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The TV Series[]

The "Over-Quartzer" movie[]

Rider Time Spin-offs[]

  • Ass Pull: Tezuka and Jun's homosexual relationship in Rider Time Ryuki came out of nowhere as both of them barely had any signs of romantic interaction in the original TV series.
  • Memetic Loser:
    • As if his appearance isn't bad enough, the appearance of Decade Complete Form 21 has been ridiculed as "unappealing" and "cheap" in comparison to his original Complete Form, and combined with the fact that he is STILL unable to beat Ohma Zi-O with this form.
    • After a year of speculations regarding the new Kamen Rider Series in 2022, Kamen Rider Shinobi himself has this status bestowed upon him after the reveal of the new trademark posted on May 31, 2022, where it focuses on a new Rider (Geats) instead of doing a full story for the titular Rider Time character. Fortunately, Shinobi gets a chance to reappear once more in the Geats Extra: Kamen Rider Tycoon meets Kamen Rider Shinobi web special.
  • Snark Bait: The errors & inconsistences for the Zi-O VS Decade series and the treatment of Decade Complete Form 21 is considered as the lowest point of writing made by Toshiki Inoue.