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  • The net spinoff videos. All of them. Decade gives henshin pose lessons, Narutaki obsesses over butts, and even the actors themselves have a hard time maintaining character in the face of the crazy goings-on.
  • This dialog from the Ryuki World arc. The set-up: Natsumi has been falsely accused of murder, and Tsukasa, despite making jokes about her being a cold-blooded killer, is trying to save her — except that in this world, legal cases are decided with Rider battles.

 Zolda: I won't let an amateur make the verdict! She's guilty! Guilty! (fires giant shoulder cannons)

Tsukasa: Who the heck's that?!

Ren: Probably the public prosecutor.

Tsukasa: Suddenly I very much want to prove her innocence.

  • Den-O and the Mook in All Riders.

 Den-O: Ore, san-

Mook *jumps in to join in Den-O's pose*

Den-O: *kicks Mook out of the way* Stop interupting me, you bastard! Ore, sanjou! Man I'm the coolest.

    • The whole Den-O episodes counts too, starting with the whole getting possessed thing, up to the climax, where Kuuga mistakes Den-O Momotaros for the enemy, kicking him on the neck, down to the bad guy breaking character and telling them to get their acts together, finally culminating in Momotaros' and Kuuga's..."Combination Attack".
    • Speaking of Den-O, there's the scene in Kabuto's world where Tsukasa puts the Taros' Attack Ride cards to use:

 Decade: Ore, sanjou![1]

TheBee: So what?

Decade: Then how about this? *changes to Gun Form* Can't hear your answer!

Gatack: But you didn't ask us anything...

      • To add up to the awkward feel of the scene, the Decadriver repeats each Taros' catchphrase in a heavily English-accented Japanese.
  • In the final part of Movie War 2010, Tsukasa uses an All Riders Final Form Ride card to let the Riders take on the Super Crisis Fortress; to transform, the Riders line up single-file and perform the FFR hand motion, complete with telling each other "This will tickle a bit" in sequence.
    • Not Yusuke; he's the first in line.
  • In episode 28, Amazon is getting his ass kicked...

 Natsumi: "Tsukasa-kun!"

Tsukasa: "Ah." *Holds up baseball instead of change card, complete with revving sound effect.*


Tsukasa: *Tosses baseball aside and pulls out change card* "Henshin!"

  1. I'm here