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Kérem a következőt! (literally: Next one, please) is a Hungarian animated series produced in 1974. Featuring a cast of Petting Zoo People (with the occasional Funny Animal), the show stars an owl medic and psychologist named Doktor Bubó. Once an Episode, Bubó attempts to "fix the brain" of a trouble-making animal, only to fail every single time and cause even bigger trouble. He usually gets help from his assistant, the flirty bear nurse Ursula (not to be confused with a different Ursula), his best friend, the falcon police officer Sólyom csőrmester, and Sólyom's sidekick, Teknőc Ernő, the dim-witted tortoise.
The series provides examples of:[]
- Abhorrent Admirer: Ursula to Bubó.
- An Aesop: Parodied. At the end of each episode, Bubó draws a conclusion — normally a Spoof Aesop.
- Animal Stereotypes: Almost all major and minor characters either play straight or subvert these.
- Beary Funny: Ursula.
- Big Beautiful Woman: Ursula, although Bubó doesn't think so.
- Cop and Scientist: Sólyom and Bubó in episodes that involve crime fighting.
- The Ditz: Teknőc Ernő.
- Excited Show Title
- Feather Fingers: Most bird characters (including but not limited to Bubó and Sólyom) are drawn with human-like hands. Despite this, they are still able to fly.
- Flintstone Theming: Animal themes. It's worth mentioning that one of the show's creators, József Romhányi, is responsible for the Hungarian dub of Flintstones too.
- Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Most of the characters.
- G-Rated Drug: Surprisingly averted in one episode, where opium, hashish and heroin are all mentioned by name. The drugs' effects are Played for Laughs, since they just make the characters talk nonsense.
- Hollywood Psych
- Hospital Hottie: Parodied with Ursula.
- Hurricane of Puns: Almost every single spoken line involves some sort of pun.
- Informed Species: Some of the characters are so anthropomorphised it is hard to guess what they are meant to be. The mole, for example, looks like a minute dark-skinned human with black glasses and clawed gloves.
- Mama Bear: Ursula's extremely protective of Bubó. And she's a bear.
- No Export for You
- The Owl-Knowing One: Bubó is a parody of this, being a Know-Nothing Know-It-All.
- Petting Zoo People: Many of the characters, particularly the main four.
- Remembered I Could Fly: Bubó in his more absent-minded moments forgets about his flying ability, until Ursula reminds him.
- Species Surname / A Dog Named "Dog": Played with. Sólyom and Teknőc are straight examples, literally meaning "falcon" and "tortoise" in Hungarian. Subverted with Bubó and Ursula, whose names mean "owl" and "she-bear" in Latin, making it a Bilingual Bonus.
- Turtle Power: Subverted with Teknőc Ernő, who is kind but extremely dim-witted.