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  • In their Early-Bird Cameo they have two.
    • Marvelous says the Gokaigers should show off since it's a movie.
    • Luka claims that they're just "pirated" versions of the original Sentai
  • The endings are full of them:
    • Don being trapped inside a card with the other members of J.A.K.Q
    • Joe Dancing with Battle Fever J
    • A stuffed dog chasing Denziman
    • Ahim and Don's reaction to not transforming with the others into Sun Vulcan and Don's reaction to Ahim being grabbed by Goggle V's Ribbons.
      • Then Ahim being pulled across the screen with Goggle V in the background.
    • Dynaman blowing away Goggle V with an explosion before being blown away by another explosion.
    • Bioman being blown away by Luka.
    • Don and Maskman using Flashman as a fire for warmth.
    • Joe being kissed by a dolphin from Liveman.
    • Don and Ahim dressed as high school students with the Turborangers.
    • Marvelous offscreen uses his meter stick to hit Don then cuts to Marvelous dressed as a teacher with Fiveman.
    • Joe, inside a heart, is smacked away by Black Condor from Jetman and then cracks the egg that releases the Zyurangers.
    • Luka rides on a star that reveals the Dairangers.
    • The Kakuranger's sound effects appear onscreen as they slide in.
    • Luka riding on a black star that becomes Oh Red's visor.
    • The Ohrangers being hit by the Carrangers and Pink Racer blowing a kiss that is also Joe trapped in a heart again.
    • Mega Red being pushed on a trolley tray by Mega Pink...while Mega Blue, Mega Black, and Mega Yellow are on their Cyber Sliders.
    • Ginga Red demonstrating his fire blasting Finishing Move on Don.
    • The burnt Don being helped by Go Go V.
    • Ahim and Luka getting confused between Time Red and Time Fire.
    • Luka surprising the Gaorangers by doing the Gao! howl with them.
    • The otherwise badass Hurricaneger pose gets ruined when HurricaneRed falls on his rear end.
    • The Abarangers getting pissed at Marvelous for eating their curry followed by the Dekarangers arresting and jailing Marvelous for it.
    • Ahim holding Magi Red's Magi Stick while he and the rest of the Magirangers look for it in the background.
    • Don getting knocked down in the crow's nest of the Galleon by the Boukengers.
    • The Gekirangers fighting a Panda followed by the Gokaigers pushing them out the way as the Go-Ongers ride in on their engine's soul form.
    • Joe and Shinken Blue holding each other's swords and then swapping back.
    • Joe then gets turned into a Gosei Card by the Goseigers.
  • Every time Don gets hurt, especially when Luka's the one hitting him.
  • Pretty much, anytime Don uses a random object in battle as a weapon.
  • Basically, anytime Don does anything, ever
  • Marvelous's reaction near the end of this chocolate ad is hilarious.
  • This troper finds that practically any face other than the usual smirk from Captain Marvelous deems a spot on this list, with an easy one to spot being the shot in the opening when he reaches for his Ranger Key along with the others.
  • Episode 1:
    • After the captain's announcement to the civilians falls flat, Ahim takes over the megaphone, leading to something of a Mood Whiplash.
      • Just the moment of the Gokaigers with that megaphone is a moment of funny all in itself
    • Luka realizing Marvelous wants to sell her ring to a jewelry store for money.
    • The Snack Safari gets trashed while the pirates are in the middle of their meal. They're reactions are quite apathetic in regards to the attack. Either this shit happens all the time, or they're really that slow to pick up...
    • When the Gokaigers turn into Himitsu Sentai Goranger, they use the Goranger Hurricane...which turns into a garbage truck that sucks up the enemies like a vacuum cleaner. Even though turning into weird things is expected for this move...
  • In Episode 2, everyone turns into Red Rangers to finish off the Monster of the Week, who then turns to face the camera and exclaim its shock at so many red rangers.
  • Episode 3, Don with the help of Kai gains the courage to leap a vast, deep gorge to save Captain Marvelous...only to be just short of reaching the other side and pulling a live action Looney Tunes sequence on displaying Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress.
    • Am I the only one who thinks that Marvelous throwing Doc into a ring of fire and running in himself without knowing it's actually fake Darwin Award worthy?
  • Episode 4's intro. Having realized their Ranger Keys can give GokaiOh new powers, they try out other teams (JAKQ and Battle Fever J), both of which produce nothing from within their robot. Luka's assumption that the two would somehow produce a dragon like Mahou Sentai Magiranger's key (JAKQ Dengekitai Dragon or Dragon Fever) adds to the hilarity.

 Warz Gill: *takes a slice of the apple and looks at it* It's shaped like a bunny!

Barizorg: Yes, boss.

    • A small one, but how about when the team, minus Joe, turn into Gekiranger. Don, as Geki Violet, shows off some Muay Thai moves on a Sugormin. He then knocks the Sugormin offscreen, and leaps after it, making some kind of weird cat noise in the process.
  • Episode 5 has Luka going all Drunken Master on the Gormin while morphed as KirinRanger and Don smacking several with a broom as Shishi Ranger while making Funny Bruce Lee Noises.
  • Episode 6's monster has the Game Breaker ability to see laser traps, and manages to creep between them flawlessly — until he's caught in the act by Luka, and proceeds to introduce himself in true toku villain fashion. Which causes him to cross ALL the lasers.
    • Luka blackmailing the mansion owner for a bigger paycheck by letting the monster get closer and closer.
      • Made even funnier by her teasing "Oh no~, I can't stop him~" remarks, and the fact that she refers to the MOTW as "Million Yen-Kun" from that point on.
    • Luka and the kaijin engaging in a bit of sing-along when Luka used the Vul Panther key. Ichi Tasu Ni Tasu Sun Vulcan indeed!
  • Episode 7: Navi's latest prediction tells the crew they should look for a "tiger's kid" (Jan/GekiRed), so what's the first thing Marvelous does? Breaks into a zoo and jumps into the tiger cage to find one.
    • Oh, that's just the beginning. The visual of Marvelous standing next to a very angry looking tiger is funny enough, but he also says "Let me meet your children" like it was "Take me to you leader."
    • Next, Don and Ahim start to question a man in a tiger costume at an amusement park. When a little girl comes up and hugs the tiger, Don assumes that she is the tiger's child (Needless to say, an understandably nervous parent quickly pulls the child away.)
    • Finally, Luka and Joe find a picture of a tiger on a jacket in a clothing shop, which is enough for an overenthusiastic shopkeeper to throw several garments at both of them. In the next scene, Joe is sitting on a bench, covered in animal prints (including a headwrap) and looks angry and sad at the same time. Ahim starts to poke him and does the "Are you in there?" wave in front of his face, and he doesn't even flinch.
      • Also when the Gokaigers speculate that Navi erred and meant a "tiger cat" [1] instead of a "tiger's kid" [2]. When they present such a cat to Navi, he's flabbergasted by their stupidity which leads to Navi getting licked by said kitty.
  • Episode 8. Damaras and Insarn are looking over the Gokaiger's wanted posters, revealing their backstories. Then they get to Don. They neither know nor care about him, and toss the poster away.
    • Also from 8 the MOTW's many many many attempts to get the spy onboard the Galleon.
      • With bored Gormin standing around doing random things and applauding him when he finally succeeds.
    • The crew is looking all over the Gokai Galleon for Navi, who has mysteriously gone missing. Whilst the crew is arguing amongst each other, Luka asks Navi (now right behind her, wearing a Hawaiian shirt, shades, and a sunhat) if he's seen Navi. It takes her a few seconds to realize who she was talking to.
    • In the beginning of the episode, the Gokaiger's are preparing to use MagiGokaiOh's finisher. Everyone pulls out their Magiranger key...except for Don, who pulls out GekiViolet. He notices that it's the wrong key and quickly pulls out MagiGreen.
    • When the team battles as the Gaorangers, each of them follows the show's tradition of shouting "Gao!" as they fight. Even Joe. How does Marvelous do it? He grabs a Gormin's face, says "Gao.", and then rips his hand away.
  • Episode 9's first fight has the Gokaigers using the Turboranger keys — and Don's knees knocking when they do the Combination Attack pose.
    • Later on, when they finish combining with GaoLion, Don whips out a Gao!pose when they invoke its completion.
  • Episode 10 has Joe and Luka sneaking onto a Zangyack cannon ship. When Joe admonishes Luka for being so indiscreet, Luka whips out...grey cardboard boxes and buckets made to look like Gormin Sailor gear. Epic laughs ensues when Luka suckers in a bunch of Gormins with a salute and a Gou!
  • Warz freaking out when Marvelous grazes him with a bullet in episode 11, in a wonderful subversion of a usual Sentai trope.
  • A flashback in episode 12 shows how Luka and Don first met. He shakes her excitedly and she punches him in the gut.
  • In episode 13 Luka learns why you don't headbutt a Gormin.
    • Also from 13 Don and Navi both panic when they think Ahim has been kidnapped.
    • For this troper it was when the groups bursts into the warehouse literally guns blazing...only to realize about a dozen bullets later that there's nobody home.
    • Don pulling off a FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK on a Gormin. WOOOOOOOOO!
    • Ahim pulling off the Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner!
    • After framing the Monster of the Week for her kidnapping, and then defeating it, Ahim actually turns to its remains...and apologizes.
  • All of Episode 14. Considering that it's a Carranger episode written by the series' own Yoshio Urasawa, this isn't a surprise in the least.
    • Specifically: The team transforming into Turboranger before getting it right and becoming the team they're supposed to.
      • It gets more hilarious when one realizes that Carranger's US equivalent is Turbo.
      • When they do get it right, the familiar Carranger "car constellation" background has a "Congratulations!" banner on top of it, and Kyosuke flashes a smile and thumbs up after they do Carranger's roll call.
    • Kyosuke swatting away the Red Racer overlay.
    • Kyosuke using Don as a human shield completely against his will.
    • The Gokaigers finishing move using the Carrangers powers amounts all of the rushing at the monster while riding bikes, unicycles and skateboards. Bonus points for Captain Marvelous for riding piggy back on Don's bike!
      • And Kyosuke criticizing Marvelous for doing so! "One Ranger to a bike!"
    • Insarn has a crush on Kyosuke. The Monster of the Week has a crush on Insarn. When the MotW realizes all this, he catches fire from sheer jealousy and starts flinging around fireballs while preceding every attack with "JEALOUSY!"
      • Also, the Imagine Spot of the Monster of the Week at the beginning of the episode is a reference to one Zonnette once had of her and Red Racer, except this time it's him and Insarn wearing high school uniforms and dating each other under a blossoming cherry tree.
    • Three Words: I love You!
      • Meanwhile the Gokaigers, Warz Gill, Barizorg and Damaras stand in confused silence as this all plays out. Except for Ahim, who is mystified.
    • Insarn dancing, accompanied by an operatic aria.
      • Not just any aria--"Der Hölle Rache" from Die Zauberflöte.
    • Some funny moments of playing with the formula: when the Gokaiger transform, they find that the villains have run off. Later, Oiles Gil enlarges Jealoushitto before he's destroyed the first time (which the Gokaiger lampshade).
      • Speaking of Warz Gill, once the whole thing is over, he faints.
    • Kyosuke revealing to the Gokaigers that the Carranger's greater power is the Carranger's pose!
    • At the end of the episode, Navi admits that not all of the powers are going to be useful, and then paints the fourth wall by telling the kids in the audience to conserve energy. So he's making fun of preachy messages...while delivering a preachy message.
    • More of a subtle joke, but Don using the Moth Breaker as a Guitar after taking down the Gormins and before Marvelous strikes the MotW.
    • It might simply be a quirk of the Japanese language that I don't fully understand, but when Kyosuke introduces himself, he says that he's "Red Racer, duh duh duh." It sounds like he's hammy enough to add his own dramatic flourish to his name.
  • In the middle of the otherwise serious episode 16 we get Don trying to talk to Sally/Sari (Basco's ape partner), ending up getting a banana thrown in his face and then slipping on it.
  • Episode 17 has Gai's roll call, which is long and flowery compared to the to-the-point ones used by the core five. They can only stare at him in confusion when he finishes.
    • Before that, Gai's fantasy about him joining the team. Everyone is out of character, and Gai has replaced Don. Don's not too pleased.
      • Everyone except for Ahim, who even remarks "I'm not too different here."
  • Episode 18 has Gai's first fight with the team. Gai suggests they transform into Shinkenger, but frets about not having the Shinken Gold key. Marvelous hands him a Ranger Key (after Gai described it as "the one with a kanji on its face") and the team proceeds to transform into Shinkenger except Gai, who becomes King Ranger. Gai doesn't even realize this until he attempts Shinken Gold's roll call.
    • And before that, Gai confronts the Zangyack on his own and literally goes through the motions of his transformation sequence before remembering that Marvelous took his Gokai Cellular and his Gokai Silver Ranger Key before hand.
    • In the same episode, Gai uses the drill on GouJyuJin to perform a Groin Attack on a Sugormin.
    • Right before Gai explains how he got the keys with a flashback, he mimics Joe's little hand motion he does during the roll call, Joe's reaction is priceless.
  • Episode 19 has Gai change into the 2-in-1 Go-On Wings, and while everyone was speechless Ahim clapped her hands.
    • In the same episode, we have Don encouraging Gai to use his Gold Mode key. Gai agrees and just DROPS Don with an audible thud before he does.
    • Finally, at the end of the episode it is revealed that Gai now has a bounty set at 100,000 which is 20 times larger than Don's bounty which is still at 5,000.
      • Really this episode has them from start to finish. Gai's hamminess in the beginning, Don's attempts to one-up Gai all backfiring, and both gripping Navi tightly without realizing it. (In Don's case, Navi actually says "I give! I'm tapping out!")
    • Funyaa~~, who cares about editing on TV Tropes...
  • Episode 20 has Don fighting against Basco's summoned Wolzard Fire, while trying to keep his donuts safe.
    • At the beginning, Navi starts on another prediction...and ends up flying all over the place in the background while Luka explains it to Gai. It ends with Navi slamming into Gai's head.
      • Also a bit of Call Back: remember when Luka punched Don after he shook her when they first met? Well, Gai does the same to her, and when Navi hits the back of his head, she's about to punch him!
      • Aaaand when he exhibits his knowledge of the Gingamen, she's the one who shakes him excitedly!
    • Another subtle joke of Marvelous protecting his doughnut when a noise runs through the forest.
    • Marvelous, while angrily looking for Basco, casually shoots Sally out of a tree and runs off, all without looking at it.
    • When Marvelous asks Gai where the Ginga Forest is, everyone smiles hoping for an answer and some suspenseful music plays. Gai merely smiles and answers: "Who knows?" Cue Face Faults.
  • Episode 21, during a terse conversation between Marvelous and Akashi, Gai silently gushes over the the autograph that he just got from Akashi.
    • During the fight with the Gormins Gai suggested to Joe, Ahim, and Don that they go ninja so while the other three go Kakuranger he goes Shurikenger from Hurricanger much to Gai's chargin thinking that he doesn't belong. As well as the use of Kakuranger's signature comic-style Hit Flash.
      • Happens again in Episode 22. Gai suggests to Joe that they go dinosaur-themed. Gai changes into Dragon Ranger while Joe changes into Abare Blue. Gai complains that he said dinosaur (kyoryu), not dinoblast (bakuryu).
  • Another from Episode 22, after surviving the combined attacks from the Goseigers, Dairangers, and Ohrangers, Warz enlarges the MotW before he's actually destroyed by the Gokaiger's group Final Wave. To accomplish this he pushes both Barizorg and Insarn out of the way, before firing and exclaiming "Bang!" Insarn says quite sadly that that's supposed to be her job.
  • Episode 23 has the Gokaigers helping people out and with Joe and Don a..."lady" drops her earring. When Joe goes to return the earring "her", the person calls Joe a "hottie" and Don "cute" and drags them else where. Later on we see that Joe and Don don't look good in make-up...okay, maybe only Joe.
    • How about just before they're dragged off, where Joe uses Don as a human shield? Then there's Gai and Marvelous helping an old man up a flight of stairs. Starts off as Heartwarming...until Marvy turns around to find that Gai has brought more people that would like help...and then later when the girls report to the others about Go Pink, Gai and Marvelous both exclaim they'll be right there...before looking back and seeing a LARGER group of people then before!
      • Don gets a pair of funny moments during the Go Go V change fight — when they do the Go Go V pose, HE'S SALUTING WITH TWO HANDS AND DOING A FREAKIN' PLIE! To top it off, when the team are stomping Rio and Mele with the V-Lancers, Don's basically running away with the V-Lancer in a Funny Background Event as Luka and Ahim are finishing them off.
  • Episode 24, another Jealoushitto episode, written again by Yoshio Urasawa, gives us quite a lot of gems.
    • At the very beginning, the team is sitting around, trying to decide what to eat. Gai has some type of epiphany, jumps up, transforms into GokaiSilver...then suggests they eat takoyaki.
    • The first Gokai Change of the episode has the team sounding bored. Points to Joe slashing and blasting Gormins while casually sitting on one of the amphitheater's benches.
    • Except for Don, who does his in pain after an accidental Groin Attack.
    • Ahim doesn't sound that bored to me. And Gai's in his usual mood.
    • Jealoushitto takes the full force of Senden's Zangyack Bazooka to save an old woman and delivers a dramatic speech before falling back. Much crying ensues until he opens his eyes and says, quite plainly, "I'm still alive. But it would have been dramatic if I died."
    • The Gokaiger transform into Hurricaneger to finish off the Monster of the Week, only to find he's run off, similar to what happened in #14. Marvelous even remarks "Oh, he's one of those types."
    • The monster of the week was using publicity to try and convince the people of Earth to let the Zangyack take over, starting all his sentences with "Announcement". When he grows, he also shouts "Announcement" (which is all just his Punny Name — "Senden" is Japanese for "announcement").
    • The Gokaiger and Jealoushitto are trying to convince the takoyaki chef's mom to let Jealoushitto be the chef's apprentice when the MOTW and some Gormin come barging in. The Gokaiger tell him they're busy. The kicker: the MOTW agrees and tells the Gormin to stay back. The conversation continues as if nothing happened.
    • At the end, the Gokaigers are bringing a flowery sign to help Jealoushitto attract people to his stand. The chef informs them that he has eloped with the chef's mother and the two are running a hot spring. We see the two telling the chef of their plans, and then sending two customers off at their new spring, after which the woman gleefully tells Jealoushitto that she thinks she is...before running inside, giggling. Jealoushitto stands outside a moment before realizing what she means and gleefully running in behind her shouting "I LOVE YOU!" The episode ends with the chef dejectedly working his stand, the team leaving with the sign and those of us watching saying simply...what.
  • Episode 25, when Marvelous, Joe, and Luka are fighting Saturakura Jr., Marvelous gives him a kick that sends him pitching forward, and when he puts his hands out in front of him to catch himself, they land directly on Luka's chest. Luka, being Luka, responds about as well as you'd think. (Complete with *ding!* sound.)
  • During the fight scene in episode 26, Gokai Green uses a branch from a tree as a substitute weapon after doing a weapon swap with Gokai Blue and Hurricane Yellow.
    • Then there's the enlarging scene:
      • Warz is running up to the enlarging gun whilst saying...

 Warz: Curse you, Curse you, Curse you, Curse you, Curse you, Curse you...

A Gormin hands him the gun

Warz: CURSE YOU! *fires*

    • Ahim wearing cat ears. Gai and Don's reactions MUST BE SEEN to be believed.
  • Episode 27 was about that time-tested Super Sentai standby, body swapping...between Luka and Doc, and it didn't disappoint. Mao Ichimichi (Luka) showed some skill at physical comedy pretending to be Doc the entire episode.
    • Gai trying to get the foreign ambassador to safety at the beginning of the episode. Complete with Gratuitous German and all.
    • Right after their bodies switched, Luka as Don tries to attack the monster by swinging her guns, and Don as Luka tries to shoot at him with his swords. He even makes the "BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG" sound.
    • Most of the humor in episode 27 comes from Don in Luka's body being chased by a couple of shady guys. When they finally catch up to him/her, it turns out they are really jewelers who wanted Luka to work for them.
    • When the Gokaigers crash the Zangyack attack on the world peace conference, Gai isn't content with simply calling them out on it; he grabs the microphone from the podium to do so.
    • When Doc is fighting as Luka while in-suit, he keeps hiking up the her skirt.
      • This becomes absolutely hilarious when you realize that the GokaiYellow suit actor is, in fact, male.
  • #28 has more of Don's suited posing gags — as Choujin Sentai Jetman, the Gokaigers immediately use the gliding gimmick, whil Don can be seen flapping his wing-arms. Then they go into a running charge, and Don is the only one doing a Bird Run.
    • Gai constantly failing to see Yūki's spirit.
    • Not to mention Gai's reaction when the rest of the team turns into Jetman.
  • #29, Ahim as Abare Pink, nuff said.
    • The entire first fight against Daiyal was golden. As a mosquito-like Action Commander who can change size, he grows the moment the Gokaigers transform, and Gai calls him out on it. Then he invades Gojyuujin and uses it against Gokai-Oh. Then, he shrinks again to invade Gokai-Oh, where once he's on-board, Marvelous, Joe and Luka start shooting at him (Joe shoots blindly over his shoulder), and the gunshots eventually knock out the viewscreen. Next, he runs out onto Gokai-Oh's shoulder, followed by the team, after which he flies into the Gokai Galleon's main room through a door on the crotch, where he is battered by Navi and surrounded by the Gokaiger. During this, Don is wielding a frying pan and wearing a strainer as a helmet...on top of his actual helmet. Daiyal then dives into Luka's suit; she freaks out that he's going to go around to her chest. Ahim then sprays down Luka's suit with bug spray, blinding Daiyal and making him run away. Keep in mind, this is all within the first five minutes or so of the episode.
      • How has no one yet mentioned Marvelous' solution to get Daiyal out of Luka's suit: He tosses his gun aside and attempts to reach into Luka's suit to pull Daiyal out himself.
    • Warz Gill has a cold. Every time he sneezes, the Gigant Horse shakes. It only goes downhill from there as Insarn contracts Gill's cold too and wears a surgical mask to keep from spreading it. It ends with both of them passing out (Insarn passes out while firing the Gigant Horse's enlargement beam!)
    • Gai and Navi having the same reaction to Ahim's suggestion that Gai and Ahim get married.
      • The close-up on the "not impressed" expression he has on his face for a split second before actually realizing what Ahim just said and properly freaking out has to be seen as well.
    • Ahim trying to snatch Diaal's staff in different costumes and scenarios. Much of the humor comes from the abrupt scene changes (which is a technique Super Sentai uses a lot).
    • This exchange:

 Gai: [Points to Yukito.] That's Abare Blue from Abaranger, Yukito Sanjou and...[Points at Emiri, who smiles eagerly.] ...Someone I don't know!

  • Episode 30: Doc as Green Sai THROWING DUST at Zaien during the Liveman battle. PURE. GOLD.
    • He does it again when they whip out the weapons — he's acting like a bull, AND THE SAI CUTTERS ARE THE HORNS.
    • When Liveman's Great Power summons Super Live Robo, Gai has his normal Squee reaction, but what really does it is the fact GoZyuRex is pretty much doing a Jaw Drop!
  • Episode 32: The entire time Don interacts with Gai as he creates the Gokai Galleon Buster, Don tends to slap Gai on this broken arm.
    • Not only that, he gets Gai to yell "Ow!", and making Gai do odd poses, which included Michael Jackson's "Thriller" music video zombie arm poses!
  • Episode 33: Tomokazu Seki apparently recorded the answering machine for the Gokai Cellular.
  • Episode 35: Sosuke's reaction to Speedor and BearRV getting together is just...priceless. Better yet, a few seconds later, when he finds out that they have a son. He faints.
    • When Bomper takes Gokaigers to meet up with Sosuke at the circuit, he greets them with his signature pose. When Gai does the same with his own, he remarks "What a weird guy~".
    • Sosuke in general is loaded with Funny Moments throughout, since he's the sole representative of his series' sense of humor.
      • One of the best was his attempts to get to the Gunman World, by way of a rift in the sky at least 100 feet in the air. They involve a mini-trampoline and a pole vault, and they both obviously fail.
    • The first ever Gokai Change into Battle Fever J kicks off with the jumping-over-the-camera shot Super Sentai is known for — except Don is doing a swan dive for no real reason.
    • Chirakashizky, after being defeated by Hurricane GokaiOh and GoJyuJin, states the reason he joined Gaiark was because he liked their name.
    • At the very beginning of the episode, when Bomper arrives on their ship, the Gokaigers take defensive stances, thinking that they're being invaded. What was Joe wielding as a "weapon"?
  • Episode 36: Sosuke's speech to try and get Machalcon to help break the barrier into Human World.
    • Along with Sosuke referring to Gai as "Yoroi" through the entire episode.
    • When Marvelous and Don are attacking with the Go-Onger's personal weapons, while Marvelous does the sliding strike correctly, Don keeps spinning around trying to get his footing.
    • The Gaiark are invading the Earth. The Gokaigers are stranded in another Braneworld. Warz Gill is pissed. Why? Because the damned pirates aren't there to stop the Gaiark like they always do the Zangyack. As a result, we get a brief Let's You and Him Fight between the villains before the pirates return to the Human World.
      • Warz Gill and Babachiido talking smack. That.Is.All.
    • After the Gokaigers transform into the Go-Ongers, Babachiido sends out the Ugutz to fight them — and then a Goumin pats him on the shoulder and cheers on the Ugutz!
      • Babachiido's reaction to that one was priceless too — he bashes the Goumin on the head with his arm and SCREAMS at him to go fight as well.
    • After Babachiido's been defeated, Sousuke's still hanging with the crew, and says he wants to be a pirate. Gai invites him and Sousuke whips this out: Mach Full Speed! GokaiFire!
  • Episode 37 has a couple during the Extra Hero vs Dogormin fight.
    • Luka as Zubaan keeps repeating Zubaan's Verbal Tic throughout the fight.
      • Heck, Luka using said Verbal Tic to taunt the enemy before the fight (until Marvelous told her to knock it off).
      • Even better, first Luka does it, then Gai joins in, then Marvelous essentially says "Are you two done yet?"
    • Don as Signalman using the Signizer like a putter.
    • Don jumping and pointing out the wolf head shoulders on Wolzard Fire.
  • Episode 38:
    • The whole Navi and Marvelous bit at the end is a very rare Funny Moment for Marvelous. To recap, Luka and Joe question Marvelous on what he did alone in the Galleon and Navi answers by saying he was so lonely he cried. Marvelous responds by choking Navi until he gives up...only for Navi to fly around the Galleon making fun of Marvelous. The scene dissolves into Marvelous chasing Navi around and practically throwing Gai to the floor.
  • Episode 39: At the very beginning of the episode, Kenta actually recognizes the Gokaigers (and actually points at Gai) before Gai recognizes him. Gai's reaction is priceless.
    • While searching for the bombs, Luka goes into the boys' locker room.
    • Ahim cheering on the shy girl going after the popular guy. A look into her past?
    • The giant monsters summoned by Basco fearhugging at the sight of Kanzen Gokai-Oh.
    • The block of Gratuitous English on the screen when the Gokaiger become the Megarangers is such indecipherable gibberish (a holdover from the original series — it begins with "Tighten Up Reality Gangster / Stigma Through Idiot Hearing,") it's kinda fun to try and figure out where they were going with that.
  • Episode 40: During Gai's solo mecha battle the other Gokaigers amuse themselves. Joe is even doing push-ups.
    • The team-wide freak-out at the end when they realize they didn't get the Grand Power they were promised!
      • Funnier, in this case, is Joe's reaction: he just does his sit-ups faster, ponytail whipping up and down, while everyone else is shouting (Marvelous even threatening Domon)!
    • Gai getting hit by the attacks that the other Gokaigers manage to dodge (even Don!) while being the Timerangers.
    • The Early-Bird Cameo mentioned at the top of the page? It turns out, Shitari was the wrong villain. That entire Gokaiger first appearance was a mistake.
  • While most of episode 41 is quite serious, it starts out with Gai and Joe tossing around a ball aboard the Galleon. Joe tosses it to Navi, who then deflects it to Ahim, who's sweeping the floor, who reflexively bats it with the broom, ricocheting it off of Marvelous's face (while he's napping, no less) and hitting Don smack in the nose as he's carrying out a plate of food. While everybody's confused about what happened, Gai, Joe and Ahim immediately decide to grab their coats and go out shopping before the rest figure it out.
    • Even in the seriousness of the episode, there are two small moments of comedy:
      • As everyone tells Ahim they'll help her take out Zatsurig Don says "Leave it to me!" Luka's responds by hitting Don in the gut and saying "Leave it to you!?
      • At the end of the episode, Gai believes Marvelous' reason for helping Ahim was because Marvelous didn't want her to leave. Marvelous then puts Gai in a Choke Hold and forces him to tap out.
  • #42 has Don getting knocked off a ladder into a pile of boxes (and wearing one of them on his body when he rises!), backhanded by Ahim by accident, and trips over himself onto a group of Gormin. All in the first minute before the OP plays.
    • Don transformed into Black Lion Rio. Words can not describe the hilarious dissonance.
    • The flashback with Don recognizes Luka. His eyes dart back and forth between her and the wanted poster, before he runs away screaming "space pirate!"...only for his pants to get caught on a screw and yanked down to reveal plaid frog boxers.
      • And our first look at the utter mess the Galleon was in...and the implication that Luka's underthings are also in there someplace...
    • Something of a Fridge Funny, but when he fixes the ship's computer by pressing a single button, if you look closely, the button he presses has a picture of a lightning bolt on the front. That could have simply been the power button.
  • While episode 43 is mostly serious, The are plenty funny moments:
    • Navi's Get a Hold of Yourself, Man! slap to Doc.
    • Doc's flashback to his first fight. He takes Luka's gun, throws trash at a group of Gormins and wildly shoots into the mooks.
    • Navi pecking at the chains holding Marvelous to his cross.
    • And to top it all off, Doc takes a level in Badass, saves Marvelous and helps the crew to defeat Damaras..........only to return to being the crew's Butt Monkey.
  • Episode 44: One of the first scenes in the Saving Christmas episode is the fact that Navi now has a bounty.
    • Mood Whiplash moment: As the Gokaigers are talking about Basco's suspicious actions that going him wanted again, Gai's nowhere to be found. Cue our Chrome Champion, holding a mini Christmas tree singing "Jingle Bells."
    • Luka's face when Battle Kenya (dressed as Santa Claus) denies her a present because he "only gives presents to good boys and girls."
    • 2 words: Gokai Christmas!
    • The Action Commander complimenting the Gokaigers (as the Battle Fever J team) while they're beating the tar out of him with their Dance Battler moves!
    • Santa's assistant is the panda from the Gekiranger verse in the end credits.
  • #45: Why was Ninjaman sealed in the Negakure Temple? In order to save a little girl from a stampede of escaped zoo animals, he got...over-enthusiastic.
    • Gai goes absolutely ballistic AGAIN, even pushing Joe off when Joe approaches Ninjaman asking him if he was a Kakuranger.
    • Joe was so depressed in his Ninjaman cupcake getting ruined that he was sitting inside a treasure chest, moping; a literal version of the Corner of Woe.
    • During the backstory of the recent wave of Zangyack forces towards Earth after the Legend War, Don called Gai "an annoying apprentice". What sells it is that Gai agreed, then does a verbal Double Take (note: archive footage of Gai's debut episode is playing).
    • At the end of the episode, Ninja White is watching the ship sail away, and says that she was going to have the Gokaigers help the planet, but they found Ninjaman instead, and says "That's impressive." While it probably wasn't intended as a Fandom Nod, when you hear the story surrounding Ninjaman's lack of appearances so far (namely, that Ninjaman wasn't going to be able to appear in Gokaiger at all because the Power Rangers team lost the costume), hearing her say "finding Ninjaman was impressive" becomes absolutely hilarious.
  • #46: Ninjaman decides that he is going to train the Gokaigers himself before he trusts them with the Kakuranger Ultimate Power. Cue only Gai, Doc, and Ahim showing up. Where are the others? They blew it off.
    • What also happen was Gai yelling "Ossu!" when Luka and Joe protested, getting everyone to turn around and look/glare at Gai.
    • After Doc and Gai possessed by Jyujyu's crystals, the first thing Doc does is steal Marvelous' meat, almost pushing his Berserk Button. Both manage to hit Luka's by telling her to shut up.
      • Then both go at it with each other before heading off the Galleon. What do Marvelous, Joe, and Luka do? They continue to eat lunch. Marvelous even takes back his piece of meat Doc stole from him.
    • During the fight as the Kakurangers, Don came out of the ground and threw rope at a group of Gormin. He then proceeds to use the Kakuremaru as a hammer on their heads.
  • #47: Don and Gai monkey-talking to Sally.
  • #48: When Luka, Don, and Gai find Basco summoned Gokai Yellow, Green, and Silver, Gokai Green does his usual wiping his hands on his pants pose. They finally lampshade this.
    • When Navi is hiding from a summoned Gokai Red in the Gokai Galleon cockpit, he notices that he's gone and flies up out of cover...only to notice he's standing right at the door.
    • A little later, when Basco is talking to Navi and the Ranger Keys come back, Basco tells them back to the chest. The response of the Key Clones, save for Red, gives Basco his only Oh Crap moment. [3]
  • #49: The Gokaigers immediately try to dismantle Navi when remembering what Basco said about Navi being the key to the Ultimate Treasure in the Universe. What really seals it is Navi's reaction upon realizing what they were going to do.
    • Marvelous calling Navi tori for "bird" is just a bit more Hilarious in Hindsight: tori is just one extra syllable away from torii meaning "GATE". One final Punny Name.
  • Episode 51
    • When fighting against Dairando, Don, using the Zubaan Ranger Key, actually transforms into sword form, while shouting in pain during the transformation.
    • The Gokaigers FINALLY get to eat the curry that they ordered at the Snack Safari in the first episode, with Marvelous wanting a sixth helping (breaking Ooiwa's record of four at once in the process!).
    • After the Free Joker crashes into the emperor's ship Marvelous literally throws Navi offscreen while shouting for them to get to safety.
    • Don accidentally cutting himself while peeling potatoes during the end credits.
  • From the Flying Ghost Ship movie: Wars Gill sends some of his troops, including Insarn and Barizorg, to investigate the eponymous ship. They try to board, only for the ship to swerve sharply, making them miss and fall. And then we see Gill´s awesome flying kick.
  • Two Words: Zangyack Getter!.
  • This brief skit with the Gokaiger and Basco. The Gokaiger perform a suitless roll call then proceed to mob Basco all at once, culminating in Marvelous throwing Basco's own hat at him. The "Did that really just happen?" expression on his face afterward is priceless.
  • In Gokaiger vs. Gavan, pretty much the whole scene where Daigoro Ome and Shiro Akebono run into the Gokaigers, at the same time. The five original Gokaiger immediately point out that it's Gavan, with only Gai recognizing them for their roles and the two pointing out their similarities after the fact.
    • Then there's the entire prison infiltration sequence, where the Gokaigers run into past Super Sentai enemies, trapped in prison cells. Hilarity Ensues.
    • A Gormin decides to check on what the commotion is all about. Seeing the Gokaigers, everyone goes quiet, and he backs away until he was out of sight. And only then did everyone panic.
      • Not everyone. Marvelous was standing with his arms crossed and a mildly irritated look on his face the whole time. The rest of the team was being harrassed by the cameo villains who want to be freed, and Marvelous was just waiting for it to stop. He didn't even react when the Gormin came down, witnessed the clusterfuck going on and went back up to turn the alarm on.
    • Not too long after the prison infiltration sequence, we cut to Basco and Sally trying to get into the Gokai Galleon. They are thwarted for their troubles by the Tokumei Sentai Gobusters, but how exactly is Basco thwarted? Sally taking a break mid-fight eating bananas! The Oh Crap face Sally made and tried to get up to collect her uneaten fruit is priceless, as well as the exasperated sigh Basco made. And what does Basco do to her for messing up? A Dope Slap right on the noggin.
    • How about Don throwing a crowd of Gormin into an empty cell and held the door in?
  • The Special DVD, in order of events:
    • Insarn introduces herself by eating Gai's ice cream.
    • Marvelous and Gai Sharing a Body.
    • Insarn tries her new weapon to fuse [4] and a cat. Hilarity Ensues.
    • Gai changes into the various Red Rangers in chronological order: as OhRed, he just poses, and as Red Racer, he runs into a wall.
    • Since Marv and Gai are bickering again, Navi decides to use Insarn's gun to fuse them again. Cue Oh Crap.
  1. tora neko
  2. tora no ko
  3. They were the Gokaiger themselves, having taken back the Keys but pretending to be the Key Clones.
  4. a new model of Barizorg