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  • Chapter 40 features Kenichi's sister coming to visit her brother at the dojo. Shigure and Apachai attempt to make tea for her. It doesn't end well. Then she shows them how to make tea and they're utterly shocked at how skilled she is.
  • After Ryozanpaku disbanded for a short while, Kenichi and Mui take care of the dojo by themselves. After a few weeks of this, Kenichi and Mui finally kiss only for the masters to come back HOLDING BACK A RAGING ELDER.

 Kenichi: That soon became what we called The Night That Never Happened.

  • While the Ryozonpaku gang is infiltrating Yami's base in okinawa, Both Kensei Ma and Akisame are forced to fight two armed members of Yami. Akisame was going to take the left one and Kensei the right...and then they realize that the left ones a girl. What ensues is by far the most epic, paper, scissors match ever, made all the more funny by Kensei's insane determination and will.
  • Apachai. Just Apachai. The guy is a walking CMOF.

 Answering the phone: Apachai: "Hello. We have kidnapped your child."

Miu: "Don't answer the phone like that!"

  • Boob Entrapment Manuever -Nijima to Number 20
  • "I'm not ready to die hot chicks!" — Kenichi to the Valkyrie (Episode 39)

  *Shigure shows up* Kenichi:"Goodbye, hot chicks..."

  • "Kenichi...are mine (indicates breasts) big?" — Shigure
  • When Ethan Stanley appears to attack Kenichi at the urinal.
  • When Shigure and an injured Apachai started fighting Akira Hongo, one of the One Shadow Nine Fists, Akira backs off, claiming that he doesn't feel like fighting a woman or an injured man. Kenichi panics, thinking that his masters will take it as an insult, but Shigure seems delighted that someone treated as a woman and Apachai just acts grateful for the concern. It's a subtle moment, but it's a delightfully funny one.
  • When Natsu goes off on a fight, he leaves Honoka a goodbye message. It's very succinct.
  • Any occasion in which Appachai attempts to "train" Kenichi. On one occasion he even gives Kenichi his very first near-death experience.
  • In-universe example: when Kenichi mimics his masters in his fight with Odin (see All Your Powers Combined). The various masters either cheer wildly or vehemently deny Kenichi's reflection of their personalities, until Kenichi delivers a spot-on imitation of the jujitsu philosopher Koetsuji. Koetsuji smiles and approves... while the other masters laugh themselves sick.
    • Made even better by the Elder's commentary on the situation.

 Elder: As much as you hate your past, you'll still unconsciously bring back all those painful memories! Looks like the training he is enduring everyday must be scaring him to death. I'M SO SORRY KENICHI!!

  • The scene in the anime where Siegfried "persuades" Kisara to join the Shinpaku alliance by promising that he'll let her play with his cats is absolutely hilarious.
  • Shigure placating a feared swordsman by giving him a hoe. It only barely makes sense in context.
  • Akisame VS Ma in Chapter 388. Epic Rock-Paper-Scissors battle. That is all.
  • Kenichi bringing up some memories of training.
  • Kenichi's face in the bottom-left panel.
  • Sakaki's interaction with Sham during the arc where he and Kenichi are after Silcardo Jenezad
  • Upon meeting Natsu Tanimoto, Kenichi spends as much time worrying that he'll steal Miu as he does just being utterly floored by his good looks.

  Kenichi: Oh my god, I can see roses.

  • Kenichi deciding to join the gardening club.

 Kenichi: And from that day on, Kenichi dedicated his life to gardening innocent plants and flowers who never cornered him in alleys or tried to kick his face down his throat! He lived happily ever after!

  • Chapter 459: The Ba-style memory recovery technique.
  • After fighting Fortuna, the Shinpaku members are confronted by an APC. Sakaki steps up to take it out... Only for Shigure to pop out of the hatch and ask to take it home.
  • After Apachai hits Kenichi so hard that his heart stops beating, some quick reactions from Akisame save his life. The next day, Kenichi appears to have no memory of nearly dying. Miu confronts Akisame about it:

 Miu: "I think there might be something seriously wrong with Kenichi! He doesn't remember nearly dying!"

Akisame: "Well, I guess we dodged that lawsuit."
