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A trilogy by Tanya Huff, which consists of:

  • Summon The Keeper: Claire Hansen is a Keeper, a woman of magical Heroic Lineage who fixes the holes in the fabric of reality by using magic. She's accompanied by a Loyal Animal Companion / guard cat named Austin. She gets summoned to a Hell Hotel with a Hell Gate in the basement and an evil Keeper immobilized in room six...and then the site babysitter/DirtyOldMan owner takes off and leaves her holding the bag. Unable to fix the stalemate situation, Claire realizes that she may be stuck running the hotel for life and waiting on the supernatural clientele that visit. Currently living in the hotel are a friendly French ghost named Jacques and the hunky jack-of-all-trades employee Dean. One's too young and the other's too dead, Claire says, but... And then there's her sister and fellow Keeper Diana, a girl who's not too uptight about making sure that situations don't explode.
  • The Second Summoning: Claire and Dean see if they can juggle a Keeper/Bystander relationship, but after they have Their First Time, all kinds of metaphysical consequences spring up. Specifically in the form of a teen angel and teen demon. Diana comes to the rescue in her own unique way, and gets a pet.
  • Long Hot Summoning: Diana's first summons after graduating from high school is to try and save a mall from becoming a portal to the Otherside. Claire joins her, along with Sam and a bunch of street kids turned elves. And she meets a girl. Meanwhile, Dean and Austin are at home dealing with troublesome guests.

The series ended due to Muse Existence Failure: the series was inspired by Huff's geriatric cat Austin, and after he died she couldn't bear to continue the series any more.

These books provide examples of: