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The Trope Namers themselves, Goku and Ryu, delivering a world of hurt.
The Kamehame Hadoken is the ultimate Ki Attack of any given martial-arts-based anime or video game, and almost always takes the form of a huge and/or continuous solid beam of weaponised ki, shot from the cupped hands of the main character after bringing his/her hands forward from behind their back, or from aside their hip. The attack is always derived from the latent power of the user, and the blast is incredibly destructive, ranging from causing large personal property damage, to the destruction of large satellites, to possibly destroying the planet on which the character stands. It is frequently, though not always, a Finishing Move.
Can be a form of Limit Break. A staple for Shotoclones, along with the Shoryuken and Hurricane Kick. Compare with BFG, which is often the technological version, and Wave Motion Gun, for the Humongous Mecha or spaceship-scale version of that. Also Wave Motion Sword, the sword version. Contrast Beam Spam. Compare also Blasting Time, where the character "throws" the energy attack.
In the introduction to the manga Dragonball, creator Akira Toriyama said that he named Goku's energy attack after Kamehameha I (King of Hawaii) after visiting Hawaii on vacation and seeing a statue of the king.
Contrast with Hand Blast, where the attack is not tied to the attacker's Ki or Mana. Depending on perception, both could be delivered by Power Palms.
- The Trope Codifier, and first Trope Namer here, is the Kamehameha (literally "Turtle [School] Wave Attack", often rendered less accurately but more colorfully as "Turtle Destruction Wave") used by Goku and others from Dragon Ball. Not that there weren't plenty of cousins around, such as the Gallick (or Garlic) Gun and Final Flash (which takes [practically] forever and a day to charge up and is [literally] about 500 miles wide) used by Vegeta, the Masenko used by Piccolo and Gohan, the Dodonpa used by Tenshinhan and all other Crane School fighters, and numerous unnamed energy blast attacks used by other characters, as well as several variations of the original — Kamehameha from the feet, Super Kamehameha, Warp Kamekameha and Big Bang Kamehameha.
- Parodied in an omake of Wedding Peach, with Kame Hame Kame.
- Parodied again in Excel Saga, with Nabeshin's Nabehameha.
- Also in Yotsubato, Jumbo is told that Miura's parents are too busy to take her anywhere during the summer, so he takes her fishing. At the end of the trip, he finds out she's going to Hawaii in the fall, and goes comically berserk, yelling "Kamehameha!" at her — which is an actually relevant name, given her destination.
- Parodied in lots and lots of shows, though the Kamehameha is not the ultimate ki attack in the Dragon Ball, just the most used and recognizable.
- Parodied within the series with Goten's "Kamekameha" — basically the same attack, except Goten has no control over where it goes.
- Art of Fighting's infamous Haoh Shoko Ken, used by series protagonists Ryo Sakazki and Robert Garcia, is the Hado Ken on steroids. The move results in a massive wall of Ki that can drain the target of half their lifebar in a single blast! Their master (and father, in Ryo's case) can use it to even greater effect; capable of launching it three times rapidly in succession. And in their team's KoF 2000 ending, he uses it to deflect a blast from the Zero Cannon!
- Ryoga of Ranma ½ has the depression-powered Shishi Hokodan, and Ranma has the confidence-powered Moko Takabisha, although the strongest version of the former is a more like a giant Sphere of Destruction that falls on top of everything. For added fun, they actually look like Hadokens when fired normally. Except in the second Non-Serial Movie, in which they are shown more like the Kamehameha.
- Meanwhile, Prince Herb of the Musk Dynasty simply emits massive, unnamed torrents of raw ki from his hands. The final adversary in the series, the Phoenix King Saffron, possesses the Tenka Shunmetsu Kokyuudan (roughly, "Entire-Empire Instant Annihilation Shot") a giant heat ray capable of vaporizing mountains.
- Hinako Ninomiya is not only able to drain the Battle Aura from others with her special technique, but can, by holding her hands in front of her face, forefinger and thumb tips pressing, also expel the gathered energy as a crackling meteor of electrical energy, a move she calls the Happo No Yen Coin Return.
- In Yu Yu Hakusho, Yusuke Urameshi's attack, the Reigun, is a variation, wherein he usually fires a large blast from only one finger at a time, though he has at times full-palmed the blast, resulting in the partial destruction of no less than two stadiums and a fair portion of the surrounding landscape.
- Naruto has used a variation of the attack, though only when in nine-tailed fox form, wherein he launched a "dense chakra" blast from from his mouth, destroying a large hill and most of the ground surrounding it in a half-mile diameter.
- Nine-tailed foxes called kitsune, who in Japanese mythology were known to generate fire from their mouths and/or tails. Just not on such an outrageous scale.
- Killer Bee in his eight-tailed demon ox form can use the same attack.
- It seems like Naruto himself is now developing his Rasengan-based version of Tailed Beast Ball. This version is so heavy that he's barely able to lift it.
- If Killer Bee's analysis can be trusted, the Rasengan was inspired by the Tailed Beast Ball in the first place.
- In a strange combination with the Wave Motion Gun, G Gundam has the Sekiha Tenkyoken, the ultimate attack of the Touhou Fuhai School of Martial Arts, which practitioners can perform on foot (where it appears to be a gigantic hand) and while piloting their Motion Capture Mecha (where it more closely resembles this trope).
- Don't forget Domon usually combined the Exploding God Finger/Erupting Burning Finger with the Sekiha Tenkyoken, which, like everything else in that series, is surrounded by Hot-Blooded CMoA screaming. In the final episode, Rain and Domon attacked the Devil Gundam's core with the "Erupting Burning Finger Sekiha Love-Love Tenkyoken".
- Sailor Moon, as Princess Serenity, evokes this whenever she uses the Mystical Silver Crystal. That is, when it doesn't decide to bail on her.
- Her live-action counterpart in Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon has an even more powerful attack — which is responsible for the complete death of the Moon Kingdom.
- Sailor Saturn from the later seasons of the anime has an explicit planet-killer attack, which also automatically kills her. Needless to say, this is Only Works Once. (See Mystical Silver Crystal.)
- Used in Bleach by Menos level Hollows, the move is called Cero. Most Hollows use the technique as a Breath Weapon. Arrancar, on the other hand, can unleash these attacks from their fingers.
- Not to mention Nnoitra's Cero from his tongue.
- Ramped up by Grimmjow Jeagerjacques during his final confrontation with Ichigo, unleashing a variation of the attack that only Espada-level Arrancar can use: the Gran Rey Cero.
- Ramped up even further with Ulquiorra's Cero Oscura (and probably further still with Ichigo's standard Cero which is, according to Ulquiorra, more powerful yet.)
- Ramped up even more with Starrk who doesn't need a pose to fire his off
- As well as Adult Nel's Cero Doble, which fires the opponent's Cero (after she swallows it!) back, along with Nel's own Cero!
- Not to mention Pesche and Dondochakka's Cero Sincr?co, which combines both of their Ceros and condenses it into a swirling ball of destruction
- This is (ironically) the ability of Soi Fon's Bankai; she mentions that the huge, flashy nature of it is what keeps her from using it regularly.
- It also happens that Hado #88, Hiryugekizokushintenraiho is a form of this.
- Yu-Gi-Oh!! and Yu-Gi-Oh! GX has several monsters that pull this off. They include Exodia, Obelisk the Tormentor, etc.
- Pretty Cure:
- Most prevalent in Futari wa Pretty Cure, where Pretty Cure Marble Screw (and its variations) and Pretty Cure Rainbow Storm are two-person Kamehame Hadoken variants.
- Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star's Pretty Cure Twin Stream Splash is quite similar to the Marble Screw variants, and its powered-up versions are even more like the standard Kamehame Hadoken.
- Yes! Pretty Cure 5 stayed away from this for the most part. Then Cure Mint figured out how to turn the Mint Shield into one.
- It came back in Smile Pretty Cure with Cure Happy's Happy Shower. It's a pink heart-shaped Kamehame Hadoken!
- Vivio's Sankt Kaiser form in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha used this against the titular character during the final battle of the third season. The Beam-O-War against Nanoha's Wave Motion Gun was inevitable.
- In Slayers, Lina Inverse's Dragon Slave spell starts as a Kamehame Hadoken, and ends in a Sphere of Destruction.
- Nina does this to Arika during their first duel in Mai-Otome.
- Kyouran Kazoku Nikki has Santa Claus use this attack against Kyouka during their duel. Yes, Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: "MERRY... CHRISTMAS!!" *BOOM* |
- In Katekyo Hitman Reborn, there is Tsuna's ultimate technique, the X-Burner. This is different from most attacks of this type in that it actually attempts to actually follow the laws of physics. The X-Burner requires that Tsuna balances the massive force he exerts in the front with an equal force in the back, so that he doesn't get violently pushed back. Most Kamehame Hadokens have a Missing Backblast.
- In Fullmetal Alchemist Father acquires the ability to create such attacks after acquiring the power of God.
- Technological example: the Radiant Wave Surger from Code Geass, built into the Guren's right hand. The tactic here is to grip the opponent then fire the microwave emitter built into the palm which rapidly cooks the target mecha's pilot alive while turning the target itself into a pile of slag. It can even block bullets. Later on, it is upgraded to be capable of firing at long-range or firing over a large area to hit multiple enemies, putting them out of commission for a while. Then it gets upgraded again, this time giving it even stronger bullet-blocking as well as the ability to detach and launch the entire hand like a Rocket Punch, only with a Wave Motion Gun.
- King Neptune used something called Ultramarine, and from the looks of it, it seems like an underwater version of a Kamehameha Wave.
- Several attacks from Digimon are this, most notably Silphymon's Top Gun/Static Force.
- Also Rosemon's Forbidden Temptation attack.
- One of the powers of Empowered's suit. She usually fires it from one hand at a time, but has done the classic double-palmed Hadoken. Since the suit's an Empathic Weapon, it's usually really weak (in line with her self-esteem). Threaten her friends, though, and it'll suddenly set itself to 'Carbonise'.
- Yes, the Kamehameha shows up in Dragon Ball Evolution. Either from unmitigated gall or a need to give the studio's legal department a workout, the writers decided to call it airbending.
- Street Fighter IIV had the same long channeling when Ryu was first learning it before he could use at-will. And the flying part may be an homage to when Goku first fought King Piccolo in Dragonball..
- While it wasn't very powerful in the games, Liu Kang's ki attack is used as a finishing move in the first Mortal Kombat film, where he uses it to throw Shang Tsung into the Spikes of Doom.
- Let's not forget The Sorcerers Apprentice.
Live Action TV[]
- This was the designated Finishing Move of Ninjor, who appeared in the third season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
- Ditto his Super Sentai counterpart, Ninjaman/Samuraiman.
- Ando from Heroes can occasionally do this. It's not quite as epic as most Kamehame Hadoken attacks, but it looks very much the same.
- These tend to be the Finishing Moves of just about all the Ultramen.
Professional Wrestling[]
- Both Kenny Omega and Player Uno have been known to use the Hadoken — Omega's requires a few moments of concentration but is most always successful, and Uno's is rather instant but is regularly blocked by his opponent raising their forearms. Used once against his own partner Player Dos (then known as Stupified) to which Stup. complained against his use of superpowers.
- This clip features Japanese wrestler Men's Teioh channeling Ryu in a battle with Abdullah Kobayashi.
Tabletop Games[]
- The recent supplement to Mutants & Masterminds, Mecha & Manga, has the power, Devastating Blast. The power fits this trope entirely (as was intended in this anime-based supplement) and you may spend combat turns to charge the power, increasing the power's damage.
- Classic 1st-block Magic: The Gathering combo Channel and Fireball. 19 Health turned into mana + 1 point of other mana = 20pts of damage directly to your opponent's face. That's one big fireball.
- To add the nail to the coffin, the original combo was Black Lotus, Channel, and Fireball, which was incidentally a first turn (or alternatively, turn zero, as the opponent never gets a turn) One-Hit Kill. And keep in mind this was in the days before the number of copies of any card was restricted, so you could have a deck that consisted of literally nothing but Black Lotuses, Channels, and Fireballs. Think someone charging up a Kamehameha or Hadouken, and then think of their opponent unleashing a blast of equal or greater power before they get to finish the first syllable. Fun times.
- Also, later sets of Magic gave us Demonfire and Banefire, cards with similar effects to the classic Fireball. This is of course long after the days of the environment of Channel/Fireball, so obviously they require a much greater investment, so what makes them so special, you ask? They can't be countered or prevented as long as you have no cards left in hand or are dealing five or more damage with them, respectively. What they lack in First Turn Kill combolishiousness they make up for by being nigh unstoppable blasts of destruction.
- To add the nail to the coffin, the original combo was Black Lotus, Channel, and Fireball, which was incidentally a first turn (or alternatively, turn zero, as the opponent never gets a turn) One-Hit Kill. And keep in mind this was in the days before the number of copies of any card was restricted, so you could have a deck that consisted of literally nothing but Black Lotuses, Channels, and Fireballs. Think someone charging up a Kamehameha or Hadouken, and then think of their opponent unleashing a blast of equal or greater power before they get to finish the first syllable. Fun times.
- When Dungeons and Dragons first introduced the Warlock class, the core ability that defined the class was the Eldritch Blast, a single-target ranged attack that could be cast at-will and did massive amounts of damage on par with a rogue's sneak attack. This of course led to players shouting "Hadouken" and "Kamehameha" as they attacked.
- A supplemental book also introduced "Ki Blast," a moderately damaging blast of energy that ate up a Monk's use of Ki. As soon as Pathfinder's Beta came out and revealed that Monks would now use Ki Pools and have Ki Points, many a DM jumped on this with succeeding feats which upped the damage of the Ki Blast, until they hit Kamehame Hadoken levels of damage — some to the point that a gimped-out Monk built only for blasting their Chi could, while probably not able to outright kill, at least cut a Great Wyrm Red Dragon's HP in half by going from full Ki to zilch in one turn to power a mega blast.
- Exalted of course features these in abundance. They range from shooting Holy beams of light off of the edge of your sword (for Solars) to unleashing bolts of pure elemental energy (for the Dragon-Blooded).
Video Games[]
- The second part of the name comes from the Hadoken ("Surge Fist"; the "hadou" part can also be translated as "wave motion", as in Wave Motion Gun) used by Ryu and Ken (and Akuma and Sakura) from the Street Fighter series, specifically the Shinkuu Hadoken (A big fireball in the canonical games and a huge beam in Marvel vs. Capcom and its successor Tatsunoko vs. Capcom; the latter fits the definition of the trope more.).
- Chun Li's "Kikosho" attack is a stationary version of this. Rather than a beam of death, it's a Sphere of Destruction.
- Batsu and Hideo of Rival Schools (and later Vatsu of Project Justice) have assists where their partners do this with them (Batsu/Vatsu does it standing next to his partner firing their attacks together, whereas Hideo and his partner flank the opponent and "crush" him/her with their attacks). Burning Batsu in Project Justice uses a beam-firing variant.
- There's a lot of 'em in Street Fighter. Aside from the mentioned:
- Dee Jay and Guile: Both are more accurately Razor Wind powers, done without swords, as they involve pressurized air manipulated by Ki instead of actual ki.
- Newcomer Juri can fire strange, slow moving purple versions using her feet
- Oro throws spherical versions, with the largest being a Combined Energy Attack.
- Rose and M. Bison have their own Soul and Psycho-powered fireballs, though whether these are Ki or Psychic attacks is debatable.
- Dan has the Gadouken, which he does one-handed and travels a pathetic distance. However, as of Street Fighter IV, it no longer does pathetic damage as well, instead being more powerful and more damaging than Ryu's version. Particularly the Ultra form, where it's several times the size of Ryu's and so powerful it knocks Dan down.
- Some Final Smashes in Super Smash Bros Brawl, like the Mario Finale.
- The Pokémon Lucario's signature attack Aura Sphere is a blatant Hadoken look-alike of the large projectile variety, while its Final Smash in Super Smash Bros Brawl is the continuous beam variety.
- Also in Pokemon are is the move Focus Blast, which is even described as working with Chi. There's also a number of Fighting pokemon that can learn Hyper Beam, which one can assume is performed the same way (Considering a number of Fighting type lack a mouth)
- Likewise, in Super Smash Bros Melee, the Pokémon Mewtwo uses Shadow Ball, which resembles a purple-and-black Kamehameha.
- The Pokémon Lucario's signature attack Aura Sphere is a blatant Hadoken look-alike of the large projectile variety, while its Final Smash in Super Smash Bros Brawl is the continuous beam variety.
- A number of Touhou characters have this technique at their disposal, but the most common variation is undoubtedly Marisa Kirisame's Master Spark (never mind that she has to cup a magical artifact in her hands to launch the beam; the pose is the same).
- Here is example from a fanvideo: Marisa's Final Spark/Final Master Spark starting at 5:10.
- Laser is not difficult.
- Yuka, the original creator of the Master Spark, does the same, but uses her umbrella to launch the attack, and also clones herself so she actually gets TWO Master Sparks. In the fanon game Touhou Soccer 2, Mima can join her for three Master Sparks. Mima herself is not one to be outdone, even by herself.
- Tenshi's Title Drop Attack from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody is a subversion — that "laser" is made of many, many bullets packed together so tightly there's no space between them.
- Barret's final limit, Catastrophe, from Final Fantasy VII is a similar attack but is actually superheated plasma being shot from his Arm Cannon. It is, however, implied to be fueled by the very life essence of The Planet.
- Regal, of Tales of Symphonia, has one of these. It is only ever seen once. Well, maybe twice.
- From Tales of Phantasia, DHAOS LASER! So friggin' powerful, it may as well qualify as a Wave Motion Gun.
- The Pyro of Team Fortress 2 has a taunt that mimicked this. The taunt instantly kills anyone standing next to it. Can be viewed here.
- Not to mention, you HAVE to do it to get an achievement.
- There was a bug with the Soldier's Cow Mangler 5000 that can look like this. If the Soldier taunts while charging a shot, he will shoot a laser from his chest or hands.
- In Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, the protagonist can perform this in the form of the 'Dragon Breath' attack, when using his Deadly Upgrade form. At the end of the game, he even manages to get in a Beam-O-War with an actual dragon.
- In Disgaea Hour of Darkness (and its handheld ports), characters can level up their mastery of weapon types to gain various special attacks. For those of the martial artist career path, these attacks consist largely of simple punch and kick combos for the first few levels... until they obtain the 'Lions Roar' technique, which costs more than ten times as much mana as their previous moves, often requiring mana-boosting equipment to use even once per fight when it is first acquired. When the attack is used, the character somersaults into the sky, pushing their back up against the lens of the isometric camera, and throws an enormous Kamehamehadoken, killing everything within a large radius of their original position before falling gently to earth. Awesome.
- The Blazing Palm special in Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice is a much more modest fiery Kamehameha, without the absurd MP cost of Lion's Roar. The Nekomata monster class gets its own version of this: Cat Blast.
- One of the attacks of Soulgain in Super Robot Wars is called Seiryuu Rin... which is practically this trope exemplified. While weaker than Soulgain's other attacks, it's the only attack that allows multi-enemy targeting.
- Rushbird's Light Blazer from Super Robot Wars L
- Zeus Guys in Yoshis Island use this as their primary attack.
- Julian's Soul Bomb attack in Little Fighter 2.
- Dark Demon in Dynamite Headdy has a beam attack that takes up nearly the entire screen.
- Fei in Xenogears has an attack resembling this as one of his final Deathblows.
- His "chi blast" spell when used in his gear is straight up Kamehame Hadoken or Wave Motion Fist except it looks be somewhat fire elemental, even though its not. His special option ability "Thor Wave" is an even better example.
- Basch in Final Fantasy XII has a quickening called "Fulminating Darkness" (How's that for an attack name?), which superficially resembles Vegeta's Final Flash, except it's a beam of swirling greenish-black energy. It's actually the weakest of Basch's quickenings, though.
- This is a common style of attack for the Monk classes in some of the games, notably Sabin.
- Sabin's is especially notable because his blitzes are triggered by button inputs. The pattern for Aura Bolt? Quarter-Circle-Forward-A.
- This is a common style of attack for the Monk classes in some of the games, notably Sabin.
- In Kirby Super Star, Kirby's fully-charged "Plasma" attack looks like this. It doesn't hurt that his hat for this ability looks like a green version of Goku's Super Saiyan hair.
- The same in Kirby Air Ride.
- His fighter mode does this as well, including a fireball spam variant. Unlike his plasma mode (which fires pin-sized beams if uncharged), fighter doesn't have to charge to achieve the desired effect.
- Don't forget about his Beam Mode where if the player holds the attack button long enough, Kirby will shoot out a literal Hadoken projectile.
- In more recent installments such as Amazing Mirror and Return to Dreamland, this is played straight with the Fighter ability.
- Linn Kurosawa gets one of these in the Aliens Versus Predator arcade game.
- Invoked in Worms for the Dragonball (named after the Dragon Punch and Fireball/Hadoken from Street Fighter) weapons.
- In The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match, the EX version of Takuma's MAX2/HSDM is this. It has a nice lion motif to it.
- Cloud of Darkness in Final Fantasy III has its signature Particle Beam attack. In the DS version, it builds it by charging the energy between its hands; which are cupped, facing each other, and stacked vertically, and then fires it as a beam of energy by separating its hands.
- It comes back with a vengeance in Dissidia, featuring several forms of the Particle Beam and Cloud of Darkness' EX Burst being a massive Particle Beam that is described in-game as leaving nothing but dust.
- Super Mario RPG has the Geno Beam.
- Jinx has Bombs Away, which is also the most powerful physical attack in the game.
- As opposed to the honorable trope namers, No More Heroes' resident cheating bastard, Destroyman, uses the sphere-type Destroy Cannon. The Destroy Buster (beam-type), on the other hand, comes from somewhere else.
- Despite being a clone of the Street Fighter games, the SNES version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters is pretty light on this. Only Raphael and Wingnut come close.
- The Mad Karate Man does this to boost the speed of the businessman.
- Cliff Fittir's Max Shockwave in Star Ocean 3.
- Several martial artists in the Suikoden series come equipped with special runes which allow them to execute this kind of attack.
- Mash/Sabin Rene Figaro's Aura Cannon in Final Fantasy VI.
- Sabin's special moves are actually done by entering fighting-game-like button combos. The one for Aura Cannon? Quarter-circle forward, the same input as a Hadoken in Street Fighter
- The massive series of Dragonball Z games, especially the Budokai games, and especially the Budokai Tenkaichi games.
- Alex Mercer of Prototype has one. However, given what he is, it's made of tentacles.
- In Mitsumete Knight R : Daibouken Hen, one of the three most powerful Limit Breaks is this. It's fueled with The Power of Love, as you need both of your two female partners to have very high Relationship Values with your main protagonist, McLeod.
- In Jackie Chans Action Kung Fu, Jackie Chan can do "psycho wave" attacks for a limited number of times.
- Golden Sun Dark Dawn has a series of knuckle weapons and a character that can use them. The use of this trope (the Umbra Knuckles' Shadow Cannon) was inevitable.
- Parodied in Adventure Quest Worlds with Ryoku's Soul Nuke. As the Kitsune saga in general and the Dragon Koi Tournament in particular is pretty much a parody of popular anime, the attack takes a month or so to actually charge up (which is roughly enough time for the saga in general to wrap up). It ultimately never gets used, as by the time the final wrapping up cutscene of the saga rolls around, your character unceremoniously knocks Ryoku out just as he's finally about to cut loose.
- Goku in the Play Station 2 fighter Super Dragon Ball Z has a Kamehameha that hits like a 3-hit hadoken. Considering that the project was headed by the producer of Darkstalkers and the Street Fighter series, this makes some sense.
- The Castlevania series gives us the Nova Skeletons, or as they're better described, skeletons with Kamehamehas. In Dawn of Sorrow and Order of Ecclesia, you can steal their beams.
- The Flame in Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame works much like a Hadoken.
- The title character in Kuri Kinton (a little known arcade game by Taito) can do this by holding down the attack button and letting go when fully charged.
- In Mega Man X, X is able to learn the Hadoken in the first game as an Easter Egg.
- In the game Perfect World International there is a class known as the Mystic who has access to this in the form of their "Absorb Soul" attack.
- Berserk Asura combines this with Beam Spam and Macross Missile Massacre, using four Mana arms to charge and fire enough beams to chew through an entire armada.
- In My Little Pony Fighting Is Magic, Twilight Sparkle has this attack. The gems Rarity summons also serve as this for her.
- Malik Caesars from Tales of Graces can unleash the Mystic Arte "Malik Beam", in which he turns his back to the enemy, and then this trope came out from his back.
- Combat Girl from Super Monday Night Combat fires a "combat laser" out of thin air apparently by sheer power of will.
- In Book of Mages the Dark Times, mages have access to the Combined Bolt attack, which works by gathering all of the mage's attacking and defending bolts into a single crescent-shaped blast that tears through most enemies' defenses. In particular, the mages of the Burning Hill and Great Sea clans rely on this ability to overwhelm their enemies' defenses.
Visual Novels[]
- In Maji De Watashi Ni Koi Shinasai Momoyo uses the attack "Kawakamiha". It's not the only instance, but probably the most similar to the Trope Codifier.
- In 8-Bit Theater, the Hadoken is the signature attack of Black Mage, and unleashes power equivalent to a small nuke. He also once used it for a Recoil Boost, calling it "Boatdoken". The Red Mage used a similar attack once ("Hadoyastopthis!?"). Fighterdoken and Medoken are not actually Kamehame Hadoken attacks but Fastball Specials. Black Mage's Hadoken is powered by The Power of Love - literally. It consumes love from the universe to power itself. The divorce rate rises every time he fires it off.
- The Captain SNES parody actually uses the name "Kamehamehadoken."
- Lampshaded in Looking for Group: After Richard gets trapped in a bleach-white purgatory, he is seen attempting to use the Hadoken; the only effect seems to be that he forms a blue glowing ball in his hands, to which he says "that didn't work as well as I'd liked." He does, however, follow up with a successful Shoryuken to Hctib.
- In Erfworld, Maggie casts
HadokenHoboken to kill an enemy mount.- The Hoboken is latter revealed to be a basic attack spell known to almost every caster.
- One El Goonish Shive character and his clone can use a variant, "Tamashii Gekido" ("Soul Fury") — short-ranged wide blast of force strong enough to hurl the target away if there's enough space for a tumbling flight. After all, they practice "anime-style martial arts", it's not something unexpected.
- And then an Immortal unleashes a great Care Bear Blast in this way.
- The lead character in The Cartoon Chronicles of Conroy Cat unleashes one with an unpleasant side effects.
- Magical version from Drowtales. Take an ordinary Magic Missile, add 1000 years of (mana/aura)growth and experience — destruction ensues. Unfortunately, her targets dodged.
- Becquerel uses it in Homestuck, to destroy the meteor heading for Jade's house.
- Chloe in Eerie Cuties, when she accidentally got a power boost and lost control, torched Blair for interrupting her lunch.
- When Fighting Game fan Sydney in Unintentionally Pretentious takes a Qigong class, she's disappointed to learn that by focusing her Qi, she can't actually "dookin" anything.
- In Sinfest that's how Satan and Devil Girls "Bomf!" (which bedevils living things or simple objects and explodes more advanced hardware), Jesus does "Salvation!" and Buddha calms down people — this one is temporary.
- In Sonichu, the Author Avatar fires an attack called the "Curse-ya-ha-me-ha", which is said to inflict great misfortune on its target.
Web Original[]
- Virtually perfected by the always trope conscious Chris O'Neill in the phenomenally awesome-packed Newgrounds video Chris & Harry.
- The DBZ-inspired Super Mario Bros Z has characters busting out the Kamehame Hadoken on several occasions. It's rather a specialty of Fire Mario and Bowser, for example, and Mecha Sonic uses one in episode 6 to finish off Axem Red.
- In the Whateley Universe, Chaka has learned a secret Ki attack like this from a superpowered ninja opponent. She fires it from a finger and calls it her 'Chaka Chaka Bang Bang'.
Western Animation[]
- In an entirely American use of this, by the 3rd season of Danny Phantom, Danny, when needing a more powerful hit to stop an enemy, performs a very quick Kamehame-Hadoken-like Ectoblast. Most notably, he and Dani, his clone/cousin perform a dual-blast in this manner, one which seems only slightly less powerful than his Ghostly Wail (and a lot less draining)
- There are a couple of examples in Green Lantern First Flight in the finale. After Hal Jordan reactivates the Green Element and becomes rather Ion-like, he one-hand blasted Sinestro through several buildings. Then during their last DBZ-style ring powered fist fight, Hal uses the last power in his ring for a nice, big blast.
- Though the attack wasn't done at all, the attack name was mentioned in Jimmy Two-Shoes. When Jimmy assumed the role of "Power Squid" and fought his first battle against a horde of clowns, as he/the squid on his head fought them, his fourth battle cry was "Hadoken!" before ending it with a spin kick.
- Control Freak, in one episode of Teen Titans, when he had acquired the skills of a "12'th level space samurai" and a bunch of other stuff after porting himself into the land of television.
- Korra makes this pose while attempting to airbend a newspaper, while shouting "Airbend!"
Real Life[]
- The Pistol Shrimp's claw is modified to snap shut so quickly that it produces a flash of light and blast of sound reaching 218 decibels, louder than a gunshot. It does this by the claw's snapping creating a low pressure bubble, which then collapses, with the sound created by its collapse. The light? That would be the heat created by its collapse. This enables the shrimp to both stun and roast its prey in one shot.