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Here are the main and secondary characters who appear in the Kanon Anime and Visual Novel.

Beware of SPOILERS.

The Main Characters[]

Yuuichi Aizawa[]

Voiced by: Atsushi Kisaichi (JP — Toei anime), Tomokazu Sugita (JP — Kyo Ani anime), Chris Patton (EN)[]

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Our protagonist. At the beginning of the story, he has just returned to the town where he used to spend his vacations as a kid for the first time in seven years in order to stay with his aunt, Akiko, while his parents are out of the country. However, he has practically no memory of the time he spent there all those years ago. As time goes by, he gradually learns why that is, but he may have been better off not knowing. Little does he know that he has a long, painful journey ahead of him... It turns out he knows all of the main girls except Shiori from childhood, though, due to the traumatic events that occurred back then, he doesn't remember. More details about each are provided below.

Tropes associated with Yuuichi:

Ayu Tsukimiya[]

Voiced by: Yui Horie (JP — both anime), Brittney Karbowski (EN)[]

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A cheerful girl well-known both within and outside the story for her Verbal Tic and for her bordering-on-unreasonable love of taiyaki, Yuuichi meets her early on after she collides with him head first. They quickly become good friends, and this quickly becomes a running joke (though it's later toned down to her simply glomping him). It turns out he knows her from seven years ago, and they were very close back then. She is very short and behaves rather childishly, in spite of being the same age as Yuuichi. She is looking for something important to her, but she can't remember what it is. She is the most prominent of the girls in the story and Yuuichi's kanon (pardon the bad pun) love interest. turns out she suffered a serious accident seven years ago that left her in a coma, and the version of her you see throughout is an Astral Projection. She gets better at the end of both anime versions and her route in the game though, and, using her belief in the power of a wish she made over an angel doll (her lost item) as a child, she helps the rest of the girls recover as well.

Tropes associated with Ayu:

Nayuki Minase[]

Voiced by: Mariko Kouda (JP — both anime), Jessica Boone (EN)[]

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Yuuichi's cousin who sleeps under the same roof as him (obvious really, considering that Yuuichi is staying with his aunt and Nayuki's mother, Akiko). He remembers her vaguely from seven years ago. She has a fairly obvious crush on him, which he doesn't return. She also has a serious problem getting up in the morning, and is prone to falling asleep again repeatedly throughout the day. Loves anything with strawberries, especially strawberry sundaes, and can easily be bribed with them (which is useful for Yuuichi). She is hardworking, upbeat and very athletic, being the captain of the school's track team because to her running ability, gained from years of having to run to school to be on time due to her sleep habits. Turns out she has unhappy memories of Yuuichi basically rejecting her confession of love to him all those years ago.

Tropes associated with Nayuki:

  • All Love Is Unrequited: She's been carrying a torch for Yuuichi since they were little kids, but he doesn't even notice except in her route.
  • Anime Hair
  • Blue Eyes
  • Catch Phrase: "Faito da yo" ("I'm not worried about it" or various similar things in the dub) and "Usotsuki" (which means "liar", but is usually "You're such a liar" in the dub).
  • Catgirl: Not really, but the two "cat ears" that are part of her hairdo can sorta give someone this impression. She's also really sleep, and cats are known to sleep a lot as well.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Surprisingly, she actually fits here better than both Ayu and Mai.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: It gradually becomes apparent that she's more than a little weird in some ways (though she's quite normal in others, and she might be the least screwed up of the main girls).
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Cuteness Proximity: Any time she sees a cat (even a wild one), she'll go temporarily loopy and try to pet it, despite the fact that she's allergic to them.
  • Disappeared Dad: So disappeared that she's never even seen the guy. He's only mentioned once.
  • Generation Xerox: She looks and acts VERY similarly to her mother. They even tell the same jokes. Akiko doesn't seem to have the same athletic abilities, or the weird sleep habits, but other than that?
  • Heavy Sleeper: She owns at least a dozen alarm clocks and they STILL don't succeed in waking her up. She also has a habit of randomly falling asleep throughout the day, sometimes while standing up or walking. Her running ability was developed in part to allow her to still be at school on time.
  • Heroic BSOD: Becomes very distraught when Akiko is hit by a car, refusing to leave her room or talk to anyone. Kaori eventually is able to talk her out of it, and she recovers. Really shows how close she is to her mother.
  • It's All My Fault: Blames herself for Akiko's accident because Akiko was out of the house for her sake, even though it was no one's fault.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover
  • Kissing Cousins
  • Late for School: Avoiding being this due to her odd sleep habits was why she got so good at running in the first place.
  • Long Hair Is Feminine
  • The Messiah
  • Not a Morning Person: She mostly just mumbles, drools and sleepwalks her way through her mornings. She once almost drowned while brushing her teeth.
  • Rapunzel Hair: Hers is down to just past her waist, so it probably counts.
  • She's Got Legs
  • Sleepyhead
  • Strong Family Resemblance: To her mother, Akiko. See Generation Xerox above.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Strawberries, and especially strawberry sundaes. Yuuichi bribes her with them.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Debatable, but she does seem pretty upbeat and positive most of the time. Only after Akiko's accident does she really seem unhappy.
  • You Gotta Have Purplish-Blue Hair
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Probably a Grade B.

Shiori Misaka[]

Voiced by: Akemi Satou (JP — both anime), Maggie Flecknoe (EN)[]

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A sickly girl that Yuuichi and Ayu run into early on, and who is frequently seen hanging around outside the school during classes, apparently waiting for "someone important to her" either Yuuichi or her sister, depending on how one chooses to view it. She's quiet, peaceful and pretty pleasant and normal (though she does have a somewhat odd sense of humor and an odd fondness for eating ice cream in below-freezing weather, not to mention her almost complete terribleness at arcade games), other than being terminally ill, of course. She is the only one of the main girls Yuuichi did not meet seven years ago. She also has some troubles at home that are vaguely alluded to. Turns out she is Kaori's sister, and that the two were very close until Kaori began distancing herself from her sister to avoid the pain of losing her. She attended school for exactly one day before she fainted in class and was sent home to recover, and does not return until late in the story. During this time, she hangs out with Yuuichi and has a birthday party thrown for her, during which she and her sister begin to repair their relationships to one another. She recovers completely at the tail end of the story thanks to Ayu's miracle.

Tropes associated with Shiori:

Makoto Sawatari[]

Voiced by: Mayumi Iizuka (JP — both anime), Tiffany Terrell (EN)[]

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Makoto is a mischievous, red-haired Tsundere who accosts Yuuichi in the market the day after he arrives and claims to be holding a grudge against him. However, she doesn't remember why, and, in fact, she doesn't remember very much at all, not even her own name. She accepts Akiko's offer to live at her house until she remembers, becoming a Pretty Freeloader in the process. She also develops a fondness for pork buns and romance manga. All the while, she attempts to remember who she is, but it turns out she may have been better off not knowing. She turns out to have been a young fox that Yuuichi rescued seven years ago when she was injured, and that she wants revenge on him because he abandoned her after she had recovered when he had to leave town to return home. As time goes on, she starts to forget (she ultimately loses the ability to speak and can only say her Verbal Tic) and gradually fades away, eventually disappearing altogether. Shortly before this happens, she and Yuuichi get "married".

Tropes associated with Makoto:

  • Back From the Dead: In the 2002 Toei anime.
  • Cute Little Fangs: Serve as a bit of a hint about her true nature as a shapeshifted fox.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Originally she has a grudge against Yuuichi but still kinda likes him anyways, but gradually she abandons the grudge and just fawns on him when he abandons the escalating trick war between them.
  • Easy Amnesia: See Identity Amnesia.
  • Expy: She looks very similar in appearance to Asuka Langley Soryu from Neon Genesis Evangelion and they both are tsundere characters.
  • Fiery Redhead
  • Flowers for Algernon Syndrome: Leads to a downer ending. She made a wish to be able to meet with Yuuichi again, which was granted by turning her into a human and giving her human intelligence. The price was losing all her memories and then slowly losing all her intelligence and motor controls until she eventually dies with about the intelligence a fox possesses. Yuuichi is left all alone and unsure of whether he loved her or not, though it's implied he did not.
  • Head Pet: Piro likes it up there...
  • Identity Amnesia: She doesn't remember who she is at all, just that she has an inexplicable grudge against Yuuichi. In fact, it takes her some time to even remember her own name and it's not even hers. As is revealed later, this is because she's not actually human, and, as a fox, doesn't exactly have an identity in the human sense. Also, the act of becoming human erased her previous memories. She took the name Makoto Sawatari from one of the few things that she did manage to remember, which was Yuuichi telling her (while she was still a fox) about an older girl by that name he had a crush on.
  • Name's the Same: Turns out she's not the real Makoto Sawatari at all, but the real one does make an appearance in the 2006 Kyo Ani adaptation. Naturally, there are theories about connections between the two...
  • Pet Baby Wild Animal: Well, she DID used to be a young fox that Yuuichi took care of as a kid. She isn't during the course of the story, but it still fits.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Pork buns. She even names her cat, Piro, after them (though she was unaware of that at the time).
  • Trickster Archetype: She has nothing on Yuuichi though, who easily wins every battle of their "prank war".
  • Tsundere: Type A, for sure, though more mischievous than violent (though she has her moments). A rare combination of this with Defrosting Ice Queen.
  • Twin Tails: Tsundere twintails, to be precise.
  • Verbal Tic: She says "Auuu-!" whenever she gets annoyed, depressed or chastised. Once she begins to lose her humanity and forget, it becomes all she can say.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Sometimes manages to be a Grade S. Sometimes. Other times doesn't entirely count.

Mai Kawasumi[]

Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (JP — both anime), Melissa Davis (EN)[]

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Mai is a calm, seemingly Emotionless Girl who comes to the school at night to fight demons. Because she has been seen there at night and because windows have been inexplicably broken, she is perceived as being responsible, and has been branded a delinquent by most of the students and the staff at the school. She is excellent with a sword, and she seems to know things about the strange goings-on around the town, giving Yuuichi cryptic advice on several occasions. Her best friend (and possibly more) is Sayuri Kurata, and she aspires to be a veterinarian. Yuuichi knew Mai when they were younger, when he visited the town during summer break. They used to play in the wheat fields where the school is now, and he became her only friend (she was new in town, due to being driven out of the previous town town with her mother because of her powers). When he eventually has to leave to return home, she tries to get him to stay by claiming demons are attacking the field (which is being demolished to make way for the school), but it doesn't work, and she feels abandoned. The demons become real as a result of the repression of her powers. In the present, the demons attack Sayuri, her only friend, causing her to go berserk and to have to be talked down by Yuuichi. She tries to kill herself when the truth about the demons is revealed, but her powers save her.

Tropes associated with Mai:

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade
  • Action Girl: Par excellance. She's excellent with a sword.
  • Badass
  • Boobs of Steel: Is the best endowed of the main girls from Kanon, and also the only one known to possess any sort of fighting ability.
  • Broken Bird
  • The Comically Serious
  • Delinquent: what the staff and most of the student body at the school believe her to be. She isn't, though.
  • Driven to Suicide: She tries to kill herself twice: first after Sayuri is attacked by a demon while bringing her a birthday present one night. After she's brought to the hospital, she goes on another rampage and trashes everything that happens to be nearby. Yuuichi stops her this time and convinces her to defeat the remaining demons that night, which she agrees to. The second time is after the true nature of the demons is revealed. She thanks Yuuichi and stabs herself. She gets better thanks to acceptance of her powers.
  • Emotionless Girl: Of the variant where they just don't know how to express themselves. She doesn't react much, but it's clear that she's feeling something.
  • Forgotten Childhood Friend
  • Green Eyes
  • Heroic BSOD: After Sayuri get attacked by demons. Yuuichi snaps her out of it.
  • Hot Chick with a Sword
  • Kindly Vet: What she (and apparently Sayuri as well) aspires to be. Yuuichi is disbelieving, so she whacks him with the veterinary book she's reading.
  • Kuudere: Arguably an example, as she seems cold at first but does show more emotion as time goes on.
  • Magic Skirt
  • Meganekko: She is briefly seen wearing glasses in the Kyo Ani anime version.
  • No Social Skills: She seems to lack both the ability to act friendly or sociable. Goes with the territory of being an Emotionless Girl. However, Sayuri seems to put up with it.
  • Not So Weak: In addition to being a demon-killing badass, she's also incredibly selfless. Hell, she's willing to let a dog try and eat her hand after it was attacking people because she had nothing to feed the thing. She also suffers constant abuse from the student council, the other students and teachers.
  • The Quiet One
  • Rapunzel Hair
  • Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Sayuri. Yuuichi fantasizes about it in the VN when he's trying to figure out why Sayuri and her seem to get along in spite of being (well seeming to be) opposites. Opposites Attract, after all.
  • The Stoic: Given her calm, uncommunicative, at first, but it's later revealed that she's really...
  • Strange Girl: Of the quiet and calm variety, but nevertheless strange. She's very mysterious and knows more about the weird supernatural stuff that's been going on around town than anyone else, though she only ever offers very vague hints or cryptic advice about anything.
  • Swiss Army Tears: Deconstructed: Her tears have healing powers, but when she used them to save her mother's life when she was little, after making her briefly famous and revered, she was persecuted and driven out of town for it, causing her and her mother to move to the town where the series is set. The repression of her powers created the demons, and it's only by embracing her powers that she is saved and the demons disappear.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: The tallest of the girls in series, rather cold, aloof and mysterious, and she has dark blue hair. She fits.
  • Tomboyish Ponytail
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Beef bowls.
  • Tsurime Eyes: Other than Kaori, she's the only one drawn with 'em, the rest are all tareme.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Do not harm Sayuri in front of her. You will pay dearly for it.
  • When She Smiles
  • You Gotta Have Dark Blue Hair

Secondary Characters[]

Akiko Minase[]

Voiced by: Yuko Minaguchi (JP — both anime), Joanne Bonasso (EN)[]

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Akiko Minase is Nayuki's (nearly identical) mother and Yuuichi's aunt, whom he is staying with while he's in town. She lets Makoto and, later, Ayu, stay there as long as they like and pretty much gives them free reign of the house. She also seems to have a pretty good idea what's going on even when Yuuichi doesn't. She is a very kind and caring person, and is very maternal. She is hit by a car near the end of the series, and this causes Nayuki to have a complete breakdown. She gets better surprisingly quickly, due to Ayu's wish. She also knew about Ayu's condition from the beginning, but refrained from saying anything, assuming that she had recovered from her coma.

Tropes associated with Akiko:

  • Absurdly Youthful Mother: Maybe. She doesn't look very old anyway.
  • Anime Hair
  • Blue Eyes
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Generation Xerox: Let's face it, she's pretty much Nayuki minus the running and the falling asleep at inappropriate times and places. She's also The Messiah, like her daughter. At least we know Nayuki will grow up to look good...
  • Hot Mom: Oh yes. Key seems to love this one.
  • Lethal Chef: variation. Her cooking is mostly excellent, but that jam...
  • Look Both Ways: Though she survives, and it wasn't really her fault (blame the driver or the condition of the roads due to the weather.
  • The Messiah: She's very maternal, and is usually calm and gentle. Actually, she's always calm and gentle, even when it would be justified for her not to be.
  • Open-Minded Parent: She has no problem with taking in "strays", and seems unusually accepting of the idea of girls she barely knows staying at her house. Also, she takes Yuuichi's word for it when he explains the truth about Makoto.
    • And there was that time when, after Makoto's firework prank backfired on her, she came to investigate the noise and, rather than get angry, she asked if Makoto wanted to play with fireworks.
  • Parental Substitute: Let's just say that if you're homeless girl who needs a roof over her head and 3 square meals a day, just ask and you'll have an instant family of your own, no background check of your shady past needed. She goes as far as to say "Come play with Mommy" to Makoto as the latter begins to lose her memories.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: Always calm and gentle and though assertive, she never raises her voice in anger.
  • You Gotta Have Purplish-Blue Hair

Sayuri Kurata[]

Voiced by: Tomoko Kawakami (JP — both anime), Natalie Arneson (EN)[]

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Mai's best friend (with whom she has a fair amount of Les Yay), Sayuri is a seemingly cheerful girl with an odd habit of referring to herself in the third person. Her family is rather wealthy, and she is a good cook. She and Mai have seemingly diametrically opposed personalities, which causes Yuuichi to remark that "they sure do make an odd couple of girls". She is also referred to as being almost like Mai's older sister. Kind, friendly and gentle as she is, though, she has her own sorrows, and these are what drew her and Mai together.

Tropes associated with Sayuri:

  • Aloof Big Sister: How she treated her little brother while he was still alive — she wanted him to grow up to be like her father, a man of high social standing. She felt so guilty about how she treated him afterwards that it (combined with his early death) changed the way she talks.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Towards Mai.
  • Broken Bird: Due to her issues with the death of her little brother. She and Mai get along so well because of the shared pain.
  • Brown Eyes
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Part of her Stepford Smiler act. She's weird in a cheerful way, and she comes across as kinda clueless a lot of the time.
  • Dead Little Brother: Kazuya. She felt guilty about how she treated him before she died. She had been strictly (but gently) raised to be a good girl, and she endeavored to raise her brother, Kazuya, the same way, and was somewhat cold to him, even though what she really wanted to do was dote on him and play with him. After he died, she could never forgive herself for the way she treated him, and came to view herself from a distance. It's because of this feeling of guilt and loneliness that she bonds so readily with Mai in high school.
  • Driven to Suicide: In the past, due to the death of her brother. A scar on her wrist is (briefly) visible in episode 14 of the Kyo Ani adaptation, and the game mentions it in more detail. It didn't work.
  • Hair Decorations: Her green plaid bow.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Her Japanese VA, Tomoko Kawakami, also voiced Misuzu.
  • Hime Cut
  • Nice Girl
  • The Ojou: Of the kind and unassuming type.
  • Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Mai.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: A nice girl who uses formal honorfics with her friends. The steel is her loyalty to Mai.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Her father did a good job not raising a spoiled brat.
  • Stepford Smiler
  • Third Person Person
  • Verbal Tic: Whenever she laughs, she clearly voices "Ahaha!". She also exclaims "Hoe!" when surprised.

Kaori Misaka[]

Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi (JP — both anime), Caitlin Glass (EN)[]

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Kaori Misaka is Nayuki's best friend and the object of Kitagawa's unrequited romantic interest (she mostly laughs at him, ignores him or makes him do heavy lifting for her). She seems to be fairly well-adjusted (if somewhat snarky and maybe a bit no-nonsense), but she has some fairly serious family issues that eventually come up. She's also the rep for Nayuki and Yuuichi's class at school. She is sometimes seen staring wistfully out the window of the school. She is Shiori's sister, but she refuses to acknowledge to herself or anyone else that she has a sister, in order to avoid the pain of having to deal with Shiori's death. Eventually, Yuuichi is able to get her to acknowledge her sister's existence again, and she later helps Nayuki out of her Heroic BSOD.

Tropes associated with Kaori:

  • Anime Hair
  • Blue Eyes
  • Catgirl: Like Nayuki, not an actual example, but the hair brings it to mind. Also, she's rather catlike in her aloofness (especially regarding Kitagawa).
  • Class Representative: Of Yuuichi and Nayuki's class.
  • Deadpan Snarker: The only girl other than her sister who occasionally replies to Yuuichi's snarking with some of her own.
    • Example:

 Yuuichi: As I turned around, Misaka Kaori was standing there.

Kaori: What are you giving a narration for?

  • Defrosting Ice Queen: with regards to her sister, arguably (see Jerkass Facade, below). Possibly regarding Kitagawa, as well, since they do get together in the Toei version, and it's always possible (in the KyoAni version and the VN as well, though it'd have to be after the fact. They do bond somewhat near the end of the 2006 version as well during Nayuki's arc, when Nayuki is still suffering from her Heroic BSOD due to Akiko's accident and they both show up to try and comfort her.
  • I Have No Little Sister: Her reasons for this are different from the usual, though, as she simply refuses to acknowledge Shiori's existence to avoid the pain of her loss. Not that it works... She acknowledges her sister's existence again by the end though.
  • Jerkass Facade: With regards to her sister, arguably.
  • Quit Your Whining: She's the one to talk Nayuki out of her Heroic BSOD, even though that whining wasn't Wangst exactly, as it was justified by the fact that she'd just had her mother get in an accident.
  • Stepford Snarker
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Grade B, bordering on Grade A, giving her the highest grade other than (occasionally) Makoto in the series.

Jun Kitagawa[]

Voiced by: Tomokazu Seki (JP — both anime), Greg Ayres (EN)[]

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The resident Butt Monkey and chew toy at Yuuichi's school, and a friend (of sorts) of Yuuichi's. Also has an (unrequited) interest in Kaori, who mostly takes advantage of it to make him do things for her. Is a bit of a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, has a fondness for ridiculous clothes, as seen at the ball, and thinks he's a ladies man as well (he isn't). He helps Yuuichi and Nayuki out when they're looking for Ayu's lost item, proving that he isn't a complete ass. Also, he succeeds with Kaori in the Toei version, though not (for sure) in the Kyo Ani anime or the Visual Novel, where his interest is never explicitly stated.

Tropes associated with Kitagawa:

  • Absurdly Powerful Student Council: He's a member, oddly enough.
  • Brown Eyes
  • Butt Monkey
  • Casanova Wannabe: He spends most of the series chasing Kaori around (and being taken advantage of by being forced to do her heavy lifting), but he still manages to hit on Sayuri. Kaori comments on it, and he denies it, but still...
  • The Chew Toy
  • Dogged Nice Guy: He pursues Kaori like with the tenacity of a bloodhound. She views him with amused indifference and sometimes contempt. Significantly different in the 2002 version, where he's less dogged and more restrained in his advances. Works out better for him, to say the least.
  • Idiot Hair
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Seems like a bit of an ass, but he does get Mai out of trouble with the student council (which he's apparently on) and find Ayu's lost item.
  • Rummage Sale Reject: His weird disco outfit that he wears to the dance (and apparently carries around with him all the time). Kaori summed it up well when she said it was like a train wreck.
  • Standard Hero Reward: Very mild, not completely romantic, partial example. Here's the context: Kuze, the Student Council president, is trying to get Mai expelled because he thinks Mai deliberately caused trouble at the dance by swinging her sword around. Kitagawa, who is on the council, lies to Kuze and tells him that swinging the sword around was Kitagawa's idea, since it made such a great "exhibition." This lie saves Mai from expulsion. Kitagawa's reward for helping Yuuichi save Mai and not liking to see beautiful faces like Sayuri's sad: Sayuri lets him hold her hands for a few seconds to thank him, causing him to blush at the contact.

Mishio Amano[]

Voiced by: Maaya Sakamoto (JP — both anime), Colleen Clinkenbeard (EN)[]

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An antisocial girl sometimes seen around the school, who turns out have experienced the same thing Yuuichi did with Makoto, in that she once had a friend who had been a fox but had assumed human form to be with her before fading away. She provides Yuuichi with exposition and comfort at the end of the Makoto arc, and she helps Makoto try to remember after she begins to fade. She and Yuuichi reminisce about their experiences afterwards, and she is later seen hanging around with some girls, suggesting that she gets over her isolation and unhappiness and makes friends.

Tropes associated with Amano:


Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya (JP — Toei anime), Kenji Nojima (JP — Kyo Ani anime), Jay Hickman (EN)[]

The Jerkass Student Council President, who is apparently intent on expelling Mai (and possibly Sayuri as well, if she continues to associate herself with Mai) from the school. Mai is able to threaten him into leaving Sayuri out of it, and he fails to prove that she's responsible for anything that's happened.

Tropes associated with Kuze:

  • Absurdly Powerful Student Council: The President of it, in fact.
  • Jerkass: Boy, is he ever... Trying to get Mai expelled after the ball is pretty extreme, considering the demons did the damage, not her- she didn't start waving her sword around until AFTER the windows all broke and tables started flying. Yet he still tries to get her blamed for that, too.
    • Jerkass Has a Point: Sort of. The shocking revelation later on is that the demons Mai's been fighting have all come from Mai herself, due to Mai's inability to accept her healing powers. So Mai technically was responsible for the demons causing trouble at school and for the windows and glass breaking! No excuse for Kuze jumping to conclusions and trying to get Mai expelled, though, since there's no way Kuze could possibly have known about the demons and what little evidence he had to reach his conclusions didn't conclusively point to Mai as the cause. And he didn't assume Mai somehow "caused" the damage, he concluded that Mai was a delinquent who just went around breaking things for fun, when Mai had repeatedly demonstrated a desire to help others rather than hurt them, such as her behavior towards the wild dog for example.
  • Student Council President