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  • Ankh in generally is one for the special effects team. Despite being just an arm prop, they're able to make him amazingly expressive through his movements. Very well done.
  • #1: Eiji's undaunted confrontation against Mantis Yummy. Of course he'd come to their aid: he's known those two cops and that disembodied hand since this morning! He's already prepared to attack a Yummy bare handed if he needs to; there's no reason to refuse an offer to use the strange seal the hand gives him to kick ass.
  • #2: Refusing to help Ankh collect Medals if Ankh doesn't let him transform when he wants to help people is a stand-up and noble thing to do. Doing so while falling to your death takes serious balls.
    • The Henshin sequence directly afterwards; even the transformation music adds to the effect.
  • #3: He threatens Ankh with throwing away the OOO Driver if he harms Hina. Triple points for acting like a complete idiot while doing so. [1]
    • The TaToBa Kick. Even though the Yummy's boss saved it at the last second, the fact he plowed through several giant pillars to reach it and still manage to cause some damage makes it epic. Added points since most fans seemed to really want to see his Rider Kick.
  • #4: During OOO and Kazari's rematch, the Mantis Medal was lost to the latter. But the crowner comes when Kazari subsequently loses his armor as a result of OOO reaching deep into his Medal body and grabbing three of his Core Medals.
    • Ankh and Eiji's talk before confronting the Neko Yummy. It perfectly shows the contrast of their personalities and intentions in merely a few lines.

 Eiji: "It's not for me to decide other people's worth."

Ankh: "Well, I will. The moment you are worthless to me, I will abandon you."

Eiji: "I'll find an opening in you and save Hina-chan's brother. Even if that means defeating you."

Ankh: "I'd be impressed if you did."

    • The Cheetah Super Speed Medal, period. The fight also got really emotionally escalated due to Eiji's resolve and the accompanying BGM.
  • #6: GataKiriBa debut, complete with a finishing attack involving several clones of OOO's that puts the All Rider Kick to shame. As if it's not enough, the debut of "Gotta Keep It Real" pushed the scene up three times higher.
    • The Battle Cry after he uses that combination alone makes it awesome. The rest is just a bonus.
    • A whole horde of GataKiriBa Riders rushing towards the Piranha Yummy horde. While the song provides adrenaline-pumping beats. PURE. AWESOME.
    • Kougami tricking an embodiment of greed into giving him his equivalent to food.
  • #9: LaToraTah debut: Upon transformation, it radiates pure awesomeness heat with such intensity that four of Mezool's Core Medals pop out just like that. Then the fight against one of the Shark Yummy.
  • #10: Eiji, fed up with the Mad Bomber thing, swings a punch at Maki, it misses, but it was this close, made a dent in a wall, and the force causes the doll on Maki's shoulder to fall off, causing him to Freak-Out.
    • Eiji hacking and slashing an entire nest-worth of Shark Yummies to pieces while riding the GataKiriBa!
  • #11: Gotou uses a ROCKET LAUNCHER on the Swallowtail Yummy!
  • #12: SaGohZo debut: The force of the Gorilla fists pounding on the chest is so immense, it creates a shockwave that ripples the ground and causes all three of the enemies Eiji was facing to float in the air and fall back to the ground along with debris. The finishing move is nothing to sneeze at either, which involves pounding the ground to ensnare the enemy into the earth and somehow dragging the trapped enemy to OOO who easily punches the lights out of the poor thing.
    • Don't forget how Eiji gets the medals: he just stands up and punches Gamel in the stomach!
  • #15: Kazari's entire plot. Magnificent Bastard is the only way to describe it.
  • #19: A GataKiriBa not quite "intense" as much as "artistic". Eiji, Ankh and Kazari holding up Ankh's three different Core Medals in three different locations at the same time, in 3 vertical split-screens. Then the three birds' crow are heard consecutively... just a split second before the opening beats kick in.
  • #20: A few minutes' worth of footage after the Yummy goes. For one, Ankh and Eiji, despite having a completely valid reason just earlier to break up for good — Ankh's fault, obviously — trust each other completely in regards to defeating the Yummy. For another, Date pretty much "taking in" Goto-chan to train him as the next Birth. All this while a powerful track plays in the background. It's incredible how much context went into these few minutes. Kudos, Kobayashi-sensei.
    • TaJaDor + Time Judged All. Full stop.
    • Erika showing up to support OOO and Dual-Wielding guns and wiping out the jellyfish the Yummy created that were giving OOO and Birth so much trouble.
  • #22: Eiji, while TaJaDor form, uses Giga Scan for the first time. It surrounded him with flames that morphed itself into a phoenix, and he destroyed the Batta Yummy.
    • Ankh and Birth working together to break into Uva's body and get back the Grasshopper Medal, as well as snatch the Octopus Medal.
  • #24: ShaUTa debut: It's Combo power to turn itself into liquid was a start. Then, the way it rode the Manta Ray Yummy was impressive. But of course, the one thing that really made this scene great was ShaUTa's Scanning Charge finisher, where it grabbed and threw the Yummy towards him with the Unagi Whips so he could drill kick it. Truly awesome to watch.
  • #28: Yay, 1000th episode and all, but ShaUTa water-skiing behind Birth CLAWS was freaking incredible. Then, just when you think the CLAWS has been blown up while on the water, it reassembles underground and pounces on the Yummy.
    • One for Hina, too, when she shows just how much Super Strength she has, picking up a giant boulder and throwing it at the Jaguar-squid Yummy.
  • #29: The first appearance of the other Ankh. He floats down from the sky, surrounded by flames and molting red feathers. Bonus points for the new BGM.
    • Eiji's brief TaJaDor fight against an Ankh with no right arm where they both use the same powers and even both use a Rider Kick.
  • #32: PuToTyra's premiere by completely annihilating the two yummy who were previously making Eiji and Date look foolish.
  • #33: After Eiji gets forced into the PuToTyra's combo fighting a Yummy and once again turning his attention to Date, Goto manages to trick the berserking Eiji into fighting against Kazari instead, who promptly gets his butt kicked.
  • #34: Ankh single-handedly stops PuToTyra's rampage by blocking Medagabryu's blade with his Greeed arm, then forces the belt to eject the medals back into Eiji's body.
  • #36: Eiji finally gains control of PuToTyra, but is still able to hold his own against the revived Mezool and Gamel, Uva, and the Unicorn Yummy. It's also the debut of its Combo Theme, "POWER to TEARER".
    • In a slightly different vein, when the Unicorn Yummy reveals and tries to destroy Eiji's dream, only to discover his dream manifests as the entire Earth appearing above his head, and even scaled down, it is simply too large for the Yummy to tear apart.
      • Double points because the Earth-image was STILL growing and the Yummy cancels the effect screaming "too big!"
  • #38: Gotou finally transforming into Birth and epically Curb Stomping Kazari, Mezool and Gamel all the while the song Reverse/Re:birth is playing in the background.
  • #40: A Villainous example is where Lost Ankh manages to succeed on his first proper attempt to get the Ankh we know back into his body, and manages to set it up so Eiji couldn't simply transform to stop him.
  • #42: The final fight between OOO and Lost Ankh specifically the way it ended: After a berserk LaToraTah destroys both of Ankh's wings midair, he lands and slashes Ankh so hard it destroyed three of his Cores.
    • Gotou finishing off the Ankylosaurus Yummy as well.
      • Gotou already proved he's a bigger Baddass with Birth then Date but he clinches it when in 42 the Yummy freezes him in place, that doesn't stop him from shooting and you can hear him (or possibly the Yummy) chuckling the whole time. Still Frozen the Yummy makes a badass boast only for Gotou to counter "about now is the time for my supervisor to show up"
      • Yes, Gotou actually timed the battle to Satonaka's late arrivals!
  • #43: Eiji and Ankh have a little showdown. Eiji using the power of the Purple medals is strong enough to force Ankh to withdraw. Note that this is AFTER he says that even with three missing Cores, his power is back to about where it was eight hundred years ago.
  • #44: Kazari's fully revived state, stealing medals from all the other Greeed as well as handing poor Goutou his ass as Birth. Seriously just look at his armor...
    • However that just makes it that much more awesome when Eiji as PuToTyra cracks one of his Lion cores and causes his eventual demise when Dr. Maki in his now fully complete Greeed form rips out all but that medal leaving him to bleed out cells until he finally deforms and the Lion Core shatters completely. And considering everything he's done over the series I think we can all agree that he won't be missed.
      • It does show how damn good he was a villain character though.
    • If you watch closely, Uva manages to avoid Kazari's attack.
  • #45: Despite trouncing RaToraTah and Birth Prototype, Mezool is finally brought down by Eiji using the Medagaburyu to destroy a set of her Medals. Turns out the Medagaburyu is all OOO needs.
    • The fact that Toei finally remembered the Tora Can and the Toride Vendor also counts.
  • #46: DATE IS BACK! And he takes the Birth Prototype to help Gotou take Gamel down.
    • At the same time, Dr. Maki causes Eiji to completely change into a berserk Greeed, and it is utterly Creepy Awesome.
  • #47: Ankh performing a Heel Face Turn and saving Eiji from Maki by lighting Maki's doll on fire.
    • Uva becoming complete.
  • #48: Eiji going Implacable Man against Complete Uva, wielding the Medajalibur and Medagaburyu at the same time.
    • And finally having a successful TaToBa Kick, against Uva, no less, whom even the two Births didn't stand a chance against.
    • And Eiji delivering a full Giga Scan with his purple Medals in TaJaDor form, while having Ankh fight with him side-by-side in spirit.
    • Let's not forget the moment where Eiji absorbs all his cell medals into the Medagaburyu, in order to deliver an insanely powerful, spinning Grand Of Rage to Giru/Maki. Maki gets un-killed by the... thing that Uva became right after it, but still, that was impressive.
    • Listen carefully to the OOO Driver as Eiji henshin's into ToRideVender for the last time. The voice is not that of the usual Akira Kushida, but Ankh! Pretty much drives the point home that they're now truly fighting together.
      • Not just that, but if you look closely at the Taka medal symbol during the henshin sequence, you can see it's not the usual red, but the same gradient as Anhk's wings.
    • Dr. Maki gets one as well. Taking Kiyo-chan off his shoulder and telling off Kougami as he does so. Considering that this is the guy who uses Kiyo-chan as a surrogate and how he freaks out if someone knocks him off his shoulder, this is a pretty awesome bit of Character Development.
    • How about the simple fact they shot Maki with a BLACK HOLE! That alone is insanely awesome!
  • The birth of TaJaDor in Movie War CORE. Just as it looks like Eiji's about to be defeated, he rises from the water and not only holds off Core, but causes Cyclone Joker Xtreme to become Gold once more, buying both Riders enough time to set up their finishers.
  • The preview for OOO's summer movie shows a brief scene of Kamen Rider OOO TaToBa Combo posing alongside his SEVEN single colored Combo forms. Say, haven't we seen this kind of thing before?
    • The actual scene pretty much plays out an early WMG to the letter — OOO goes into GataKiriBa form, summons a ton of clones, and the Core Medals are divided between them to summon all OOO full combos simultaneously. What pushes this into SaGohZo territory is the fact that it's an Enemy Mine moment, with the Greeed donating Core Medals to make it possible.
    • BuraKaWani's debut in the movie. His battle includes using kicks with projections of a biting crocodile, blocking with his arm shields, and playing a flute to summon a giant cobra from the cobra head. He then finishes the Nue yummy with a sliding rider kick.
    • Kamen Rider Fourze arriving in a fireball to help OOO out. The whole scene reflects the atmosphere of the Fourze series perfectly.
      • Better yet, unlike the previous two times, he doesn't make Gara suffer The Worf Effect, he fights him briefly then does a Fastball Special with OOO, giving OOO the momentium to land a critical blow on Gara.
    • How Eiji outdoes the Big Bad Gara before that certainly counts. He offers himself in place of the civilians being harvested for Cell Medals, and singlehandedly overloaded Gara's Doomsday Device.
  • Movie War Megamax:
    • Eiji seemingly taking a level in badass and fighting decently untransformed.
    • Ankh from the future reuniting with Eiji, allowing him to take on the mantle of OOO again.
    • Satonaka once again showing her combat capabilities, twice in the chapter too.
    • OOO showing that he can perfectly go toe-to-toe with Poseidon, who has shown the ability to beat both Gotou!Birth and Date!Birth.
    • Eiji managing to separate Minato Miharu from Poseidon despite all the odds.
    • Gotou and Date, despite their injuries, still determined to come and help out defeating Poseidon.
    • Miharu finally defeating his fear and transforms into Kamen Rider Aqua, showing some kickin' jet ski skills and helps OOO to finally defeat Poseidon.
    • OOO's transforms into Super CMoA and Fourze into Rocket States battling against the Super Galaxy King.
  1. As if he's saying "Look! If you touch that girl, I won't be able to help doing something stupid, like throwing away the Driver!"