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  • Accidental Innuendo: when the Taros are trying to possess Ryotaro together, Ryuu delivers this line:

 Let me be on top!

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Shiro
  • Angst? What Angst?: Ryotaro genuinely doesn't seem to be upset about being a Cosmic Plaything.
  • Ass Pull: Was it ever hinted at all in Climax Deka that Negataros had a time train?
  • Big Lipped Alligator Moment: Chou Den-O Episode Yellow ends with Owner vs Station Master in fried rice golf, which was built up in the previous two movies.
  • Crazy Awesome: The Owner is a pure force of awesome with a lot of crazy awesome moments. In Final Countdown, when the DenLiner is left stranded in the middle of the sands of time, his response is to grab a normal old bicycle, put on a pair of jogging shorts, and power the train with his own two feet. And it works.
    • Not to mention that he's even been shown jogging alongside the DenLiner, and keeping up!
    • Worth pointing out, the Owner's actor Kenjiro Ishimaru is a regular competitor on Ninja Warrior and does well despite being in his 50s. Crazy Awesome character and actor!
  • Creator's Pet: To some toku fans, the series itself is this, not so much because the show itself is bad, but because of how it's been turned into a Cash Cow Franchise, what with Toei releasing a movie every year, among other things.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: The Taros proved to be the runaway stars of the show, prompting several musical releases and even their own Spin-Off.
  • Epileptic Trees:
    • Ryotaro's actor changeover, which first appeared during Kamen Rider Decade's crossover with Den-O, lead some to speculate that this version of the Den-O World was simply another Decade Alternate Universe. However, it seems that Den-O is the only original Heisei universe to be featured in Decade, as evidenced by the Cho Den-O Trilogy.
    • Much Fanon attempts to explain why Hana herself wasn't/couldn't be Den-O, despite arguably being a better candidate than Ryotaro.
  • Game Breaker: Climax Form, due to being a combination of Den-O's four main forms, and Wing Form, due to being a stronger basic form than the other four forms.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: The idea of Zeronos' Zero Form cards erasing people's memories of the younger Yuuto seems a little more depressing considering that Yuichi Nakamura has all but disappeared from the public eye since late 2010 (thanks to a Game-Breaking Injury, but still...)
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Maybe this is just for this troper, but a realization was made while thinking about the show. the younger Yuto Sakurai is played by the actor of a character from Kamen Rider Hibiki, as has been said elsewhere on this page. So basically, Yuichi Nakamura went from a show with Oni to a show with Owner. Upon realizing this, the voices of the Douji and Hime going "Owner-san kochira." was stuck in my head all day, but I didn't care, because it was silly.
  • Iron Woobie: Despite Ryotaro's Cosmic Plaything status, and despite everything going wrong in his life, he never once falls into Wangst or Heroic BSOD, and he always steps up to do the right thing.
  • Memetic Mutation: Zeronos? Yuto? No idea what you're talking about.
  • Narm: The mooing sound made by Zeronos' visor when he turns into Altair Form. The sounds made by the Wing Form's swan-shaped visor are excused because of the form's over-the-top nature, but the mooing--especially when it's also done in Zero Form--is a bit much.
  • Rescued From the Scrappy Heap: Yuto was The Scrappy before he even made his debut, as his actor Yuichi Nakamura had annoyed so many people with his portrayal of Jerkass Kyosuke Kiriya in Kamen Rider Hibiki and fans feared a repeat performance. Fortunately, Yuto turned out to be more of a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
  • Retroactive Recognition:
    • Almost a year after Climax Deka, Ryota Murai became the new Kuuga in Kamen Rider Decade.
    • Hideo Ishiguro, who portrayed Kai, would later go on to play Gai Kurenai in Ultraman Orb.
  • Shocking Swerve: Onigashima Battleship. Yu is revealed to be the younger version of Yuto.
  • Tastes Like Diabetes: The way Ryutaros acts around Airi.
  • Tear Jerker: If you're human, you CANNOT say you at least came close to crying when Ura, Kin and Ryu disappeared.
    • Also, you're proabably jaded if the ending for Episode Red didn't move you.
    • Many of the arcs are like this. There's the time capsule arc, with a shot of the man sobbing as he holds onto the item he found in the time capsule, and the pianist arc where the silent pianist boards the Den Liner, forever stuck outside of time possibly until his comatose friend wakes up to the first arc where Ryotaro is able to get a thug to see his mother just as she dies in the hospital.
  • They Plotted a Perfectly Good Waste: With older Sakurai shown to be Adorkable and younger Sakurai played by Kiriya, who else was expecting older Sakurai to be played by Hibiki just to seal the trifecta? Instead, the stand-in they put in the trenchcoat and hat is the same actor they bring back anytime adult Sakurai appears in the Den-O movies such as Episode Red.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Kai's alteration of time causes Yuto to disappear and Deneb to be contracted to Ryotaro; unfortunately, we don't get to see Den-O Vega Form. Onigashima Battleship does include this, although it's Kotaro/New Den-O rather than Ryotaro.
    • Similarly, we never did get to see how the New DenLiner would fight, or even if it's cars are Transforming Mecha.
  • Unfortunate Implications: In one episode, after a day of being possessed by Urataros, Ryotarou wakes up on a couch in the home of a woman he does not know.
      • Her ex-fiance (who was trying to get back together with her) saw him leaving her place and made the same conclusion any normal person would.
    • In Final Countdown, Ura does it again, this time trying to sleep under the same blanket as Kohana. Luckily, she doesn't want anything to do with it.
  • Villain Decay: The enemy Imagin. In the words of the Wolf Imagin, "What the hell am I supposed to do?!"
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Of course, some "fans" were already bitching because the series was very stylistically different from previous Rider shows, with giant monsters and mecha a bit more like a sentai show. Some got the hell over it, some still think that it ruined Kamen Rider forever.
  1. The Taros are often compared to the Greeed, and the strongman of the latter, Gemel, is primarily designed as an elephant.