YMMV tropes applying to the Kamen Rider franchise:[]
Americans Hate Tingle: Some parts of the Filipino and Brazilian fanbases loathe the Heisei and Reiwa Kamen Rider installments for various reasons, primarily due to their (mostly entitled) nostalgic preference to Kamen Rider Black. In the former's case, Black was the only Kamen Rider series that is aired in the country.
Broken Base — The issue of whether the later series are as good as the older series, for starters.
Fridge Brilliance: Since Skull was chronologically the first Rider to appear in the Double-verse, it could be argued that those two Dopants actually were the first MotWs in Double.
Macekre — "Saban's Masked Rider". To capitalize on the success of Power Rangers, Saban licensed the already Lighter and SofterKamen Rider Black RX, dialed the Lighter and Softer elements Up to Eleven, and turned it into "Saban's Masked Rider": a gay old Aesop-tastic romp of a sit-com starring a superhero alienlearning about Earth culture with his adoptive American Family. Later the editing got so shoddy that at times you could clearly see the original Japanese actors, or the fact that the footage they were splicing in was from a completely different series starring a completely different hero. (Dex is Black RX one scene, J the next! No, they don't look alike. At all.) To say that Ishinomori was disgusted would be putting it too lightly. Not to mention that the events of the series have been Retconned to be a Show Within a Show in Power Rangers.
In 2021, Toshiki Inoue (the writer of most of the Kamen Rider series since Kuuga) of is jokingly associated with any of the Ho Yay moments in current Kamen Rider (and to an extent, other Tokusatsu made by Toei) Series, considering the fact that he wrote that one episode with that scene from Rider Time Ryuki...
Misblamed: Though Toei was generally blamed for not being capable of bringing and simulcasting Kamen Rider outside of Japan, this problem also goes to TV Asahi, as the company already co-owns a premium streaming service called Telasa, meaning that the two companies likely doesn't want another service.
Kamen Rider: Any time the Double Riders have to throw down.
V3: Shiro Kazami eventually starts doing his Henshin on his bike. While going downhill, taking a curve. Best part? Actor Hiroshi Miyauchi crashed the bike while filming the second episode.
Most Wonderful Sound — For anyone surrounded by monsters or whose town/world is being threatened, when all hope for survival seems lost, one word can banish the darkness and bring salvation. That word? HENSHIN!
Nightmare Fuel — Depends on the series and the monsters contained within. However, it generally applies to Shin, ZO and J for their designs. Also, all Showa riders are no longer human with the exception of Amazon.
For a series aimed for kids, Kamen Rider Black has pretty scary monster designs. Also, Kotaro's first transformation clearly shows his 'bug-man' stage.
A major plot point in Den-O was that, if you were removed from the timeline, and nobody remembered you, you no longer existed!
Paranoia Fuel — Ryuki. Just think about it. Every mirror — hell — every single reflective body you walk past could be a portal from which a monster whose only desire is to eat you could emerge from. And don't think it's just that odd piece of glass in the streets, or that puddle of water you need to worry about either. Every mirror is fair game, even the ones in your home. Really, the only guarantee of survival in the Ryuki world possible if you were just a 'normal' is to lock yourself in at home and cover up every piece of glass.
...Or if you somehow found a discarded deck like Shinji did.
Let's keep going. The monsters are essentially relentless, and will never stop hunting you once you are chosen as a target. Lousy luck if you're in the dark about, but if you are aware of their existence..... This applies to Dragon Knight as well, with the trade off of mindless monsters that will eat you at the first opportunity for an organized force that is just waiting for it's shot at conquering the whole damn world, and if not for the Riders, would have succeeded.
We should also count the series where the monsters can take human form. like the worms of Kamen Rider Kabuto. They kill the original, and take that person's place. An impersonation so good, that they can fool anyone, including THEMSELVES! This means that anyone you know, Father, Mother, Best friend, ANYONE could be a worm in disguise. Lovely thought.
Snark Bait: In 2021, the Toshiki Inoue-written Kamen Rider series has become a subject of mockery after Zi-O vs. Decade, with the fans immediately pointing out the inconsistences and continuity errors regarding it. Some would even associate him with similarly-inconsistent writing of some modern Super Sentai installments, though his last known involvement is Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger until Avataro Sentai Donbrothers.
They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Though it was meant to show that Technology Marches On, At least some fans are not happy with the communication devices in the transformation devices/trinkets being changed into a smartphone-like design compared to the Heisei Era's flip phones.
Unfortunate Implications — Female Riders are few and tend not to end well for the most part, starting, with the death of Tackle of Stronger (who, to add insult to injury, was later officially ruled to not be a true Rider, only a mere sidekick to Stronger. However, Kiva had two women borrow the IXA suits in different time periods (once. Twice if you count the movie). Kamen Rider Decade is showing a good track record with female Riders, and Natsumi gets a suit and survives (albeit in the finale movie only.) However, it is somewhat mitigated by the fact that a great deal of male Riders do not survive either.
What Do You Mean It's for Kids? — Applies to all Rider series, since it airs at Sundays at 8 am in Japan, but especially true for Faiz. With swearing, rape, brutal violence, and mind-screws left and right, you would think it would air as a primetime show.
Special Effects Failure: Granted, it's an old series, but there are a lot of moments where it really tends to show its age.
This was partially justified by the fact that the show had a very low budget even for it's time.
What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: Through the series, we see Shocker's monsters turning people into skeletons and ashes. The effects are laughable but still!
The Sarracenian monster in episode 4 killed someone by literally crushing him with his bare hands.