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  • This series does this logistically, by having Yuto/Kamen Rider Zeronos kidnap Ryotaro/Kamen Rider Den-O three times in episode 25 and 26, and take them all back in time to the Edo period to fight Kamen Rider Gaoh, all without Ryotaro having any memory of the event. But Kamen Rider Gaoh doesn't actually start his evil plan until episode 27, which leads right into The Movie, which ends with Ryotaro almost beaten by Gaoh, until Zeronos shows up at the end with the three past versions of Ryotaro, allowing him/them to activate all four of his armor forms at once. In short, they used time travel to stop the evil plan and did so before it happened. One of the best uses of time travel in any series, ever.
  • Also, that thing I mentioned where they used all four forms at once? CMOA'd. A climax from beginning to end.
  • You mention Den-O without bringing up the third movie, Final Countdown, where they do that a SECOND time? With MORE forms at once? Come on, man.
  • Urataros and Kintaros' apparent final battles near the end of the series.
  • The entire final battle and Rasputinian Death of the Big Bad in the main series.
  • Both Liner and Zero Forms were having trouble with The Dragon Albinoleo Imagin. So how did they get out of this mess? A Big Damn Heroes in Sakurai going Altair Form and kicking ass!
  • Liner Form's debut. Ryotaro himself takes out two imagin who formed a drill-like twister with a denliner shaped attack.
  • Kotaro/New Den-o and Teddy's arrival by a destoying an imagin in 8 seconds, and they made sure to count it themselves.
  • In part 2 of Ryutaros' debut, fighting two Gigandeaths by summoning Ikazuchi and then combining all of the DenLiner cars for battle for the very first time. Even better, Den-O pilots the whole thing from the outside, riding on Ikazuchi's head!
  • Episode 3 (or was it 4?). Momotaros has teamed up with a dude stealing from a criminal organization — partly for the chance to fight, partly to pay back Ryotaro for the threads he'd bought while posessing him — and when Ryotaro wakes up, he is having none of it. He forces Momotaros back to the DenLiner, and tells him not to come back unless summoned. Then an Imagin shows up, and Ryotaro in Plat Form gets his ass kicked, naturally. Thing is... he keeps getting back to his feet and trying, despite his poor reflexes and sloppy form. Momotaros starts yelling at Ryotaro to let him in and become Sword Form, or else Ryotaro's going to get killed. He doesn't care, because he refuses to work with a thief, and gets Momotaros to not only incoporate some standards, but also to apologize. And then, the two work together to Curb Stomp the Monster of the Week.