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Knscover 390

Shizuku Kanzaki is an average office worker at a beer company. One day, he receives the news of the death of his estranged father, Yutaka Kanzaki, a world-renowned wine critic. Shizuku was trained from an early age to be a terrific wine taster, but he rebelled against his father and now disregards wine. In his father's will, it is stated that he will leave the house, his wine collection and a sum of 2 billion yen to Shizuku, so long as he can identify which wines are the "Twelve Apostles" and "The Drops of God". Shizuku would have refused the inheritance, if not for the fact that Issei Tomine, a renowned young wine critic whom Yutaka adopted just before dying, wants the wine collection for himself. Shizuku, together with apprentice sommelier Miyabi Shinohara, sets out into the world of wine, armed with strong senses and an uncanny ability to describe each and every wine.

Kami no Shizuku started serialization in 2004, written by Tadashi Agi[1] and with art by Shu Okimoto, and continues to this day, having been collected into 28 Japanese volumes. It started being released in he United States in late 2011 by Vertical, under the title The Drops Of God.

This manga is most notable for being extremely influential on the Eastern wine business, especially as it shot up little known wines to fame and overall increased wine sales exponentially.

A live-action adaptation was made in 2009.

Tropes include:[]

  1. a pseudonym of siblings Yuko and Shin Kobayashi