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The characters of the manga series Kamisama Kiss:
Nanami Momozono[]
Nanami is a dirt-poor but otherwise normal high school student whose father runs out on her due to his gambling debts. Shortly afterwards Nanami "saves" a strange man, Mikage, in the park from a dog who gives her his house in gratitude. Nanami accepts due to having nowhere else to go and only later does she find out that Mikage's gift has a few strings attached.
- Barrier Warrior: Becomes this once she gives her shikigami his name.
- The Beast Master: All those animal-themed familiars...
- Guy Magnet
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: She will help everyone, no matter if she just met the person or how impossible the task.
- Dogged Nice Girl: Becomes this to Tomoe.
- Fish Out of Temporal Water
- Friendless Background: Of course, this changes eventually.
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: In chapter 38.
- Holy Hand Grenade
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Gradually changes her attitude about this.
- It's All My Fault: After she fails to purify the youkei residue and Ami gets hurt and again when Jirou sacrifices himself for her.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: When it looks like Tomoe might not renew his familiar contract.
- Kid with the Leash
- Lap Pillow: Does this for the gravely injured Jirou.
- Large Ham: Gets sometimes like this when she's smug or motivated about something.
- Luminescent Blush
- Magic Skirt
- The Matchmaker: For Himemiko and Kotarou, and also for Ami and Kurama.
- The Messiah
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: When she tries to purify the leftovers of tsuchigumo.
- No One Gets Left Behind: Towards Kirihito.
- Ordinary High School Student: Dirt poor example.
- Paper Talisman: Her weapon of choice. She gradually becomes more skilled and inventive at using them.
- Parental Abandonment
- Plucky Girl
- Physical God
- Rags to Royalty: In this case it's more of "Rags to Godhood".
- She Cleans Up Nicely
- Sweet Polly Oliver: When she poses as a tengu.
- Tsundere: Of the Type B variety. Usually very sweet and kind, but when Tomoe is in Jerkass mode, she can get quite violent with him.
- Weak but Skilled: Eventually becomes this.
Mikage's and later Nanami's familiar. Tomoe is a powerful Kitsune that has been around for a few centuries. Personality wise Tomoe is something of a Jerkass and a Deadpan Snarker though he does show a softer, caring side on a few occasions.
- Anger Born of Worry: Mainly because Nanami keeps pulling stunts that send his blood pressure sky high, sometimes doing things immediately after he warned her not to do them.
- Attractive Bent Gender: When he turns into Nanami, the guys at school find her suddenly hot and those who already liked her even hotter.
- Badass
- Badass Long Hair: His past self.
- Baleful Polymorph: He can be pretty sadistic when using this.
- Beleaguered Assistant
- Berserk Button: Hurt or threaten Nanami and you're in for a world of pain.
- Bishounen
- Chick Magnet
- Coat Cape: Sometimes sports this look.
- Cock Fight: Very prone to this.
- Cold Flames: Tomoe's favorite magical weapon.
- Crazy Jealous Guy
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Deadpan Snarker
- Defrosting The Ice King
- Does Not Like Shoes
- The Dragon: Used to be this to Akura-Ou.
- Even Evil Has Standards: His flashback in chapter 42.
- Evil Former Friend: Akura-Ou is this for him.
- Expy: Tomoe has many similarities to Inuyasha in terms of personality and physical appearance while his relationship with Nanami is very similar to Inuyasha's relationship to Kagome.
- Face Palm: Nanami is usually the cause of this.
- Familiar
- Furo Scene: Chapter 42.
- Happiness in Slavery: Once he returns Nanami's feelings.
- Hellish Pupils: His pupils are slitted like a cat's. This become's very noticeable when he is pissed.
- Hypocritical Heartwarming: Is very mean and condescending towards Nanami, but he defends her from the criticism of others.
- I Will Protect Her: He often says this to and about Nanami.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Kitsune
- Ladykiller in Love
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: His memories of Yukiji, thanks to Mikage.
- Little Bit Beastly: Has claws, fangs, fox ears and tail but other wise looks like a young man in his twenties.
- The Loins Sleep Tonight: Chapter 42.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Normally has a short pageboy haircut but in flashbacks is shown to have long hair and one time Nanami does see him with long hair it triggers a nose-bleed.
- Mr. Vice Guy: He is a frequent customer down in the Red Light District.
- Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex: A concern he expresses about Nanami in chapter 16. "I've got to be careful not to get her broken, not to break her."
- Master of Illusion: Tomoe has demonstrated, on occasion, the ability to create an entire entourage out of thin air. But he is a Kitsune so this kind of thing is expected.
- Master of the Mixed Message
- Noble Demon: Back when he still followed Akura-Ou.
- Power Makes Your Hair Grow
- Semi-Retired Monster
- Sarcastic Devotee
- Star-Crossed Lovers: How he sees human/youkai relationships.
- Servile Snarker
- Shapeshifting Seducer
- The Tease: Behaves like this towards Nanami once. She is not pleased.
- Unusual Ears
- When He Smiles
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Kotetsu and Onikiri[]
Two spirits who belong to the Mikage shrine.
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Those Two Guys
- Undying Loyalty: Their feelings towards Nanami.
Nanami's shikigami.
- Cheerful Child: His human form.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys
- Meaningful Name
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
Mizuki is a snake familiar of a Water God and like Kurama briefly serves as an antagonist before being put in his place by Tomoe. Eventually, he becomes Nanami's familiar, which pisses Tomoe off big time.
- A Day in the Limelight
- Bishounen
- Fish Out of Water: How he fares in the human world.
- Genki Guy
- Happiness in Slavery: Let's just say that Mizuki is very, very happy to be Nanami's familiar and leave it at that.
- Non-Action Guy: Mizuki seems to be stronger than any human and has quite a few magical tricks up his sleeve but so far he hasn't shown any fighting skill, despite being a familiar.
- Shotgun Wedding: Tries to do this to Nanami which wasn't exactly the smartest thing he has ever done.
- Skilled but Naive: Mizuki has quite a few magical tricks up his sleeve but has lived a very sheltered life.
- Snakes Are Sexy: He can turn into a snake.
- The Rival: Tries to outdo Tomoe as being Nanami's most useful familiar.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
The god of war. He looks down on Nanami for being a weak human. An attitude that latter cause him to get his ass handed to him by Tomoe.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- Hot-Blooded
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Was on the receiving end of one.
- War God
She's the ruler of Yomi-No-Kuni.
A Land God, a Marriage God and Nanami's benefactor. Not much is known about Mikage except that he has a fear of dogs and that he abandoned the shrine twenty-years ago for unknown reasons.
- Disproportionate Reward: To Nanami.
- The Matchmaker: His specialty is marriages after all.
- Physical God
- Pretty Butterflies: Mikage can turn into a butterfly.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Dogs
She is the goddess of thunder and lightning. When she learns that Nanami is Tomoe's new master, she thinks that her chance has finally come to make him her familiar.
- Bad Boss: She treats her familiars poorly to say the least.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Initially claims that she has sympathy with Nanami and wants to take over her place to take away this burden from her.
- Cool Crown
- Shock and Awe: She is the goddess of thunder and lightning.
- Thigh-High Boots
- Vain Sorceress: Nurakami is a goddess but otherwise she fits this stereotype perfectly.
A Wind God who is more than a little effeminate. Otohiko originally shows up to test Nanami and see if she is worthy of her title. Later he serves as an ally and sometimes mentor to Nanami.
- Ambiguously Gay: Nanami even calls him a homosexual at one point though his actual sexual orientation has yet to have been determined.
- Blow You Away: His powers.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- The Fashionista
- The Glomp: Fond of doing this towards men he finds attractive.
- Kind-Hearted Dog Lover
- Stealth Mentor: To Nanami.
Ami Nekota[]
An innocent girl who is Nanami's classmate.
- The Chick
- The Cutie
- Celeb Crush: On Kurama.
- Damsel in Distress
- Friendship Moment: Has these with Nanami over the course of the manga.
- The Ingenue
- Naive Everygirl
- Panty Shot: Much to Isobe's amusement.
- Rescue Romance: How she falls for Kurama.
- Shrinking Violet: Has shades of this.
- Unrequited Love: Again, towards Kurama.
A boy who bullies Nanami for her poverty.
- The Bully
- Loving Bully: A classmate asks him if he is this but he denies it.
Kayako Hiragi[]
A human landgod from Kyoto. She comes to Nanami's school as an exchange student and becomes her rival in the contest to see who is more suitable to go to the god summit.
- Break the Haughty
- Broken Bird
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Enemy Without: Her shikigami manifests as this.
- Gamer Chick: Really likes video games. In fact, she comments that playing video games is one of the few ways she can actually enjoy herself.
- Holy Hand Grenade
- I Just Want to Be Normal: The reason why she is a Broken Bird.
- Kansai Regional Accent
- Love Martyr: To Kirihito
- The Rival
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Stepford Smiler
- Tall Dark and Bishojo
- Tsundere: For Nanami.
- Unwitting Pawn
- Vain Sorceress
A beautiful peasant girl from the past. She used to be Tomoe's lover.
Kurama's brother and current leader of the Tengu clan.
- Defrosting The Ice King
- Drill Sergeant Nasty
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: When Nanami says that he shouldn't have to survive alone.
- I Will Only Slow You Down: After he saves Nanami.
- Love Confession: To Nanami, after he just took the bullet for her.
- Love Redeems
- Never Gets Drunk: Are at least, is VERY resilient to it, much to Kurama's and Tomoe's dismay.
- Sex Is Evil and I Am Horny: A milder version of this trope. The Tengu of Kurama Mountain are not supposed to have contact with women, so when he falls for Nanami, he ends up very conflicted.
- Sink or Swim Mentor: To Kurama.
- The Social Darwinist
- Taking the Bullet: Does this for Nanami.
- That Didn't Happen: Does this immediately after he asks Nanami if she will stay on Kurama Mountain.
Kurama /Shinjirou[]
A pop-star and major teenage heart-throb, Kurama is actually a Tengu from Kurama mountain. He serves very, very briefly as an antagonist in the series before Tomoe puts him in his place. Eventually becomes a friend of Nanami's and a rival for her affection to Tomoe.
- All the Other Reindeer: Was an outcast because he hadn't mastered flying at the appropriate age and he got special treatment for being the chief's son.
- Bishounen: There is a reason all the teenage girls in the series and even some of the boys like him.
- Boy Band: Is the leader of one.
- Broken Pedestal: Happens when Nanami finds out what he's really like.
- Celeb Crush: How most of Nanami's class reacts to him.
- Cock Fight: Has this often with Tomoe.
- Even the Guys Want Him: In-universe. He has also many male fans.
- The Exile: He left willingly, but every Tengu who leaves Kurama Mountain becomes this.
- Fish Out of Water: Averted. Unlike other youkai, he has spent quite some time living in the human world and has adapted completely to it. He is quite proud of it, too.
- Idol Singer
- I Love You Because I Can't Control You: The reason why he loves Nanami.
- Instant Fanclub: He gets one when he joins Nanami's school.
- Ladykiller in Love
- Money to Throw Away
- Prince Charming Wannabe
- Teen Idol
- Winged Humanoid
Took care of Kurama during his childhood and was the first to show him affection. Suirou was the most skilled at flying among the tengu until he lost his wings while protecting Kurama.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Kurama.
- Bishounen
- Cannot Talk to Women
- Cuddle Bug
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Actually Lampshaded by the Tengu children.
- Taking the Bullet: Did this in the past for Kurama.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Akura-Ou /Kirihito.[]
Also referred to as the Evil King, Akura-Ou is a brutal and sadistic demon and the current Big Bad of the series and someone who very much enjoys killing. Tomoe used to be his right-hand man before Mikage recruited him.
- Ax Crazy
- Big Bad
- Evil Former Friend: To Tomoe.
- Horned Humanoid
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: He is called the Evil King for a reason.
- Slasher Smile
Numano Himemiko[]
The princess of the swamp Tatara and a catfish spirit. Used to be friends with Mikage. She approaches Nanami because she wants to find the human boy Kotarou again, with whom she fell in love with 10 years ago.
- Animal Motif: A catfish.
- Cry Cute: The reason why she fell for Kotarou.
- Cute Monster Girl
- The Fashionista: Becomes this about human clothes.
- May-December Romance: With Kotarou.
- Shotacon: Fell in love with Kotarou when he was 8.
- Strange Girl
- Verbal Tic: She clacks her teeth together loudly when she is agitated or confused.
A mysterious youkai who wishes to help Akura-Ou. He promises to take over Kurama mountain to show his strength.