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Jikan no nami wo tsukamaete! (Hold on to the waves of time!)
Ima sugu ni yukou yakusoku no basho. (Let's go right away to the promised place.)
Genkai mugen, iza tobikome! (Limits are infinite, now jump into it!)
Climax Jump!
DenLiner Crew[]
Ryotaro Nogami/Kamen Rider Den-O (portrayed by Takeru Satoh and Takuya Mizoguchi)[]
The protagonist and eponymous Kamen Rider, Ryotaro is quite possibly the unluckiest being on Earth (and a High School drop-out supporting his only other family member, his older sister Airi); every day is a parade of misfortune for him. In the middle of an unusually bad day, he's possessed by a time-travelling monster called an Imagin, meets a strange girl who tells him he's a Singularity Point, and said girl and Imagin effectively railroad him into becoming Den-O. Even though by his own admission he's not exceptionally strong, smart, or brave, when the chips are down his true strength appears in the form of unstoppable determination. In a way, his horrid luck could be seen as a mixed blessing, since he's been through so much that it takes a lot to really faze or hurt him. He's also very good at reading people's emotions and true feelings; Ryotaro's ultimate strength may lie in his unflappable kindness. His strong feelings towards his friends are the reason for the existence of Den-O's first Super Mode Climax Form, while the Taros work together to create the second, Liner Form. As well, Ryotaro's bond with the Taros is the reason they continue to exist after the death of Kai. As the series went on, he started to develop self-confidence, assertion, strength, and bravery, eventually being able to show himself as an independent person and a worthy hero
- Beware the Nice Ones: As noted above, it takes a lot to rile him such as the death of Yuto, but when it happens, you should run.
- Calling Your Attacks: Hissatsu Waza!...um...Densha Giri! [1]
- The Cast Showoff: Takeru Satoh portrays 1 character who's gained a total of 7 different possessed personalities (some of them by force), sings in every version of Double-Action (except Gaoh Form, Coffee Form, Climax Form, and Strike Form), his own solo song, Real-Action, and, thanks to Ryutaros, has an excuse to demonstrate his breakdancing skills.
- Catch Phrase: "Let's go, Everyone!" [2]. Settled in after he gained Liner Form
- Cosmic Plaything: After seeing the scene where he's whacked in the face with progressively larger balls (as in sports equipment, you pervs), can you really call him anything else?
- Determinator
- The Everyman
- Face Heel Turn: Forced to do so by Yu-Ki in Final Countdown but is later rescued.
- Finishing Move: Liner Form's Train Slash [3], which has five variations, four of which depends on the DenKamen Sword's setting:
- Momo-Sword Mode: Momo-Sword Slash [4]
- Ura-Rod Mode: AuraLiner Attack [5]
- Kin-Ax Mode: DenLiner Chop [6]
- Ryu-Gun Mode: DenKamen Shot [7]
- Full Throttle Break: Activated by spinning the turntable one full circle. During the attack, DenKamen Gouka, Isurugi, Rekkou and Ikazuchi flank on different sides of Den-O.
- Fountain of Youth: from Onigashima Battleship onwards.
- The Heart
- The Hero
- Honor Before Reason: In an early episode, Ryotaro becomes angry with Momotaros for (unwittingly) aiding a robber. Later on he refuses to let Momo fight until he apologizes and promises never to let anything like it happen again. He does this in the middle of a battle where the Imagin is beating him senseless.
- In the Style Of: In addition to singing in all five standard versions of Double-Action, he gains a solo, Rock 'n Roll theme called Real-Action about the same time he gains Liner Form.
- Locked Out of the Loop: The fact that he's a Singularity Point plays a major role in Sakurai and Airi's plans, which Ryotaro himself doesn't learn until the next-to-last episode, and only then by deceiving a past version of Airi.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Feminine Boy to Hana's Masculine Girl.
- Meaningful Name: "Ryotaro" means "good boy".
- Multiform Balance: The forms Ryotaro can assume on his own.
- Joke Character: Plat Form
- Ditto FighterDenLinerFragile Speedster: Liner Form
- The Nth Doctor: After Takeru Satoh left the cast following the third movie, Takuya Mizoguchi (who played 11-year-old Ryotaro in the first) took over the role in the fourth with a Hand Wave about how changes to the past do this sort of thing all the time.
- Overly Long Gag: this. WORST. Luck. EVER.
- Parental Abandonment: Ryotaro's parents died when he was young, leaving his sister and grandmother to raise him.
- The Pollyanna: A rare male version.
- Powers Via Possession: How Ryotaro is able to access most of Den-O's forms.
- Many Spirits Inside of One: In his Climax and Super Climax Forms.
- Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: One of the defining characteristics of a Singularity Point. However, a Plot Hole opened when it was revealed in the finale that Sakurai and Airi's plan erased his memory of their daughter in the past, even though it was shown time and time again the Zeronos Cards have no effect on his memories.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Sensitive Guy to Yuto's Manly Man.
- Skunk Stripe: Whenever an Imagin possesses him, he gets a different color streak in his hair.
- This Loser Is You: Has elements of it, but gets better.
- Weapon of Choice: Heroes Prefer Swords
- Swiss Army BFS: AuraLiner Sword; like the DenKamen, it can emulate whatever Den-O weapon the Liner Form is imitating.
- Cool Sword: DenLiners Sword Mode (used a couple of times in Plat Form and once in Liner Form in Final Countdown when he lost the / Sword)
- You Gotta Have Some Color In Your Hair: Any possession by an Imagin changes his hairstyle and adds a touch of color. This even applies when possessed by the evil Ghost Imagin in Final Countdown, turning his hair entirely white.
Hana SakuraiDenKamenKohana (portrayed by Yuriko ShiratoriDenGasherTamaki Matsumoto)[]
The mysterious young woman who drags Ryotaro into the battle with the Imagin, providing him with the Den-O Belt and DenGasher. Hana is the only survivor of a future timeline wiped out by the Imagin, saved only by the fact that she's a Singularity Point like Ryotaro. Because of this, she has a strong dedication to protecting the timeline and a fierce hatred for Imagin, a stance which gradually changes as she interacts with the Taros. She helps Ryotaro investigate the Imagin, and works to keep the Taros in line, usually berating (or Dope Punching) Momo for being violent or Ura for chasing skirt. As a new connection to Hana's destroyed time forms, she finds herself de-aged into a ten-year-old whom Ryotaro nicknames Kohana (literally "Little Hana") and tries to pass off as Hana's little sister to Muggles. Late in the series it's revealed that Hana herself is the key to the future timeline as the Junction Point between present and future, as well as Yuto and Airi's daughter and thus Ryotaro's niece.
- Action Girl
- Badass Normal
- Barrier Maiden: as the Junction Point.
- Cool Big Sis: Treats Ryotaro this way before being de-aged.
- Dope Slap: A master of this trope. Her punches are what help mellow Sieg's arrogant Jerkass-ness.
- Fountain of Youth
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Tamaki Matsumoto has done voice overs for a few anime, including Code Geass (as Empress Tianzi).
- MacGuffin Girl
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Masculine Girl to Ryotaro's Feminine Boy.
- Megaton Punch: And how. Gets even more impressive when she becomes Kohana and suffers absoltely no drop in power.
- The Nth Doctor: Tamaki Matsumoto for Yuriko Shiratori, a case of...
- Real Life Writes the Plot: Shiratori left the series due to the stresses of filming.
- Ship Tease: With Ryotaro. Turns into Squick Tease once you learn she's his niece.
- Small Girl, Big Gun: Wields a bazooka as her Weapon of Choice in Climax Deka.
- Team Mom
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Naomi's Girly Girl.
- Tsundere: For the Imagin; she even cried when Ura, Kin, and Ryu seemingly vanished.
- Waif Fu: Exhibited more as Kohana.
Naomi (portrayed by Rina Akiyama)[]
The DenKamen's waitress/stewardess, Naomi runs the dining car and serves coffee to the Den-O team. She's energetic and unflappable, sticking to her philosophy of only making coffee. She's great friends with the Imagin, often playing with Ryutaros; it was Naomi who named him in the first place. Despite appearing to be little more than a ditzy waitress, Naomi is a fixture of the / and has demonstrated resourcefulness and resolve when things look bad.
- Big Damn Heroes: rescues Kintaros and Urataros in the past, and brings them (and Sieg) to the present for the final battle.
- Genki Girl: And how.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Rina Akiyama was also Mana Kazaya, the female lead of Kamen Rider Agito; she also cameos in Kamen Rider Ryuki as an amusement park worker, Kamen Rider Kiva as a policewoman, and a poster of her appears anachronistically in Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater.
- In the Style Of: Double-Action Coffee Form, along with Airi = Light Pop. No, seriously.
- Lethal Chef: She puts salt, pepper, flour, and wasabi in her coffee. The only people who like it are the Imagin.
- Painted-On Pants: with arrows!
- The Pollyanna
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Hana's Tomboy.
The Owner (portrayed by Kenjiro Ishimaru)[]
The mysterious man who operates the DenLiner and works with Hana to protect the timeline. He occasionally imparts cryptic information to Ryotaro, but is primarily concerned with the safety of the DenLiner and its passengers, leaving the Imagin to Den-O. Mostly laid-back, he can be harsh towards those who break the train's rules, bother his passengers, or attempt to disrupt time. His "hobby" is eating piled foods (such as rice, flan, or pudding) with a flag on top, attempting to take as many bites as possible before the flag falls. Later in the series the cast meets the Station Master who runs the / and is the Owner's rival in the food-flag "game".
- Acting for Two: Ishimaru plays both the Owner and the Station Master; whenever the resemblance is commented upon in-series, the Owner says it's just the observer's imagination and insists that they're quite different.
- Berserk Button: Mess with the rules of the DenLiner and the normally mellow Owner might slap you with a Denial of Passage ticket.
- Big Good: close enough.
- Camp Gay: The Station Master.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Eccentric Mentor
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The Owner and the Station Master have no names other than their job titles.
- Identical Stranger: The Owner and the Station Master, obviously.
- Running Gag: because of the above trope, characters who meet both the Owner and Station Master at the same time actually confuse them for twins.
- Serious Business: Food Flags toppling over before he finishes his food.
MomotarosDenLinerKamen Rider Den-O Sword Form (voiced by Toshihiko Seki; suit actor Seiji Takaiwa)[]
The first Imagin to possess Ryotaro, he resembles the red oni from the legend of Momotaro, and his abilities (including those as Den-O Sword Form) are drawn from the same story. Hot-Blooded and hot-headed, Momotaros is always spoiling for a fight whether with enemy Imagin or with whomever happens to tick him off at the moment. Initially annoyed when he realized he possessed a Singularity Point, the then-unnamed Imagin sided with Ryotaro when they were attacked by the Bat Imagin on the basis that if Ryotaro died, so did he. After the battle, Ryotaro gave the red oni-esque Imagin the name "Momotaros" after the legend of Momotaro the Peach Boy. While a brash Boisterous Bruiser might seem at odds with Ryotaro's normal personality, it's his eccentricies like posing, pre-battle speeches and calling his attacks that makes Den-O resemble more traditional Kamen Riders. Despite his rough attitude, Momotaros is fiercely loyal to his teammates, and seeks to improve Ryotaro by toughening him up and improving his "bad taste".
- Anime Hair: A side effect on people possessed by him.
- Blood Knight: Has elements of it at the start, before developing into a...
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Butt Monkey: Ryotaro's luck seems to have rubbed off on him. This is exemplified in the fourth movie; literally, even.
- Brain Bleach: his reaction to learning that Deneb used Urataros' bath water in the broth that Deneb was serving to the crew. Can't really blame Momo. Still, it was just a joke by Naomi.
- Calling Your Attacks: "Hissatsu! My finishing attack...Part (number/____Version)!"
- Catch Phrase
- Character Tics: Tends to do bombastic poses, most famously the "Ore, sanjou!" pose which consist of pointing at himself on the Ore, then standing with his arms spread at sanjou!. Also, Blade on the shoulder when he's Den-O.
- Critical Research Failure: in-universe, Played for Laughs.
Momo: It's Mt. Fuji! |
- Fish Out of Temporal Water: Twice in the Cho Den-O series:
- In Onigashima Battleship, while the other Taros were also stranded (in the 30's-40's), they manage to stay together, but Momo, all alone, gets stuck in the distant past, in the very period where the Oni are waging their war against the humans.
- In Episode Red, he gets thrown overboard when the DenLiner was out of control, getting stranded four months before the events of the movie.
- Four Is Death: Lampshades it when Ryotaro points out that he skipped over number 4 in his attack-calling; Momo claims that he did it because it's cool to skip four, then proceeds to count to ten, jumping from three to five.
- Finishing Move
- Extreme Slash
- KingLiner Kick: A Hurricane Kick. First used in the fourth movie.
- Idiot Hair: The strand of red hair when possessing Ryotaro literally stands out.
- Idiot Hero: Lampshaded through a Gilligan Cut by Kamen Rider Decade.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: in Final Countdown, to Ryotaro/Yu-ki Skull Form.
- In the Name of the Moon: Either of Momo's catchphrases suffices.
- In the Style Of: The original Double-Action (nicknamed Sword Form to avoid confusion) = Eurobeat. Climax Jump Sword Form = Hard Rock.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore"
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- The Lancer
- The Hero: Whenever Ryotaro's not around, he tends to act as leader of the Taros.
- Large Ham
- Lightning Bruiser
- Literal Ass-Kicking: let's just say that he's fond of doing this to his opponents, whether it involves his actual feet or even his sword.
- The Nicknamer: Even moreso than the rest of the cast. He calls Urataros "Kame" (Turtle), Kintaros "Kuma" (Bear), Ryutaros "Kozo" (Brat) or "Hanatare Kozo" (Snot-Nosed Brat), Hana "Hanakuso Onna" (Nosy Woman), Sieg "Chicken Wings", Deneb "Odebu" (Tubby) and Teddy "Tendon". He also has a habit of tacking "Yaro" (a rude version of "you", usually rendered as "Jerk" or "Bastard") onto the end of most of his nicknames; in fact, he only refers to enemy Imagin by their species and with "Yaro" tacked on the end, as in "Mogura Yaro" (Mole Jerk)
- Really Gets Around: Thanks to crossovers and other hijinks, Momo has the distinction of having possessed no less than four different Kamen Riders: Den-O, Decade, Kiva, and Kuuga, though in the case of the latter two he only possessed them as civilians and never used their unique Rider powers.
- In Let's Go Kamen Rider, he possesses Ankh while he's already possessing the dead body of Shingo Izumi. He also possessed Eiji in a recent stage show.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: People possessed by Imagin have their eyes change color to match; Momo, obviously, makes them go red.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Urataros' blue.
- Regular Caller: Can detect enemy Imagin.
- Rule of Cool: What Momo usually tries to go by.
- Running Gag: Being mistaken for an Oni. It doesn't help that he was designed that way.
- Scarf of Asskicking: People possessed by Momo, especially in his Decade appearances, gain one in addition to red eyes and a spiky hair with a single red streak.
- Super Drowning Skills: He can't swim.
- Translation Convention: Momo's catchphrase "Ore, sanjou!" is a rough way of saying "I have arrived!" (fitting for the Train-themed rider), "Here I am!", or "Here I come!", but most fans just leave it in Japanese because there's no translation that sounds quite right.
- Useful Notes On Japanese Culture: Based off the legend of Momotaro.
- Weapon of Choice: Heroes Prefer Swords
- BFS: DenLiner
- Cool Sword: / Sword Mode
- We Want Our Jerk Back: The whole "Gold Gentleman Coffee" incident; Ura was so weirded out that he prefers the old Momo over the gentlemanly one.
- Why Did It Have To Be Dogs?
- Wolverine Publicity
UratarosDenLinerKamen Rider Den-O Rod Form (voiced by Koji Yusa; suit actor Eitoku)[]
The second Imagin to possess Ryotaro, his appearance and abilities (both as himself and Den-O Rod Form) come from Ryotaro's mental image of the mythical Urashima Taro. In stark contrast to the fight-happy Momotaros, Urataros is laid-back, non-confrontational, and clever. A Consummate Liar, Ura can talk anyone into just about anything; since he's an enthusiastic skirt-chaser, he can often be found using his talent to charm the socks off of any cute girls he meets while possessing Ryotaro. He was aware that Ryotaro was a Singularity Point, and willingly possessed him in the hopes of extending his lifespan and meeting women. Because of his non-confrontational nature, Rod Form is the least used of Den-O's forms, but Ura's skills come in handy when they need to gather information about a rogue Imagin — that is, provided Hana can keep his mind on the task at hand...
- Animal Motifs: Turtle
- He even thinks it's personal when another turtle-based Imagin appears to steal his limelight.
- Catch Phrase: "Mind if I reel you in?" [11]
- Character Tics: Holds his left hand near his face, as if he's holding something.
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Consummate Liar: In addition to his own skills, he claims his goal is to teach Ryotaro to be a better liar.
- Fake Defector: pulls this off in the final story arc. He pulls it off really well, too, thanks to his nature.
- Finishing Move: Solid Attack, followed by DenRider Kick.
- Guile Hero
- In the Style Of: Double-Action Rod Form and Climax Jump Rod Form = Ska.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Boku"
- Master of NoneMomoSwordStone Wall: Depending on the situation, Rod Form can be one of these.
- The Nicknamer: Calls Momotaros "Sempai" (because Momo insisted) and refers to most people either affectionately ("Kin-chan", "Naomi-chan") unless they've earned his respect ("Hana-san", "Airi-san"). He calls Yuto "Boku-chan" (a very childish way of saying "me") as a reference to the young man's selfish nature.
- Really Gets Around: In addition to flirting with anything with two X chromosomes, Ura is also the Imagin who possesses the most characters in the whole of Den-O and its related materials (Ryotaro, Yuto, Kotaro, Jiro/Garulu, Tsukasa Kadoya, Natsumi Hikari, a DiEnd-summoned G-3, and finally DenGasher himself).
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Momotaros' red.
- Sexy Man, Instant Harem: He was able to woo all of the nurses while in the hospital, and him walking into the carnival gets all the girls to squeal and rush toward him.
- The Smart Guy
- The Lancer: Whenever Ryotaro's not around, he doubles as this towards Momotaros.
- Stoic Spectacles: People possessed by him gain these in addition to the blue eyes and streak in their hair.
- Super Not-Drowning Skills: As opposed to Momotaros. Justified that he's based on a turtle, who are good swimmers.
- Useful Notes On Japanese Culture: Based off the legend of Urashima Taro.
- Weapon of Choice
- Armed Legs: Climax Form's Kick Mode
- Blade on a Stick: / Rod Mode
- Epic Flail: It also doubles as a fishing rod.
- Double Weapon: DenRider
Kintaros/Kamen Rider Den-O Ax Form (voiced by Masaki Terasoma; suit actor Jiro Okamoto)[]
The third Imagin to possess Ryotaro, inspired by the legend of Kintaro, which also extends to Den-O Ax Form. Initially contracted to a sickly martial artist named Masaru Honjou, whose wish to achieve the "ultimate karate". Much to Ryotaro and Hana's surprise, the Imagin actually stuck to the contract, training Honjou's body while in control and showing no interest in disrupting time. Ryotaro recognizes his nobility after he's mortally wounded protecting Honjou from the Rhino Imagin and offers a contract in order to save his life. The strong, silent Kintaros usually sleeps the day away until someone presses his button by saying the word "Nakeru"[12]...or anything even remotely sounding like "Nakeru", which causes him to possess Ryotaro instantly, uncerimoniously booting out anyone already possessing him. Out of all the Taros, Kin is the nicest and friendliest, showing an uncharacteristic amount of real emotion for an Imagin.
- Animal Motifs: Bear
- The Big Guy
- Boisterous Bruiser: Not violent like Momo, but still loves a good fight.
- Calling Your Attacks: In an odd variation, he only says the name of his Finishing Move after performing it, which Ryotaro specifically notes the first time he does it.
- Catch Phrase: "My strength has made you cry. Wipe your tears with this!" [13] Sometimes shortened to just "My strength has made you cry!" or just "You cried!" [14].
- Character Tics: Pops his neck by pushing a hand (or sometimes a finger) against his chin. The Badass Arm-Fold is his default pose.
- Cherry Blossoms: Parodied, as occasionally the transformation into Ax Form will be accompanied by fluttering...tissues. "Wipe your tears", indeed.
- The Ditz: You have to wonder about the sort of person who mistakes Sumo for Karate and doesn't realize what he's done until children explain it to him.
- Does Not Know His Own Strength
- Eyes of Gold: Works just the same as Red Eyes, Take Warning for Momotaros.
- Finishing Move: Dynamic Chop
- Gentle Giant
- Hammerspace: He can pull tissues out of thin air, apparently.
- Heavy Sleeper: And narcoleptic to boot; since he's a bear, this presumably represents hibernation. The only way to wake him up is by activating his Berserk Button.
- Honor Before Reason: Demonstrated in his A Day in the Limelight two-parter where he puts aside fighting the Monster of the Week in order to prove to a young girl that she's wrong in thinking her father hates her, and he's willing to be kicked off the DiEnd in order to prove it. Thankfully, he's right about the father, and the changes Kintaros caused mean the Imagin never became a threat, so Owner let him stay.
- Implausible Deniability: when Owner once said that Kintaros snoring is a problem, Kintaros wakes up just to deny it.
- In the Style Of: Double-Action Ax Form and Climax Jump Ax Form = Enka.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore"
- Kansai Regional Accent
- The Klutz: Seen moreso when he's possessing Honjo and Ryotaro than in his natural form.
- Manly Tears: His catchphrase is "You'll cry!", and he tends to shed said tears whenever Ryoutarou (or anyone else, for that matter) displays any kind of notable strength or determination.
- Mighty Glacier
- The Nicknamer: Calls Momotaros "Momonoji" (Peach), sometimes mispronouncing it as "Momonga" (Flying Squirrel) or "Momohiki" (Long Underwear); calls Urataros "Kamenoji" (Turtle).
- Note that the -oji suffix actually refers to them as "sir" in the sense of an old man in the same way that Urataros refers to Momotaros as "-sempai".
- Noble Demon: The only one of the Taros to not start off as a Villain Protagonist.
- Noodle Incident: Destroying the DenGasher's bathtub, causing Urataros to be swept away. It actually happened in-series, but we never see the details on-screen.
- To Be a Master: His desire to be the strongest warrior presumably comes from his original contractor Honjo.
- Useful Notes On Japanese Culture: Based off the legend of Kintaro.
- Weapon of Choice
- An Axe to Grind: Kintaros Ax and UrataRod Ax Mode.
- Power Fisted Blade Below the Shoulder: Climax Form's Punch Mode
- Wrestler in All of Us
Ryutaros/Kamen Rider Den-O Gun Form (voiced by Kenichi Suzumura; suit actor Toshihiro Ogura)[]
The fourth Imagin to possess Ryotaro and the last member of the "Taros", making up the core team. Appearing last, he was actually the second to possess Ryotaro, as revealed in flashbacks to Urataros' debut episode, and subsequently buried himself deep in Ryotaro's psyche, only being revealed during a hypnosis session instigated by Miura. At first he wants to kill Ryotaro, having been given an unrevokable Liner Pass and told that he can take over the DenLiner if he destroys Den-O. However, he falls in love with Airi and abandons his mission when the others point out that killing her brother would upset her. Childish and willful, Ryuta is the strongest of the Taros, and usually can't be "booted" from Ryotaro's body unless Momo, Ura, and Kin work together. His brash attitude causes a lot of problems normally and in battle as Gun Form, causing lots of collateral damage. He loves animals and dancing, and has the power to make people dance with him by snapping his fingers. His crush on Airi and bad advice from Kintaros caused him to develop a jealous hatred towards Yuto, which causes even more problems.
- Adult Imagin: Not only does he love cute little animals, he also likes drawing pictures.
- Animal Motifs: Dragon(?)
- Break the Cutie: Near the end of the series, Ryutaros gets confronted by Kai who nearly made Ryuutaros destroy DenLiner, and at the same time, lose his affection for Airi when Airi saw Ryutaros possesed Ryotaro and knew that he wasn't her brother. Made all the more worse because Ryutaros was trying to give Airi a picture he made of her and couldn't. Poor guy.
- Catch Phrase: "Mind if I (something)?", most commonly "beat you" or "end it", followed by "Can't hear the answer!" [15]
- Character Tics: Spinning around during his Catch Phrase, followed by Giving Someone the Pointer Finger.
- Cheshire Cat Grin: If he possessed Ryotaro and he holds a grin, RUN. If you don't, then there is a chance that he is going to chase you down with his dance posse and will not stop until he catches you!
- Crowd Dance: A rare justified version.
- Cuteness Proximity: He loves cute little animals, sometimes possessing Ryoutarou just to pick up an animal and cuddle them.
- Dance Battler: When fighting, he moves around as if dancing.
- Destructive Savior: He means well, but let's just say he's a terrible shooter.
- Dragon Rider: When Ryuta drives the DenGasher, he controls it from on top of the Ikazuchi (Car #7)'s dragon head, rather than the cockpit in Gouka (Car #1) as the other three Taros do.
- Finishing Move: Wild Shot
- Friend to All Living Things: He loves all types of animals, particularly kittens, puppies and birds.
- Funny Background Event: He's pretty much a walking one. No matter how serious the scene happening in the foreground is, if Ryoutaros is around, more often than not he's dancing around in the background or doing something childish like drawing pictures. Naomi is known to join him on occasion.
- Glass Cannon
- Iconic Item: his Bubble Gun. Becomes a Chekhov's Gun when it's one of the items that Kintaros gives to Ryotaro to complete their contract.
- I'm Taking Her Home with Me: Ryuta loves animals, and has a habit of bringing them back to the /. This is actually how the cast is introduced to Sieg.
- In the Style Of: Double-Action Gun Form and Climax Jump Gun Form = Hip-Hop. Climax Jump Hip-Hop Version. In addition, he also gets to rap in several songs like Climax Jump DenLiner Form.
- Laser Guided Tykebomb: Kai told him to kill Ryotaro and gain control of the Den Liner. Ryutaros decided not to do so due to his love for Airi.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Boku"
- Kid Appeal Character
- Love Redeems
- Murder the Hypotenuse: His response to learning that Airi loves Sakurai is to go after Yuto and try to kill him. It doesn't help that Kintaros advised him how to win Airi's heart.
- Nice Hat: Whenever he's possessing someone to go along with the wavy bangs and purple streak in the hair.
- The Nicknamer: Calls Urataros "Kame-chan" and Kintaros "Kuma-chan". Since Momotaros isn't based on an animal, Ryuta just calls him "Momotaros" without Honorifics, which annoys Momo.
- Pet the Dog: The first indication that Ryuta has good qualities is when he realizes that the Owl Imagin's rampage in the past will cause the puppy cared for by its contractor to die, and resolves to fight the Imagin full-force.
- Before that, he confronted the Dance Posse and asked them if they were the reason that the animals being fed in the park got frightened.
- Psychopathic Imagin Child: Whenever he possesses Ryotaro, he somehow holds some kind of glee in chasing people down for no apparent reason. The biggest offender would be in Climax Deka, where he starts whipping out the handcuffs to any person who just looks like he'd be part in an Evil Organization.
- Purple Eyes
- Shoulders of Doom: Gun Form.
- Useful Notes On Japanese Culture: Conflicting information suggests that Ryuta is modeled on Tatsu no Ko Taro (Taro the Dragon Boy), or simply on Ryotaro's mental image of dragons in general. References in Imagin Anime and official books like IMAGINE: Detail of Heroes lend credence to the former.
- Weapon of Choice
- Chest Blaster Massacre: Climax Form's Boistous Shot
- The Gunslinger: although if in dire situations, he can resort to Pistol-Whipping.
SiegDenLinerKamen Rider Den-O Wing Form (voiced by Shinichiro Miki; suit actor Naoki Nagase)[]
An arrogant swan Imagin, inspired by the story "Swan Lake" and the character of Prince Siegfried in specific. He possessed a rich heiress, but because she was pregnant at the time, the contract passed to her unborn son. Sieg first came into being following the child's birth, referring to mother and child as his family. He was brought to the DenLiner crew's attention when Ryutaros brought him onto the train. His arrogant demeanor rubbed everyone the wrong way until Hana punched some sense into him, at which point he began calling her "Princess" and started gradually referring to the others as family rather than servants. He allows Den-O to assume the exceptionally powerful Wing Form, but because his contract was formed with a child, whose memory isn't as strong as an adult's, he begins "fading". Ryotaro discovers a "loophole" in that Sieg's contract with the heiress was still active, allowing him to travel to the past and exist peacefully; despite this development, he shows up in critical moments such as the finale and two of the three post-series movies.
- Agent Peacock
- Aloof Ally: Inverted; he's actually willing to lend a hand to the DenLiner crew whenever and however he can, but most of the time the Taros (especially Momo) don't want anything to do with him.
- Animal Motifs: Swan
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- Butt Monkey: Perhaps as a result of audience reaction towards him. In later appearances, Sieg is treated with comedic levels of contempt by the other Taros, probably due to his acerbic personality.
- Camp Straight
- Catch Phrase: "Advent! To the top!" [16]
- Deus Exit Machina: Wing Form is Den-O's most powerful basic form, and writers have made sure that his use was a rarity.
- The situation is inverted in Ore, Tanjo! where Sieg is the only Imagin available for a good portion of the movie[17]. Played straight again later, where Sieg is the only Den-O that isn't present in the movie's climax, although no explanation was given for that[18] except perhaps being injured after getting hit by Gaoh's Tyrant Clash as Den-O.
- Eleventh-Hour Ranger
- Everything's Better with Princesses: At least, that's what he thinks with Hana, always calling her "Hime-san" (Princess) whenever she appear after she slapped him in the face.
- Finishing Move: Royal Smash
- Imagin In White
- Incredible Shrinking Man: Has the power to make people shrink to action figure-size by saying "Bow your head!"[19]. The Imagin Anime gives him "Super Bow Your Head", which shrinks the whole world.
- In the Style Of: Double-Action Wing Form = Arabic Pop
- It's All About Me: "The world revolves for my sake."[20]
- Japanese Pronouns: "Watashi"
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite his superority complex and belief the world revolves just for him, he's actually a really good person at heart. The problem is just that the other Imagin don't have any interest with him.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Perpetual Molt
- Power Gives You Wings: Especially in Super Climax Form.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Some databooks list his name as Zieg.
- Stealth Hi Bye: In Final Countdown, he disappears during the Imagins' attempt to protect the Japanese village from Shiro's mercenaries, but later reappears for the climax much to everyone's surprise.
- The Thing That Would Not Leave: For the Hikari Studio.
- True Companions: Constantly refers to the other Imagin as "family", much to Momo's chagrin.
- Weapon of Choice: When he's not fighting with his bare hands, Sieg likes to be...
- Dual-Wielding: Uses a weapon each composed of two pieces of the DenGasher.
- An Axe to Grind: / Handaxe Mode (made from the Axe and Gun parts)
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: DenLiner Boomerang Mode (made from the Sword and Rod parts)
- Dual-Wielding: Uses a weapon each composed of two pieces of the DenGasher.
- The White Prince
Airi Nogami (portrayed by Wakana Matsumoto)[]
Ryotaro's older sister and the owner of the Milk Dipper library cafe. She was forced to raise help Ryotaro after the death of their parents and thus often seems wise beyond her years. She's also very close to Ryotaro, worrying about his well-being and trying to help out with health drinks and herbal concoctions. The beautiful Airi enjoys good business mostly thanks to the horde of lovestruck men who pack the shop from opening to closing. For her part, Airi remains completely oblivious, her only passions seeming to be stargazing and brewing the perfect cup of coffee. One year prior to the series' start, Airi's fiance Yuto Sakurai vanished a month before the wedding; initially Ryotaro thought she hid her pain behind a smile, but to his great concern she seems to have completely forgotten about Sakurai, not even remembering why she has his beloved telescope in the shop (but still gazing at it fondly) and not realizing that the pocketwatch he gave her rests beneath it. Late in the series, Ryotaro discovers that Airi is in fact perfectly aware of just about everything that's happened up to that point, including Ryotaro being Den-O, and in fact helped orchestrate the whole thing along with Sakurai in order to protect the Junction Point from the Imagin.
- Beware the Nice Ones: In one episode, Ryotaro offends Airi by calling in a hazmat team to dispose of one of her "healthy" concoctions; her response is to throw things at him, culminating in his own bicycle.
- Cool Big Sis: More like Sweet Big Sis, actually.
- Cordon Bleugh Chef: Her energy drinks and herbal cures are...well, read the "Beware the Nice Ones" entry above.
- Distressed Damsel: Episode Red invokes this, since this is the condition of the contract between the Piggies Imagin and the Victim of the Movie: to put Airi in a dangerous situation so that he would be the one to rescue her, also invoking Rescue Romance.
- In the Style Of: Double-Action Coffee Form, along with Naomi = Light Pop. No, seriously.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Inflicted willingly in order to protect the identity and location of the Junction Point.
- Oblivious to Love
- The Pollyanna
- Red Herring: as the identity of the Junction Point.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With Sakurai, as referenced in Zeronos' theme.
- Unwanted Harem: Not unwanted so much as completely unnoticed.
- Episode Red adds another one, which is an important part of the plot.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Has most of the elements of one.
Seigi Ozaki (portrayed by Akira Nagata)[]
One of the Milk Dipper regulars, Ozaki is a journalist for a Kasutori Magazine who's always on the lookout for a new scoop. He's also a major flirt, chasing women since a crush on his first-grade teacher and using his job to try and pick up chicks. However, he's most devoted to chasing Airi, trying to impress her with his connections while sparring with Miura. He's friendly towards Ryotaro, styling himself as the younger boy's future brother-in-law and sometimes sharing stories that, unbeknownst to him, reveal information about Imagin attacks.
- Handsome Lech
- Hot Scoop
- Regular Caller: If Momo's the go-to guy for Imagin attacks, Seigi is the one the gang turns to for information on the Victim of the Week.
- Those Two Guys: With Miura
Issē Miura (portrayed by Ryo Ueno)[]
A self-proclaimed "super counselor" and Milk Dipper regular who feuds with Ozaki for Airi's affection, but is more introverted. Ozaki often tries to undermine Miura by making his interest in the occult look like superstitious nonsense, while Miura counters by pointing out Ozaki's wandering eye. He's also nice towards Ryotaro, and shows a good deal of concern for his well-being. After witnessing a battle between Momo and Ura for control of Ryotaro's body, Miura becomes convinced that Ryotaro is possessed and tries to help exorcise him, only to accidentally reveal the existence of Ryutaros.
- Ignored Expert: In regards to the Imagin, at least until Airi and Ozaki meet them in Climax Deka.
- Those Two Guys: With Ozaki.
DenLiner Crew[]
Yuto SakuraiDenGasherKamen Rider Zeronos[]
Because of the time-traveling nature of Kamen Rider Den-O, two versions of Yuto Sakurai exist as independent and distinct characters. Here, as in most media, they will be distinguished by their names, "Yuto" referring to the younger version and "Sakurai" to the older.
Yuto (portrayed by Yuichi Nakamura)[]
The teenaged version of Yuto Sakurai, as well as the warrior Kamen Rider Zeronos and the partner of the Imagin Deneb. Yuto initially appears after Ryotaro gets too close to Sakurai, warning the soft-hearted young man not to interfere, believing that protecting the timestream is different from protecting individuals, unlike Ryotaro. The brash, hot-tempered Yuto stands greatly at odds with Ryotaro's memories of a gentle, kindly, brotherly Yuto Sakurai, but according to Owner, the two are indeed one and the same. He also acts childish at times, preferring his coffee overloaded with sugar, despising shiitake, and enacting comedic violence upon Deneb whenever the Imagin annoys him. Contact with Ryotaro and the DenGasher crew tempers Yuto's harsh personality as well as maturing him. Ryotaro (and the audience) eventually learn that the Zeronos powers operate by "burning" the memories people have for Sakurai, explaining why nobody except Ryotaro remembers him. After using up all the original Zeronos Cards, Sakurai offers him more, along with a new card that turns Altair Form into the Super Mode Zero Form, which is fueled by memories of Yuto rather than Sakurai. The disappearance of Sakurai at the end of the series leaves Yuto with a new future to discover, which he gladly undertakes alongside Deneb.
- Anger Born of Worry: in the finale, upon seeing Deneb alive again, Yuuto was about to seemingly attack him again, only to fall into tears in Deneb's arms.
- Badass Normal
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Tsukkomi to Deneb's Boke.
- Brought to You by The Letter "S": (A)ltair and (V)ega, which is visible on both their corresponding Zeronos cards, the DenGasher cars, and their Finishing Moves.
- Catch Phrase: "Let me say this to start: I'm pr-e-tty strong!" [21]. On a couple of occasions, Yuto replaces the second part with "I'm pretty ticked off!"
- Catchphrase Spouting Duo: Oftentimes, with Deneb.
- Character Tics: Giving Someone the Pointer Finger ("Let me say this to start! I'm pr-e-tty...") followed by the Bicep-Polishing Gesture ("...Strong!").
- Deadly Upgrade: The Zero Form cards.
- Deus Exit Machina: Hospitalized, and therefore absent, for a good portion of Final Countdown after Taking the Bullet for Kohana, but reappears just in time for the climax. In Onigashima Battleship, the alteration of the timeline causes him to be erased from reality, again.
- Did Not Get the Girl: At least not yet anyway. Much of the Episode Red movie dealt with the fact that Airi can't love the current Yuto the same way she did Sakurai (although the existence of Hana in a younger form implies that the two will eventually get together; presumably once Yuto matures into someone more like Sakurai).
- Does Not Like Shiitake Mushrooms
- Finishing Move
- ZeroLiner: While Zeronos is in Altair Form, both of this weapon's mode's finishers take on the form of a green A.
- Bowgun Mode: Grand Strike
- Sabre Mode: Splendid End
- Denebick Buster: Buster Nova
- ZeroLiner: While Zeronos is in Altair Form, both of this weapon's mode's finishers take on the form of a green A.
- Heroic Willpower: While Ryotaro can't manifest any decent Den-O forms by himself (until Liner Form), Yuto's stronger will allows him to assume Zeronos Altair Form without the aid of an Imagin.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Yuichi Nakamura played Kyosuke Kiriya in Kamen Rider Hibiki. Thankfully, playing Yuto rescued him from the Scrappy heap. He also portrayed Lockon Stratos in a spread for Newtype Magazine's Cosplay offshoot, Layers.
- Holding Back the Phlebotinum: With good reason.
- And, apparently, Sakurai himself has a good reason for giving power with such a drawback in the first place. Erasing his (Sakurai's) own existence allows Yuto to write his *own* history [22].
- In the Style Of: Action-Zero = Rock. 2010 Version = Soft Piano.
- Jerkass Facade: Comes with the revelation about the Zeronos Cards, explaining that Yuto acts rude to keep people distant.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Multiform Balance: The forms Yuto can assume on his own.
- Jack of All Stats: Altair Form
- Lightning Bruiser: Zero Form
- My Hero Zero
- Overly Long Gag: While shopping with Deneb.
Don't put in shiitake. |
- Powers Via Possession: Unlike Den-O, only one of Zeronos' forms requires Deneb to possess him to access it.
- Second Rider
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Manly Man to Ryotaro's Sensitive Guy.
- Significant Reference Date: When Yuto first makes his debut in the series, he's holding a ticket for May 27th, 2007. Go on, guess the airdate of that episode.
- Sweet Tooth: Yuto really likes his coffee sweet, to the point where he puts way too much sugar in.
- Useful Notes On Japanese Culture: Zeronos has a running theme of Tanabata, with Altair Form representing Hikoboshi the cowherd (hence the cow-head /) and Vega Form representing Orihime the weaver (hence the spindle DenLiner). This form also carries over to Yuto and Airi.
- Weapon of Choice
- The Archer: ZeroLiner's Bowgun Mode
- Big Cool Sword: ZeroGasher Sabre Mode
- Talking Weapon: Denebick Buster (Zero Form)
- Wrestler in All of Us: His way of dealing with Deneb's antics.
Sakurai (portrayed by Tomonobu Okano)[]
Airi's fiance and Ryotaro's future brother-in-law, Sakurai was a gentle, kind-hearted man with a passion for astronomy he shared with Airi. The two were very much in love, and Sakurai treated Ryotaro like the little brother he never had; thus, Ryotaro's surprise when Sakurai disappeared just before the wedding is understandable, as is his confusion at the fact that nobody seems to remember his existence. Several times in the early part of the series, a cloaked man appears watching Den-O's battles in the past and checking a pocketwatch; by accident, Ryotaro bumps into the man and recognizes him as Sakurai. He attempts to track down the man, only to be warned off by Yuto. Eventually Ryotaro learns that Sakurai discovered the DenKamen and learned of the Imagin. In order to protect his and Airi's daughter, the Junction Point, Sakurai engineered his own disappearance before handing off the Zeronos Belt, DenKamen, and his partner Deneb to his teenaged self, while he used himself as bait for the Imagin in the past. Late in the series, Sakurai appears and becomes Zeronos Altair Form, fighting alongside Ryotaro and Yuto in one battle. As Yuto uses the last of the Zeronos Cards, Sakurai vanishes from the timeline, though Airi remains confident that he'll return some day.
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Brother Mentor
- Big Damn Heroes: when Den-O and Zeronos were having trouble with The Dragon, Sakurai himself steps up to help them in battle, assuming Altair Form.
- Chekhov's Gunman
- Fan Nickname: Pocketwatch Guy; another nickname, Past Man, is official.
- Guile Hero
- The Plan Most of the show's plot is predicated on a plan by Sakurai and Airi to protect their daughter Hana from the Imagin.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With Airi, as referenced by Zeronos' theme (see Yuto's Useful Notes On Japanese Culture).
- What the Hell, Hero?: Deneb tells off Sakurai for making Yuto use the Zeronos cards, even culminating in Deneb throwing Sakurai out of the ZeroGasher.
DenebZeroGasherKamen Rider Zeronos (and New Den-O) Vega Form (voiced by Hochu Otsuka; suit actor Yoshifumi Oshikawa)[]
Yuto Sakurai's Imagin partner, inspired by the legend of Benkei and allowing Yuto to transform Zeronos into Vega Form. Deneb is kind-hearted but somewhat on the thick side, his polite friendliness contrasting greatly with Yuto's loud, rude attitude. He often tries to better Yuto, encouraging him to be nicer or to work alongside Ryotaro as an ally rather than viewing the ZeroLiner team as hinderances. Occasionally Deneb will even possess Yuto and run around being friendly, doing good deeds, and passing out Deneb Candy in order to win friends for the young man, but this invariably results in a beating from Yuto once he regains control. Deneb is later revealed to be contracted to Sakurai, having joined the man after seeing his selfless battle against the Imagin, and their contract retroactively applying to Yuto as well. Since the Zeronos Cards erase peoples' memories of Yuto, Deneb tries to make friends for him in order to remove the burden of isolation. When Kai manages to kill Yuto in the past, this causes a timeline alteration that results in Deneb being contracted to Ryotaro, but this is eventually undone and things return to normal.
- Apologises a Lot: Don't get me started on this.
- Arm Cannon: Type 1; his hands can fire bullets from the fingers.
- Badass Cape + Shoulders of Doom: Vega Form. The latter manages to be Awesome Yet Practical, since it prevents enemy Imagin from closing in and trying to interrupt the Transformation Sequence.
- Battle Butler
- Beware the Silly Ones: Despite being Yuuto's ditzy comedic foil and the nicest guy in the series, his few fights as Zeronos and New Den-O Vega Form show he's actually much better at fighting than Yuuto (who's not bad himself).
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Boke to Yuto's Tsukkomi.
- Catch Phrase: Usually begins with Yuto's "Let me say this to start!" [23], only to mess it up with an honest fact that bewilders everyone around him; he uses "The face on my chest is just for show" [24] a couple of times. He also says "Take care of Yuto!"[25] both in conjunction with the first phrase and on its own.
- Catchphrase Spouting Duo: Sometimes gives the tail-ends of Yuto's phrases.
- Chunky Updraft: When transforming into Vega Form.
- Empathic Weapon: Transforms into the Denebick Buster whenever Zeronos assumes Zero Form, and can still talk to Yuto.
- Finishing Move
- ZeroLiner: While Zeronos is in Vega Form, both of this weapon's mode's finishers take on the form of a yellow V
- Bowgun Mode: Grand Strike
- Sabre Mode: Splendid End
- New ZeroLiner Naginata Mode: Brandish Dive
- ZeroLiner: While Zeronos is in Vega Form, both of this weapon's mode's finishers take on the form of a yellow V
- The Heart
- In the Style Of: Action-Zero = Rock. 2010 Version = Soft Piano.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore"
- Mighty Glacier: As Vega Form, at least.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: The other Imagin call him Odebu[26].
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Because he didn't tell Yuuto of his plans of going through a Haunted House event, Yuuto thought that Deneb was in danger when the latter was scared out of his wits; thus, Yuuto had to use up a Zeronos card even before finding out what really happened. Yuuto didn't like Deneb's actions one bit.
- Noble Demon
- Shipper on Deck: Yuto/Airi, obviously.
- Sixth Ranger: With Yuto.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: in Onigashima Battleship. Lampshaded in the Kamen Rider Decade net spinoff episode which advertised the movie.
- Useful Notes On Japanese Culture: Inspired by the legend of Benkei, as well as Tengu. This second reference also ties into Tanabata, where a bridge of birds (represented by the star Deneb) allows the two lovers to be together.
- Weapon of Choice
- The Archer: / Bowgun Mode
- Big Cool Sword: DenLiner Sabre Mode
- Blade on a Stick: New ZeroGasher Naginata Mode (New Den-O Vega Form, when he possesses Kotaro in Onigashima Battleship)
- More Dakka: Zeronos Nova
- You Gotta Have Green Hair and Power Makes Your Hair Grow: when possessing Yuto, present or past. The latter referring to "Yu-kun".
- You Need to Get Laid: he once asked Urataros for dating advice to give to Yuto.
Other Characters[]
Kai (portrayed by Hideo Ishiguro)[]
- Badass Abnormal
- Big Bad
- Catch Phrase: "I have the face for it, don't I?" [27]
- Fate Worse Than Death: When the Death Imagin is destroyed in the final battle, it takes his remaining memories with it. Despite being a Singularity Point, he'd destroyed so many of his past selves that he's completely erased from time due to this.
- Faux Affably Evil: His manner of speech and actions are normally realitively unvillainous, which serves to make him far more creepy as a result. Note, he keeps this even when letting loose an entire army of Imagin on the city and preparing to open a time rift to erase an entire area and everyone in it from time.
- The Man Behind the Man: Is the driving force behind the Imagin but doesn't appear in person until close to the end.
- Psychic Powers
- Psychopathic Manchild: He acts rather childish most of the time. Despite this, he's completely insane and willing to erase entire areas from time without any regard for life.
- Time Master: Unlike others, he's able to travel through time without a Time Train. He's also able to tear open a hole in time and let loose an energy burst capable of erasing everything and everyone in the blast zone except himself from time.
- Villainous Breakdown: Gets progressively more insane and unstable as the series goes on. But after discovering for that Sakurai isn't the Junction Point as he previously believed, he snaps. He tears apart the black calendar he'd been using to plan his attacks, gives all his remaining Imagin physical form, channels everything he's got left into the Death Imagin for an all-out attack on Tokyo. He then proceeds to try and completely erase the entire area from time despite his army still being present.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: arguably, since he's doing all of this for the sake of the Imagins' existence.
- You Have Failed Me: pulls this on Ryutaros after the latter couldn't bring himself to kill Ryotaro. There's a good reason Ryutaros is so scared of him.
The series' Monster of the Week creatures, Imagin are time-traveling spirits from a destroyed alternate future, with the goal of changing the past to bring their future back into existence. Initially they manifest as golden balls of light, but upon possessing a human victim (in a burst of energy and sand) they take a form from that person's imagination, drawing upon their mental image of various stories, legends, or folk tales. Once possessing a victim, Imagin offer them a "wish", twisting that person's desires to destructive ends. Once the wish is granted (by whatever loose definition the Imagin is using), a portal opens to the past via a particularly strong memory of victim's. From there the Imagin goes back in time and runs rampant in an attempt to alter the timeline. Upon defeat, particularly poweful Imagin will revive as giant monsters called "Gigandeaths". The Imagin initially seem independent of one another and unorganized, but the appearance of Kai reveals the truth. Urataros later explains to Ryotaro and Hana that all Imagin hear Kai's orders in their heads, but it's up to them whether they obey or not. Though Kai's death also destroys most of the Imagin, the Taros, Sieg, and Deneb hang on thanks to the bonds of friendship formed with Ryotaro and Yuto, while several antagonistic Imagin remain through unknown reasons and menace the crew in the various sequel movies).
- Animal Motifs: as part of their fables and fairy tales theme designs.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: Most Imagin operate like this; in an early episode, the Crow Imagin interprets its victim's wish to forget her ex-fiance by destroying anything playing "Spring" from the Four Seasons Concerto, since she still owned a pendant he gave her that played the song.
- Catch Phrase: "Say your wish. I will grant any wish." [28]
- Deal with the Devil
- Dragon-in-Chief: both the Albinoleo and the Death Imagin.
- Rather than bring Kai back, they've had the Leo Imagin stand in to represent the Imagin any time the Kamen Rider evil organizations are gathered, like in Let's Go Kamen Riders.
- Elite Mook: the New Molech Imagin, which always come up in large numbers.
- Hey, It's That Voice!DenGasherHey, It's That Guy!: Pull up a chair, we're gonna be here a while.
- Bat Imagin (1-2) = Kiyoyuki Tanaka (Tessai Tsukabishi)
- Chameleon Imagin (3-4) = Junichi Kanemaru
- Crust Imagin (5-6) = Kyosei Tsukui (Straight Cougar). His contractor Daiki Saito would return to Kamen Rider the very next year as Ramon, the human form of Kiva's retainer Basshaa.
- Yumi Saito, the victim in episodes 7-8, is played by Hitomi Kurihara, who appeared in Kamen Rider Faiz as Smart Lady.
- Rhino Imagin (9-10) = Tsuyoshi Koyama (Kamen Rider Odin and Bang Shishigami)
- Ivy Imagin (11-12) = Keiichi Sonobe (Jelly Jiggler)
- Owl Imagin (13-14) and Albinoleo Imagin (43-46) = Takaya Kuroda
- Wolf Imagin (17-18) = Nobuyuki Hiyama
- Jelly Imagin (19-20) = Ryusei Nakao
- Scorpion Imagin (23-24) = Nobutoshi Canna
- Spider Imagin (25-26) and Clown Imagin (Climax Deka) = Chihiro Suzuki
- Cobra Imagin (26-27, Ore Tanjo!) = Takashi Hagino (Takeshi Asakura/Kamen Rider Ohja). The Imagin bears some design similarities to the similarly cobra-themed Ohja.
- Salamander Imagin (26-27, Ore Tanjo!) = Masato Uchiyama (Shun Kageyama/Kamen Rider PunchHopper)
- Gecko Imagin (26-27) = Kenichi Suzumura, already in the series as Ryutaros
- Newt Imagin (26-27) = Yasuka Saitoh (Masumi Inou/Bouken Black)
- Molech Imagin (27, Ore Tanjo!) = Hidenori Tokuyama (Sou Yaguruma/Kamen Rider KickHopper and Hiroto Suto/Go-on Gold)
- Bloodsucker Imagin (27-28) = Nobuo Tobita
- Anthopper Imagin (31-32) = Kosuke Toriumi (Ari); Tomokazu Seki (Kirigiris)
- Kraken Imagin (33-34) = Tetsu Inada
- Mole Imagin (35-36) = Daisuke Kirii (Mori-senpai) (Axe-Hand); Koichi Sakaguchi (Cid) (Claw-Hand); Akira Sasanuma (Dearka Elthman and Link) (Drill-Hand)
- Leo Imagin (37-38) = Kazuhiro Yamaji (Cid Highwind). Kamen Rider fans might also recognize him as Chief Karasuma.
- Snail Imagin (39-40) = Nanaho Katsuragi (Setsuka) (Female); Takashi Irie (Shizu) (Male)
- Oct Imagin (41-42) = Kenjiro Tsuda
- Armadillo Imagin (43-44) = Wataru Takagi
- Snowman Imagin (45) = Toru Okawa (Roy Mustang)
- Death Imagin (48-49) = Hiroshi Yanaka (Naraku's incarnations)
- Ghost Imagin (Final Countdown) = Hiroshi Kamiya
- Phantom Imagin (Final Countdown) = Takuma Takewaka (Amon)
- Shadow Imagin (Final Countdown) = Tomokazu Sugita
- Jackass Genie: A few, particularly the Jellyfish Imagin, which twisted the victim's wish to find his late girlfriend's time capsule into meaning any old time capsule, and mercilessly beat the poor man when he didn't go along with it.
- Legion of Doom: Kai's army in the finale, consisting of almost every Imagin that Yuuto and Ryotaro ever fought.
- Literal Genie: The Armadillo Imagin interprets its victim's wish to "cut ties" with the Yakuza literally — it walks up to his bosses, cuts their neckties in half, and says "Contract fulfilled!"
- Meaningful Name: "Imagin" is derived from the words "imagine", "djinn"(the arabic word for genie), "Â�今" ("ima", Japanese for "now"), and "Â�人" ("jin", Japanese for "person").
- One-Winged Angel: Gigandeaths, in three forms.
- Heaven
- Hades
- If It Swims, It Flies: some Hades Gigandeath have demonstrated this ability.
- Hell
Characters Introduced in Ore, Tanjo![]
GaohZeroGasherKamen Rider Gaoh (portrayed by Hiroyuki Watanabe; suit actor Yoshifumi Oshikawa)[]
The Big Bad of the first movie, Gaoh is a thief-king who, along with a gang of rogue Imagin following him, targets time trains. After getting Ryotaro to chase an Imagin to 2000, he stole the ZeroGasher in order to go further back in time, as well as to obtain the Master Pass from Owner, which allows its user to go to any time period they wish. Upon arriving in the Sengoku period, he manipulates Yukimura Sanada into helping him uncover the DenGasher, a time train originally named "God's Train" due to its ability to control time, even being able to erase Singularity Points. In the end, Gaoh is brought down by the combined efforts of all four / (collected from various points in time by Yuto) and Zeronos.
- Affably Evil
- Big Bad: Of The Movie
- Big Eater: Quite literally; Gaoh spends most of his non-battle scenes munching on large quantities of food, such as whole turkey legs or pineapples.
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Catch Phrase: "Everything, I'll devour it all." [29]
- Cool Old Guy: Hiroyuki Watanabe was 51 during filming, making him the oldest actor to portray a Kamen Rider.
- Cool Big Sword: / Sword Mode
- Death by Genre Savviness: doesn't wait for Sword Form to finish charging up his Finishing Move, going in for the kill, except that Momo actually anticipated this; at close proximity, Gaoh was left vulnerable to Extreme Slash, Special Version.
- Finishing Move: Tyrant Crash [30]
- Gang of Hats: his Imagin followers are all reptilian.
- In the Style Of: Double-Action Gaoh Form = Death Rock. Also the only Double-Action variation sung solo.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: His goal is to destroy all time because he's grown bored of it and considers it pointless.
- No Body Left Behind: After Den-O kills him he's 'consumed by time' and reduced to sand.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: his first henshin in order to fight Zeronos can be described as this.
- Omnicidal Maniac: He wanted to destroy time itself.
- Palette Swap: The Gaoh costume is built from a Den-O costume, but it's still pretty distinct...at least until they used it to build Yuuki from the third movie...
- Single-Stroke Battle: how Den-O finally finishes him.
- Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him: After uncovering the DenLiner, Gaoh heads to Ryotaro's birthday with the intent of erasing the day from existence, therefore destroying Ryotaro AND Den-O.
- Villain Song: while he doesn't sing it in the movie itself, he sings Double Action Gaoh Form. His is also the only solo version of the song.
Characters Introduced in Climax Deka[]
Kazuya Suzuki (portrayed by Ryota Murai)[]
A police detective, Suzuki is assigned to work with the GaohLiner Police in order to investigate the rash of Imagin and Fangire-related crimes that have been on the rise lately. Initially he doesn't mesh with the team at all, being freaked out by the Imagin and blindly pursuing the criminal Seiya Kuroki. Eventually they learn that his father Kazuma Suzuki (portrayed by Ryoji Morimoto) was a great policeman and he just wants to live up to his example.
- Butt Monkey
- Disappeared Dad: His father was a cop who died on the job when Kazuya was still very young.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: In addition to the Retroactive Recognition example, Suzuki's father is played by Ryoji Morimoto, who Kamen Rider fans will recognize as Hajime Aikawa/Kamen Rider Chalice. For extra Hilarious in Hindsight points, his character is named Kazuma, just like Blade's protagonist.
- Inspector Lestrade
- This Is Something He's Got to Do Himself: Though Hana could kick Kuroki's butt five ways from Sunday, she lets Suzuki collar him, even if it does mean a drawn-out fight where he takes his share of lumps.
- This Loser Is You
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: His goal is to follow in his father's footsteps. Amusingly, during their trip to 1986 to give Kazuya closure, we hear his father remark that he wants better for his son.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Momo chews him out for foolishly infiltrating Negataros' HQ without any backup, leading to him getting captured. Granted, it was because the rescue attempt mounted by the Den-Os Police nearly cost them their lives.
NegatarosGaohGasherKamen Rider Nega Den-O (voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa; suit actor Jiro Okamoto)[]
The Big Bad of Climax Deka, Negataros is a rogue Imagin who survived Kai's death and struck out on his own, attempting to found an Evil Organization. In his quest, he recruited human criminals as well as Imagin and Fangire, and eventually drew the GaohLiner Police's notice when he stole Owner's spare Rider Pass. In the final battle, he used the Pass to transform into Nega Den-O, but was taken down by the combined efforts of the DenLiner crew and Kamen Rider Kiva.
- Ascended Extra: Negataros gets a great deal of expansion in Den-O's S.I.C. Hero Saga story, a text series published in Hobby Japan Magazine. The story, an alternate version of Climax Deka, has Negataros travel to 1971 and join forces with Shocker, the evil organization of the original Kamen Rider, which leads Ryotaro and Yuto to pursue and eventually team up with the Showa Kamen Riders.
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Evil Twin: Of Momotaros, as well as Den-O Sword Form.
- Finishing Move: As Nega Den-O, he can use any of Den-O's primary four finishers, though in Climax Deka we only see the Nega Wild Shot. The arcade game Ganbaride shows the Negastreme Slash, as well as giving Negataros himself a move that combines all four finishers, called Hell's Quartet.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore-sama"
- The Mafia: What he wants to be, apparently.
- Orcus on His Throne: Didn't do anything significant, just bragging about his "evil syndicate", at least until the movie's climax.
- Palette Swap: Almost literally; Negataros is a negative-colored Momotaros, and Nega Den-O is Sword Form painted purple with blue tribal flame-like markings.
- Weapon of Choice: Nega DenLiner, with all the modes of the orignal.
Characters Introduced in Final Countdown[]
Kotaro Nogami/Kamen Rider NEW Den-O (portrayed by Dori Sakurada; suit actor Seiji Takaiwa for Final Countdown, Makoto Ito for following films)[]
Ryotaro's Grandkid From The Future. He grew up listening to stories of Ryotaro's exploits from Owner, and eventually became the new Den-O along with his partner Imagin Teddy. The smug, arrogant Kotaro looks down on Ryotaro and the Taros, thinking them to be weak fools who could barely get the job done, and stepping in to take over as the protector of the timeline. However, after fighting alongside the younger Ryotaro and his allies, Kotaro gained an honest respect for his grandfather and mellowed out a good deal.
- Dyeing for Your Art: Kotaro is inexplicably blonde in Let's Go Kamen Rider.
- Amazingly Embarassing Grandfather: Ryotaro, though Kotaro later drops the attitude.
- Break the Haughty: Momotaros has a talk with Kotaro that makes him more understanding of his supposedly "weak" grandfather.
- Catch Phrase: "My strength is *snaps fingers twice* the real thing.".
- Character Tics: Snapping his fingers. In Final Countdown, he has Teddy set up a countdown of how long it'll take him to defeat an opponent; as a show of his arrogance it tends to be a low number, always below 30 seconds. The real sign that he's matured is when Teddy asks for a count against Shiro and Kotaro replies "The real battle starts at zero!"
- Distressed Dude: His capture is an important part of Onigashima Battleship.
- Embarrassing First Name: He dislikes it because apparently in the future it gained the connotation of being a "country" name.
- Finishing Move
- Strike Form
- Counter Slash: A Diagonal Cut with the DenLiner.
- Strike Spurt: New Den-O's Rider Kick.
- Vega Form: Brandish Dive
- Strike Form
- Grandkid From The Future: He's a strange case, seeing as how Ryotaro never had any romantic interests within the series; early press on the Cho Den-O Trilogy implied that his father would appear, but this turned out to be false.
- Lamarck Was Right: He seems to have inherited Ryotaro's bad luck of all things...
- Powers Via Possession: Averted with Strike Form, but played straight with Vega Form needing Deneb to possess Kotaro.
- Rearrange the Song: Double-Action Strike Form (rock and roll), finally introduced in the Chou Den-O Trilogy.
- Weapon of Choice:
- Morph Weapon: Kotaro has the power to change any Imagin into a weapon for him to use.
- Big Machete: DenLiner
- An Axe to Grind: Kintaono (Kintaros in Episode Blue)
- Epic Flail: Uratazao (Urataros in Episode Blue)
- Cool Sword: Momotaken (Momotaros in Let's Go Kamen Rider)
- Swiss Army Weapon: Like his Grandpa, Kotaro has his own DenGasher that can be assembled in any mode.
- Blade on a Stick: Naginata Mode (Vega Form, when Deneb possesses him in Onigashima Battleship)
- Cool Sword: Sword Mode (Strike Form, when Teddy is fighting alongside him)
- Morph Weapon: Kotaro has the power to change any Imagin into a weapon for him to use.
Teddy/Neotaros (voiced by Daisuke Ono; suit actor Shinichi Kaneda)[]
Kotaro's partner Imagin, Teddy is quiet, polite, and reserved. Unlike the other heroic Imagin who possess their contractors, he assumes the form of a two-handed sword dubbed the / in order to aid Kotaro in battle. He attempts to subdue Kotaro's brashness, and often ends up apologizing to the MacheTeddy team after the young man leaves the room. His capture while attempting to spy on Shiro gives the first indication that Kotaro might have a softer side, and the two are friends and partners despite their differing personalities and the masterMacheTeddyservant relationship they seem to exhibit.
- Battle Butler
- Empathic Weapon: Teddy can transform into New Den-O's weapon, the DenGasher.
- Meaningful Rename: Originally he was Neotaros, but after Kotaro became disillusioned with Ryotaro, he was rechristened Teddy.
- In Episode Blue, when Teddy is briefly contracted to Owner, his name is changed to Aleksandrovic.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Or, in his case, Tendon.
- Only Sane Imagin: A down-to-earth kinda guy, especially when compared to the other Imagin.
- Stealth Pun: in the anime short before Episode Blue, the Imagin are eating chicken tendon, and they wouldn't understand why Teddy is crying his eyes out just watching them.
- Talking Weapon: His MacheTeddy form.
- Weapon Tombstone: in LGKR, Teddie gets killed in the past trying to protect the Rider Scouts from Shocker. The scouts plant his remains, DenLiner, in one of their hideouts, in order for the Riders in the future to find the Time Capsule buried underneath.
Shiro/Kamen Rider Yuuki Hijack Form (portrayed by Yuki Matsumura; suit actor Kazutoshi Yokoyama)[]
The primary antagonist of Final Countdown, Shiro was a man from the Edo period who lost Sora, the love of his life, and was unable to move on. After dying, he discovered the Ghost Train and plotted to reverse the worlds of the living and the dead, bringing Sora back to life no matter the cost. He kidnapped Ryotaro in order to further his goals, but eventually had to personally enter battle as Yuuki Hijack Form.
- Affably Evil: While Ryotaro is virtually his prisoner, Shiro initially treats him in a civil manner, at least until Ryotaro starts showing signs of breaking free of Shiro's control.
- Afterlife Express: The Ghost Train, a spectral steam engine with a skull mounted on the face, somewhat reminiscent of Final Fantasy VI's Doomtrain.
- Fan Nickname: Thanks to the Egyptian-looking collar and other elements, he's sometimes called Kamen Rider Phara-Oh.
- Because of his skull and crossbones mask and resemblance to Gaoh, he's also sometimes known as Gaoh Pirate Form.
- Finishing Move: Terminate Flash
- Love Makes You Evil: He's so blinded by his mission, that he fails to realize that Sora never wanted him to do it.
- Necromancer
- Gang of Hats: Fitting in with this ability, Shiro's Imagin minions are associated with darkness (Ghost, Phantom, Shadow).
- Palette Swap: The Yuuki suit is essentially a black Gaoh suit minus the chest "fangs", plus coattails, two unique MacheTeddy, a color changing rail-scarf, and Hijack Form gains a mechanical gauntlet.
- Weapon of Choice
- Battle Tops: Exploding toy tops.
- BFS: MacheTeddy; It's made up of two complete DenGasher sets.
- Whip It Good
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Has a tragic backstory.
Characters Introduced in Onigashima Battleship[]
Yu (portrayed by Ruka Sawaki)[]
Nicknamed "Tokyo Boy" by fellow classmates, due to him living with his grandmother in the countryside after moving from Tokyo. Prefers the busier city life instead of the dirtier country life.
- City Mouse
- Contrived Coincidence
- It Was with You All Along: The Kirifuda that the MacheTeddy crew and the Oni had been looking for. He uses it to bargain with Owner in order to ride /.
- Lonely Rich Kid
- Parental Abandonment: His mother died long before the events of the movie and his father is in a foreign country, leaving him in his grandmother's care.
- Precocious Crush: Instantly smitten with Toki, the girl that leads the fight against the Oni Brothers, at first sight.
- Though it might be less of this and more that that she reminded him of his deceased mother. The Other Wiki mentions that she is Yu's mother's ancestor.
- The Stinger: Yu is revealed at the end as a younger Yuto Sakurai through a Meaningful Echo of what Yu said earlier.
Toki (portrayed by Akina Minami)[]
Toki is the protector of the Kirifuda during the Muromachi period, protecting it from the Oni Brothers with her master archery skills. She is the ancestor of Yu's mother.
- The Archer
- Identical Ancestor: Subverted that though Yu's mother's face was never seen, Yu said to Toki that they look alike.
- Taking the Bullet: She took a hit meant for Yu, leaving her injured.
KuchihikoDenKamenGoldra (portrayed by Eisuke Sasai)[]
- Berserk Button: did not take his brother's death well.
- Bling Bling Bang
- Failed a Spot Check: for Rule of Funny. He didn't see Teddy standing right in front of him when he was riding the SavageGasher.
- Last Villain Stand: Momo tries to talk him into abandoning the Onigashima battleship when it's on the brink of destruction, but Goldra refuses, resulting in a final skirmish between the two.
- Weapon of Choice: Double Weapon
- Would Hurt a Child: Like his brother, he tried to hurt Yu but Toki took the hit.
MimihikoDenLinerSilvara (portrayed by Shingo Yanagisawa)[]
- Chrome Champion
- Lightning Reveal: At the beginning of the movie, his Rider form appears when lightning flashes on the screen.
- Taking the Bullet: Shields his brother from both New Den-O's Brandish Dive and Super Climax Form's Rider Kick, which proved to be fatal for Silvara.
- Weapon of Choice: Drop the Hammer
- Would Hurt a Child: Even though Yuu only stumbled upon them by accident, Mimihiko decides to kill him for no other reason than he's bored.
Characters Introduced in Chō Den-O Trilogy[]
Reiji KurosakiDenLinerKamen Rider G Den-O (portrayed by Yuta Furukawa, suit actor Norihito Itō)[]
A member of the G-Men, Kurosaki uses the artificial Imagin Eve to protect the timestream as Kamen Rider G Den-O. He initially appears chasing Daiki Kaitou/Kamen Rider /, who was attempting to cause a Time Paradox by killing his past self, but then he arrests the Taros as well, Eve claiming that their mucking about time with the DenLiner will only cause trouble. While he pursues Kaitou, the / crew tries to sort out the situation and figure out what Kaitou's overall goal is in the incident.
- AI Is a Crapshoot: his artificial Doberman Pinscher Imagin, Eve, is a Knight Templar.
- Ax Crazy: Eve doesn't take Kurosaki's Heel Face Turn very well...
- Awesomeness By Analysis: Eve analysizes the opponent and can give G Den-O a command of where to attack next with great effect and does the same with his Perfect Weapon to counter finishers. However, this only works if he's facing one attack at once. When Eve takes over as G Den-O and goes Axe Crazy, he begins doing this on his own.
- Bling Bling Bang: Out of his Rider form, his main weapon is an elaborate gold revolver, which Daiki attempted to steal in 2008.
- Finishing Move: Officially nameless, but Eve shouts "Perfect Weapon!" when it's activated, so that's become the Fan Nickname.
- They been named. The Gun Mode's finisher is called the World Punish, and the Jutte Mode's is called the World End.
- Heel Face Turn: Daiki reveals his entire plan was to not only retrieve the treasure he never did steal the last time, but to save Reiji's own 'treasure', a large number of letters from Reiji's mother, who Reiji believed abandoned him. At this reveal, Reiji breaks down and changes his ways...however, Eve goes Axe Crazy...
- Gender Blender Name: Eve.
- Heel Realization: Reiji has one when he's given the letters from his mother that were kept from him and realizes she really did care about him, triggering his Heel Face Turn.
- Kill All Humans: After Reiji pulls a Heel Face Turn, Eve goes Axe Crazy and decides this is the best way to police time.
- Knight Templar
- Meaningful Echo: When arresting Daiki, he repeats a line that Daiki said to him two years ago, which is what lets Urataros figure out what's going on.
- Metal Hero: Fashioned after one.
- Missing Mom: And the letters in the box with the golden gun are from her, which is part of the reason Daiki went back to "redo" the theft.
- Rasputinian Death: After Eve goes Axe Crazy and becomes G Den-O itself, Reiji gives / a K-Touch to become DiEnd Complete Form. He then uses a special card to summon Kamen Riders G4, Ryuga, Orga, Glaive, Kabuki, Caucasus, Arc, and Skull to all do their Finishing Move along side him to destroy G Den-O.
- Shout-Out: Rather than a time train, Kurosaki travels through time by appearing crouched low to the ground in a spherical burst of energy.
- The Stoic: Which leads to Eve going Axe Crazy when Kurosaki is given the letters from his mother and becomes emotional.
- Sympathetic Inspector Antagonist
- Time Police
- Villainous Breakdown: When Kurosaki undergoes a Heel Realization and a Heel Face Turn, Eve snaps, takes over as G Den-O, and goes completely Ax Crazy, deciding to Kill All Humans to ensure time is protected.
- Weapon of Choice: DiEnd, but with only two known modes.
- ↑ Train Slash!
- ↑ "Minna, ikuyo!"
- ↑ Densha Giri
- ↑ A horizontal slash with DenKamen Gouka's DenLiner covering Den-O.
- ↑ A forward lunging stab with Ura-Rod Isurugi's DenKamen covering Den-O.
- ↑ Never shown, but is said to be a forward bashing with AuraLiner Rekkou's Kin-Ax covering Den-O.
- ↑ A projectile thrust with DenLiner Ikazuchi's AuraLiner covering Den-O. A variation involves the Ryu-Gun Sword being used as a gun, which fires purple beam projectiles.
- ↑ "Here I am!"
- ↑ "Ore wa, saisho kara saigo made, Climax daze!"
- ↑ "Ikuze, ikuze, ikuze!!"
- ↑ "Boku ni Tsuraretemiru?"
- ↑ Japanese for "cry"
- ↑ "Ore no tsuyosa ni omae ga naita! Namida wa kore de fuitoke!"
- ↑ "Nakerude!"
- ↑ "Kotae wa kiitenai!"
- ↑ "Korin! Man wo Jishite!"
- ↑ Ura and Kin were held captive, Ryuta was temporarily convinced by Gaoh to his side, and Momo couldn't synchronize with Ryotaro because the latter has amnesia
- ↑ since Yuuto could have just kidnapped a Sieg-possessed Ryotaro for the battle
- ↑ "Zu ga Takai!", lit. "Your head is high!"
- ↑ "Sekai ga watashi no tame mawaru."
- ↑ "Saisho ni itte oku! Ore wa ka~na~ri tsuyoi!"
- ↑ in another timeline, anyway
- ↑ "Saisho ni itte oku!"
- ↑ "Mune no kao ga kazari da!"
- ↑ "Yuto o yoroshiku!"
- ↑ A deformation on his name, it literally means "fatty"
- ↑ Ore, sōiu kao shiteru daro?
- ↑ "Omae no nozomi o ie. Donna nozomi mo kanaete yarou."
- ↑ "Zennin, ore ga kutte yaru."
- ↑ Similar to Den-O's Extreme Slash.