
- Goranger: Variblune
- Hurricaneger: Furaimaru
- Abaranger: The arms of GojyuJin.
- Go-onger: Engine Machalcon
- Nice Hat: Puts it on at the end of the combination sequence. Shinken GokaiOh has a samurai helmet instead.
- And now Furaimaru gives GokaiOh a facemask with wing elements on it's sides. Doubles as a Call Back since Senpuujin's helmet had the same touch.
- Kanzen Gokaioh gets a larger pirate hat with the swords sticking out each side of the hat.
- One Mecha Army: In the first episode proves capable of obliterating an entire Zangyack fleet in a matter of minutes. Once all the Great Powers are unlocked, it manages to destroy a large portion of a Zangyack fleet bigger than the one from the Legend War by itself, destroying the entire fleet with help from GoZyuJin and the Legend Mecha. To put that in perspective, an entire army of Sentai Mecha had difficulty dealing with the previous fleet and still had to sacrifice their powers to destroy it.
- Our Centaurs Are Different: Gao GokaiOh is a centauroid mecha, and it resembles Gao Kentaurus.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Any Grand Power mecha formation that is introduced in a two-parter becomes this until the next one. However, subverted in later episodes as all the Legend Mecha are summoned quite frequently.
- Travel Cool: The individual Gokai Machines.
- Cool Ship: Gokai Galleon and Gokai Marine.
- Cool Plane: Gokai Jet
- Cool Car: Gokai Trailer and Gokai Racer.
- Weapon of Choice
- Anatomy Arsenal
- Arm Cannon: The Power Energy Cannons mounted in the noses of Joe's Gokai Jet and Don's Gokai Racer.
- Chest Blaster: The Gokai Ho, used for the Gokai Star Burst finisher. As Magi or Shinken GokaiOh, it can shoot fire breath from the animal mouth on its chest.
- Power Fist: Kanzen GokaiOh's left hand, which can also shoot the Kanzen Missiles from its fingers, and become a Rocket Punch for its finisher.
- BFS: Two formations, both of which are used for their Finishing Moves:
- Shinken GokaiOh: Summons a Rekka Daizanto.
- Goran GokaiOh: Merges and enlarges the Gokaiken.
- Double Weapon: Shinken GokaiOh docks its two Gokaiken onto a long handle, turning it into a double-ended naginata.
- Dual-Wielding: Uses two giant cutlasses called Gokaiken.
- Energy Weapons: A set of eight beam cannons on the shoulders, which are only ever used in Dice-O.
- Fuuma Shuriken: Hurricane GokaiOh with the Shushutto Shuriken Chain.
- Guns Akimbo: Deka GokaiOh uses parts of the Pat Striker as dual guns.
- Point Defenseless: The standard GokaiOh helmet has vulcans.
- This Is a Drill: Two formations:
- GoZyu GokaiOh: Uses GojyuJin's arms to mimic the original AbarenOh finisher.
- Kanzen GokaiOh: The Kanzen Drill.
- Anatomy Arsenal
- Breath Weapon: GoZyuRex's GoZyu Laser.
- Combining Mecha: Combining its arms with GokaiOh can form GoZyu GokaiOh, the true manifestation of the Abaranger Great Power. It can also combine with GokaiOh and Machalcon to form Kanzen (Complete) GokaiOh.
- Composite Character: Represents the Grand Powers of Timeranger, Zyuranger, and Abaranger all by itself.
- Finishing Move: GoZyu Triple Drill Dream [34]
- GoZyuJin + Abare Killer Key: Gokai Dengeki Drill Spin
- GoZyuJin + Black Knight Key: GoZyu Fierce Cut [35]
- Wing GoZyuJin: Gokai Spartan [36]
- Homage: GoZyuRex borrows heavily from Godzilla, just like Dragon Caesar.
- Its tail drill is pure Dragon Caesar, but its body shape is much more like that of the Tyrannosaurus Shugoju.
- One Mecha Army: Manages to, along with Gokai-Oh and the Legend Mecha, completely destroy a Zangyack invasion fleet bigger than the one from the Legend War, which took an entire army of Sentai Mecha and then the Super Sentai sacrificing their powers to destroy.
- Power Gives You Wings: GoZyuJin gains the Mega Winger's wings through the Megaranger's Greater Power.
- Time Travel: It travels back in time from the year 3000 every time Gokai Silver needs it. In the Timeranger tribute episode, Domon tells them to use the Time Yellow Key, which lets them go back one year to the timeframe of Epic on Ginmaku.
- Transforming Mecha: A three-way transformer.
- Cool Ship: GoZyuDrill
- Humongous Mecha: GoZyuJin
- Tyrannosaurus Rex: GoZyuRex
- Weapon of Choice
- Energy Weapons: GoZyuDrill's GoZyu Cannons.
- This Is a Drill: Its primary weapon in all three forms.
- Swiss Army Weapon: In GoZyuJin mode, the drill can split into a trident or turn into a shield. [37]
Engine Machalcon | Voice Actor: Hiroaki Hirata[]
Engine no. 13, the son of Speedor and BearRV. A hybrid of a falcon and an F1 racecar, he ultimately helps the Gokaigers completely unlock the Go-Onger Greater Power. He also combines with both GokaiOh and GoZyuJin using the Gokaigers' own Greater Power into Kanzen (Complete) GokaiOh.
- Desperately Looking for a Purpose In Life: The reason for his behavior on Engine World.
- Flying Car: Like his father.
- Hot-Blooded
- Original Generation: To the other Engines. Contrast with the other Legend Mecha, which more or less returned (or were Expies of) from their original series.
- Our Centaurs Are Different: When combined with GokaiOh into Go-On GokaiOh.
- Spin Offspring: Of Speedor and BearRV. Don't think too hard about it.
- Verbal Tic: "Bari bari!"
Space Empire Zangyack[]
Emperor Akudos Gill | Voice Actor: Shinji Ogawa[]
- Authority Equals Asskicking: He manages to completely fend off Marvelous and Gai's attacks at the same time while sitting down. It takes Gai using Gold Mode to force him out of his chair. Obviously you don't get to be the Zangyack Emperor for nothing.
- Bad Boss
- Bigger Bad: Until #41, where he becomes the Big Bad.
- Boring but Practical: He doesn't have any amazing fancy abilities — just a Sword Beam, fireball launchers in his shoulders, and excellent sword skills. He still gives the Gokaiger quite a run for their money.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: When he arrives in #41 and sees how the Gokaiger are strong enough to have held off the fleet so far, he says to hell with the Monster of the Week thing and starts preparing for a full-scale invasion. While MOTWs still show up, Akudos doesn't have anything to do with them.
- Death of a Thousand Cuts: What his demise amounts to. He can shrug off most of the Gokaiger's attacks easily, even Finishing Moves, but they just keep up the onslaught until he finally gets worn down enough to finish off.
- Evil Laugh: Gives a pretty nice one in #50.
- Famous Last Words: "Damn you, space pirates!!"
- Foreshadowing: The Zangyack coat-of-arms has his visage. In #34 we get a close-up of what Zagin bills look like, which also have his face on them. Warz's flashback in #37 shows him on screen, though obscured by lighting, for the first time.
- Four-Star Badass: In the finale, he finally gets off his throne...and proceeds to beat down Marvelous and Gai in Gold Mode.
- Galactic Conqueror: Pretty much rules most of the universe at this point.
- Knight of Cerebus: A stark contrast to his son, he's serious, Dangerously Genre Savvy, and quite frightening to look at.
- Last Villain Stand: After the Gokaiger destroy the rest of his fleet, his Dragon, and his flagship (with him in it), he challenges the Gokaigers to one final battle.
- Orcus on His Throne: All he's done so far are give orders. Gets up during the finale.
- Of course, during the finale, he easily deflects Marvelous and Gai's attacks at the same time while he's still sitting on his throne.
- Rasputinian Death: He survives: Being trapped in the Gigant Horse as it blows up; being pinned to the main console as it blows up; getting hit by a Gokai Supernova & Slash; getting hit with the powers of every single Super Sentai plus a Gokai Legend Crash; an attack by the six Gokaiger all in Super Modes; and a brand-new Final Wave, the Gokai Shooting Slash. After all that, it takes the team literally shoving the Galleon Buster into his gut and firing it point-blank to kill him. You can definitely understand why they didn't think he was gone at first.
- Slouch of Villainy
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: the Gokaigers lay the beatdown on him using an assortment of keys from practically all the Super Sentai teams, before being finally finished off with a point-blank Gokai Rising Strike.
- Villainous Breakdown: Begins to undergo this when the final battle begins to turn against him, but really undergoes this after Gokai Silver slices his sword in half.
- This Cannot Be!: "Impossible! I am the ruler of all the universe, the Zangyack Emperor, Akudos Gill!" Marvelous' response: "You can whine about it to your son in the afterlife!"
- Wrecked Weapon: Gai's Legendary Crush breaks his sword in half.
- You Have Failed Me: His first action upon taking command is to have Damaras beaten and imprisoned for failing to protect Warz Gill.
Warz Gill | Voice Actor: Hirofumi Nojima[]
- Alien Blood: His is blue.
- Stealth Pun: So Blue Bloods bleed blue apparently.
- Bad Boss: He often hits and kicks the Gormin when something goes wrong.
- He is also not above using suicide bombers or turning Sid Bamick into a cyborg.
- Big Bad: Until his demise in #38.
- Blue Blood: Figuratively and literally, as we learn in episode 11 after getting shot by Captain Marvelous.
- Dirty Coward: He gets shot once and runs crying. Gets better in the end.
- Disc One Final Boss
- Eye Beams: The trailers for Kamen Rider X Super Sentai Super Hero Taisen show that he has these.
- General Failure: One gets the very strong impression his position is purely because he's the Zangyack Emperor's son. He proves this wrong occasionally, however, as he is capable of conceiving of brilliant plans later in the series.
- #37 reveals that the Emperor did send him as commander because the Super Sentai were Brought Down to Normal, thus Earth would be easier to conquer. Incidentally, he proceeds to get Not So Harmless right after revealing he knew this the entire time.
- Humongous Mecha: Gets one called Great Warz as a gift from his father in #37. It lasts up until its destruction in #38.
- Killed Off for Real: In #38. And in case you aren't convinced, the next episode's first scene is of a front page in a space newspaper with the headline reading in big bold letters that he's dead.
- Large Ham
- Laughably Evil: While he can get some nasty plans that even makes Damaras disgusted, he still can't escape from his childish, sometimes hilarious, antics.
- Minor Injury Overreaction: In #11, his hand gets grazed by a shot from Marvelous and starts getting hysterical. Not much of a surprise, really...
- Not So Harmless: In #37, his dad sends him the Great Warz. He instantly tells Damaras off, having been aware the entire time Damaras was playing babysitter for him and playing dumb. He then successfully lures the Gokaiger into his trap and proceeds to effortlessly curbstomp them with the Great Warz. Even more impressive, he'd memorized Machalcon's attacks and dodged them!
- Obfuscating Stupidity: #37 reveals he was playing dumb at least part of the time, as he knew Damaras was sent by his dad to be his babysitter. Considering he effectively lures the Gokaigers into a trap and had the foresight to prepare for Machalcon's attacks in preperation for the battle once he actually had the power to do something about it, he might not be nearly as stupid as he seemed...
- Overlord, Jr.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Flies into one after Barizorg is killed. Unfortunately for him, it leads to his demise.
- Smug Snake: Deliberately turns down an intelligent strategy in episode 9 purely to massage his own ego.
- Spoiled Brat: He behaves like an angry five year old when he doesn't get his way.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy
- We Have Reserves
Damaras | Voice Actor: Kouji Ishii[]
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Now that he finally fight on the battlefield directly, he shows why he is the commander of the Zangyack army by owning both Basco in his true form and all the Gokaigers.
- Avenging the Villain: His goal before his death.
- Badass: Let's just say there's a reason he's called the strongest man in the universe.
- Breaking the Bonds: he was a prisoner until #42, as soon as he was given by the emperor a second chance at the Gokaigers' heads, he not only does this, but destroys his cell as well. In other words, he could break out any time he wanted to.
- The Comically Serious: not really prominent, but there was episode 24, where he's left in charge of the air-headed Monster of the Week...and let's not even get to his singing voice.
- Commander Contrarian: Ultimately subverted; while Warz (and the audience) suspected Damaras thanks to his actions in several episodes, he really was loyal and acted out of concern for Warz's well-being.
- Cool Sword: Has one, which suspiciously looks like Kamen Rider OOO's Medalijabur.
- The Dragon
- Dragon-in-Chief: Damaras is far more competent than Warz Gill, who frequently ignores his useful advice.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He's genuinely disgusted by Warz Gill's plan to use an action commander as a suicide bomb in episode 17.
- Four-Star Badass: He's a Zangyack General and is called "The Strongest Man in Space". In #42, he fights the Gokaiger head-on and proves that he deserves the name.
- Gatling Good: Attached to his Badass Cape.
- Genre Savvy
- Killed Off for Real: As of #43.
- Never Got to Say Goodbye: A variation. Warz dies believing that Damaras hated him and thought him a fool; it turns out he was wrong and Damaras was loyal, but Warz never gave him the chance to explain.
- Only Sane Man: He's the only one among the Zangyack command who seems to be taking the conquest of Earth seriously and often calls Warz Gill's plans out for being stupid.
- Rasputinian Death: Both times! The first time he gets hit by a Final Wave from Gokai Red and Gokai Green, a Red Charge Rising Strike, and then a Green Charge Rising Strike. After growing to giant size, he gets hit by the individual attacks of each of the Legend Mecha and then with the Gokai Kanzen Super Burst. For the record, just the last one would probably normally be considered overkill!
- Red Baron: Known as the "Strongest High Ranked Soldier".
- And "The Strongest Man in Space".
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: In #42, he's given the chance to get revenge for Warz Gill's death. The first thing he does is track down Basco and (after kicking his ass) tell him "You're going to help me get those pirates or else". The second thing he does is completely and totally own all six Gokaiger at the same time. The episode ends with him dragging Marvelous off, saying that he'll suffer a thousand times the humiliation Damaras suffered for Warz's death.
- Sword Beam: Seems to be his main method of attack
Insarn | Voice Actress: Kikuko Inoue[]
- Dark Chick
- Evil Genius
- Killed Off for Real: In #49 at the hands of the Gokaigers.
- Make My Monster Grow: She invented the Monster Grower machine. Ironically, she doesn't have this happen to her, using a giant mecha first, then facing the Gokaigers personally after its destroyed. She just gets destroyed by the Gokaigers but isn't grown.
- The Smurfette Principle
- Whip It Good: Of the energy whip variety.
Barizorg | Voice Actor: Gaku Shindo[]
- Brainwashed and Crazy: He was subverted into an obedient cyborg after rebelling against Zangyack
- The Brute
- Catch Phrase: "Yes, Boss."
- Cool Sword: A nasty-looking three-bladed one, too.
- Cybernetics Eat Your Soul
- Evil Former Friend: Sid was Joe's mentor and friend when both were still a part of Zangyack.
- A Fate Worse Than Death: Sid's transformation was revealed to be irreversible in #30.
- Killed Off for Real: In #38, by Joe, no less.
- Master Swordsman
- Was Once a Man
- Yes-Man: To the point in which his catchphrase is "Yes, Boss."
Dogormin, Sugormin and Gormin[]
- Mecha-Mooks: The Gormin
- Elite Mooks/ Mook Lieutenant: The Sugormin
- Praetorian Guard: the Dogormin, on the other hand, are bodyguards to the Zangyack Emperor himself and are stronger than the average Action Commander.
- Transforming Mecha: Sugormin turn into combat aircraft, and as of #9, bikes.
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: Dogormin are basically Sugormin colored red and with functioning hands.
- Real Life Writes the Plot: The reason you only ever see three Sugormin at once (except in scenes that use greenscreening) is because Toei only had three suits made. The same is apparently true for the Dogormin, who only appear in pairs.
Dailando and Zatsurig[]
- Attack Its Weak Point: Zatsurig's third eye.
- Co-Dragons: To Akdos Gil for one episode. Zatsurig is killed shortly afterwards, leaving Dailando as the remaining Dragon, a position that is further solidified after Damaras bites it.
- Drop the Hammer: Dailando like anything.
- Eye Scream: The Gokaigers decided that, if they ever stand a chance against Zatsurig, they have to destroy the source of his powers first.
- A God Am I: Zatsurig claims to be viewed as a "God of Destruction" throughout the universe.
- Gratuitous English: Dailando uses a fair bit of it.
- Informed Ability: Dailando is supposedly the more powerful of the two, but hasn't really done anything to prove it save for his hammer.
- He spends the final episode facing off with Joe, Don, Luka and Ahim and though he puts up a good fight he still goes down with even less of a fight than Zatsurig did.
- Japanese Pronouns: Dailando uses mii/yuu
- Smug Snake: Both of them.
- Squishy Wizard: Zatsurig. While he was able to destroy entire planets, once his third eye was destroyed, he proved no match for the Gokaigers.
- Superpower Lottery: Zatsurig has an eye on his chest that grants him Game Breaker powers.
- Verbal Tic: Dailando's "choichoichoi" borders on this.
- Villainous Breakdown: Dailando's cheery Smug Snake persona finally slips after the Gokaigers return and utterly demolish his army, leaving him dumbfounded as to where their newfound power comes from and actually cursing them.
Basco ta Jolokia | Actor: Kei Hosogai[]
- Alien Blood: It's green.
- Badass Normal: As shown in episode 20, he can fight evenly with a transformed Marvelous without the Ranger Keys.
- Turns out he's not so normal in episode 31. His true form is a monstrous body covered in red armor, with enough power to own the Gokaigers singlehandedly.
- Big Bad Wannabe: Is a very big threat on his own, but the Zangyack Empire is still the biggest threat around. Even after he breaks ties with them, he's still defeated before they are.
- Catch Phrase: Tends to say "Yoroshikuu~!" and "Jaa ne!" to our heroes a lot — it helps that Kei Hosogai's Surprisingly Good English tends to leak into his Japanese accent, making his delivery stand out more.
- Char Clone: Channels Char's characteristics as opposed to Marvelous's Amuro? Working with the badguys? Double check. Has a red monster form? Definitely that's a check!
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Betrays AkaRed and the Red Pirates, and will probably betray everyone else for his own gain. He also betrays and literally backstabs Damaras, which contributes to the latter's demise and also severing his ties with the Zangyack.
- In #47, he betrays his only friend left, Sally.
- The Dandy: While all the space pirates have a unique sense of fashion, the hat and feathers make Basco look a little flouncy even compared to the others. Also, while he isn't exactly averse to a battle, he does tend to let Sally and the droids do most of the heavy lifting.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Anticipated the Gokaiger's Air Vent Passageway escape, and didn't buy Luka's Fake Defector act for a second.
- Dirty Coward: He himself states that he doesn't like playing by the rules.
- Elemental Powers: What his Giant Battle Pseudo-Lifeforms are based on. In chronological order:
- Making a Splash: Liquidroid Wateru.
- Lunacy: Moonroid Tsukki.
- Playing with Fire: Fireroid Meran.
- Green Thumb: Woodroid Moririn.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Soilroid Dororin.
- Holy Hand Grenade: Sunroid Solar.
- Chrome Champion: Goldroid Geronpa.
- Enemy Summoner: He can creates clones of any ranger with his trumpet by using their Ranger Keys.
- Equivalent Exchange: His personal philosophy is "You can't gain something without giving something else up". He gave up his friends in the Red Pirates in order to work with Zangyack, and later sacrificed Sally in order to steal the Galleon, Ranger Keys, and Navi.
- Evil Counterpart: He's pretty much Marvelous without morality, honor, or trust in anyone.
- Evil Former Friend: To Marvelous — he betrayed the Red Pirates to the Zangyack.
- Evil Is Petty: In addition to his dirty tricks on his sleeve, Basco is an utter dick when he does.
- Expy: Through his fighting style, near trolling tendencies and the nature of the show, it's easy to say he's one to Kaitou/Kamen Rider Diend. However, unlike Daiki, he's quite devoid of redeeming qualities.
- Faux Affably Evil: He may show empathy in his mannerisms, as well as him using the pet name "Marvy-chan" for Marvelous. But trust us, Basco's anything BUT a nice guy.
- Fifth Ranger: To the Four Bad Band, as well as being able to literally summon Sixth Rangers.
- Gotta Catch Them All: He succeeded in finding the Sixth Ranger keys that the Gokaigers were missing. He also has the Extra Hero keys as well. He's now attempting to track down the Great Powers as well (he has about five that we know of).
- Hannibal Lecture: In #48, he tells Marvelous that Aka Red didn't care about the Greatest Treasure in the Universe, he just wanted to give the Ranger powers back to the Earthlings so they could protect that Insignificant Little Blue Planet, and he risked their lives to do so. He says "I didn't betray the Red Pirates, it was Aka Red who was going to betray us from the start. Marvelous retorts that he doesn't care, he's a Gokaiger, and anyone who gets in the way of their dreams is going down — even if it's Aka Red.
- Hate Sink: Basco is by any means a nasty piece of work. He is more willing to take anyone and anything for granted to achieve his own goals. He would go so far to even harm innocent children and kill his own Morality Pet, Sally for that matter.
- Human Aliens: Subverted. His true form is a Zangyack-like monster.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: In his final duel with Marvelous, what ends up saving Marvelous's life is... a piece of the bomb necklace that he had put on Sally as part of his Batman Gambit in the previous episode. Granted that Basco was already pretty much dead at that point, but it prevented the Goukaiger's victory from turning pyrrhic.
- Marvelous used Basco's own sword to pin him down for the final blow as well.
- I Am Not Left-Handed: After losing his keys to the Gokaigers a second time, he reveals his true form, a form that, according to his claims, scared even Akared. There's a reason why he had a 3 million Zagin bounty on his head, and it's not because he cooked meals for the Red Pirates.
- It's All About Me: This pretty much defines him. He's willing to do just about anything to get what he wants.
- I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure: Holds Joe, Don, Ahim and Luka hostage for the Ranger Keys.
- Karmic Death: He made a habit of betraying everyone who ever worked with him...And both his attempts to kill Marvelous were thwarted due to Sally betraying him, allowing Marvelous to finish him off.
- Killed Off for Real: By Captain Marvelous in episode 48.
- Knight of Cerebus: He's the first villain to truly give the Gokaigers a hard time, and he's more brutal and underhanded than anything the Zangyack had thrown at the Gokaigers so far. So, plots that involve him have a higher degree of seriousness than the ones where the pirates go against the Zangyack.
- Lack of Empathy: Has absolutely no compassion for anyone except himself.
- 39, however, shows he does have some degree of sympathy towards Sally, when he saves it from being finished off by Gokai Red and Gokai Silver. Though that may have simply been Pragmatic Villainy, considering he can't summon his Monsters of the Week without her.
- #47 confirms the latter, where he flat-out blows up Sally in a Batman Gambit.
- Marionette Master: Can summon the physical forms of the past Sixth Rangers.
- No Body Left Behind: After being killed by Marvelous, his body vanishes into red smoke.
- Near Villain Victory: Manages to defeat the Gokaiger, steal all their Ranger Keys, steal their home base, and come very close to getting the Greatest Treasure In The Universe. If it weren't for Navi delaying him and alerting the Gokaigers to his location, he would've won.
- Oh Crap: Has this reaction for the first time when his Gokaiger Ranger Key clones are revealed to be the real ones, now with their guns pointed right at him. He has another one later on when Marvelous turns out to be alive, meaning he's not only dead, he failed to take Marvelous with him.
- One-Winged Angel: Reveals that he can transform into an armoured creature not unlike the Zangyack, and utterly curb stomps the Gokaigers
- Pet the Dog: Shows concern for Sally and even blocks a Final Wave meant for him/her/it. Though it's also quite possible he still needs her for his Monsters of the Week. Horrifically subverted when he blows her up in episode 47 without any remorse whatsoever.
- Pragmatic Villainy:
- Refuses to kill the Gokaigers, not because he cares about them, but because it will be a lot easier to get all the Ultimate Powers from them than it would be to hunt down the different Sentai teams one by one. This results in a very interesting situation in episodes 42-43, wherein Sally actually quickly grabs them away from the explosion that allegedly consumed them, and he literally backstabs Damaras. This is also because he needs the Gokaigers alive in order to steal the Ultimate Powers they've already obtained.
- This may also be the reason he protects Sally, without her he can't summon his Monsters of the Week. Confirmed in #47 when she runs out. She instantly becomes expendable.
- Punny Name: His name comes from Tabasco (hot sauce) and the Bhut Jolokia (one of the hottest chili peppers in the world.) Possibly also a reference to privateer/explorer Vasco da Gama.
- Psycho for Hire: While he is working for the Zangyack for the reward, it's also very clear that he's having a blast doing it.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Marvelous' red. (One of two)
- The Rival: To Marvelous.
- Selfish Evil: In-Universe, this is pretty much his creed, he's willing to do absolutely anything to get what he wants, from betraying his own teammates on a regular basis, threaten to kill children, and even killing the closest thing he had to a Morality Pet in coldblood. He rather gleefully admits he's this whenever he gets the chance.
- The Sociopath: Fits this perfectly.
- Sword and Gun: Just as the Gokaigers have their Gokai Saber and Gokai Gun, Basco has this combination as well with his CariBlade cutlass and the CariBlaster gun.
- This Is Unforgivable!: His treatment and cold blooded murder of Sally got this reaction from the Gokaigers.
- Troll: He just loves messing with Marvelous. As expected for the Diend Expy.
- The Unfettered
- The Worf Effect: Gets utterly curbstomped by Damaras in #42 to show off the latter's power.
- Would Hurt a Child: Has absolutely no qualms about threatening a child's life in an attempt to force Matsuri Tatsumi to hand over her Great Power. And he was entirely willing to go through with it if Ahim hadn't switched places with Matsuri to trick him.
- Again in #39, where he plants bombs throughout Moroboshi High School and threatens to blow the building up unless Kenta hands over Megaranger's Grand Power. The Gokaigers, with the help of the students, manage to stop it.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Subverted. After the Gokaigers destroy his last two Pseudo-Lifeforms, he instantly tells Sally that now that she's out of their Monsters of the Week, she's no longer worth keeping around, opening fire on her pointblank. It turns out this was a Batman Gambit to try and get the Gokaiger's Ranger Keys. Double Subverted when its revealed his backup plan involved blowing her up to wound Marvelous.
- Cymbal-Banging Monkey
- Enemy Summoner: Can summon monsters called "Giant Battle Pseudo-Lifeforms" (based on different elements.)
- Everything's Better with Monkeys: Or worse...
- Heel Face Door Slam
- Heroic Sacrifice: In a Death Equals Redemption moment, she stuffs the bomb that Basco planted on her chest compartment when Marvelous tried to pull it off of her, containing the blast enough to save his life.
- Morality Pet: to Basco. Until he eventually blows her up without any remorse.
- Non-Human Sidekick: Arguably.
- Shoo Out the Clowns
- Spanner in the Works: In Gokaiger vs. Gavan, Basco's fight against the Go-Busters is foiled when Sally decides she'd much rather sit around and eat.
- Strong as They Need to Be: Sally slides back and forth from easily dispatched comic relief monster, to an impassable wall that keeps Marvelous from getting to Basco.
Returning Characters[]
Please note that only tropes regarding their appearance in Gokaiger go here. For tropes specific to the character in general or their series, go to the appropriate pages.
Aka Red | Voice Actor: Tohru Furuya[]
The spirit of the Red Warriors who appeared in Boukenger VS Super Sentai. First appears in episode 2 in a flashback where it is shown that he gave Captain Marvelous the chest containing the Ranger Keys and Navi before running off to fight the Zangyack, implying that he died in battle. It is later revealed he was captain of the Red Pirates, searching for the Ranger Keys across the universe with Marvelous and Basco under his wing.
- Ascended Extra: In his debut of Go Go Sentai Boukenger vs. Super Sentai, he was simply there for the hell of it. Here? He's actually important to the plot.
- Back for the Finale: shows up to Marvelous in a voiceless cameo, after giving back the Ranger Keys to their rightful owners.
- Gotta Catch Them All: Was on a journey to retrieve all of the Ranger Keys.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Stayed behind to ensure Marvelous would keep the Keys safe from Basco and the Zangyack.
- The Obi-Wan: To Marvelous.
- Posthumous Character: Maybe...
- Space Pirate
Himitsu Sentai Goranger[]
The 1st Super Sentai team, formed in 1975.
Tsuyoshi Kaijo/Aka Ranger | Actor: Naoya Makoto[]
Leader of the Gorangers. Appears in episode 1 in-suit, and both in and out of suit in 199 Heroes. He also appears during the end credits of the final episode regaining his Ranger Key and transforming into his former Ranger identity.
- Supporting Leader and Big Good: He was the original red ranger, so he got to lead ALL the Super Sentai teams during the Legendary War.
Black Cross King[]
The Big Bad to the Gorangers, he comes Back From the Dead to serve as the villain in 199 Heroes.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell: Specifically says he and the other villains have returned from Hell to enact their revenge.
- No Swastikas: Semi-present; he explicitly states in his speech to the civilians that he was once known as the Black Cross Fuhrer.
- One-Winged Angel: As in the original series, his true form is the Black Cross Castle.
- The Power of Hate: Powered by the undying hatred of all previous defeated villains.
- Revenge: Tells Warz Gill that he's only out to destroy the Gokaigers (and the Super Sentai legacy as a whole) for revenge, and that once he's done, the Earth will be left at the mercy of the Zangyack. Of course, that is, if BCK is going to keep his word...
- Villainous Breakdown: Completely loses it at his defeat:
Black Cross King: How?! How can I be defeated?! I was born out of years of grudge! How?! |
- Villain Team-Up: Brings several previous villains back as his underlings.
- His first act in the film is to approve his plan with the Zangyack so they don't fight against him, proving he's Genre Savvy enough to avoid Evil vs. Evil.
Baseball Mask[]
A villain from the Goranger series. He appears in The Flying Ghost Ship as one of the villains revived to fight the Gokaiger.
- Distracted by the Sexy/Not Distracted by the Sexy: Zig-zagged. The Goranger Hurricane summoning Go-Onger's G3 Princess did get to him... though he resolved to carry on anyway. And then it ended up getting him anyway.
- Friendly Enemy: Warmly describes facing the Gokaiger in the form of the Goranger as nostalgic.
- Go-Karting with Bowser: Challenges the Gokaiger to strike him out if they want to get past him.
- Improbable Weapon User
Mahou Sentai Magiranger[]
The 29th Super Sentai team, formed in 2005.
Kai Ozu/Magi Red | Actor: Atsushi Hashimoto[]
Leader of the Magirangers, the Magician of the Red. First appears at the end of episode 2 and then in episode 3, where he tests Marvelous and Don's courage. After passing, Kai accepts the Gokaigers as worthy users of the Magiranger's power.
- Continuity Nod: His hair maintains the red streaks from the end of Magiranger.
- Older and Wiser: From when he was in Magiranger.
- Playing with Fire
- Vocal Evolution
Houka Ozu/Magi Pink | Actress: Ayumi Beppu[]
Kai's older sister and member of the Magirangers, the Magician of the Pink. Appears during the end credits of the final episode regaining her Ranger Key.
Yuka Yamazaki | Actress: Kaoru Hirata[]
Kai's Love Interest. Appears in episode 50.
- Continuity Nod: Still has the Magi Red plush doll that she made back in Magiranger.
Hades God Dagon | Voice Actor: Akio Ōtsuka[]
Leader of the Hades Gods, one of the enemies of the Magirangers. Appears prominently as one of the revived villains in 199 Heroes.
- Bad Boss: His reaction to all his mooks suddenly turning into illusions of the Gokaigers and Goseigers is to start tearing through them hunting for the real things. This ends up being his downfall, as the real things were waiting for the right moment to get him.
- Shell Game: See above.
Vancuria | Voice Actress: Misa Watanabe[]
Queen of the Vampires, unaffected by standard vampire weaknesses. She appears as a prisoner of the Zangyack in Gokaiger vs. Gavan
Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger[]
The 28th Super Sentai team, formed in 2004.
Banban "Ban" Akaza/Deka Red | Actor: Ryuuji Sainei[]
Leader of the Dekaranger's earth branch until his promotion to the Fire Squad in the Dekarange finale. Appears at the end of episode 5 to clear the Gokaigers of the Zangyack's charges of piracy on them.
- Anime Hair: Surprisingly averted this time around, as his hair is no longer spiky.
- Which is consistent with how he appeared in Magiranger vs. Dekaranger.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Although he clears them of piracy charges, he warns them that should they abuse the Dekaranger powers, he won't show as much mercy as Doggie did.
- The Cameo: His appearance is very brief compared to the other red rangers and Doggie teaches the Gokaiger An Aesop instead of him.
- Older and Wiser
Marika "Jasmine" Reimon/Deka Yellow | Actress: Ayumi Kinoshita[]
An ESPer and an officer of the SPD earth branch. Appears at the beginning of episode 5 to arrest Captain Marvelous for his crimes of piracy. However, he escapes, at which point, Jasmine contacts Doggie Kruger.
- Fair Cop: Still looks as good as she did in the original series. Marvelous even takes the time to call her "pretty" while escaping from the police station.
Koume "Umeko" Koudou/Deka Pink | Actress: Mika Kikuchi[]
Jasmine's main partner in SPD. Appears in 199 Heroes, along with their Team Pet, Murphy.
Doggie "Boss" Kruger/Deka Master | Voice Actor: Tetsu Inada[]
Commander of the SPD's earth unit. Appears in episode 5 to apprehend Marvelous. At first, Kruger does not trust Marvelous, but after he saves him from Buramudo when he was injured saving Marvelous, Kruger sees him as an honorable warrior, lets Marvelous go and accepts the Gokaigers as worthy users of the Dekaranger's power. He also makes two more appearances: a voiceless cameo in 199 Heroes, during the Black Cross King's speech, and in the end credits of the final episode, where he salutes the Gokaigers alongside Signalman after regaining his Ranger Key.
- Badass Normal: Fought without using his Deka Master suit. And actually having the upper hand.
- Genre Savvy: Guessing that the Captain will break his cuffs on the D-Sword Vega right off the bat.
- Katanas Are Just Better: D-Sword Vega
Agent Abrella | Voice Actor: Ryūsei Nakao[]
Big Bad to the Dekarangers. Appears in The Flying Ghost Ship, where he is revived by Los Dark to fight the Gokaiger.
- Bat Out of Hell: Literally this time.
- The Unfought: His battle with the Gokaiger isn't really resolved, they just leave before defeating him.
Juken Sentai Gekiranger[]
The 31st Super Sentai team, formed in 2007.
Jan Kandou/Geki Red | Actor: Hiroki Suzuki[]
Unofficial leader of the Gekirangers, the "Unbreakable Body". Appears in episode 7, where he is seen teaching kenpo to a group of young students at a park. When Don and Ahim come across him, Ahim asks him to teach her his ways, to which he accepts. When asked to join, Don at first declines, but after realizing how strong the other 3 Gokaigers are, he decides to join Ahim. After the two get a distress call, Jan tells the two that their training is over. Before leaving, Don and Ahim are told by one of the students of Jan's tenure as Geki Red and how he was raised by tigers.
- Actually, I Am Him: Don and Ahim train under him yet did not know his true identity until told by Jan's students.
- Crunchtastic: Still uses his "Jan-ish" words. Most notably "Nikiniki" and "Wakiwaki".
- Keet
- Older and Wiser
Master Sha-Fu | Voice Actor: Ichiro Nagai[]
The Gekiranger's mentor, Grand Master of the Geki Jū Felis-Ken and leader of the Seven Kensai. Appears at the end of episode 7 to ask Jan if there was any more he wanted to teach the Gokaigers, to which he says they'll be able to learn the rest on their own.
Bae | Voice Actor: Akira Ishida[]
A former Geki Juken user, who was well-known for commentating the Humongous Mecha fights of his series. Appears as a prisoner of the Zangyack in Gokaiger vs. Gavan.
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger[]
The 25th Super Sentai team, formed in 2001.
Kakeru Shishi/Gao Red | Actor: Noboru Kaneko[]
Leader of the Gaorangers. Appears in episode 9, where he tells the Gokaigers that his former Power Animal partner, Gao Lion, will not ally itself with a group of pirates. After tending to Ahim's injuries from the Zangyack's attack, Kakeru reveals his Gao Red identity to her and Don. After the Gokaigers defeat Bowser, Gao Lion accepts the Gokaigers as heroes and joins forces with them. At the end, Kakeru wishes his old partner luck in the upcoming battles against the Zangyack.
- Call to Agriculture: Inverted. Kakeru was a veterinarian well before the events of Gaoranger, and merely went back to that life.
- Older and Wiser
Gao Lion[]
The original Gao Lion, Gao Red's Power Animal partner, who fought alongside the Gaorangers. After the Gokaigers stumble across him, he is at first hostile to them, until they prove themselves and he decides to lend them his power. He combines with GokaiOh to become GaoGokaiOh, a formation similar to GaoKentaurus, and then later recieves the ability to form ShinkenGokaiOh, similar to ShinkenOh, from the Shinkenger Ranger Keys.
- Composite Character: He doubles as the mecha representative for both Gaoranger and Shinkenger, subbing in for Shishi Origami from the latter.
- King of Beasts
- Mechanical Lifeform: Like the other Power Animals in Gaoranger.
- A Mech by Any Other Name: He's the original Gao Lion as opposed to a creation of the Ranger Keys, and a mystical Power Animal to boot. Thus, he counts as an actual returning character.
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger[]
The 33rd Super Sentai team, formed in 2009.
Tani Chiaki/Shinken Green | Actor: Shogo Suzuki[]
The Samurai of Wood. Appears (out of suit) in 199 Heroes during the Legend War.
Genta Umemori/Shinken Gold | Actor: Keisuke Sohma[]
The Samurai of Light and Sixth Ranger to the Shinkengers. Appears (out of suit) in 199 Heroes during the Legend War.
Kaoru Shiba/Lady Shinken Red | Actor: Runa Natsui[]
The 18th head of the Shiba Clan and the Samurai of Fire. Appears in episodes 11 & 12, where she demands that the Gokaigers return the Shinkenger Keys, willing to fight for them if she has to. However, after seeing the teamwork and bond the Gokaigers share, she changes her mind and gives to Joe a Double Hiden Disk.
- Cute Bruiser: Hasn't lost her edge even after stepping down.
- Honor Before Reason: Prevents Tanba from stealing back the Shinkenger keys despite the fact that the Gokaigers are sleeping and the chest to Ranger Keys are within reach.
- Weapon of Choice
- Katanas Are Just Better: Shinkenmaru
- Paper Fan of Doom: Although she doesn't have the big one anymore, she still keeps one handy whenever Tanba gets out of hand.
Tanba Toshizo | Actor: Kazuyuki Matsuzawa[]
Kaoru's retainer, who speaks highly of her and denounces anyone who he feels is being rude to her.
- Jerkass: He has not changed at all since Shinkenger.
- No Indoor Voice: Loud as ever.
Hone no Shitari | Voice Actor: Cho[]
The Strategist of the Gedoushu. Appears in episode 40, where his death at the hands of the Gokaigers in Tensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger is reenacted, though this time with an explanation as to how and why the Gokaigers met him in the first place.
Gekisou Sentai Carranger[]
The 20th Super Sentai team, formed in 1996.
Kyousuke Jinnai/Red Racer | Actor: Yuji Kishi[]
Leader of the Carrangers. Appears in episode 14, where after the Legend War, he became an actor, doing shows to teach children about traffic safety. He has a hard time getting the interests of the audience with only himself, so he asks the Gokaigers for help.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Instead of letting his ranger image vanish alone, Kyousuke instead slaps it down.
- Butt Monkey: Even Navi says the Carrangers' powers are useless!
- Large Ham: He turns traffic safety into an all-out melodrama.
- Love Triangle: Finds himself caught up in one between Insarn and Action Commander Jellacit.
- Medium Awareness: Considering which Super Sentai he's from, it's not surprising.
- Mythology Gag: Apparently it doesn't matter what team he's referring to. He'll extend the first syllable of the name anyway.
- Also, a villainess falls in love with him again.
- Older and Wiser: Subverted — he's older, but not much wiser than he was in Carranger.
- Super Speed: Despite not having his Red Racer powers anymore, he is shown to have running powers when the Gokaigers ran away after declining to help with his traffic safety class.
Sixth Ranger to the Carrangers, a robotic officer from the Planet Police. Appears during the end credits of the final episode saluting the Gokaigers alongside Doggie Kruger.
Tensou Sentai Goseiger[]
The 34th Super Sentai team, formed in 2010. As the Gokaiger's immediate predecessors, all 6 of them appear in 199 Heroes. They steal back the keys containing their powers from the Gokaigers, but join forces to battle an army of revived villains.
- All Your Powers Combined: The Gosei Buster.
- Combination Attack: Two of them:
- Super Sky Land Sea Dynamic
- Miracle Gosei Knight Dynamic
- Fire-Forged Friends: The battle with the Black Cross Army is what makes the Goseigers and the Gokaigers bond.
- Super Mode: Super Goseiger
- Weapon of Choice
- Handguns: The Gosei Blasters.
- Alata: Skick Sword
- Eri: Skick Shot
- Agri: Landick Axe
- Moune: Landick Claw
- Hyde: Seaick Bowgun
- Gosei Knight: Leon Laser
- Super Goseiger: Gosei Tensword
Alata/Gosei Red | Actor: Yudai Chiba[]
Leader of the Goseigers, Gosei Angel of the Skick tribe. Confirmed for a voice-only role in Superhero Wars.
- Barrier Warrior: The Defenstorm Expand Card.
- Elemental Powers
- Blow You Away: His primary element.
- Shock and Awe: The Comprethunder Spark Card.
- Finishing Move: Red Dynamic
- The Hero: Of his team.
- Signature Move: Red Break
- Super Gosei Red: Super Red Break
Eri/Gosei Pink | Actress: Rika Satoh[]
Gosei Angel of the Skick tribe.
- Blow You Away
- The Heart: Of her team.
- Signature Move: Pink Trick
- Super Gosei Pink: Super Pink Trick
Agri/Gosei Black | Actor: Kyousuke Hamao[]
Gosei Angel of the Landick tribe.
- The Big Guy: The strongman of his team.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- The Lancer: Of his team.
- Signature Move: Black Attack
- Super Gosei Black: Super Black Attack
Moune/Gosei Yellow | Actress: Mikiho Niwa[]
Gosei Angel of the Landick tribe.
- The Big Girl: The Action Girl of her team.
- The Chick: Of her team.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Finishing Move: Super Land Dynamic
- Not So Different: Between her and Luka in 199 Heroes, to the point where about half their lines in the movie are Spoken In Unison.
- Signature Move: Yellow Shock
Hyde/Gosei Blue | Actor: Kento Ono[]
Gosei Angel of the Seaick tribe.
- Making a Splash
- Signature Move: Blue Check
- The Smart Guy: Of his team.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: The Camoumirage Focus Card.
Gosei Knight | Voice Actor: Katsuyuki Konishi[]
The sentient form of Groundion Header. Appears alongside them in 199 Heroes.
- All Your Powers Combined
- Finishing Move: Knight Dynamic
- Sealed Good in a Can: Seperating him from the Gosei Knight Ranger Key reduced him to his Headder form. Not mecha sized, either, more like palm-sized.
- Sixth Ranger: Of his team.
Nozomu Amachi | Actor: Sakuya Nakamura[]
Friend of the Goseigers. Appears in 199 Heroes, where he encourages everyone to believe in the Gokaigers and Goseigers during their battle with the Black Cross King.
Shuichirou Amachi | Actor: Louis Yamada LIII[]
Nozomu's father, an astronomer who runs the Amachi Institute. Appears in episode 50.
Brajira of the Messiah | Voice Actor: Nobuo Tobita[]
Big Bad to the Goseigers. Appears prominently as one of the revived villains in 199 Heroes.
- Cool Sword: Dark Sword
- Demoted to Dragon: To Black Cross King. A risky choice, considering his track record...
- Me's a Crowd: During the final battle in 199 Heroes, he appears in all five of his previously established forms at once.
Metal Alice of the Agent | Voice Actress: Marina Inoue[]
The Dark Chick of the Matrintis. Appears in episode 40 in a time period before the Matrintis made official contact with the Goseigers, where she tests a prototype Zan-KT unit with a mission to destroy the shrine the Gokaigers have been ordered to protect.
JAKQ Dengekitai[]
The 2nd Super Sentai team, formed in 1977.
Banba Soukichi/Big One | Actor: Hiroshi Miyauchi[]
New leader of the JAKQ, who had a similar experience ten years prior. Appears in 199 Heroes.
Denshi Sentai Denziman[]
The 4th Super Sentai team, formed in 1980.
Daigoro Oume/Denzi Blue | Actor: Kenji Ohba[]
An acrobat from Denziman. Appears in 199 Heroes. He also appears in Gokaiger vs. Gavan, where he tells the Gokaigers that using his Ranger Key with the Battle Kenya Key will allow them to enter the Makuu Space Prison.
- Call to Agriculture: He makes and sells bread now. And not just ordinary bread, but DenziPan!
Dai Sentai Goggle Five[]
The 6th Super Sentai team, formed in 1982.
Kanpei Kuroda/Goggle Black | Actor: Jun'ichi Haruta[]
Chess master and second in command of the Goggle Five. Appears in 199 Heroes.
Kagaku Sentai Dynaman[]
The 7th Super Sentai team, formed in 1983.
Rei Tachibana/Dyna Pink | Actor: Sayoko Hagiwara[]
Lady fencer and inventor seeking to create an animal-communicating device from Dynaman. Appears in 199 Heroes.
Choudenshi Bioman[]
The 8th Super Sentai team, formed in 1984.
Shirou Gou/Red One | Actor: Ryosuke Sakamoto[]
Leader of the Biomen, an air force pilot. Appears in 199 Heroes. Also confirmed for a voice-only role in Superhero Wars.
Kousoku Sentai Turboranger[]
The 13th Super Sentai team, formed in 1989.
Riki Honoo/Red Turbo | Actor: Kenta Sato[]
Leader of the Turborangers, back then a high school student. Appears in 199 Heroes.
Gosei Sentai Dairanger[]
The 17th Super Sentai team, formed in 1993.
Ryou/Ryuu Ranger | Actor: Keiichi Wada[]
Leader of the Dairangers, descendant of the Dai tribe. Appears in 199 Heroes. He also appears in episode 33 of the series.
- Badass Normal: Is shown to be perfectly capable of kicking Zangyack ass even after losing his powers. He also remembers the Dairangers roll call and can still pull it off.
- Chef of Iron: After losing his Dairanger power, he's simply content to create the world's best gyoza, and even then he's no slouch at combat.
Shoji/Tenma Ranger | Actor: Ei Hamura[]
A former delinquent and member of the Dairangers. Appears during the end credits of the final episode regaining his Ranger Key.
Kazu/Kirin Ranger | Actor: Keisuke Tsuchiya[]
A beautician and member of the Dairangers. Appears during the end credits of the final episode regaining his Ranger Key.
Go Go Sentai Boukenger[]
The 30th Super Sentai team, formed in 2006.
Satoru Akashi/Bouken Red | Actor: Mitsuomi Takahashi[]
Leader of the Boukengers, the Fiery Adventurer. Appears (out of suit) in 199 Heroes during the Legend War. He also appears in episode 21 of the series, where he asks the Gokaigers to help him look for a Precious called the Heart of Hades.
- Badass Normal: Even without his powers, Chief is still an adventurer.
- Continuity Nod: He mentions that he gave the Gokaigers the Boukenger's greater power and his jacket still has the Acellular pocket without the Acellular.
Ryuuwon | Voice Actor: Junpei Morita[]
Creator of the Jaryuu Clan, one of the enemies the Boukengers faced. Appears in episode 21, where he is revived by the Heart of Hades.
- Back From the Dead: See above.
- Came Back Strong: The Heart of Hades made him extremely powerful.
- Degraded Boss: Was one of the main villains of Boukenger and yet is little more than a Monster of the Week this episode. Granted, this is a Boukenger tribute.
- Despite this, he does give the Gokaigers one of their more difficult battles so far, including outright shrugging off everything thrown at him except the Gokai Adventure Drive.
- Healing Factor: Obtained from the Heart of Hades. The power ultimately goes out of control when the Heart is removed, causing him to grow giant and go completely berserk.
- Scars Are Forever: Despite getting revived and gaining said Healing Factor, he keeps a broken horn and scar on the left side of his face.
Kaze no Shizuka | Actress: Mami Yamasaki[]
AKA Shizuka of the Wind, a member of the Dark Hand. Appears as a prisoner of the Zangyack in Gokaiger vs. Gavan.
Maboroshi no Gekkou | Voice Actor: Banjo Ginga[]
AKA the Owl of Illusions, a member of the Dark Hand. Appears as a prisoner of the Zangyack in Gokaiger vs. Gavan.
Engine Sentai Go-onger[]
The 32nd Super Sentai team, formed in 2008.
Sosuke Esumi/Go-On Red | Actor: Yasuhisa Furuhara[]
Leader of the Go-Ongers, the Speed King. Appears in episodes 35 and 36, where he asks the Gokaigers to help him defeat The Remnant of the Gaiark.
- Anime Hair: Like Ban, this was one of his defining traits. And like Ban, it's averted this time around as well.
- Badass Normal: Taking on the Uguts without his powers, which doubles as a Call Back to the original incident when the Engines picked him to join.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Not only his hair is still black, like how it was during Shinkenger VS Go-onger, it has mellowed out quite a bit from the Anime Hair it was before.
- Idiot Hero: To the extent that he tries to leap into an interdimensional tear via pole vault and trampoline. Is he making up for Gunpei's absence?
- Older and Wiser: Played with — his shtick of invoking '70s daytime drama behavior is actually carried over from Go-Onger.
- Reality Subtext: Ironically, Yasuhisa Furuhara is best friends with Ryota Ozawa, who plays Marvelous.
Saki Rouyama/Go-On Yellow | Actress: Rina Aizawa[]
Smiling Angel of the Go-Onger team. Appears (out of suit) in 199 Heroes during the Legend War. She also appears in The Flying Ghost Ship.
Miu Suto/Go-On Silver | Actress: Yumi Sugimoto[]
One of two Sixth Rangers to the Go-Ongers, the Lovely Sensation. Appears in The Flying Ghost Ship. She also appears during the end credits of the final episode regaining her Ranger Key.
Bomper | Voice Actress: Akiko Nakagawa[]
A small robot who assisted the Go-Ongers. Appears in episodes 35 and 36.
Speedor | Voice Actor: Daisuke Namikawa[]
An Engine from the Machine World, partner to Sosuke and one-third of Engine-oh. Father of Machalcon. Appears in episodes 35 and 36.
- Official Couple: With BearRV.
Bus-on | Voice Actor: Hisao Egawa[]
Another Engine, partner of Ren, also one-third of Engine-oh. Appears in episodes 35 and 36.
BearRV | Voice Actress: Miki Inoue[]
Another Engine, partner of Saki, also one-third of Engine-Oh. Mother of Machalcon. Appears in episodes 35 and 36.
- Official Couple: With Speedor.
- Stealth Pun: Getting angry at the Gokaigers for attacking her son in order to apprehend him.
Water Pollution Minister Kegaleshia | Actress: Nao Oikawa[]
One of the main antagonists of the Go-Ongers. She appears in The Flying Ghost Ship, and later becomes a prisoner of the Zangyack in Gokaiger vs. Gavan.
- Heel Face Turn: tells the Gokaigers that the reason why they were in the Makuu Prison was because they renounced their evil ways, and the Zangyack weren't happy about it. In fact, the last time Kegalesia and her cohorts appeared (during Shinkenger vs. Go-Onger) you could argue that they have already made their turn.
Prime Minister Yogoshimacritein | Voice Actor: Kiyoyuki Yanada[]
Final Boss to the Go-Ongers. Appears prominently as one of the revived villains in 199 Heroes.
- Funny Background Event: While giving his rant to the Gokaigers and Goseigers, you can see a couple of his mooks struggling with holding his hammer.
- He's seen grovelling after getting rejected by Luka and Moune, before they finish him off.
- Jidai Geki: His lair in 199 Heroes.
- Took a Level In Dumbass: in his own series, he was the Vile Villain to Go-onger's Saccharine Show. Here, he behaves exactly like his Goldfish Poop Gang-leading son did, trying to make a movie out of his defeat of some of the Gokaigers and Goseigers, and ultimately being defeated by the yellow warriors distracting him by asking him for an autograph. Rule of Funny at work, and probably done to make him more distinct from the other villains.
Earth Pollution Minister Yogostein | Voice Actor: Kiyoyuki Yanada[]
One of the main antagonists of the Go-Ongers. Appears as a prisoner of the Zangyack in Gokaiger vs. Gavan.
- Continuity Nod: he still has that sake bottle, one of the items that he and his friends filched from Genta's sushi stand during Shinkenger vs. Go-onger.
- Funny Background Event: during the chaos that ensued during the prison escape, his head accidentally hits the jail bars.
Air Pollution Minister Kitaneidas | Voice Actor: Mitsuaki Madono[]
One of the main antagonists of the Go-Ongers. Appears as a prisoner of the Zangyack in Gokaiger vs. Gavan.
Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger[]
The 27th Super Sentai team, formed in 2003.
Yukito Sanjyo/Abare Blue | Actor: Sho Tomita[]
A chiropractor and second in command of the Abarangers. Appears in episode 29 to inform the Gokaigers of a secret property of the Abaranger's greater power.
- The Cameo: Only interacts with the Gokaigers for a single scene; his other two scenes could be easily cut without the episode's plot being affected one bit.
Mikoto Nakadai/Abare Killer | Actor: Kotaro Tanaka[]
Eleventh-Hour Ranger to the Abarangers. Appears in episode 18 in Gai's dream, alongside Dragon Ranger and Time Fire, where he gives him the Gokai Cellular and the Gokai Silver key after approving of the Heroic Sacrifice he did.
- Back From the Dead: Temporarily to fight in the Legend War.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In his own series.
- Spirit Advisor
Emiri Imanaka-Sanjyo | Actress: Michi Nishijima[]
A former High School student who assisted the Abarangers. Appears in episode 29, where she gives Ahim a homemade Abare Pink Ranger Key.
- Ascended Fangirl
- The Cameo: See Yukito.
- She Is All Grown Up
Yatsudenwani | Voice Actor: Kyosei Tsukui[]
A former Monster of the Week who was abducted by BearRV to become his servant. Appears in as a prisoner of the Zangyack in Gokaiger vs. Gavan.
Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger[]
The 16th Super Sentai team, formed in 1992.
GoushiAbareKillerMammoth Ranger | Actor: Seiju Umon[]
Second in command and brains of the Zyurangers, a knight of the Sharma Tribe. Appears in episode 50. He also appears during the end credits of the final episode regaining his Ranger Key.
- Super Strength: Possibly, considering that it's been 20 years since Zyuranger. He has no trouble lifting massive chunks of debris, and doesn't even break a sweat at it.
Burai/Dragon Ranger[]
Sixth Ranger to the Zyurangers. Appears (in-suit) in episode 18 in Gai's dream.
- Back From the Dead: Temporarily to fight in the Legend War.
- Fake Shemp: Appears in-costume only in Gai's dream.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In his own series.
- The Voiceless
Mirai Sentai Timeranger[]
The 24th Super Sentai team, formed in 3000 [38], but active in 2000.
Domon/Time Yellow | Actor: Shuhei Izumi[]
Fighter, womanizer and an officer of the Time Protection Department. Appears in episode 40, where he sends the Gokaigers on a mission back in time to October 2nd, 2010, to defend a shrine that will be destroyed on that date with claims of a greater power to be obtained there.
- Foreshadowing: The Greater Power he promised the Gokaigers? It wasn't a lie.
- Hologram: The method through which he contacts the Gokaigers.
- Manly Tears of Joy: By the end of episode 40, after looking at the photo sent by Gai.
Naoto Takizawa/Time Fire[]
Sixth Ranger to the Timerangers. Appears (in-suit) in episode 18 in Gai's dream.
- Back From the Dead: Temporarily to fight in the Legend War.
- Fake Shemp: Appears in-costume only in Gai's dream.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In his own series.
- The Voiceless
Honami Moriyama | Actress: Tamao Yoshimura[]
A reporter who covered the battles between the Timerangers and the Londers Family. Appears in episode 40.
- The Cameo
- Lady Not-Appearing-in-This-Trailer: Currently the only returning character to not appear in any preview for the episode/movie in which s/he appears. Sure, this is a way to avert Trailers Always Spoil.
- Someone to Remember Him By
Seijuu Sentai Gingaman[]
The 22nd Super Sentai team, formed in 1998.
Ryoma/Ginga Red | Actor: Kazuki Maehara[]
Leader of the Gingamen. Appears in episode 20, where he saves the Gokaigers (sans Marvelous and Gai) from a hard fall after their defeat by Basco's lackeys. At the end, Ryouma says that while he finds it strange to have Space Pirates as a Super Sentai team, he accepts them because of their heroism.
- The Cameo: Just like Ban, he got less screentime than Hyuuga.
- Continuity Nod: He finds the idea of a space pirate Sentai team strange because the Gingamen's enemies were...space pirates.
Hyuga/Black Knight | Actor: Teruaki Ogawa[]
Sixth Ranger to the Gingamen and Ryouma's older brother. Appears in episode 20, where he is attacked by Basco trying to obtain the Gingaman's greater power from him. After Gai takes him to safety, Hyuuga offers to take over the role of Gokai Silver from Gai, believing he lacked the confidence to protect the earth.
- Secret Test of Character: Him asking for the Gokai Cellular was just him testing Gai's self-confidence.
Rescue Sentai Go Go Five[]
The 23rd Super Sentai team, formed in 1999.
Sho Tatsumi/Go Green | Actor: Atsushi Harada[]
Helicopter pilot and member of the Go Go Five team. Appears during the end credits of the final episode saluting the Gokaigers after regaining his Ranger Key.
Matsuri Tatsumi/Go Pink | Actress: Kayoko Shibata[]
Paramedic and member of the Go Go Five team. Appears in episode 23, where she is attacked by Basco trying to obtain the Go Go Five's greater power from her.
- Sadistic Choice: Confronted with one by Basco — give him her team's great power, or let the child she's trying to rescue die. As per her team's philosophy, she's willing to give up the power, but Luka and Ahim are on hand to come up with a third option.
Ninpuu Sentai Hurricanger[]
The 26th Super Sentai team, formed in 2002. All three Hurricangers appear in episodes 25 & 26 to join forces with the Gokaigers against the identical sons of their enemies Sundahl and Satudakura.
- Badass Abnormal: Unlike most returning characters, they get to transform again.
- Beat Them At Their Own Game: They used Satarakura Jr.'s own Incredibly Lame Pun quiz against him.
- Bifurcated Weapon: The Hayatemaru.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Standard mode.
- The Gunslinger: When combined with its sheath.
- Combination Attack: Gokai Chō Ninpō: Hurricane Scramble
- Not So Different: What leads them to respect the Gokaigers.
- Super Senses: Chō Ninpō: Jigoku Mimi [39]
- Three Amigos
Yousuke Shiina/Hurricane Red | Actor: Shun Shioya[]
Leader of the Hurricangers, the ninja of wind.
- Blow You Away
- The Hero: Of his team.
Nanami Nono/Hurricane Blue | Actress: Nao Nagasawa[]
Ninja of water.
- The Chick: Of her team.
- Combination Attack: With Luka and Ahim, she executes the Triple Blast attack.
- Cool Big Sis: Even calls herself Onee-san.
- Improbable Weapon User: Sonic Megaphone
- Making a Splash
Kouta Bitou/Hurricane Yellow | Actor: Kohei Yamamoto[]
Ninja of land.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Doppelganger Attack: Chō Ninpō: Mai Jishi [40]
- Give Me a Sword: During the fight, when Kouta was swapping weapons with Joe and Don, he ends up with a Gokai Saber and Gokai Gun.
- The Smart and Big Guy: Of his team.
Furaimaru | Voice actor: Hironori Miyata[]
A mechanical ninja summoned from the Hurricaneger's Karakuri Balls, who allowed the Hurricanegers and Goraigers to combine their mecha. Like Gao Lion, he is the original character (with some changes) and thus qualifies as a returning character.
- A Mech by Any Other Name: See above.
- Badass Automaton
- Big Damn Heroes: He helps Gai fight Sandaaru Jr. (though honestly it's more like he killsteals Sandaaru) before the Gokaiger have earned Hurricaneger's Grand Power.
- Combining Mecha
- Composite Character: Has elements of Tenkuujin (Shurikenger's mecha), including a green color scheme and use of a Fuuma Shuriken.
- Doppelganger Attack: Secret Finisher Turbulence Cherry Blossoms, the second finisher for Hurricane Gokaioh.
- Fuuma Shuriken: His Weapon of Choice
- Humongous Mecha
- Large Ham
Choujin Sentai Jetman[]
The 15th Super Sentai team, formed in 1991.
Gai Yuuki/Black Condor | Actor: Toshihide Wakamatsu[]
Womanizer and second in command of the Jetmen, who died at the finale of Jetman. Appears in episode 28, where he makes a short trip to the living world to meet the Gokaigers.
- Back From the Dead: Subverted. He went back to heaven once it's over.
- Backup From Otherworld: He didn't come back to help the Gokaiger, but the original Jetman to prevent them from being pulled into the fight. Despite being dead, he's more than capable of fighting and can even transform into Black Condor.
- Badass Abnormal: Like the Hurricanegers, he actually gets to transform and fight. This seems to be a function of his being a ghost, as Don still had the Black Condor Ranger Key.
- Continuity Nod: Gai sits on the same bench where he died in the end of Jetman.
- Cool Sword: Bringer Sword
- Expy: As per the original Jetman, Gai is based off of Joe the Condor from Gatchaman.
- Grave Marking Scene: It's shown that his former teammates have recently left presents by his graveside (including an Ako-chan noodle cup), implying that they still visit it regularly.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: More "I Just Want My Friends To Be Normal", part of the reason he returns to Earth is to keep the Gokaigers from drawing his teammates away from their normal lives.
- This also has a subtle Call Back and Fridge Brilliance to the non-canon Jetman manga, when in the beginning, Ryuu mentioned that he felt that Gai is watching over the Jetmen from the skies, protecting them. Turns out he REALLY did.
- I See Dead People: The Gokaiger, the Monster of the Week and the Gormins see and interact with him as normal, but Gai Ikari just sees them talking to and flailing around at empty air. When he learns who they're speaking with, he's very upset that he's missing the chance to meet another legendary Ranger and theorizes that only he was unable to see him because he's an Earthling while everyone else is of alien nature.
- Mundane Afterlife: Gai's heaven is apparently a jazz club where he gets to sit and play poker with a beautiful woman (who is none other than God — or at least, how s/he appears to him) for all eternity. He seems quite happy with it.
Choujuu Sentai Liveman[]
The 12th Super Sentai team, formed in 1988.
Joh Ohara/Yellow Lion | Actor: Kazuhiko Nishimura[]
Sportsman and second in command of the Livemen. Appears in episode 30.
- Badass Labcoat: 22 years or so of working as a researcher for Academia has not diminished his fighting skills in the least.
- Continuity Nod: Now works as a researcher for Academia, the same university he graduated from during Liveman.
- I Let Gwen Stacy Die: His failure to save Tsukigata and Senda is why he decided to stay at Academia, to guide the students and make sure that none of them ever make the same mistake.
- Name's the Same: The names Joe and Joh are practically the same in Japanese, something that gets commented on when the two meet.
- Shell Shocked Senior: Still struggling with his above failure nearly 20 years later.
Chouriki Sentai Ohranger[]
The 19th Super Sentai team, formed in 1995.
Gorou Hoshino/Oh Red | Actor: Masaru Shishido[]
Leader of the Ohrangers. Appears in episodes 31 & 32.
- Da Chief: Of UAOH.
- The Good Captain
Momo Maruo/Oh Pink | Actress: Tamao Sato[]
An officer of the UAOH. Appears in episode 31 & 32.
Denji Sentai Megaranger[]
The 21st Super Sentai team, formed in 1997.
Kenta Date/Mega Red | Actor: Hayato Oshiba[]
Unofficial leader of the Megarangers. Appears in episode 39, where he now works as a teacher at his old High School, Moroboshi High.
- Trademark Favorite Food: As in Megaranger, his favorite food is still barbecue.
Battle Fever J[]
The 3rd Super Sentai team, formed in 1979.
Shiro Akebono/Battle Kenya | Actor: Kenji Ohba[]
A wild child from the Battle Fever team. Appears in episode 44, where he acts as Santa Claus. He also appears in Gokaiger vs. Gavan, where he tells the Gokaigers that using his Ranger Key with the Denzi Blue Key will allow them to enter the Makuu Space Prison.
- The Cameo: Only appears in two scenes of the Christmas Episode. His role in Gokaiger vs. Gavan is similarly succinct.
- Speaks Fluent Animal Shiro can talk to animals, and his appearances in Gokaiger show him hanging around with a panda.
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger[]
The 18th Super Sentai team, formed in 1994.
Tsuruhime/Ninja White | Actress: Satomi Hirose[]
Leader of the Kakurangers. Appears at the end of episode 45.
Ninjaman | Voice Actor: Kazuki Yao[]
Ally to the Kakurangers and a former pupil of the Sanshinshou. Appears in episodes 45 & 46.
- Deader Than Dead: A bit of Ascended Fridge Horror, since the Gokaigers discussed that this would have been his fate if Domon hadn't sent the Gokaigers to the past and protected Negakure Temple. That, or...
- Forgot About His Powers: In Kakuranger, he was capable of growing giant-size on his own to fight alongside the mecha. In #46, the Kakuranger Grand Power is needed to make him giant, and he never changes into Samuraiman.
- Of course, the monster didn't call him "Blue Squirt"...
- It Was with You All Along: HE is the Kakuranger Grand Power. Even Ninjaman himself was surprised.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Ninja Sword
- Sealed Good in a Can
- Sixth Ranger: To the Kakurangers, which made his absence during the Legend War rather peculiar (especially after 199 Heroes revealed that some of the other oddball heroes, such as Signalman and Zubaan, also participated in the battle).
- The Thing That Would Not Leave: How some of the Gokaigers (with the obvious exception of Gai) feel after having Ninjaman stay in the Galleon for a week.
- A Twinkle in the Sky: After a truck crashes into him.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: never appears in the final two episodes; the least the Gokaigers could do was call on him for an extra giant muscle during the invasion.
- What the Hell, Hero?: The Sanshinshō put him back in his jar for 10 years as punishment for going overboard while trying to save a girl from rampaging zoo animals.
Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan[]
The 5th Super Sentai team, formed in 1981.
Takayuki Hiba/Vul Eagle II | Actor: Takayuki Godai[]
Second leader of the Sun Vulcan. Appears in episode 49 to formally give the Sun Vulcan's Greater Power to the Gokaigers. He also appears during the end credits of the final episode saluting the Gokaigers after regaining his Ranger Key.
Dengeki Sentai Changeman[]
The 9th Super Sentai team, formed in 1985.
Sho Hayate/Change Griffin | Actor: Kazuoki Takahashi[]
Second in command of the Changemen. Appears in episode 49 to formally give the Changeman's Greater Power to the Gokaigers.
Choushinsei Flashman[]
The 10th Super Sentai team, formed in 1986.
Dai/Green Flash | Actor: Kihachiro Uemura[]
Strongman and second in command of the Flashmen. Appears in episode 49 to formally give the Flashman's Greater Power to the Gokaigers.
Hikari Sentai Maskman[]
The 11th Super Sentai team, formed in 1987.
Akira/Blue Mask | Actor: Issei Hirota[]
Chinese boxer and swords expert of the Maskmen. Appears in episode 49 to formally give the Maskman's Greater Power to the Gokaigers.
Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman[]
The 14th Super Sentai team, formed in 1990.
Remi Hoshikawa/Five Yellow | Actress: Keiko Hayase[]
Music teacher, kung fu expert and member of the Fivemen. Appears in episode 49 to formally give the Fiveman's Greater Power to the Gokaigers. She also appears during the end credits of the final episode regaining her Ranger Key.
Characters appearing in The Flying Ghost Ship[]
Los Dark | Voice Actor: Kenji Utsumi[]
The main villain of The Flying Ghost Ship. Los Dark is a ghost who plans to revive himself using the souls of the living, in order to become a living being so he can use the Eye of the Gods, an item that can grant any wish.
- Back From the Dead: His ultimate goal; since he's dead, he can't use the Eye of the Gods, so lures people to the ghost ship so he can steal their life energy and revive himself.
- Evil Knockoff: Pilots a copy of Gokai-Oh, complete with an eyepatch, a hook hand, a different chest cannon, and a Badass Cape.
- Expy: A combination of Barbossa (undead pirate who wants to come back) and Davy Jones (evil Grim Reaper of the sea) from Pirates of the Caribbean.
- Ghost Pirate
- The Grim Reaper: Has this look as far as design goes, anyway.
- The Necromancer: Resurrects a score of fallen foot soldiers and past villains to deal with the Gokaiger.
- Spikes of Villainy
Characters appearing in Gokaiger vs. Gavan[]
Retsu Ichijouji/Gavan | Actor: Kenji Ohba[]
The first of the Space Sheriffs and Metal Heroes, established in 1982. He attempts to bring the Gokaiger in for piracy, only to end up fighting alongside them against the Zangyack. In the past, he saved Marvelous as a child.
- Badass Grandpa: 30 years later, he's still badass enough to take on Gormin while untransformed.
- Barrier Warrior
- Batman Gambit: Only captures the Gokaiger in order to bring Asurada's plans to the forefront.
- Cool Sword
- Combination Attack: Gavan Marvelous Dynamic, with Gokai Red.
- Distressed Dude
- So Proud of You: Upon recognizing Marvelous as a kid from his past, Retsu is happy at how he turned out, even though Marvelous' chosen career is a Space Pirate.
The main villain of Gokaiger vs. Gavan, who disguised himself as Gavan's superior, Commander Weaver, in order to take over the Space Police. In reality, is a member of the Zangyack, and a relative of Don Horror, the leader of the former Makuu Crime Synduicate that was destroyed by Gavan.
- Blood Magic: plans to stimulate Don Horror's blood in his veins by torturing Gavan in order to expand Makuu Space to cover the whole universe.
- Chained by Fashion
- Master of Disguise
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous
- Spikes of Villainy
- This Is a Drill: On his shoulders.
Gavan Bootleg[]
A mechanical copy of Gavan created by the fusion of Space Police and Zangyack technology.
- Evil Knockoff
- Cool Sword
- Tron Lines: They glow red at certain points.
- Whip It Good: Uses one when torturing Gavan.
Tokumei Sentai Gobusters[]
The 36th Super Sentai team, formed in 2012. As is customary, they make an Early-Bird Cameo in at least one of the movies of the previous Super Sentai team before the versus crossover. Though their live actors do voice them, they only appear in-costume in the movie.
- Weapon of Choice: The Sogan Blades and Ichigan Busters make their first appearance in the movie.
Hiromu Sakurada/Red Buster | Voice Actor: Katsuhiro Suzuki[]
Leader of the Go-Busters, secret agent for the Energy Management Center.
- Cool Bike: How he makes his entrance.
- Super Speed
Ryūji Iwasaki/Blue Buster | Voice Actor: Ryouma Baba[]
Secret agent for the Energy Management Center.
- Ground Pound
- Stealth Hi Bye: First appears surprising Basco by flanking him on one side, and Yōko on the other.
- Super Strength
Yōko Usami/Yellow Buster | Voice Actress: Arisa Komiya[]
Secret agent for the Energy Management Center.
- Delicious Distraction: Provides one for Sally, which ends up winning them the fight.
- In a Single Bound
- Stealth Hi Bye: See Ryūji's entry.
Characters appearing in Super Sentai vs. Kamen Rider[]
- ↑ "Hade ni ikuze!"
- ↑ "Don do ikouze!"
- ↑ "Dohade ni ikuze!"
- ↑ "Omoshiroi so ja ne ka?"
- ↑ Though he did need to use the Ohranger's Grand Power to finish work.
- ↑ "Gingin ni ikuze!", a pun on the Japanese word for silver, "gin".
- ↑ Gokai Silver leaps into the air and throws his spear through the enemy.
- ↑ Gokai Silver fires an energy bullet with incredible recoil; in mid flight it explodes with power before hitting the enemy.
- ↑ The parts formed by the prow of the Gallon splitting open to reveal the head
- ↑ GokaiOh's panels open up, revealing a cannon in the chest and cannonballs in the arms and legs, and it barrages the enemy.
- ↑ Magi Dragon emerges from GokaiOh and flies around the opponent(s) three times, each pass creating a magic circle; on the third pass, the rings contract around the opponent(s). Then, a Kill Sat like beam of light slams into the trapped opponent(s).
- ↑ The wheel Gatlings in GokaiOh's arms and chest barrage the enemy with bullets.
- ↑ The PAT Striker emerges from GokaiOh and spins out, firing its wheel Gatlings in all directions.
- ↑ Gao Lion blasts the enemy with fire breath as GokaiOh charges in with an X-slash.
- ↑ GokaiOh summons a mecha-sized version of the Rekka Daizanto, which it slashes down through the opponent.
- ↑ GokaiOh combines its two Gokai Ken into a single BFS, then it slashes through the enemy as an image of the constellation Cassiopeia appears over the sword.
- ↑ Shurikens shoot out of GokaiOh and strike the enemy.
- ↑ Furaimaru emerges from GokaiOh, creates clones of himself, and all of them attack the enemy with shurikens.
- ↑ Go-On GokaiOh lifts up into the air before coming down with a downward slash.
- ↑ A burning Rocket Punch.
- ↑ Kanzen GokaiOh and all the Legend Mecha blast the opponent at full power all at once.
- ↑ Ghost images of the Geki Beasts and SaiDain emerge from GokaiOh and charge the enemy.
- ↑ Similar to RV Robo's Sword Twister Cutter, GokaiOh performs a spinning sword slash.
- ↑ Giant images of Gosei Cards appear in front of GokaiOh, summoning all the Headders which barrage the enemy.
- ↑ GokaiOh creates a ghost copy of DaiBouken, which attacks the opponent with the GouGou Sword. It then passes the sword to GokaiOh, who finishes the opponent with a slash reminiscent of DaiBouken's finisher.
- ↑ Five giant fire hoses emerge from GokaiOh and spray water on the opponent.
- ↑ GokaiOh creates a circle of fire around itself, then performs a flaming X-slash.
- ↑ The symbols for each of the five Livemen emerge from GokaiOh and merge together to form Super Live Robo, who then fires off balls of energy from the mouth of Land Lion.
- ↑ With GoZyuJin standing in front of GokaiOh, who forms a ball of ki in its hands, the ki is shot at GoZyuJin as it and GokaiOh charge at the enemy with a ki-enhanced attack.
- ↑ Earth Force (the power source that gave the Changeman their powers) charges up in GokaiOh's cannon before being fired off.
- ↑ An aura-engulfed right-handed chop attack modeled after Galaxy Robo's finisher.
- ↑ GokaiOh becomes a ball of light and charges through the enemy.
- ↑ GokaiOh becomes a firebird and files through the enemy.
- ↑ GoZyuJin creates ghost images of its other two forms, and all three attack with their drills in unison.
- ↑ Similar to BullTaurus' Bullsword Fire Slash, GoZyuJin performs a spinning drill attack.
- ↑ GoZyuJin flies through the enemy, drill-first, based off of Mega Voyager's Mega Spartan (or Wing Voyager's Winger Spartan).
- ↑ Actually, the drill doesn't become a proper shield, but instead turns into some kind of propeller and spins very fast in front of GoZyuJin.
- ↑ keeping with the in-universe nature
- ↑ Super Ninpou: Hyper Hearing (literally, "hellish ears")
- ↑ Super Ninpou: Dancing Lion