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  • Harsher in Hindsight: In episode 15, Kaito sneaks inside Professor Ryoma's office and snatches a prototype Sengoku Driver and gives the stolen Driver to Zack when he steps down as Team Baron's leader becomes hard to watch when Kaito's actor, Yutaka Kobayashi is arrested for shoplifting in October 2021, and ultimately leading to being terminated from his agency in 2022 when the incident came to light.
  • Overshadowed by Controversy: As of 2022, both Tsunenori Aoki and Yutaka Kobayashi are the only Gaim actors to have found themselves having run-ins with the law, twice:
    • Tsunenori Aoki, who portrays Ryoma Sengoku, was arrested in 2018 for two separate cases of sexual assault.
    • The aforementioned Yutaka Kobayashi (Kaito Kumon) had been arrested for shoplifting in 2021, with his agency Fortune Entertainment unaware of his arrest until April 8, 2022 with the actor admitting to the charges. Also, that was not the first time Kobayashi had committed such an act, as a police investigation discovers that he had done so before in middle school.