The show has undoubtedly one of the more "CGI-to-death" fight scenes. Nevertheless, one must not discredit the very first battle where Takumi, forced to wield the Faiz Gear, simply does a side kick on the first Monster of the Week and it explodes.
Of course, try creating a hovering, rocket-powered bike without it! Delta's debut, when he breaks out the Jet Sliger against Faiz and Kaixa, has to be seen to be believed. The Delta powers are generally more awesome when in the hands of bad guys, in fact.
The Movie, Keitaro's short-lived but awesome stint as a Rider.
Episode 40. Good god Episode 40. The "triple henshin" at the end remains one of the most awesome moments not of the series, but of the entire Heisei era!
This one takes context. The Riders of this series are very much not on the same page. On top of that, Takumi himself is suffering from a Heroic BSOD around this time. So he officially finally gets himself through it as he and the others put their differences and own agendas aside, and for the first time ever, the three Riders stand together, enter their transformation codes, and power up to do battle. It was quite a moment.
The theme song starts up as Takumi declares his intent to fight as a human, as Faiz. EPIC.