Narm: Pretty much the entirety of the English dub of the animé, to the point where it's downright unwatchable for some viewers.
Nightmare Fuel — Boogie, an already creepy-looking doll with a knife attached to his hand (holy shit!), can turn into a sanity-destroying monstrosity. With a knife. Yeah, dolls are scary.
Tear Jerker: Don't even try and deny that you broke down the second you realized that Ren was wiping all of Karin's memories of being a vampire.
The Woobie — Karin is the black sheep of the family because of her ability to give blood, stay in the sunlight, and eat human food, and thus, she is one of the loneliest vampires. when her sister becomes a full vampire, she realizes how alone she is as she cries as she makes breakfast for herself.
Also, you can't say you don't feel sorry for her when memories of her family is erased and she thinks of them to be dead after graduation.