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Kamen rider X super sentai 896

When all hell's breaking loose, you'll be right in the eye of the storm.

Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen is a 2012 film that pits Toei's two most prominent Toku franchises against one another in a giant Crossover battle. Captain Marvelous, AKA Gokai Red, has formed Dai-Zangyack and attacks the Kamen Rider universe, hoping to claim their Grand Powers and the Ultimate Treasure in the Universe. Opposing them is Dai-Shocker, reformed by Doctor G and again lead by Tsukasa Kadoya AKA Kamen Rider Decade. Meanwhile, Rangers and Riders on both sides of the conflict are left wondering what's going on and why they're even fighting to begin with.

Oh, and it features nearly 300 Rangers, Riders and villains fighting alongside one another. And the Fandom Rejoiced.

Tropes used in Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen include: