Kangoku Senkan is a 2007 H Game, developed by Anime Lilith.
In the future, mankind has colonised space, terraformed many worlds and created numerous colonies. Facing this new reality, humans united over one single government, based on Earth. The humans born outside Earth have become hostile towards the central government, and soon mankind found itself on a conflict between the Neo Terrors, composed of Earth-born humans, and Neo Solars, composed of "human aliens", as it was called humans born off-Earth, each one with their own police and army.
In the main story, Danny Bohgan is a major in command of his battleship. He receives order of his commanders to brainwash two female officers which carries risky information it may compromises Bohgan's faction, the Neo-Terrors. His crew gets very excited about it, since said brainwashing involves manipulating their sexual desires.
These two female officers, Naomi Evans and Lieri Bishop, are attacked with hypnotic gas and brainwashed by Bohgan and his fellow brainwashing specialists into thinking they have the duty of "satisfying" the male officers of the spaceship sexually.
Directed by Sasayama Ittousai, which also directed Taimanin Asagi.
- Anti Hero: Though she is technically heroic, Naomi beats up Bohgan brutally even after dismissing him as a suspect in a flashback just because he told her he was around a kidnapping attempt to buy prostitutes, with Bishop completely complicit on it.
- Badass: Naomi is very pro-efficient at hand-n-hand combat and operating weapons.
- The Bad Guy Wins: In all three good endings, Bohgan managed to get away with his crimes and rises to an even greater status, either with Naomi, Lieri or both at his side.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Bohgan tries to look un-threatening, to not say cowardly to the female characters, but Bishop sees right through him and scolds his act.
- Boobs of Steel: Averted, Naomi is more adept at physical combat, but Bishop has an even larger bust.
- Break the Haughty: Naomi and Bishop are arrogant and condescending basically for their entire screentime towards Bohgan before he does anything, with Bishop even playing a prank on possibly killing Bohgan and Naomi covering it as insubordination, while pointing a real weapon towards him. Nonetheless to say, the humiliation they go through don't feel as harsh it would be on genuinely good people.
- Bullying a Dragon: Naomi and Bishop intentionally try to provoke the crew against them, making Bohgan wonder why they would even do this to a crew of dozens of men when they're just two women, in space even.
- Coitus Uninterruptus: In Lieri's route, she and Bohgan have sex while she is doing a video call to her husband, with her inferior parts just out of view.
- Dangerously-Short Skirt: Naomi wears a mini-dress and as expected we get a Panty Shot of her as she kicks a soldier on the face on one of her first scenes.
- Extreme Doormat: Lieri and Bishop become very accepting to do whatever Bohgan and his men want once they're brainwashed, though Lieri a little less so.
- From a Certain Point of View: After capturing Lieri and Bishop, Bohgan assures when asked they will leave them unscathed on Earth. He will certainly leave them unscathed physically, but not mentally.
- Luminescent Blush: Naomi has one as Bohgan instructs her to do "satisfaction" duties, which she knows very well that involves sex.
- Meaningful Name: Jasant is french for "talking". It is being used during the story for diplomatic reasons.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Bohgan's faction is called the "New Terrors", just in case you didn't get the memo they're evil.
- Unknown Rival: Despite investigating his past, Bishop seems completely unaware of arresting Bohgan previously for prostitution.
- Villain Protagonist: Bohgan is covering corruption for his faction and takes a lot of pleasure in brainwashing women in being his slave.
- The Worf Effect: To establish that Naomi is not just good at operating machines as she can physically surpass Bohgan's crew, his narration describes her easily defeating his best soldier which is said to be a mountain of a man too.
- Xanatos Speed Chess: Bohgan manages to survive Naomi's slaughter of his troops during a kidnapping attempt by pulling fake documents and coming up with an embarrassing excuse of why he was passing by.
- Your Cheating Heart: In Rieri's route, she seems to unconsciously realize serving Bohgan is cheating on her husband but can't break off the conditioning and keep doing it, though she avoids mentioning what she is doing during a call to said husband.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Both Naomi and Rieri wear thigh-high stocking. Rank S.