Anti-Villain: His motivation is simply fear that humanity may one day overpower him. When he realizes that he didn't understand mankind, he decides he needs to give them a chance to proceed and grow.
Dark Is Not Evil: The Overlord of Darkness isn't exactly evil, just afraid humanity will overpower him and trying to wipe out those who could do so. And in the end decides to let mankind move on.
God Is Evil: the Overlord of Darkness is actually the creator of humanity, who sees them as his pets
God Is Flawed: However, he still isn't exactly malicious, but had little understanding of his own creation.
Heel Realization: Realizes in the end his assault on humanity was wrong and he simply doesn't understand his own creations. He chooses to sit back and watch how things go.
All There in the Manual: The individual names of the Lords are never given onscreen and can be found in supplemental materials. In fact, they're never even referred to as Lords, but rather as The Unknown.
Animal Motifs: A stantdard practice for Kamen Rider monsters.
Canis Latinicus: The naming pattern for the Lords, save for the El. Each name consists of two Latin words: genus + descriptor. Example: Pantheras Luteus = Leopard/Panther Saffron Yellow. Though, as to be expected, some translations can get blurred.
Even Evil Has Standards: They're specifically to target humans blessed with the seed of Agito (those whom have supernatural abilities). Killing normal humans (unless said human had committed murder) is a taboo and the penalty is forced suicide. The Ant Lords somehow bypass this rule.
Our Angels Are Different: To drive the point home, each Lord has wing-like appendeges sticking out of their backs.
Palette Swap: Some Lords are grouped by animal genera; therefore, the costumes are similar. Female Lord costumes avert this.
Rule of Symbolism: Bringing out religious references further, a halo appears above them when they summon a weapon or are about to die. They also make prayer hand gestures before killing a victim.