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  • They've made a few references to collecting all 34 grand powers. The Grand Powers seemed to be mecha-based, since they give some type of power-up to GokaiOh. How is that going to be possible, since Goranger and JAKQ didn't even have mecha? If they aren't able to find them all, isn't that going to feel a little like a letdown?
    • We know that the Goranger keys will give a Variblune-based flight attachment for Gokai-Oh. Presumably the JAKQ keys will do something involving Sky Ace.
    • Not to mention that not all of the powers give the Gokai-Oh an upgrade. Sometimes they give it a new attack.
  • Anyone else jarred by the obvious suit changes? Because a woman being based on a bull is idiotic.
    • Technically, it's a bison...
      • Female bison do have horns, so there's nothing odd about it.
    • And so what if she has a man-imal motif? Females having male animal motifs go back to Greek Mythology! Hera was a peacock and Demeter was a male lion. And in GoOnger, Miu's outfit was based on a male tiger.
      • Manimal? A Manimal-motif ranger would be... interesting, to say the least.
    • OP: I didn't know that about Demeter, and I keep fogetting the Peacock as Hera (despite loving the use of that motif). But it works both ways. A male mermaid ranger (yes it would still be a mermaid) is a bit odd as well.
      • Mermaidman ranger!
        • Well it wouldn't be a milestone celebration without something strange happening now would it?
    • Because their transformation is based on the original rangers' motif. It wouldn't Black Bison without a black bison motif or MagiBlue with a blue mermaid motif.
  • Exactly why didn't the previous sentai teams use their mecha in the Legend War (instead of giving up their powers)?
    • Do we even know if they were functioning? Its very possible that they were all destroyed before hand, and not every team had them. What was Akaranger supposed to do, sit on his gloved hands? Also, mecha have been getting progressively stronger since their inception in Battle Fever J. We got giant robots, then transforming robots, then combining robots from two jets, then three, then five things, to seven, to ten, to twelve, to Grand Gosei Great (what was the Hedder count?)
    • Also, at least some of the Sentai's mechas were destroyed in the final battles, so they couldn't show up.
      • If that's the case, then Flashman are not even supposed to be here on Earth.
      • The Flashmen can still appear on Earth, because years have passed in the Flash Stars, thus they're not going to be affected with the Anti-Flash Phenomenon if they participate in the Legends War.
      • Most importantly: all those suits and CGI models would be expensive.
    • You'll be pleased to know that all 33 mecha are going to appear in 199 heroes and will even combine to form a single robo!
      • Jossed.
    • Apparently this was answered in a pamhplet handed out at theaters showing the 199 Heroes movie. It seems that there were other battles in the Legend War besides what we saw, including a giant battle where "over 100 giants" fought against the Zangyack fleet. A great deal of the past mecha were destroyed in this battle, explaining why the past Rangers didn't try to summon them when the tides turned.
      • This might explain why GaoLion is alone on Sky Island, as well as where Ninjaman, Datas and DaiGoyou went...
      • Also, the most of the Magirangers turn into their giant robots, so there's no reason the Magirangers couldn't have turn into MagiKing of something at the battle.
  • How does the Gokaiger's Early-Bird Cameo work? If the Goseigers and Shinkengers still have their powers for the main plot then it's before the Legend War and the Gokaigers shouldn't have even met yet and Marvelous wouldn't have the Ranger Keys yet.
    • These Vs. movies aren't exactly Canon in the first place. But it may have something to do with the Timeranger powers.
      • Confirmed. It is in the Timeranger tribute, which would explain why the Gokaigers had Ranger Keys.
  • Why was GoseiKnight part of the 34 Super Sentai team while Ninjaman and Signalman weren't?
    • He's a Ranger. They're not. ~Kamen Rider Ookalf
      • Okay, but why?
      • Law of Chromatic Superiority? He's silver, they're blue, Or maybe making a contract with the Earth itself gives you Ranger privileges. Or maybe it's because the actual SixthRanger for Goseiger is dead.
      • Tell that to the Zyurangers and their somehow back from the dead Dragonranger.
      • The difference is that Burai was killed late in the series, Magis was killed before the beginning of Goseiger.
      • I think it's Merchandise-Driven. Unlike Ninjaman and Signalman, Gosei Knight's mecha combined with the main five, so they couldn't very well claim he wasn't a full-fledged Goseiger.
      • Then there's the simple fact that he's called Gosei Knight, as opposed to something like Knightman. It may seem shallow, but it clearly shows that the writers intended for him to be part of the Goseigers, whereas the writers of Kakurangers and Carrangers may not have felt the same way about their characters.
      • Signalman is in the battle, while Ninjaman is mostly a mech that was taken down by the Zangyack fleet.
      • #40 seems to indicate that Ninjaman was in the temple Domon asked the Gokaigers to protect, especially given its name.
  • How did the Gokaigers cameo in Goseiger vs Shinkenger if they received their powers after the other Super Sentais lost theirs?
    • Was it ever explicitly stated that the Gokaigers didn't get their powers until after the Legendary War? They might have had them already.
    • They could have used some form of time-travel.
      • That's exactly what they did, in #40.
  • Why aren't Geki Violet and/or Geki Chopper considered Sixth rangers (please keep in mind that AbareKiller is)?
    • AbareKiller was uniquely distinct and separate from the Abaranger team proper, whereas GekiViolet and GekiChopper were part and parcel of it, like the 4th and 5th rangers from Hurricanger.
  • Furthermore, why isn't Big One considered a sixth ranger?
    • See the Gekiranger argument above, also because Big One is the leader and mascot of the JAKQ team.
  • Since there is no Sixth Ranger for Gekiranger, does that mean that Silver might take on the form of Rio or Mele?
    • Again, we already know Silver's complete power set. He simply doesn't have a Gekiranger transformation.
      • However, episode 16 does show Rio and Mele Ranger keys, so not all hope is lost.
  • Why are they pulling out all the stops and making this so epicly awesome for the 35th anniversary? Why didn't they wait until the 40th anniversary instead?
    • ...Really? That's what bugs you? Do YOU want to wait 5 more years?
      • It just seems like a waste and there is no way they can top this for the 40th anniversary.
        • Cannot top this? That's what they said and we thought about all the Shout Outs and Homages in Boukenger. NEVER underestimate what Super Sentai is capable of doing, their limits[1] are farther than our imagination.
    • Because not only is it Super Sentai's 35th Anniversary it's Toei's 60th. This is also why they are doing a big Kamen Rider Anniversary movie so soon after Decade.
    • Besides since they did the work for Gokaiger they now have brand new suits of the past 35 years of Sentai...let that sink in for the 40th they have 35 years of suits now in mint condition
    • Two sets infact!
      • Possibly not. In episode 3, when Joe turns into Big One, he/his stunt double is almost too buff for the costume. When Luka turns into Big One, the costume is noticeably too big for her/her double (you can see the fabric billowing around her arms.) They might only have one of each costume, and a detachable piece of skirt fabric that attaches to the belt.
        • What about cases like Jetman, Flashman, Bioman, Hurricanger, Etc, where the pants segment is different for females as seen here again. Such as the trunks vs bikini cut in Bioman, or the mesh leggings in Hurricanger Yellow, or the pink leggings on Jet white? and so on
        • That would also explain while in the giant 35 sentai pic it looks like some of the skirts are tacked on (some better then others) and the helmet of Go-On black looks comically large for the suited actresses head.
    • Maybe even more, since I assume that each suit actor is a different size.... thats five if I'm correct. Or maybe the women are the same size, and the men share a size, who knows.
    • There is definitely no way that the 40th anniversary super sentai would able to top or even equal Gokaiger. They did any that is almost everything possible for a anniversary season. How do you expect the 40th anniversary and any other future anniversary to top that or even come close? They might as well quit no before the other anniversaries get bashed-down for not even coming close to Gokaiger.
    • Why are we so set on waiting for the 40th anniversary? If we were really waiting for a milestone anniversary, shouldn't we be talking about the 50th Sentai anniversary (which, if my math is right, would also be Toei's 75?) Why wait for a specific year to have an awesome season, why not just enjoy them as they come along?
    • They make it like Gokaiger is the last season or something by pulling out all the stops...
    • I think the detachable skirt theory works best, since this is Super Sentai. It's probably eating the budget with the guests and having 200 normal version suits. Also, what someone said about the pants on certain teams being too different for just an extra fabric piece, parts could still be reused. The Magiranger and Hurricanger female leggings come to minds; they can be used whether the female is blue or yellow, so that helps the budget and costuming deparmtent.
    • But what about shows like Fiveman where it wasn't a matter of leggings and a skirt but a completly different lower spandex design, the women for example had a sort of bathing suit cut to end the upper suit.
      • Some of the examples listed, like Bioman or Flashman, don't work because Yellow's a girl and Blue's a boy, like Gokaiger and thus negating the need for gender swapped costumes. However, if any of those costumes do need to be gender swapped, then they can make two sets of suits.
    • Why go big now and not wait for the 40th, 50th, or whatever anniversary? To cut down on the Author Existence Failures. If you look at other franchises that his 35 or more, you can see they lost plenty of their stars, ruining the chance of a return for a anniversary celebration (Deforest Kelly and James Doohan from Star Trek, Alec Guinness from Star Wars, the first three Doctors from Doctor Who. Super Sentai had already lost Baku Hatakeyama (Yellow Ranger from Goranger). Let's face it, the actors aren't getting younger and can't Come Back From The Dead like their characters. Also, as the earthquake in March showed, anything can happen to anyone.Yeah, the characters could just stay in suit if we ever lost their actors, but would it be the same as actually seeing our favorite characters out of suits mentoring in some way the new team, setting them up to be new legends? Absolutely not. Why go big now and not wait for the 40th, 50th, or whatever anniversary? I think Toei's going for this now is to make sure they can still get as many past Warriors as possible to guest star before they have to Fake Shemp with a stuntman/woman in the suit.
  • Why have them transform into the Gaoranger in 8 if that's the series that's getting the limelight in the very next episode? Seems redundant.
    • No more than Gekiranger in the Joe Spotlight then MASTERING Gekiranger in the Ahim and Doc Spotlight.
    • Or Magiranger being used once in four episodes straight.
      • OK, more generalized question, is there any pattern to the seasons they're using? They've used several teams multiple times already, and haven't used others at all. I could understand simply having the costumes (they do seem to be showing a preference for more recent teams), but is there anything else to it?
        • the Pre Zyu teams, some of them at least, look HORRID, can you imagine the gawd awful eye fungus of going from those BEAUTIFUL Gokai suits to Battle Fever J? Go Ranger looks bad enough but Miss America has literal Helmet Hair. I blame the producers, this was the perfect opportunity to revamp the old suits instead they recreated them to the letter.
        • Because nothing says anniversary like ditching the nostalgia factor.
        • You can still hit nolstalgia and revamp the suits to make them look better, hey it's the legend war call it a upgrade the original can still have the old look for the big opener
        • It's not just for nostalgia reasons, but also for budget reasons. If they revamp the old suits and call them an upgrade, they'd have to do the same for ALL of them up to Goseiger, it's much easier to just recreate the suits then design new ones. And don't say "Oh, well they could have just redesigned the pre-whatever teams suits" because it would be in poor taste and sense to not revamp them all, especially for an anniversary series, not to mention that's just not how Toei works. See Kamen Rider Decade for example, they kept the old suits even when they had the revamped suits from Kamen Rider the First. If it were a retelling of ONE series, thus not in canon, then yes, they could redesign the suits to fit the retelling, like they did in K Rt F.
      • I agree about Miss America (poor thing) but they, for the most part, hit their stride around Dynaman. I guess I'm just wondering why the likes of Jetman, Bioman, and Changeman have barely been used, if at all. Have they only been using Japan's favorite Sentai seasons?
      • Using suits from Japans favored seasons of a Japanese series is confusing how? Why would American or Brazilian,or any other country for that matter,favored season be chosen over their own?
      • I have no problem with it, I was just wondering if that was what's happening. My personal knowledge of Sentai's hits and misses in its history is pretty vague, and I was wondering if there's some method to the madness that a new fan wouldn't pick up on?
  • A pirate ship for a pirate season? Makes perfect sense to me. Submarine and treasure chest truck? Eh, okay, I'll take it. A car and a plane? You just lost me.
    • It's not just a pirate season, it's also a Milestone Celebration and cars and planes are two of the most commonly used mecha parts in Super Sentai.
      • Then it just bugs me that won't have a fully pirate-y season for a very long time, if ever.
        • What the heck else could they use, anyway?
          • Sea animals, different kinds of aquatic vehicles, or a fleet of differently designed ships (worked for Timeranger)?
        • Well, they're space pirates, they probably needed the different vehicles to adapt to various terrains, like ocean planets and desert planets and other types of terrains.
    • What bugs me is the race car has a fist sticking out! So alien has race cars has a fist sticking out and planes with a grab hand below its cock pit? They also doesn't fits with the pirate theme given space pirates are just pirates in space. At least use a hook instead or something.
      • That wouldn't be very practical considering it has two swords. If it had a hook, then it would be actually quite hindered in battle even if it could use the hook as as weapon, as the hook would be limited in movement while the sword in the other hand is free to be swung in any which way.
      • Still, they could at least fold up that fist. It just seems out of place with the race car design.
        • I think when it's in car form, the fist is supposed to pass as an engine blower (like this.) I agree that it doesn't look all that accurate, but we've had a Triceratops with caterpillar treads in the past, so stranger things have happened.
  • Where are some people getting the 200 Heroes idea? It's not a whole lot, but there's a small handful of postings over on the WMG page guessing at who the 200th hero will be. The problem comes up when you crunch the numbers: 33 teams have 5 members, +3 from Sun Vulcan, +4 from Abaranger, +15 Sixth Ranger Keys held by Gokai Silver (so 16), +10 Extras (Signalman, Bullblack, Dekamaster, Dekaswan, Magi Mother, Wolzard Fire, Zuuban, Rio, Mele, and Princess Shinken Red) comes to a grand total of 198. Assuming AkaRed shows up, that's still only 199. Why are some people trying to round up to a solid 200?
    • Probably because a solid 200 sounds/looks a lot cooler and sensible than a weird as hell number as 199. Also because that way, if Gokai Silver turns out to be the 200th, they can really make him sound awesome as the 200th Ranger or some neat title like that. Make him really stand out even amongst other 6th Rangers.
    • Magazine scans I assume
      • The only time the Japanese magazines had made reference to a 200th hero were before the series started. Everything afterward has only made references 199 heroes (182 legendary heroes + 5 Gokaigers + 10 extra heroes + 2 unaccounted). The two unaccounted heroes are most likely Aka Red (who technically already appeared on the show) and Gokai Silver (the sixth Gokaiger).
    • Going by the 199 Heroes raw... indeed, GokaiSilver does appear briefly during the credits sequence, but is that enough to really count him as 200 or not?
    • Officially, Gai is Number 199. Number 200 is.... Abare Pink. Yeah,
  • If Ahim and Don are going to dual-wield pistols all the time, and Luka and Joe are going to dual-wield swords, then why switch before every battle? Why not just figure out a way to transform and have two weapons already there?
    • The obvious answer is that there isn't a way to do that.
      • Also as the show has shown us they don't always Dual-Wield, that's just their preference, they are more then capable of going Gun and Sword like Marvelous-San.
  • I can understand GaoLion giving GokaiOh the ability to become Gao GokaiOh... but how the hell can it give it the ability to become ShinkenGokaiOh? Wouldn't the Gokaigers need the Shishi Origami to do that?
    • Two main factors, probably: The toy selling and the fact that both Shishi Origami and Gao Lion are both lions. It saves Bandai from having to design and sell a second toy for Shinken Gokai Oh.
    • The Gokaiger's powers will likely change him in the same way they changed Gao Lion to begin with, who is the original article and not a recreation made by the Sentai Keys.
    • It may also show some connection to the currently running Power Rangers Season at the moment. Seeing as the former Wild Force Red Ranger is a bad guy in that season.
    • Also, between the two Gao Lion is the better looking one by far.
  • The crew live in the Galleon right? So what happens to the furniture and stuff when they form Gokai Oh?
    • Maybe the stuff that's really heavy is bolted down?
    • Its amazing what you can do with artificial gravity, which we know it has from the fact that down is still down in it when its in space.
    • Maybe it's like a TARDIS?
    • As seen in episode 29 its still there when a Zangyack action commander entered and was chased all over Gokai Oh's Galleon section.
  • If Gokaiger gets adapted as a Power Rangers series, will they use the skirted or un-skirted version of the yellow Zyuranger suit?
    • They may use the skirted without an explanation like the Green Ranger helmet from "Fighting Spirit"
    • I would asume it again depends which gender uses the Key. Fortunately, I think having more female Yellows in recent years wouldn't make a skirt seem too out-of-place.
    • Would it even be adapted? Given all the copyrights involved.
      • Yes. Disney bought the rights to the first 15 Sentais (Goranger to Jetman) a few years ago to prevent Media Blasters getting those rights for DVD release. Those rights passed on to Saban when they bought back the Power Rangers franchise. So Saban has all the required copyrights.
  • In episode 5 the man is rich by having a tree that makes gold, which he proudly boasts about, and seems to be widely known. Except that if there was a tree that makes infinite gold then gold would become worthless (still incredibly useful, but it's value would greatly decline). Also, how has the government not confiscated it, especially if it fell from space.
    • Possibly, but didn't it bear fruit relatively slowly? And he (or his daughter, rather) can only spend it so fast.
    • I don't remember any mention of the speed at which it bears fruit. However, even if the fruit is only produced slowly the fact that gold is no longer a rare and finite material would drop it's price.
      • They simply haven't gotten that far yet. Eventually, yes, gold would lose its value, but he seemed to only get the tree recently. I don't believe that two people could bottom out the price of gold that fast.
    • You Fail Economics Forever
  • Are the Gokaigers other than Red ever going to fight (or at least move a few feet?) in their own mecha? What is even the point of having Combining Mecha (other than the obvious) if they are always combined?
    • They did already.
    • They do in #36 when they're trying to chase Machalcon down.
  • In the Gekisou Sentai Carranger tribute episode, we saw Insaan and the MOTW wearing high school uniforms in the flashback. Does this mean that they currently are naked?
    • Judging from the fact the massive shoulder things on what they're normally "wearing" wouldn't fit under school uniforms, I'm guessing that's clothing or some form of armor.
      • I've always wondered if most MOT Ws are naked or not, and if not how do you tell where the armor starts?
        • Rule of funny.
        • And it's the Carranger tribute, after all...
  • A minor one, but...why does the crew always seem to sleep in the Galleon's living room? Don't they have cabins or something so they don't have to share the couch or hang upside-down from exercise equipment?
    • The couch is more comfortable? This Troper has his own bedroom, he NEVER sleeps in it, preferring the couch (and TV) of the living room or more recently a inflatable mattress and the floor. I could go into the reasons why but that's unimportant for the discussion. Marvelous-San probably just find his chair more comfy, Joe will pass out after a good work out, and so on.
    • There's also the fact that they are wanted criminals, at least wanted by the villains, and pirates. That and the Galleon's steering is in that room as well (the Troper is not all that sure though). So if they get attacked while resting it'd just be quicker to get out of there or get ready to fight if they're in the room with the steering wheel. So it comes down to being convenient, really.
      • Nah, the steering wheel's in another part of the ship — when they were looking for Navi in Episode 8, Joe used a speaking tube to contact that room from the main one, so it's at least far enough away that he didn't want to walk that far. Besides, you'd think during a downtime they might like a little comfort when they sleep, as opposed to say, bent over the footstool like Don was, which would murder your back.
      • I'm pretty sure they do. When Ahim fell asleep on the table after training with Geki Red, Luka told her to go to bed, and Don was walking around the living room when it was completely empty. As far as episode 14, they were fully dressed and it was bright outside, so I think it was just a mid-day nap (I used to fall asleep in a hard plastic chair wish a faux-wooden desk cutting my thorax in half, so sleeping in odd positions is fairly common.)
      • Or maybe having the next vehicle in the nesting sequence crammed into it limits the available space so much that the "common room" is the only living quarters aside from the bridge (and probably the galley and the head, but who wants to sleep in those rooms?).
  • The previous sentai losing their powers makes sense for the teams who derive their powers from mystical sources, but what about all the technology-based teams? What's stopping them from acquiring new sets of Transformation Trinkets?
    • No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup would be my guess.
    • Or in some cases, perhaps giving up the powers also depleted whatever power source or Applied Phlebotinum they used to create the powers in the first place- for example it could have depleted the DekaBase's supply of DekaMetal.
      • {=Deka Base=} is a mecha, so it may have actually been destroyed in the Legend War — in the Dekaranger tribute episode, SPD's police station looked nothing like the Dekabase interior.
      • That's because that was an actual police station in the episode.
  • So... what's the point of a ShinkenRed Kaoru Ranger Key when the suit conforms to the sex of the user (i.e. if Ahim or Luka would use the default ShinkenRed key would grant them Kaoru's ShinkenRed look)?
    • Well she was a active ranger seperate from Takaru, so if all the Shinkenger's lost their powers there would be 2 red keys.
  • If Luka or Ahim transforms into a heavily armored character like Signalman, Wolzard Fire, or Gosei Knight, will their suits still gain a skirt?
    • Most likely, they're simply not going to, for the simple fact of sparing the costume team the hassle (since they must already be stressed to a breaking point.) However, in a fun little bit of WMG, I figured it would be some skirt-like armored panels (like this or this.)
    • Perhaps like something from Star Wars: Clone Wars.
    • With Magi Mother, Deka Swan, and Mele, there's no real point in them needing to turn into a male Extra Ranger
    • To officially answer your question, as of #37: they don't! Luka transforms into Zubaan and nothing gets added on.
  • Why aren't we getting a Gekisou Sentai Carranger themed Gokai Oh? Also, why is the Shinkenger the only one who can combine fully to resemble their mecha? The others doesn't even change their helmet! They just sort of pops out of Gokai Oh or semi-combine. It just seems so inconsistent. Worst case is Gekiranger.
    • They didn't want people to give up on buying the toys when they saw they'd have to collect 34 power ups or so.
  • Why did they pick Abare Killer the trio out of all the sixth rangers to power up Gokai Silver? Why did 2 forms (ship mode and robot mode) of Gokai Silver's mecha resembles the trio's team mecha rather than their own mecha given Gokai Silver represents all the sixth rangers?
    • They picked the three sixth rangers that had dinosaur mecha, and presumably Abare Killer's actor was the only one of those three they could get to return.
    • And Technically speaking, none of the three modes were based on one of their mechs. The three modes are based on the Time Jet Gamma, Abarenoh and the Guardian Beast Tyrannosaurus, not Dragon Caesar. Perhaps future Legendary Powers will be from Sixth Rangers and will come from Goujyujin. We know that at least the Hurricanger one will be based on Tenkuujin.
    • AbareKiller is also the newest of the three as well, making it kind of a passing of the guard thing.
      • Actually, Gozyurex, the mode embodying the Zyuranger Power, owes its drill to Dragon Caesar and its Rex aspects not to Guardian Beast Tyrannosaurus but to Time Fire's V-Rex. Gozyujin also has some Zyuranger to its appearance: The head is an anchor-motif version of Daizyujin's
  • Why is Aka Red always morphed on Galleon? How did he eat those spaghetti? Are there space Italians?
    • Aka Red doesn't have an unmorphed form (or rather, his usual form is his unmorphed form... his morphed forms are the previous Reds). He's a being created by the collected spirits of the Red Rangers, as seen in Boukenger vs. Super Sentai.
  • In 19 we learn Navi creates a link between buckle and specific keys, so how did Joe, Luka, and Ahime do all Black andd All White in episode 2? Or all Red in Episode 1? Or hell All Silver in Episode 18?
    • I don't think it's a link to the specific keys, it's a link to the chest in general...
      • Exactly. I don't know what it was like on other subs, but in the one I watch, someone specifically said Gai could summon any key out of the chest.
  • Final mecha gripe: The final combination, KanzenGokaiOh or Complete GokaiOh was recently revealed. Does it strike anyone else as really odd that they call it "complete" when it's missing a bunch of components? It's just Machalcon, GoJyuJin's arms, and GokaiGalleon. I can understand if they need to leave the other legend mecha (Magidragon, Patstriker, Gaolion, Variblune, and Furaimaru) out since they're all so big in their own right, both figuratively and literally, and would be difficult to incorporate, but this "complete" mecha doesn't even live up to it's claim to fame as a real combination of GoJyuJin and GokaiOh. The former's body and legs are left with nothing to do and the same speaks for the latter's limbs. It's just lucky it looks so badass.
    • It's to early to tell if it's the final Mech or not.
      • That's just the Go-Onger based combination. You know, like they had combinations for Magiranger, Dekaranger, Gaoranger and Shinkenger? There's no reason the Go-Onger powerup would be the last. Kenzan means something like complete/ready, but KANZEN probably means something related to the Go-Onger's theme. As for swapping the regular arms for Go Zyu Jin's arms, it's just a toy gimmick, they can probably do it in the show, but didn't for now...
      • The Go-Onger combination is Go-On Gokai-Oh, which is just swapping out the legs of Gokai-Oh for Machalcon, similar to the Gaoranger form.
  • So is Deka Master supposed to be a black ranger or a silver one? I always assumed he was black, given that most of his suit is black, but in Gokaiger, his ranger key is silver.
    • I always thought that he was supposed to be black, with DekaBright as silver...
    • The Gokai Galleon Buster considers him to be a black ranger.
  • Ok, so in the latest episode Hyuuga gives Gai the Black Knight Key. Which is fine...Except how is Gai supposed to use it? There are only 15 buttons on the Gokai Cellular and I know he'll most likely use it in his mecha, but it just seems odd that they would give Gai a Ranger he won't even be able to turn into.
    • Maybe he just plugs it into the phone, in either the case where the Gokai Silver key usually goes or on the bottom like Gold Mode? Indeed, going back over Episode 18, the former is where he puts the Ohranger Key and where he puts the Green Shurikenger Key in Episode 21. In 18, it simply didn't show him pushing a specific button for the key, like he does for the fifteen ones he usually has, though he does press something to activate the change.
    • Wha, derp. Those two were both buttons on the phone. So who knows? He can still probably just put the key in and then change.
  • So wait, if Hyuuga could transform into Black Knight (assuming that song Basco played on his trumpet to get the Ranger Key sucked the ranger spirit out of Hyuuga), why does he consider using Gai's changer?
    • That wasn't the Black Knight Power that was the Ginga Man Grand Power. That trumpet took the Grand Power.
    • Also, it was a Secret Test of Character. He didn't really want to be GokaiSilver, he was testing Gai's devotion to being a Sentai hero.
  • "Bad guys don't get to use the power of Super Sentai!" 'bout dem Psycho Rangers, eh?
    • Obviously they use the power of Psycho Sentai.
    • Of course, he could also just be speaking metaphorically, more of a "shouldn't" way than an actually don't way.
  • Why does Gai get so upset when one or more team members use keys from different sentai? Surely as a sentai fanboy, wouldn't he be excited to see members of different teams in the same place at once?
    • Maybe he has obsessive compulsive personality disorder?
    • It's less the mixing of the keys that bugs him and more the rest of the team not knowing the difference between the different Sentai series.
      • Exactly, as a Sentai fan it irritates him to see the others mixing up teams like that. (Or more specifically, since he's almost always the odd man out, he doesn't like looking foolish compared to the others.)
  • Just popped into my head, but I was thinking since Gokaiger is one big continuity and there are multiple Heaven-like places (Magitopia and Gosei World from what I've seen) like, have they all joined together or are they found in different places or...or maybe I'm just thinking too much.
    • Most likely they're still seperate places. Heaven to each Sentai group tied to them but multiple heavens.
  • So how do you elope from your son, exactly?
    • Well, eloping can mean that they ran off together and got married without any friends or family present.
    • It's an episode from the same guy who did the Carranger episode. Don't try to think about it.
  • Gai's attitude twoards the Hurricangers at the end of episode 25 seems a little odd to me. They're asking for their powers back (which belonged to them originally, so they have every right to do so) specifically so that they can go and rescue Marvelous and the others. And yet Gai reacts as if they're being incredibley selfish and mean. Even if this does turn out to be a Secret Test of Character, am I the only want who's starting to think that maybe Gai is the selfish one? He takes his Mobirate back from Hyuuga, fully acknowledging that Hyuuga's experience would make him the better choice to be a ranger and able to save more lives, with his only justification being "I really want to be a ranger". And now he's throwing a great big temper tantrum because the Hurricangers are asking for just three of the dozens and dozen and dozens of keys that the Gokaigers own.
    • About the latter, Gai was specifically chosen by Abare Killer, Time Fire and Dragon Ranger to become Gokai Silver. That and along with the fact that only he can fuse keys in order to use Gold Mode and the Go-on Wings Hybrid Form, means that Gai was is the one meant to be the Gokaiger's Sixth Ranger.
    • The Hurricangers are in essence saying "We don't think you guys are up to the job so give the keys to us as we can use them better then you ever could." That alone is enough reason for Gai to be upset, but then the former team says that they don't trust the pirates. Gai's line about Marvelous being the reason the keys are even on Earth to begin with is quite correct. And after all his work, and by now clear dedication to his task of meeting each team to aquire their powers, the Hurricangers are essentially saying "Tough. We don't care what you've gone through." How would YOU take that response?
    • Also, he's a pirate; they're ninjas. Do the math.
  • It may just be me but it seems like Gai's getting the shaft in his mecha. Granted it's very versitile, calling on three built in forms & powers where as Gokai-Oh has to equip it's...but so far ALL the mecha add-ons seem to be going to the core five, with Gai getting nothing. Even the supposed final combination only uses his arms yet again. What use then is he during a fight? Gouzyujin may be strong right now but I see it becoming generally useful when compared to Gokai-Oh's general versitility and power.
    • Considering that Gozyujin can combine with Gokai-oh, this problem may now longer exist.
  • Why didn't the Gekiranger theme play when the Gokaigers changed into the Gekirangers in episode 7?
    • Director's choice apparently. He got flak for it too.
    • Expected with the Jetman transformation in episode 28 as well.
      • 28 had a good excuse for it. The Jetman theme is incredibly upbeat and optimistic, which would have ruined the solemn, bittersweet tone of the episode. The Furaimaru-introduction music was exciting as Gokaiger or Jetman's theme (YMMV I suppose) while still not getting too cheery/hopeful as them. Plus, at least #28 was courteous enough to have Gai sing a couple of lines of Jetman's theme. Gekiranger got shafted completely, and their theme song wouldn't have clashed with the episode tone considering what they went with anyway.
  • Just a minor question, but what did Gai say to that foreign ambassador at the beginning of episode 27? There was some English in the middle, but the sub I saw didn't bother with the rest.
  • How did Gai Yuki transform without getting back his Ranger Key, when it was well established that every other past ranger needed theirs to access their ranger powers?
    • Maybe it was part of the deal he got for winning the poker game.
    • Most likely the same reason that Mikoto could transform in front of Gai. Being dead has benefits.
    • He died before the Legend War, so he wouldn't have lost his powers. Same with Mikoto.
  • How come Gai Ikari wasn't able to see Gai Yuki during episode 28 while the rest of the crew can?
    • Maybe because he had no fears, or it could have to do with him dying before?
    • Two theories I like:
      • 1. He hinted at the end of the episode that it was because he's the only member of the crew who isn't an alien.
      • 2. The core Gokaigers all have Jetman whose legacy they inherited, allowing them to see Yuuki, but Jetman had no 6th Ranger, so there's nothing for Ikari to attach to.
  • So, did they get the Jetman ultimate power? There was no mention of Gai Yuki giving it to them. Also, usually it's an upgrade for the mecha, and the Boba Fett wannabe never went big, so we didn't get a chance to see it if he had given it to them.
    • Their keys glowed before they transformed, so I'd say yes, they got it. Why would they be so chill hanging out with Yuki afterwards if they hadn't gotten what they wanted?
    • Considering that Navi's prophecy mentioned a Bird of Fire to defeat the enemy, I think the Jetman Grand Power was supposed to be that really cool Firebird attack they used.
    • The Jet Phoenix is both a mecha and team attack. When the Jetman fought Radiguet Red Hawk said this was their true power. Which makes sense it is Jetman's grand power.
  • If each of the past Super Sentai teams exist(ed) in-universe, how does Gai know the Jetman theme when he's singing it in Episode 28?
    • Well, the reason he was singing out-of-universe is that they had to work it in there somehow (possibly in regards to the flak that the director got for not using the Gekiranger theme; they wanted to prevent that again.) In-universe, he might not be "singing the Jetman theme" as much as he's just so happy to meet them he's just saying their name in a very sing-songy voice (All we really hear is "Jet-O! Jet-O! Jetman.") Or, an even simpler theory I feel stupid for not thinking of first, Jetman seemed like a military unit. Maybe Sky Force has an official theme like the U.S. Air Force's "Wild Blue Yonder."
  • Here's one for the recent episode: Jou Ohara said to Joe Gibken that they failed to save their classmates. What about Oblar? You and your team saved him right? Yet he forgot about that guy whom was the only one saved from Volt...
  • Why a female Shinken Red Ranger Key? I'm not exactly familiar with Samurai Sentai Shinkenger outside of online spoilers, but from my understanding the female Shinken Red was just a temporary replacement to the regular male one and not an actual addition to the Shinkenger team. Since there were never two Shinken Reds at the same time, why a Ranger Key for a substitute ranger? Why not a Ninjaman Ranger Key instead?
    • The female Shinken Red was actually an entirely new Ranger. While she and the regular, male Shinken Red never fought in the same battle, they fought different battles at the same time throughout a few episodes, indicating that both of them had the power of Shinken Red, but the only difference was that one was made for a male and the other a female. She also fought alongside the other heroes Basco has in 199, further indicating that they are similar but nevertheless separate powers.
    • As for Ninjaman, Toei probably considers him a mecha more than anything else. A popular theory for why he's one and Zuban (a very similar hero) is not is that unlike Zuban, who was normal sized and had the ability to grow big, Ninjaman was naturally mecha sized (the apprentice of the main sentient mecha, no less) and could shrink down to hang with the Kakurangers. With this in mind, remember that, when 199 came out, a small pamphlet was handed out with it detailing things that are canon to the series, but couldn't be put into the show/movie because of budget costs. One of those things were a huge mecha battle set before the Legend War in which almost all the mecha/giant allies were destroyed, possibly including Ninjaman. Does he have a Ranger key? At this point, I really wouldn't count on it, considering his mecha-status and that they seem pretty fixated on keeping the total number of Sentai heroes to 199 (Abare Pink non-withstanding). Will he appear in Gokaiger? There's still a Kakuranger tribute coming up at one point, so there may be a chance.
      • If Takeru and Kaoru were active around the same time, I guess it makes sense for it to be two Ranger Keys. However, I simply don't buy the explanation that Ninjaman is nothing more than a glorified giant robot who can shrink down to human size. You can make the case for Gunmazin (I don't think he ever did that much in Ohranger), but Ninjaman was basically treated like the sixth member of Kakuranger when the show was airing. He appears in many publicity stills with the main team and he's even on the cover of the Kakuranger Chōzenshū encyclopedia book (usually they only show the heroes in each Chōzenshū book, including extra rangers). Hell, even in the show itself, he hung around with the main team a lot (even when they were civilians) and was even absorbed by Daradara along with the other Kakurangers (excluding Ninja Red). It's a bit unfair to dismiss Ninjaman as just a size-changing robot when he spends most of the series (even flashbacks from the past) as human-sized. Plus Zuban is practically just Boukenger's version of Ninjaman.
      • Since I made this post, it seems that (according to rumors posted on 2ch) the real-life reason why Ninjaman is not in Gokaiger was because they only made one suit for Kakuranger and it was the same one they gave to Saban in order to record new footage for Season 3 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Apparently Saban lost the costume after they finished the season and the molds are no longer available to bult a new one.
      • Hold on to your assholes for this ep 40 spoiler: Ninjaman's pot was a plot point in the episode, heavy foreshadowing indicates we'll get a 200th hero that isn't Abare Pink.
      • Well, now we know why there's no Ninjaman key. Ninjaman HIMSELF shows up!
  • Why do the Zangyack seems so downgrade from the first episode? They were the ones who got 34 teams to lose their powers, but they can't defeat a few pirates?
    • Well for one, consider that it's the bumbling son that's commanding these Zangyack in the show. Another thing is that they might not seen the "they lost their powers" thing coming. Finally, they suffered a heavy loss and it's unknown just how long it was between the Legend War and when Gokaiger takes place, so it could just be a few months later when they built up sizable force to invade Earth.
  • Does anyone have an idea as to why Changeman is getting completely left out? With Battle Fever J in the movie and counting bits and pieces (like Ahim turning into TimePink in episode 12) every other team has been used at least once. Thirty episodes in, this is starting to look deliberate.
    • A full Gokai Change for Changeman appears in episode 32. There probably won't be any reason given for why they haven't gotten around to using it before, though. One team had to be the last, after all.
  • Go-onger's Great Power, Engine Machalcon: The son of Bear RV and Speedor. How the heck do motor vehicles reproduce?
    • It's possible that Engine biology is completely different from normal human/animal biology, but as for how a bird-machine and a bear-machine can produce another bird-machine, your guess is as good as mine.
  • Ok, I can understand most of the Great Powers being used once (I personally think they'll be used again), but why did Super Live Robo pretty much show up and blow away the enemy...that's it. Unlike Daibouken, they actually summoned Super Live Robo physically. Is it just me, or does this seem like a waste of a perfectly good addition? Not only could they make a new toy to sell, being able to summon another complete mecha to join them in battle would've been benefital and probably helpful in battle. Or at the very least, they could've made it astral like DaiBouken and attack, but they decided to physically summon a mecha and it just blasts the enemy. Don't get me wrong, I love the attack and think it's awesome, but I just feel like it could've been far more epic and have more than one use. Heck, they could've had Joe pilot Super Live Robo and finish off the enemy personally. I'm just a little irratated they overlooked all the possibilities they could've done.
    • It's not that it was summoned; GokaiOh actually became SLR!
      • ...holy crap, you might be right. Totally went over my head, I thought they summoned him too. But in the scene, it looks like those five symbols do transform GokaiOh into Super Live Robo. It would explain the lack of "ghostiness" that DaiBouken had.

  • Dairanger's tribute appears to be a really cool and awesome episode, just like the original series, but don't you think that it would be better if they made Ryū Ranger make Joe train with the springs and Gai encountered an adult Kibaranger, a character that Gai's actor said he wanted to be when he was a child?
    • Kou's actor was retired long before the episode in question.
  • In Hurricanger's tribute, why didn't Doc, Ahim and Gai turned into Goraijers and Shurikenger?
    • It would be odd for one half of the team to work with a different teams powers when it would be much more beneficial for them to work together.
  • And why doesn't Gai can use other sixth ranger keys (like MagiShine, DekaBreak and Shurikenger) to use a manifestation of their ultimate power in his mecha?
    • Its never been stated that his Mech functions the same way Gokai-Oh functions.
    • He's now (or was it earlier?) used the Gingaman Grand Power; having not been programmed as part of the original mecha system, it just gives him a new finishing move.
  • Why doesn't Battle Cossack get a leotard like Miss America when Luka transforms into him?
    • For simplicity's sake, probably? It's easier to attach and detatch a skirt to a uniform that'll probably be reused, rather than making a completely new and separate suit.
  • Now, I have nothing against Gai, but he does not fit in with the other Gokaiger. Sure he's a fanboy, his knowledge of the 34 Super Sentai teams are useful, and he was Dangerously Genre Savvy in his first few appearance...But then you consider that Gokai Silver is very limited in what he can actually do in a fighting role, due to only being able to use the fifteen Sixth Ranger Keys, while the main five can use all of them, including the aforementioned keys, PLUS the Extra Ranger Keys they got from Basco. Sure, Gai has Gold Mode now, but when the other Gokaigers get their inevitable Super Mode, it won't really matter that much, and Gokai Red has been shown actually using Gold Mode itself, in a video game, sure, but he used it nonetheless. Even when his mech, which is pretty damn awesome, I will admit, combines with Gokai-Oh, it just swaps out the arms, nothing really special. Sure, there's still Kanzen Gokai-Oh to look forward too, but it seems that the Gokaigers would be the same way they are now without Gai involved, aside from Goujyujin. Although he did get his recent Crowning Moment of Awesome by taking the Extra Keys from Basco, Don only included 5 key cylinders on the Gokai Galleon Buster, which brings in the question of whether Gai can use it along with the first five Gokaigers aswell. Gai just seems more fit for a supporting role rather than an actual Ranger.
    • Yeah but here's the thing no one is limited to their coresponding Keys they could use any they like also who said Gokaiger was getting a super mode?Not to say they won't but it's not set in stone.Also Gai dosen't need to be involved in another finisher given he has at least three(four at most) he dosen't need to be part of another,also what do you mean by "Gokaigers would be the same why without Gai involved ,aside from Goujyujin"?If you mean in overall performance in battle, probaly not since battles have been pretty tough lately and without Gai the Gokaigers would most likely have been defeated.Lastly supporting roll?Pfft like I said without Gai as their Sixth Ranger the team would most likely get defeated.
        • Excuse my spelling I have a habit of typing carlessly(there's no reason to be a rude dick about it though),anyway I'm saying think about the way the Gold mode is used it's plugged into the bottom,who says other keys that aren't buttons on the Gokai cellular can't be used that way?Also stay efficient?Ok Gokaiger isn't really a total "every last ranger is serious" type of sentai so having a comedic Sixth dosen't really screw with the dynamic all that much even with his supossed Spot light stealing status,as for the buster *shruges* all i have to say is don't overthink it it's just a kids show.P.S. yes I do think they would skip out on the opertunity considering their were seasonal gaps in rangers getting super modes.
      • Gai has only Gokai Changed into different rangers only a few times, but if you notice when he does he presses the same button all the time. Gai can possibly change into other rangers but he just HASN'T.
        • ...Or it's just a way of saving time on actually finding the buttons during filming. As for the slot in the bottom, I have yet to see any proof of this, as I have yet to find a video that has someone actually trying to do this. It's not even an Informed Ability. Besides, why have the buttons in the first place if he could just slip the key in through the bottom?
        • Confirmed as of episode 37 that he can use non Sixths. People are over thinking this, the rangers on the buttons are nothing more than decoration.
        • Finally someone who realised this :D,I would also like to add that despitr the Galleon buster not having a sixth spot Gai's key is still compatable.
          • The Gokai Galleon Buster was shown to be made from the Gokai Cylinders in the Gokai Guns and Gokai Sabres, neither of which Gai has, and the powers of the main five Oh Rangers. As far as I know, Riki never used the Ole Bazooka, thus Gai doesn't use the Gokai Galleon Buster.
            • As of Episode 48, he can use the Gokai Galleon Buster, and he does (although Marvelous was out of commission at the time). It's the Buster's Special Charge.
  • In the 199 Heroes movie, several previous rangers appear in a sort of illusionary space thing and give their approval to the Goseigers and Gokaigers. We later discover that these previous rangers gave their Great Powers to the Gokaigers at this point. If it's possible to grant the Gokaigers great powers by remote like this, why didn't they get all of them at this point? For some of the remaining teams it makes sense: The Gingamen didn't trust the space pirates because of their original enemies, Ohranger was planning on using theirs for a secret mission rather than just giving them to the Gokaigers, and Zyuranger, Timeranger and Abaranger all gave their powers to Gai already. But it seems strange that some teams would hold back at this point.
    • Each Great Power is given to/unlocked by the Gokaiger when they display a certain trait/learn a certain lesson. It can be assumed that those 10 teams felt that whatever it was they were looking for had already been displayed. The other teams were still waiting.
    • Also, the series would have ended too quickly if they had've done that.
  • How can the Gorangers be the first Sentai team in this world where all Sentai exist when they were formed in 1975, while there have been 18 generations of Shinkengers, and the Gingamen were around for 3000 years?
    • I suspect semantics. For Shinkenger, maybe there were Shinkenger, but not Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, which is the difference? And from what I've read about Gingaman, it doesn't sound like they were actually Sentai until the events starting the series.
    • It could be that the Gorangers began the work of organizing all the various Sentai teams into a larger group, after later ones started to appear; they're the "first Super Sentai" in the sense that they're the founding members of this organization. Maybe AkaRed had something to do with it as well.
    • Shinkenger shows that every generation could henshin (the first Shinken Red, Retsudo Shiba, was shown to henshin in the Shinkenger movie) and it's possible that all 133 generations of Gingaman could henshin too. As for their non appearance in the Legend War, there are some possible reasons. One, the previous generations are dead or disabled (Mako's/ShinkenPink's mother). They may've wanted to fight, but couldn't and may've been a hindrance to the other teams. Granted, death didn't stop Gai Yuki, Burai, Mele, etc. However, that only leads into the two other reasons: There's already a Gingaman and Shinkenger. Any who may be alive (likely no earlier than the 132nd or 17th generation) my consider their successors the true Gingaman/Shinkenger and want to allow them to set their own mark. I mean, think of all the times your parents did something when you know you could've done it yourself? That's probably what the previous generations know and kept their distance for the current Warriors. The other sub-reason is they can't henshin and fight because the current generation has the powers. Granted, we had two Shinken Reds, but it seemed to require power and control that may lessen with age (although there was also no earlier Shinken Reds, as per the first reason). Finally, there is one last, and most likely reason: no one is going to care about the past generations of the Gingaman or Shinkenger and by no one, I mean the fans. Gokaiger was meant to celebrate all 35 years of televised Super Sentai. The previous Gingaman and Shinkenger were probably heroic in their own right, but they weren't the protagonists of their respective series. Only the insane, truly die hard fan (meant that in a good way), would question only the TV teams appearing. The other fans are perfectly happy seeing one team of Gingaman and Shinkenger. Plus, A.) it would've been too much story about how they came back, B.) children who may count Shinkenger, Goseiger, or even Gokaiger as their first Sentai would be confused by extra Gingaman and Shinkenger (probably already trying to sort the other 32-34 teams), and finally, C.) Toei already spent a buttload to remake/refurbish the suits of 33 teams (giving Toei the benefit of the doubt that they kept the Goseiger suits knowing they'd be needed again), filling all those suits at once for the Legend War, plus the normal costs for a Sentai show, ie. the sets, props, monster and mecha costumes, not to mention the Gokaigers themselves. Toei is obviously giving fanservice for this show, but to include the past generations of Gingaman and Shinkenger would've been more work for little benefit, especially considering the above reasons.
  • Why didn't the Gokaiger take advantage of the disorder resulting from Warz Gills' death to launch an attack on the armada in space? Gokai-Oh has already shown powerful enough to curbstomp an entire Zangyack fleet singlehanded without Machfalcon and GoZyuJinn backing it up, let alone Kanzen Gokai-Oh. Yes, if they'd done that from the start, there's the whole 'wraith of the Zangyack Empire descending upon them' thing, but they already killed the prince, you're not going to get much higher on the Emperor's "people I want to kill" list than blowing up his son. The Gigant Horse may be a threat, by two small mecha would probably run circles around that thing. There's no good story reason either, as they could easily have had the Emperor's fleet show up midbattle or the Zangyack retreat and return with the Emperor. So why did they just sit around twiddling their thumbs while they knew Warz Gill's death would probably provide a good openning for them? Normally this wouldn't tick me off, but the Gokaiger have shown on multiple occasions to be Genre Savvy enough that this is something I honestly expected them to think up.
    • If they did go, then Basco would have blown up that school and got Megaranger's grand power.
    • They could've done it after that.
    • Attacking the fleet would have been pretty time consuming, and the Gokaigers still have to get the other few Greater Powers left. Also, fighting the armada in space might have taken long enough for the Emperor to appear, and as we all know, his forces would be too powerful for the Gokaigers at their current state.
  • Captain Marvelous now has an unlimited bounty on his head. How does that even work? Will Ackdos Gill be so impressed by anyone who manages to capture or kill Marvelous that he'll make that person the new Emperor who rules the universe? We don't really know much about him right now but most Sentai main villains aren't really the type to give up power like that. This might actually be answered soon with Damaras capturing Marvelous; he might actually try to claim the bounty.
    • Ahim actually explained this in the episode where that bounty was revealed — basically, they'll pay whoever brings in Marvelous whatever they want.
      • Yeah, but depending on whoever brings in Marvelous, it could still leave Zangyack with no money at all.
  • Just a general thing, but what is that they're eating there? I'm guessing it's a delicacy in Japan and probably very delicious, but every time I see that, I do a double take because it looks like they're eating a raw chicken leg.
    • A turkey leg.
  • In the Shinkenger two parter, Kaoru gave Joe a disk that I think has the "double" kanji on it. How was she able to create this? In Shinkenger, she created disks for the teams using Mojikara. But if the Shinkengers gave up their powers in the Legend War, wouldn't that mean they gave up their powers of Mojikara too? In the 199 Movie, the Goseigers stated how without their powers they couldn't use invocations anymore without their powers. Or is Mojikara and Invocations two different things?
    • It's probably the same disk from the original show.
    • The duplication mojikara is Karou's servant Tanba's ability. Since hes not a sentai member or fought in the legend war, he still has his mojikara powers. Which explains where the disk came from.
  • In #43, when Basco stabs Damaras in the back, he says "It's because you think you're the strongest in the universe that you lost to that weakling (referring to Don)." What the hell? Even a mega Don fan such as myself cannot deny what I saw, after Don fought those Gormin, Damaras stepped in and whooped his ass in 10 seconds flat (literally), how is that losing?
    • Basco was probably referring to how arrogant he was. If he took Don seriously and didn't let him go, he could have prevented Don's plan to distract him to free Marvelous.
      • He was probably gonna stab him in the back in first place. This is Basco we're talking about here.
  • Wait, so the Kakuranger great power allows Ninjaman to grow to giant size. Except...he can already do that under his own power. So what is the point of it, exactly?
    • To grow giant as Ninjaman. When he grows giant by himself, he becomes Samuraiman.
    • I think I've seen him become giant as Ninjaman before, and then turn into Samuraiman while already giant. It could be that even though Ninjaman wasn't part of the Legend War, something that happened then such as the Kakurangers losing their powers or the Sanshinshou being damaged took away his ability to grow, but it was returned when the great power was given to the Gokaigers. Or, the Kakuranger power isn't just Ninjaman growing, but him being summoned from wherever he is to join the fight; it just didn't matter so much this time because Ninjaman was right there watching the fight at the time.
    • He did grow without changing a few times. The Bakuki and Yama-Uba fights, for instance, as well as when he and the Three God Generals appeared to shrink Daimaou back down in the finale. And he would oft. arrive already giant.
  • The Greater Power is probably to summon Giant Ninjaman. It just grew Ninjaman giant because he was already there and didn't need summoned.
  • Why does Ohranger get the credit for introducing the Team Bazooka (and consequently have that as the gimmick for its greater power)? That credit rightfully belongs to Dairanger, and having that as Ohranger's gimmick robs something that was actually Ohranger specific from getting an appearance.
    • For the record, it was Changeman that introduced the Team Bazooka.
    • As for why it's Ohranger, the Changeman's cannon was MASSIVE. Far bigger than even the Ole Bazooka. So, it got reflected in Gokaiger by being used in Gokai Oh when the Greater Power of the Changeman was used.
    • Also a key part of the Ole Bazooka is that it combines all of the members powers by them each inserting a Hyper Storage Crystal, just like how the Gokai Galleon Buster is powered by the Gokaiger’s Ranger Keys.
  • Something that this troper has always wondered, since in Gokaiger, they're not putting mechas on top of other mechas like in Shinkenger, where the heck does the rest of Goujyujin and the other arms of Gokaioh go when they form Kanzen Gokaioh?
    • Presumably they just park on the sidelines. The same goes for the usual legs when they use Gao Gokai-Oh or Go-On Gokai-Oh.
  • If Basco's armoured form is his true form, then why in #48 does he demorph back to his normal form like a Ranger.
    • Couple of ideas:
      • 1) His monster form takes more energy than his human form, so he only had enough energy to keep the human form, since he was trying to survive by conserving energy (but it was too late)
      • 2) Even though they defeated the "monster", the creators wanted to show that there was still some "human" left in him.
    • Another possibility is it's easier to express emotions with a human face than his monster form.
  • A small nitpick that could easily be explained by them not wanting to waste the time, but how did Basco animate the Gokaiger's six Ranger Keys at once when his trumpet only has five key slots?
    • Like how he managed to animate his ten Sixth Ranger keys and his nine Extra Hero Keys in both #15 and #31 respectively.
  • Am I the only one who thinks gokaiger's climax lacked build up?
  • Why does Kaoru Hirata look so different from KRW? it's weird to see her look so different from such a short time ago.
    • She's only 22 at the point it airs (possibly only 21 when it was filmed, as her birthday is at the end of December), and that was 2 years ago, so she would've only been 20 then, and people can change a lot at that age. And that's not even counting that she's reprising her role from Magiranger, which was when she was 15-16. Interestingly enough, the episode is airing on the 6th anniversary of the last episode of Magiranger.
  • Yes, Basco is already dead, but this has been bugging me ever since the introduction of his true form. Why doesn't Gai ever think to use Gold Mode against him? Time and again, he and the rest of the team proceed to use a series of largely ineffectual attacks; whether or not Gold Mode would have been capable of defeating Basco is debatable, but at least it would have given him a fighting chance.
    • Maybe Gai just never thought to use it because he let his emotions get the best of him? Every encounter with Basco, the Gokaigers seem to get very angry and let their emotions get the best of them while fighting Basco.
  • After seeing the Gokaiger do a butt load of damage to the Zangyack fleet with just two mechas, I started to think, even though this invasion force is shown to be much larger than the one during the legendary war, I can't imagine that the Zangyack recovered to the height of their power after that. I mean in the war you had at least 34 main mechas and their Auxiliary mechas spamming lasers and missiles at them. Could that be why the fleet we saw in the first episode is so tiny compared to the one in the finale?
    • Gokai-Oh and GoZyuJinn are capable of flight and have a massive amount of firepower on them, essentually, with access to every Great Power of the previous teams, every Sentai Robo combined into one. It does raise the question of just where the Zangyack got their fleet though and how they recovered from their previous defeat.
    • Perhaps from other regions of Zangyack-controlled space?
    • The universe is REALLY REALLY big. If Zangyack has enough power to control most of it then their armies must be massive. The reason the first fleet was a very small portion was because Earth was just one little planet. They didn’t expect any resistance. Even the loss of that fleet was probably not even a dent in Zangyack’s military. Even the fleet from the finale was not all of Zangyack’s military, just a large portion of it. The full Zangyack military is probably on a scale we couldn’t fathom.
  • Why didn't the Gokaiger just go straight for the Gigant Horse during the battle? Yes, there were a boatload of ships around it, but they tore through them like tissue paper. The Gigant Horse did have a wicked powerful main gun, yes, but they didn't know that. Wouldn't it make more sense to just go straight for the head of the snake?
    • Kinda tricky with the million to maybe billions of ships all firing at you. Also, the Gigant Horse is not alone. It is protected by dozens of Imperial Guard ships.
  • Did Akudo even bother sending a scout team to this little blue planet at all? From the story of Gokaiger, it seems like all the planets put up little or no resistance. Then, they decide to attack Earth, a planet with 34 teams of super powered humans that basically crippled their fleet. Maybe they should have decided to attack another planet with less defense?
    • Zangyack is HUGE. They are strong and overconfident, they must have been able to simply walk in and conquer hundreds or thousands of planets like that before. They did not consider the need to scout any planet because the likelihood of such resistance was practically nil. And even after the defeat, it is not like the loss of that fleet was big deal to them considering how large their military is.
  • The Greatest Treasure in the Universe is said to be able to do pretty much anything the bearer wishes, so why didn't the Gokaiger give back the powers of the previous Super Sentai? The Super Sentai can't be erased if your desire is to bring them back.
    • That's like telling the Genie that you want more wishes for one of your wishes. It's probably cheating so the Greatest Treasure in the Universe probably would not allow that.
      • Furthermore, the cost of making the wish is using up the power of the Super Sentai, so you'd make the wish to return the Super Sentai powers, they get erased from history, and then there's nothing left to restore. Besides which, its been well established that restoring the old sentai powers is a simple matter of giving the old rangers back their keys, so it would be a big waste to use your universe altering wish on something you could easily do yourself.
  • If Ranger Keys are the forms the various powers took on after being dispersed, how come the Gokaiger powers are naturally in Ranger Key form? Or are they?
  • The justification for not using the Treasure seems a bit thin. After all, we're talking entire worlds destroyed by Zangyack — billions upon billions of people. Surely the fact that Rangers provide inspiration as well as monster-blow-uppage can't take precedence. Now, Earth's sentai teams never having existed may cause as much damage to the universe as Zangyack — there were many galaxy-spanning evils stopped cold once they got to Tokyo. But that's not a reason anybody gave, even passingly.
    • I believe that the evil groups that the Sentai fought would also be taken care of by the Treasure. After all, you can't very well live in a "universe at peace" if any of those dicks are running around, and I doubt the Sentai members would have given the Gokaiger's their blessing to use it if it meant their old foes would benefit from it. Odds are, the evil teams would just not exist along with the Super Sentai teams if that's what they desired. However, even then, here's a question for those that would think using the treasure is the only sensible option: if there was a button in front of you that would make it so that every war that ever occurred in our history never happened, would you press it?
    • I think you also have to look at it at who to Gokaiger are. They are pirates, while also heroes, they don't want the easy way out of anything. It is perfectly consistent in the Gokaiger's characters to refuse to use a "magic reset" button.
    • Even if the evil groups would be erased, it also erases all the good the Sentai teams influence has had to the people of Earth. A better question, in addition to the above, is if there was a button in front of you so that every war that ever occurred in our history never happened, but would erase every soldier who fought on both sides from history as well as all the good they've done, directly or indirectly, could you do it?
  • After the end of the series can the Gokaigers still use the Gokai Galleon Buster? I know that with the loss of the other Ranger Keys they can’t use Grand Powers, the Gokai Scramble, and Gold Mode but I’m not sure about the Gokai Galleon Buster. They have enough keys for it but they don’t have the Ohranger’s Grand Power anymore. Was the Ohranger Grand Power just used to create the Gokai Galleon Buster or do they need it to continue using it?
    • They had always been using their own keys. The Ohranger keys were basically used as a "finishing touch" the very first time, and never after that. Look whenever Gai fires the Gokai Galleon Buster. The energy blast is silver, meaning he's using his GokaiSilver key instead of the King Ranger key.
      • OP here. I noticed that they use their own keys to fire it. I just didn’t know if they could no longer summon it without the Ohranger Grand Power. Thanks for clearing that up.
  • At the end of the series what happens to the Ranger Keys of the Senshi who died? Do they just sit in the ground somewhere or do they vanish? For that matter why did the Gokaigers even give back the Black Condor, Dragon Ranger, Time Fire, Abare Killer, Rio, and Mele Keys? It was not like anyone needed them. For that matter what happened to the Timeranger Keys? Did they travel through time to the 30th century or do they sit somewhere taking The Slow Path?
  • How could the Gokaigers not know Basco took or was going to take the greater powers of Changeman, Flashman, and Maskman and then Sun Vulcan and Fiveman, one way or another. Navi always give them hints that lead them to a greater power, including Gingaman, Go Go-V, and Megaranger, all of whose greater powers were targeted by Basco, but thanks to Navi's hint, the Gokaigers got there at the same time and stopped him. Was she having a day off for those other teams? Wouldn't a past ranger tell them what happened? And as for Changeman, Basco wiped out the Earth Defense Force, that should have been on all the news channels.
    • Navi’s predictions aren’t perfect. He only intercepted Basco with Gingaman Go Go-V, Ohranger and Megaranger by luck. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if Basco only found Go Go-V and Megaranger by tracking the Gokaigers. Navi only does his predictions when they ask him to. I also suspect they ask him everyday and he only gets correct ones some times. Not all of the past rangers trust the Gokaiger’s or can find them for help, so they wouldn’t necessarily come to ask for help from Pirates. We also don’t know if Basco wiped out the Earth Defense Force, all we see is one member getting attacked and the Greater Power being stolen in a damaged area. Even if he broke in it doesn’t mean he completely destroyed it and the military would try and keep a small attack like that from being leaked to the press, not that the Gokaigers even keep up with the news unless they are looking for something specific, so it wouldn’t change anything. In the end that one doesn’t matter anyway as the Gokaiger’s learn Basco has the Changeman power in the same episode he acquires it.
  • Do the Gokaiger (except for Gai) really ever grew to love Earth thus really want to protect it and everyone living on it or they only decide to help Earth to get back at Zanygack and the fact that the treasure they are looking for is on it? (That was only the biggest things that irritate me about the series. I know it doesn't really justify my frustration, but I have long since gotten used of finding most of the Super Sentai teams fighting against the villans because they love Earth and want to protect it and those who live on it. Also it didn't helped that Goseiger was really big on protecting the Earth and those who live onit. Gokaiger never really gave me a clear answer)
    • They answered this question multiple times during the course of the series, with their feeling about Earth getting stronger every time. At the moment, this troper can't think of specific episodes other than the 2nd part of the Hurricanger tribute show with Marvelous answering Yōsuke Shina's question regarding Earth. Marvelous responds that he likes Earth, and is glad that the greatest treasure in the universe is on this planet.
  1. and, evidently, budget for reacquiring and recreating old sets, props,and actors