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Main characters[]


A boy seemingly unknowing of the ways of the world--including the concept of blood--who nonetheless braves it in order to search for his former caretaker, Karoku, an enigmatic figure who parted ways with him before the story began.

  • Cheerful Child
  • Children Are Innocent: He knows next to nothing about the world except what Karoku taught him, unknowing of what "blood" is and what it means when it's splattered outside the body.
  • Good Is Dumb: Justified, considering that he was originally a cute little animal, and looks like and is later referred to being a child as well. However, unlike some character types who remain clueless throughout the story, he's slowly learning more about the world.
  • Heroic Albino
  • Innocent Inaccurate: He described blood as "red water"
  • Super Senses: Despite his not having any offensive abilities at the moment, Nai is far from being The Load, as his elevated hearing has more than once been crucial in ensuring the survival of those around him, and later, useful during missions.


An intelligent and resourceful young man, Gareki starts the story engaged in corrupt business before things take a very wrong turn. In the midst of the chaos that ensues, he somehow saves Nai from the vile woman he originally meant to rob, and becomes involved in the mystery surrounding the boy while they are on the run.

After Circus takes Nai into their custody, he's determined to stay for his own gains, but in truth he may care more about those around him than he likes to let on, even to himself...

  • Badass Normal
  • Bring My Red Jacket — Gareki wears one of these. Underneath which is a pretty fanservicey shirt, but so far no one except the readers have bothered to point it out.
  • Dark and Troubled Past
  • Defrosting the Ice Lord: Nai (unwittingly) and Yogi (determined) together with other Circus members have gotten him to open up considerably.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Made particularly apparent through his contribution to the mission to save Karoku in volume 7.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: They're just there to look cool.
  • Handguns: Gareki likes using them. Circus doesn't like his use of them.
  • Hitman with a Heart: As exemplified at the start of the story, and an Establishing Character Moment.
  • Jade-Colored Glasses: The losses in his childhood, which includes being sold as slaves by his parents and seeing his Parental Substitute being exploited, as well as life on the street have made him very cynical about people (himself included) and unwilling to make friends.
  • Street Urchin: Gritty type. Prominent early on, though the circumstances over why are explained later. He does mellow down once he and Nai wind up with Circus, becoming broodier and using less dirty tricks. His sharp intellect's evident throughout, however.
  • The Load: While everything he does to help Nai and Circus implies otherwise, he thinks he's this; it's justified, as compared to the Circus operatives' inhuman abilities, his skills seem normal, if not subpar...
  • The Smart Guy: Despite the implication of his street savvy, Gareki's shown and later noted to read frequently during his time in Circus, which heightens the poignancy when what he was reading up on is revealed in a conversation with Hirato in chapter 38. His skills as an unsung Gadgeteer Genius backs this position up further.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Is very knowledgeable about explosives. He was even introduced setting up a bomb.
  • The Gunslinger: What he might be, if Circus allowed him to use his gun.
  • Tsundere: Gareki can be a Type A male version, especially when Yogi teases him.
    • In fact, both Yogi and Tsukumo are awestruck at his surprising innocence regarding snow (which he had never seen) at one point in the manga.


The mysterious young man whom Nai is looking for. Nothing is known about him except that he was always with Nai and suddenly disappeared one day, leaving behind a trail of blood and a Circus bracelet.

Circus Second Ship[]




 "The soaring male spirit, the heart-throbbing sparkly prince, National Defense Organization "Circus" Second Ship member Yogi"




  "Numerous stars fall from the sky. The little lamb knows the sky. National Defense Organization Circus Second Ship member Tsukumo"



  • Hidden Depths: Like Yogi, he appears to be dramatic and silly, but according to Hirato, he's highly capable. He also said some sobering things to Gareki and Nai.
  • The Medic
  • The Mentor: To Akari and possible also Hirato.

Circus First Ship[]




  "I command the stones. Bury the demon in dazzling brilliance. I am enthroned as the Queen of the Sapphire Crown. National Defense Organization "Circus" First Ship member Eva."




  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Zig-zag. Underneath his politeness, he is actually aloof and capable of nasty words and actions, as Gareki learns firsthand. On the other hand, he's dedicated to his comrades, as a true Circus member will.
  • Mad Scientist: He loves experimenting with medicinal herbs and dangerous plants.
  • Stoic Spectacles

Other Circus Members[]

Doctor Akari[]






  • The Atoner: Sort of. After losing her brother in a very nasty way and knowing that he was sacrificing himself for her, she becomes determined to help in stopping Kafka
  • Childhood Friends: To Gareki.
  • Twin Telepathy
