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The TV series[]


 Singing loudly so you'll always remember

  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • Marvelous is one of the most badass Red Ranger in history.
    • Much like another attractive and personable Yellow Ranger, Luka is quickly becoming the one of the most popular character on the show.
    • The Gormin have become some of the best Mooks ever in a Sentai series, especially after the poker game in episode 10. It helps that they're portrayed as not quite as mindless as many of the grunts before them.
    • After only two episodes, a vast majority of the fandom is already clamoring for the return of Basco. Though with recent events, he may be straying towards Draco in Leather Pants territory.
  • Family-Unfriendly Aesop:
  • Fan Dumb:
    • Several non-American fans get very annoying when saying that the shows that aired in their countries didn't get their tributes yet and that the series is ruined because of that. Brazilian fans surely are a pain in the nuts sobbing because Dengeki Sentai Changeman, Choushinsei Flashman and Hikari Sentai Maskman got completely trashed offscreen by the time #32 aired, for instance.
    • Power Ranger fans also dip into this because they're trying to find any references wherever they can. The only Power Ranger shout outs have been confirmed in episodes directed by Koichi Sakamoto.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment:
    • All those mentions about piracy in the show (I.E. "We're the pirated versions") might be a little uneasy considering most English speaking viewers of the show are pirates in a whole different sense.
    • Not to mention the one bill everyone is focused on in 2011, the Stop Online Piracy Act. It's very ironic that it was the Pirate Sentai that was playing during the anti-piracy craze.
    • The whole Villain-falls-in-love-with-Red Racer plot might sound funny, until it's reported later in the year that Yuji "Kyosuke Jinnai" Kishi goes into divorce for yet-undisclosed reasons. Worse, his wife was another Sentai alumni — Deka Pink.
    • The way the villains are portrayed in the movies can be Played for Laughs. It can also be jarring when you compare them to what they've been doing in the series proper. For example, in Gokaiger vs. Gavan, how Basco "punishes" Sally for not helping him fight the Go-busters...
  • Harsher in Hindsight: Ahim's backstory where her home planet is ransacked by an alien invasion would be recycled for Ignis's backstory[1] in Ultraman Trigger: New Generation Tiga to a more horrifying degree, only this time a Dark Giant destroyed his planet.
  • He's Just Hiding: After the end of episode 21, this might be true of Aka Red. The final episode has Aka Red showing up in the end, then disappearing in a flash of light. So maybe?
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • Female versions of male yellow rangers...kinda makes you look back, eh?
    • Also, Female Red Rangers?
    • Pirates are in this year, indeed.
    • We can now remake "The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny" with a real picture of every single Power Ranger.
    • It's possible that the popularity of Manta Headder from Goseiger (which turns into a pirate-themed mecha head) inspired Gokaiger as a whole. This gets lampshaded in The Movie.
    • The Mobirates' announcement for Sentai names during any Gokai Change is exactly the way the Carrangers announce their team name, which itself was a Running Gag in its series[2].
    • Goseiger's card system brought Decade's card system to mind. Gokaiger brought everything else in Decade to mind.
    • As Ryouma and Hyuuga note, the Gingaman fought Space Pirates, and then we got a Space Pirate Sentai.
    • A Red Ranger's actor initially declined to appear in a tribute episode because he wanted to put that part of the career behind himself. Other members of the cast and crew convinced him to appear, though as a result, he has limited screentime. Now, am I talking about Kazuki Maehara[3], or Danny Slavin?
    • In Kamen Rider Decade, during his stay in Kabuto's world, Tsukasa talked about an explorer by the name of Vasco de Gama, who is similarly named to one Basco ta Jolokia. Bonus points for Vasco being interchangeable with Basco.
    • In #39, a space newspaper has an article about the death of Warz Gill on a page that's headered as "Space Sports Extra". Wonder if that means the space sports had to be totally cancelled...
    • Bit of a stretch, but the Kuwaga Raiger suit gets the Gender Flip treatment over the more obvious choice, the reddish Kabuto Raiger one — Kuwaga Raiger became the Navy Ranger, Blake in Power Rangers Ninja Storm, and we know now that Blake can be a girl's name.
    • The entire "Don as a dragon slayer" arc, with a certain video game about dragon slayers being released at about the same time.
    • Compare Navi's excitement over finally getting a bounty to Chopper's reaction when he saw his first bounty poster (if money exchange isn't applicable, they both start out at a mere 50).
    • Still on One Piece, Sanji is noticeably missing from the Expies in the main cast...but his voice actor isn't, being the voice of Machalcon.
    • And another from One Piece, with Kazuki Yao a.k.a. Franky reprising his role as Ninjaman.
    • Ninjaman says that he was trapped in Negakure Temple for roughly ten years, because of the rampage of zoo animals. Wait, what was the Sentai team around that time? Bonus points for all the animals pictured having counterparts in the then active Power Animals.
    • While there's been no shortage of pirate Ranger fanfics before Gokaiger, at least one managed to predict the characteristics and assigned colors of the core 5 heroes.
    • We finally get some idea of what the riders were going through during the Final Form Rides in the form of Don being the Zuban sword in #51.
    • In the movie, the Gokaigers intend on hunting down the God's Eye, so that it will grant their wish to gain the greatest treasure in the universe. Of course, what the great treasure actually does is grant a wish.
    • Throughout Gokaiger there was a lot of Fan Dumb desperately trying to find references to Power Rangers when in reality there were very few. Well come the next series...
    • Basco ends up becoming an alien treasure hunter in an Ultraman universe. (See Retroactive Recognition below)
  • Holy Shit Quotient:
    • Clips from the 199 Heroes movie show ALL 33 Giant Robos, plus Sky Ace from JAKQ and VariBlune from Goranger. Cue massive gasps of HSQ.
    • And now the newest trailer from the Gokaiger movie show us Gokaioh vs Fake Gokaioh above the moving ghost ship and Gokaioh swingin from a rope(!).
  • Ho Yay:
    • Marvelous and Joe in episode 12.

  Marvelous: "The one I want is you."


  "Someone invent a time machine so I can high five my 8-year-old self." — CollegeHumor

    • Ever since Sousuke joked about it at the end of #36, Gokai Fire is slowly but surely reaching this status.
    • It's recently been a Running Gag in several otaku forums that the release of Superhero Taisen will be the cause of the end of the world predicted in the Maya Calendar.
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • Basco:
      • Him threatening to kill a little kid in order to try and get a Great Power from it's owner. His actions were previously only centered on the Gokaiger, but going far enough to try and kill a child for a Great Power is going too far.
      • Basco goes even farther in episode 39 by threatening to blow up an entire high school for a Great Power.
      • And if he didn't then, he most certainly did it by blowing up Sally, the only thing that he appeared to have any semblence of morality towards, with no remorse.
    • Oiles Gil:
      • He crossed this by ordering a large number of people to be converted into copies of Barizorg.
      • Some say he crossed it earlier when he had strapped a bomb to an Action Commander so that he would take a large city with him.
  • Narm Charm:
    • Sally (Sally) the Monkey, Basco's sidekick. It's clearly someone crouching in a monkey costume. But the constant antics and the suit actor's surprising devotion to really acting like a monkey make you forget how silly she looks.
    • In episode 14, it's painfully obvious that the monsters are dragging around a dummy dressed as Red Racer, but since it's a Carranger episode, it just adds to the funny.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Sid's transformation into Barizorg.
      • What's worse is Oiles Gil has no problem about doing that to a great many other people.
    • When Basco transforms into his 'true form' in Episode 31 and he breaks Gai's arm. You can hear the crack, followed by the sound of Gai screaming...*shudder*
      • And let's not forget that his true form scared Aka Red. There's a reason why he had a 3 million Zagin bounty on his head, and it's not because he cooked meals for the Red Pirates.
    • Basco using summoned Gokaigers! Seeing mindless puppet duplicates of our heroes serving the bad guy can be quite chilling. The dark atmosphere of commandeered Gokai Galleon and their hunt for Navi does not help. This of course was predated by the Ranger puppets created by Black Cross King in the movie.
    • Something can be said about Gokai Silver's Gold Mode. The chestplate has miniature faces of previous Sixth Rangers, making it look eerily like a Super Sentai pelt or a witch doctor's shrunken head collection.
  • Rescued From the Scrappy Heap: Most people's first impression on Walz Gils is that he's a pathetic excuse of Big Bad thanks to his Spoiled Brat, General Failure attitude and temper tantrum. Lately, thanks to some level ups in competency, some Moral Event Horizon crossing and especially the events at Episode 37, people started acknowledging why he's the Big Bad.
    • Also, the Goseigers. Many fans found them to be either dull or annoying, but their more aggressive behavior during the 199 Heroes movie won a lot of viewers over.
  • Retroactive Recognition:
  • Special Effect Failure:
    • There's a moment in #26 where the Hurricanegers and the GokaiOh are in the same shot, and the fact that they're all standing on a model city set is really obvious due to some bad perspective.
    • The staff made a "stunt spear" for scenes where Gokai Silver gets knocked around, since obviously the plastic prongs would break easily from all the rough-and-tumble of the fight scenes. The problem is that the stunt spear has large sheets of black plastic connecting the prongs, which solves the fragility problem but sticks out like a sore thumb every time it's used.
    • Some of the suits haven't aged well, and it's easier to spot in HD. This is more common with Extra heroes whose armors aren't as easy to restore as the fabric in Ranger suits.
      • The first major instance of this happens in episode 20 with the Black Knight suit, whose shoulder pads and chest armor are slightly peeled off in the edges and corners, a detail exposed within close-ups of the suit.
      • Another case happens in Episode 31, when Zubaan and Wolzard Fire grow to giant size. As Zubaan tries to stomp GokaiSilver flat, his lower leg looks very crinkly. This is especially noticeable because, being a giant, the stomping leg occupied half the screen.
  • Spoiled by the Format: In many ways, #38 feels like a final episode. The Gokaigers recover from their Curb Stomp Battle, learn An Aesop about seizing your dreams, earn their own grand power, and use it to kill both the Big Bad (up to this point) and his right-hand man in an epic manner. However, being a Super Sentai series, we know that there are some 12-15 episodes still remaining.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot:
    • Episode 27, when Luka and Don body swap, they don't modify Gokai Green's costume into a Mini-Dress of Power, thus missing the chance of having the first female Green Ranger in Super Sentai history. But then #49 happens...
    • They've done an all-red and all-silver team, and half the team has done all-black and all-white, but there seems to be no indication that they intend to do a full team of Blue, Green, Yellow, or Pink, or any other combinations that would be cool to see (such as an all Archers team of Spade Ace, Ptera Ranger, Pink Racer, Blue Dolphin, and Shinken Blue.)
      • All-Pink, (Gokaiger vs Gavan), full All-White (Gokaiger vs. Gavan), All-Green (#43), and All-Yellow (#44) can now be crossed off the list.
      • All-Blue and All-Lion motif (Gao Red, Go-on Blue, Yellow Lion, Shishi Ranger, Ginga Red, and Gosei Knight) at #45.
    • Some decisions seems to be weird. Sure, Gokai Galleon Buster being introduced the way it was played nice, but it would have made much more sense if the introduction of a bazooka was made with Changeman's ultimate power, since this series introduced this concept to the sentai genre. Ohranger's ultimate power would go very nice if used to apply different hats to GokaiOh's head.
    • In Episode 14, they gained Carranger's Grand Power, which is traffic safety. That probably would have been useful to help contain Machalon in episode 36.
    • Episode 39, which is Megaranger's tribute, didn't have a Nejiranger like enemy. It would be really cool if they had it instead of Basco and Sally. Or if Basco had Nejiranger Ranger Keys and debuted them in that episode.
    • The lack of a Super Mode for the 5 initial rangers.
    • Now even Gokaiger vs. Gavan has this. Tetsu Inada confirmed in his twitter that Doggie Kruger/Dekamaster (who is close friends with Gavan in-universe) will not be appearing in this movie.
    • Show hands for those who thought that the rumor of the finale being a Second Legend War was true?
  • Villain Decay: Damaras probably got this the worst out of any Sentai Dragon — going from a bruiser to a punching bag in one episode.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion:
    • Navi is technically without gender, being a machine, but fans and even some subbers can't decide on male or female pronouns. Since Navi seemed to enjoy getting fawned over by the schoolgirls in episode 8 and uses "oira", which is generally spoken by males (there are females that do so, but it's rare), evidence leans towards Navi being a "he".
    • A small handful of fans thought Basco was a woman upon seeing the episode 15 preview, although that was soon cleared up.
  • The Woobie: Ahim gets this treatment in #41, especially in the crying scene. You just want to give her a big hug!

The merchandise[]

  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Ultimately downplayed for the "Memorial Best Selection & Boonboom Set" edition of the Mobirates replica role-play item released on 2025, as the (largely English-speaking) fans were much more relieved that the device will not include Gai Ikari's voice lines, owning to the controversy regarding the actions of his actor.
  1. portrayed by Basco's actor Kei Hosogai, no less
  2. To elaborate, the Carrangers always say "Carrrrrranger!" at the end of their roll call. The Villains, or pretty much everyone else for that matter, took it to heart that they ended up using the long version throughout the series instead of the proper name, even in serious conversations.
  3. who played Ryouma in Gingaman